Warning messages and stuff
Hi Glitch,
Quick suggestion for adding a warning message when training a skill which is already maxed out, currently nothing shows up (unlike the first 4 stat skills which show a message every time when already maxed). This is the case for both stat and resource skills. For stat skills there's a restriction so you can't actively select a skill at 100, but for resourcing I trap to raise Collection then switch to hunting. If I open a trap with hunting selected I get no exp. Would be nice to get a warning so I notice after the first trap not after the tenth.
Secondly, is there any chance of making the 'WARNING' in floating messages a red font? I run 2-4 toons back and forth so there are already plenty of white messages floating up my screen, would be a lot easier to distinguish the important ones.
Totally unrelated, I'd still like to be able to view rune vault while inventory is open and it would be nice if storage stayed open when I offer trade with inventory screen up. Currently storage closes if I trade when inventory is open, but storage will stay open if trade is offered with inventory closed but storage open.
That is all.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
You won't be warned again.