What do you want to see added next? |
05-30-2014, 05:47 AM
Glitchless is offline
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What do you want to see added next?
Give us some ideas or link to your favorite threads here the things you most want to see added to Nodiatis. Perhaps your dreams will come true in the next patch.
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05-30-2014, 06:02 AM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Honorable mention goes to Emiliastormrage, Roguetiger, Hustlerking, Chloe.
05-30-2014, 06:03 AM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Honorable mention goes to Emiliastormrage, Roguetiger, Hustlerking, Chloe.
05-30-2014, 07:48 AM
Gem Pouch Expert
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05-30-2014, 08:37 AM
Gem Pouch Expert
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05-30-2014, 09:33 AM
Boss Hunter
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There are often complaints about casters being cumbersome to use because of the high volume of clicking needed. Would it be possible to add an option so that a player could select a gem slot as an autocast slot. Any gem put in there will be cast as soon as the global cooldown is gone, or any stun or mez effect is over. This wouldn't promote botting since you have to click and drag the gem into the slot still. If insufficient manergy is available,the gem will go on the same global cooldown as it normally would.
Since I am currently running a poison dot archer, I would definitely find this option valuable. It may also encourage some people to lean away from the less involved builds,or try something new.
Clan master abilities |
05-30-2014, 09:35 AM
Boss Hunter
Ballrog is offline
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Clan master abilities
As Chloe referred to above:
1) Ability to message all members of clan (on or off-line) at once.
2) Ability to see who has joined/left clan and donated rp while you are not online. Logging back into game and having to ask around who did these things is time consuming and non-productive. This ability could be for masters only and perhaps on a toggle. The info could be in toon/clan message text box upon logging in.
3) Ability to move runes around that are in the clan vault (both active and inactive runes). Grouping or aligning runes within the vault will keep it organized and help find runes more easily.
05-30-2014, 09:53 AM
Epic Scholar
hotshot64 is offline
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Screw all the balancing crap, and little UI enhancements. I would like to see proper quests added to the game, so we have something to do besides grind the same 2 mobs all day.
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05-30-2014, 10:10 AM
Boss Hunter
Masterarcher is offline
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Auto-casting toggle. While on, the 6 gem slots light up and castable gems are automatically played in the order they are drawn into the gem slots. While off, casting would be the same as it is currently. While this still requires the user to drag the gems, it would take out any un-needed clicks, benefiting all players and bringing PVE for casters closer to the level of the other classes.
05-30-2014, 12:12 PM
Crab Defiler
andyrogan is offline
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Originally Posted by Ballrog
As Chloe referred to above:
1) Ability to message all members of clan (on or off-line) at once.
2) Ability to see who has joined/left clan and donated rp while you are not online. Logging back into game and having to ask around who did these things is time consuming and non-productive. This ability could be for masters only and perhaps on a toggle. The info could be in toon/clan message text box upon logging in.
3) Ability to move runes around that are in the clan vault (both active and inactive runes). Grouping or aligning runes within the vault will keep it organized and help find runes more easily.
I support this
Also, being able to see how much people donated in previous months without having to be online during reset at month end
05-30-2014, 12:16 PM
Boss Hunter
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There's a list, but I am smoking food at the moment. Let me start with the new crushing thing you said you would add months ago. I'll ponder on the other things while I cook
05-30-2014, 02:12 PM
Gem Pouch Expert
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05-30-2014, 02:17 PM
Boss Hunter
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Make it to where inspecting other players does not reveal so much information such as stats
05-30-2014, 02:23 PM
Boss Hunter
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LG weapon morphing 
05-30-2014, 02:24 PM
Boss Hunter
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Reroll with epic skills.
If you do, do this one. DO not allow PKing be a feature until 85 is hit during reroll.
05-30-2014, 02:25 PM
Boss Hunter
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Change Glitchless gear.
05-30-2014, 02:32 PM
Auction Master
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Originally Posted by Masterarcher
Auto-casting toggle. While on, the 6 gem slots light up and castable gems are automatically played in the order they are drawn into the gem slots. While off, casting would be the same as it is currently. While this still requires the user to drag the gems, it would take out any un-needed clicks, benefiting all players and bringing PVE for casters closer to the level of the other classes.
So if you go with your starting gem, invention rune and a couple auras you can just start the fight and have it auto killed? Perhaps not even have to do anything other than start fight, click chest and exit in a zone like n lake-gs with near instant kills? How would that "bring pve casters closer to the level of other classes"? It is not increasing dps. It is, for lack of a better term, adding a bot made by glitch into the game so you don't have to click as much. You r suggestion is just asked out of pure laziness.
05-30-2014, 03:48 PM
Epic Scholar
Soxson is offline
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AH filters by town. Its a start to a more organized AH
Oh and the idea where a clan sets a minumum requirement for clan RP at a tax level. once you've passed the requirement, you pay less tax. I.E you pay 15% tax until you pass min requirement. once you pass, you pay 5% tax
And i'll go to push the gold cap to help out the people who struggle with it. Not gonna say it be pushed to 100 mil, would be too big of a push at once but i'll go 60 or 70 million
new addition, bigger trade window. make it a 3x3 window instead of 3x2
Praise the hindu gods!
Last edited by Soxson; 05-30-2014 at 07:26 PM..
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