Let us know which of these ideas you'd most like to see implemented this year. Our goal is to have a total of x4.0 completed each year, and your input helps us add to and prioritize the list. The multiplier after some items indicates the difficulty of implementation.
*** Completed this Year ***
-LG Weapon Rebalance (x0.2) (COMPLETED 2025) - Over a dozen LG weapons have been buffed to be more likely to find a place in various PvE and PvP builds.
*** In Development ***
-2v2 Premade Arena Season Format (x1.0) - Let me tell you 'bout my best friend.
-Buy Side Auctions (x1.0) - Allows you to place buy orders on the auction house for people to sell to.
-Auction Via TCs (x1.0) - Allows you to set prices on the AH in TCs instead of gold.
-Dual Clan Taxation Levels (x0.5) - This will give clans the ability to have a high initial tax rate and a secondary lower rate for people who have already met a certain threshold of contributed Rune Power for the month.
-Free Face Ticket (x0.25) - A super rare item that could be found in gift boxes that could be traded in for a custom face which normally costs 45 TCs
-Epic Potions (x1.0)
-2v2 Random Team Arena Season Format(x1.0) - Carrying a team of 2 is a little easier than 3.
-Visual Tracking Skill (x1.0) - This would allow you to see the faces of the people on adjacent or farther squares who had recently moved there, with an indication of their travel direction.
-Runes to Enhance Hot Zone Bonuses (x0.5)
-PvP Tempers via PvE (x1.0) - Tempers that increase your abilities in PvP but are obtained via PvE.
-Legendary Tasks (x2.0) - Something similar to and based off of this suggestion:
-Continuation of the Princess Storyline (x1.0) - more communes from Nodiatis's most ungraspable trophy.
-Goblin Investments Inc. (x1.0) - The goblin bankers will offer unlimited gold storage, and even pay you interest to use it*! *Some withdrawal fees apply.
-New Mid Level Zones (x1.0) - New zones added, but rather than having them be higher level, have them be in the level range where people like to farm. New fishing spots would be available.
-Combo Keybinds and Toggle for Numeric Bar Displays (x0.5) - A method to allow key combos such as shift+F1, ctrl+F1 to act as unique bindable inputs.
-Premade Arena Team Naming (x0.5) - The ability to name your arena team rather than having it default to the founding member's name.
-Rune Vault Niceties (x0.5) - The ability to organize the runes in clan rune vaults and UI improvements when dealing with the vault. The inability to keep the window open when equipping on HTML5 is an issue.
-4th and 5th Equipment Suits (x1.5) - A 4th and 5th equipment suit would be unlockable similar to how runes and pouches work, however, to prevent this from changing the balance of PvP, these suits would only be usable in PvE.
-Class Ability Rebalance (x0.5) - Many classes' special abilities are damage based and have not scaled well as HP and damage levels increased. A run through class special abilities, buffing those that are clearly underperforming without innate abilities to balance them out would help bring some lesser-used classes back to viability.
-2v2 Premade Arena Season Format(x1.0)
-Siegecraft (x8.0/x10.0+ progress) (Work Ongoing) - System for actual player and clan kingdom building and warfare including the construction of fortifications and siege weapons.
Other Ideas not yet weighted:
-Gem Combos - very powerful abilities or bonuses that get unlocked if a player is able to get a certain combination of gems in play that is different every fight.
-Public player profile pages
-Public clan profile pages
-Periodic Random Competitive Quests
-Clan battles where clans will compete in brawls of up to 30 vs 30 players.
-LG Armor Set with Min Damage Bonus
*** Previous Years ***
-Auto AFK Arena Toggle Button (x0.1) (COMPLETED 2024) - A way to force AFK arena functionality to remain active even if you are actively doing combat actions during the fight.
-Auto Draw Combat Toggle Button (x0.1) (COMPLETED 2024) - Like autoattack, but for drawing gems. Similar to what happens in AFK arena but not requiring you to be AFK and not autocasting anything that isn't in an autocast toggled slot. Great for AFK PvE farming for builds that would otherwise not be able to.
-5 New Skills & LG Weapon Rebalance (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2024) - Big MSt and Big PSt builds, new weapon viability.
-Single Click Potion Consumption and Tool Usage (x0.1) (COMPLETED 2024) - via the Hawt Bar.
-New Higher Level Zones (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2024) - For the big boys.
-PvE Tempers (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2024) - Tempers that increase your abilities in PvE.
-Goblin Merchants (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2024) - Automatic buying/selling NPC market makers so that players can get or liquidate what they need immediately but at a moving price.
-Upgrades Purchasable via Resources (x0.1) (COMPLETED 2024)
-LG Armor Tier X and Rebalances (x0.1) (COMPLETED 2024) - Many LG armors were modified and ranged damage will now be based on whichever is higher: Cnc + Int or CnC + Str. Before it was based only on Cnc + Int, which means bow users can now replace Int with Str if they choose to.
-24/7 Auction Persistence (x0.5) (COMPLETED 2023) - Your player will remain online (whether Active or AFK) through any amount of manual reloads caused by patches and one daily reboot. This means that as long as you log on to your character each day, your auctions will remain visible for all hours of the day. This should help you both sell and find items to buy on the auction house.
-Enhanced Embargo (x0.25) (COMPLETED 2023) - Embargo will successfully thwart those who attempt to go around your embargo by the use of alts.
-LG Shield Rebalance and New No-Essence LG Shield (x0.5) (COMPLETED 2023) - So you can use different shields without necessarily dying on them.
-Volume Adjustment (x0.25) (COMPLETED 2023) - Choose between more than deaf and soon-to-be deaf.
-AutoCast Memory Per Pouch (x0.25) (COMPLETED 2023) - Modifying autocasting of gems will be done on a per-pouch basis.
-Early Staff Rebalance (x0.25) (COMPLETED 2023)
-Low Level Caster Runes (x0.25) (COMPLETED 2023)
-Persistent Groups (x0.1) COMPLETED 2023) - Remain grouped even through manual reloads and possibly daily resets.
-Book of Masters (x1.5) COMPLETED 2023) - A special place to permanently store master recipes, so they can be used without taking up space, but they will no longer be tradable.
-AFK Arena (x0.5) COMPLETED 2023) - The coolest shit ever. Form groups even with your disconnected teammates and have them fight by your side.
-Lavalieres (x0.25) COMPLETED 2023) - New type of LG item that allows all classes to make use of the quiver slot.
-QoL Client Enhancements (x0.5) (COMPLETED 2022) - The ability to do many actions via a single click if you are holding CTRL + SHIFT, including putting stacks into the trade window, swapping stacks between inventory and storage, and purchasing auctions. Timestamps, and about a dozen other QoL options.
-Floating Chat Window (x0.25) (COMPLETED 2022) - This allows chat to be resized, repositioned, and scaled to your liking.
-LG Shield and Class Rebalance (x0.5) (COMPLETED 2022) - All LG classes and all LG shields have been reevaluated and modified where necessary to open up the potential for different build types to be competitive.
-Unification of Client Codebase (x1.5) (COMPLETED 2022) - The Nodiatis client currently has two versions, the browser version and the downloadable client version. This makes updates to the client actually more than twice as difficult and time consuming than it could be if we had a single codebase that worked for all playable versions of the client. We are working to unify all the features of both clients into a single codebase that would make Nodiatis patching far more efficient. (The reason why they got split in the first place is complicated. Note there was a third version in the beginning that was actually a completely different codebase, Java Applet, but we had to pivot from that due to compatability issues. The current downloadable client codebase was meant to be a replacement for the browser codebase via Unity WebGL, but that ended up being a complete disaster that did not live up to the compatability promises that it claimed.)
-Larger Rune Vault (x0.5) (COMPLETED 2022)
-Auction Statistics (x0.25) (COMPLETED 2022) - A rolling average of the price of everything sold on the auction house will be kept so that you will have a quick reference for a reasonable price for every auctionable item. This will help new and old player alike.
-Color Coded Input (x0.1) (COMPLETED 2022) - The chat input bar will be color coded based on what channel or type of command you are issuing, which will make it easy to tell where a long message is headed prior to submission. This will reduce wrong channel communication and wasted typing.
-Packet Loss Mitigation (x0.5) (COMPLETED 2022) - Improved gameplay for people with packet loss via a multi-server, multi-packet routing method.
-Visualized Equipment Swaps in Combat (x0.5) (COMPLETED 2021) - The best players utilize tactical equipment swapping during PvP combat for optimal performance, but it is impossible to tell when facing them unless you are constantly reinspecting. This will indicate any equipment they have recently swapped to for better battle awareness.
-LG Item and Class Rebalance (x0.5) (COMPLETED 2021) - Over a dozen LG items and classes have been modified to begin to open up the potential for different build types to be competitive.
-Inspect Support for Runes (x0.5) (COMPLETED 2021) - Players will be able to see the runes of those they inspect, which is another important aspect to understanding where a player's power comes from.
-6 more skills(x1.0) (COMPLETED 2021)
-Siegecraft Continued Development Progress (x1.5) (COMPLETED 2021)
-Antibot Security (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2020) - System for periodically requiring human verification to prevent botting and automation
-Epic Enchanting Rod (x0.5) - (COMPLETED 2020) Allows for the combination of multiple items for faster uptiering.
-Siegecraft Continued Development Progress (x2.5) (COMPLETED 2020)
-Hotbar on HTML5 (default browser client) (x1.0) - (COMPLETED 2019)
-4 more LG classes(x1.0) - (COMPLETED 2019) Including the Werecougar!
-Underused LG Items Buff (x0.5) (COMPLETED 2019) - A massive amount of underperforming LG items buffed to better compete with the OP favorites and provide more intrabuild diversity.
-Arena Tournament (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2019) - At the end of the season, immediately after rush, the top 16 teams will compete in a bottom-up tournament to determine final positions.
-Spectating Combat (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2019)
-Downtiering LG Items (x0.5) (COMPLETED 2019)
-PK System Revamp and PvP Convenience Changes(x0.5) (COMPLETED 2019) - A rebalancing of risk/reward for going PK.
-Companions (x2.0) (COMPLETED 2018)
-More Gem Pouches (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2018)
-More Trade Slots (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2018)
-Beast Notification for iOS and Android (x0.0) (COMPLETED 2018) - This functionality is now provided on Android Playstore and on iOS via the actual "Nodiatis" app. Just make sure your app is up to date and you log in once in order to accept the notification permission request.
-Nodiatis App (x1.5) (COMPLETED 2017) - An app version of Nodiatis available for Android, iPhone, and iPad that would play better on your phone than the current method of playing Nodiatis in your phone's browser.
-Nodiatis WebGL (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2017) - A WebGL client would provide the best possible performance and hardware acceleration while still running in a standard web browser.
-Hotbar (x0.5) (COMPLETED 2017) - A easily scrollable Hotbar with large buttons that can be assigned to complex tasks such as equipping specific items and optionally bindable to hot keys. Only on modern client versions: Downloadable Client, Steam Client, WebGL Client, and Phone Apps.
-2 new classes, 5 new skills (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2017) - New classes and skills would have the potential to open up exciting build possibilities.
-Hot Zones (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2016) - after fighting in a zone for the first time that day, it would be revealed if the zone had any particular bonuses such as exp, gold, or resourcing modifiers. These would be changed daily and only assigned to about half of the zones, but revealing them could make for a fun day of farming in a different area.
-Nodiatis integrated on Steam for PC and MAC (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2016) - Nodiatis available on Steam should bring in some (don't expect a ton, it's easy to get lost in the fray) new players which can benefit the game markets.
-Craft Memory & Recipe Loader (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2016) - the ability to have crafting windows remember the last items that were in them, and have a button you could press to have those items reappear. And the ability for the items of a recipe to be automatically loaded into the other crafting slots when the recipe is placed there first.
-PC Standalone Client (x1.0) (COMPLETED 2016) - A Nodiatis client with superior performance that would store graphics locally. Note: Mac support is provided via Steam.