Agree...on boon with double accell and bgt 100 I can't farm above vd3 and use auto loot otherwise I'm too encumbered to gate. Before someone says lvl endure higher:
1. Am trying to do that but it's slow...especially when you don't get loads of resource attempts on higher lvl mobs.
2. A 97 mob can give easily 2200 rock per fight, a 100 mob gives easily 3500 rock per fight. Even at endure 100 I can't farm much higher lvl than that.
In fact if I farm mobs and not bosses then I will spend approx 3 x the time looting, storing, dropping, going back to farm spot to collect the stored trophs, drop, then repeat the process. For this reason I regularly boss farm, not because it earns me much more gold than mobs, but simply to put a dent into rrt as doing over 5.5 hours daily rrt takes nearly 3.5 hours irl on mobs and about an hour on a boss.
As we get more and more trophs per hour rrt (and we need to with the regular addition of epic skills) it gets more and more of a problem. A solution would be to double the exp value of trophs while dropping half as many maybe?
Do you have angel wings when your blood runs dry; that make my tears incarnadine, when I start to cry? - Sigha