Quality of LIfe ftw
I realize we have apparently already used 3 points between epic rod and Siegecraft this year. Leaving us only 1 more point to work with.. But here is my top votes (mix with opinion and suggestions lol)
-Book of Masters (x1.0) - a special place to permanently store master recipes, so they can be used without taking up space, but they will no longer be tradable. Can we make these viewable as the books on auction? I find sifting through the masters on auction at least as obnoxious as all the masters sitting in my storage. Perhaps to help here make it a text input instead of gold cost input when putting up for auction.
-Continuation of the Princess Storyline (x1.0) - more communes from Nodiatis's most ungraspable trophy. I like Flipy's idea of mentioning travel gear in the storyline to help new players. If you're going to have to make new audio clips anyway, this would be a chance for the suggestion to be integrated (yes, I know it would quite add to the time/labor of this item)
-Free Face Ticket (x0.5) - A super rare item that could be found in gift boxes that could be traded in for a custom face which normally costs 45 TCs Fun and tc saver. TCs that don't hit the market in game..
-6 more skills(x1.0) Pve or Pvp ones? Sounds fun, but hard to tell how fun xD