Pro Tip
Press CTRL+F and type keywords to search for topics in this FAQ.
Are the developers still active and making patches for this game?
Absolutely. Nodiatis was designed to be a game you can enjoy for decades. It is run extremely efficiently by a small team that intends to work on it until the dystopian apocalypse comes. You will be hard pressed to find another game the age as this that is still being constantly updated. Nodiatis is our #1 priority, and we have a thread dedicated to laying out the pending game patches and additions that players can give their feedback on:
The Annual Most Wanted
We always aim to complete at least x4.0 worth of patches per year, so let us know which of those you want to see most!
What current bounties exist?
-The first group who is able to fell The Haunt's boss in normal difficulty will receive a $3,000 cash prize.
-The first group who is able to fell The Haunt's boss in heroic difficulty will receive a new LG and 2 master copies.
Is it worth it to buy Time Cards aka TCs?
Short answer: yes. Long answer: hell yes. You can play Nodiatis for free, however, to advance far more efficiently you can spend $7 on your first Time Card. Right click it and use it for "4 Weeks Standard" which is the best bang for the buck. You can then enjoy the game the way it is meant to be played - without player trade restrictions, with more daily rested time, 2x passive experience gains (even while offline), 5 extra inventory slots, 1 extra gem and rune slot, and with your face visible in chat so you can hold your head high as a contributing member of Nod society.
What do I do? Somebody help me!
Follow the instructions of the tutorial. It is very short and will give you an idea of how to buy items, equip them, get quests, fight creatures, loot items (you can click the word "LOOT" to make it faster), and use trophies for skill advancement. If you skipped through the tutorial too fast the first time make another character and pay attention this time.
Nodiatis Game Rules - Just Read the Bold!
Do not give your password to ANYONE or use it on other sites! We will not ask you for your password. Anyone asking you for your password is a scammer. Use a strong, safe password with both letters and numbers.
Do not share your account. ALL the accounts any one person accesses must all have the same e-mail - there are no exceptions to this e-mail rule, even for family members in the same house. As of Dec 31st 2021, sharing accounts is a bannable offense. All your characters must be assigned to the
same e-mail and no one else may access the character or know the password. The only exception allowed is family members playing from the same house and using the SAME shared e-mail. You may not use a shared e-mail account unless you meet the exception of being family members living in the same house. Family members who are not sharing accounts should have their accounts on their own separete e-mails. The person whose e-mail is assigned to the account designates the only person who has rights to access it. Until Dec 31st 2026, any players who were away on
active duty military service when this rule went into effect may also be allowed to recover accounts from someone they loaned it to, provided that person agrees.
Constructive criticism of the game is encouraged but bashing the game, company, or moderators, will not be tolerated
in any channel. To be on the safe side, don't be an annoying jerk to other players or moderators
in any channel. When in civil chat keep it clean! If you want to swear or discuss inflammatory topics such as religion, politics, yiffing, or drugs, use the uncivil channel or you will
at the very least be banned from civil chat.
Be Safe. Do not play the game from a compromised/infected computer. Doing so can allow keyloggers to get your password and cause you a world of pain. To make sure you don't have any viruses or spyware we recommend you use:
Trend Micro HouseCall - Free Online Virus and Spyware Scan - Trend Micro USA
It is free.
You may not trade anything in the game for real life currency or assets on another game. This is the only way to prevent scamming from becoming rampant.
Anyone attempting to lend, sell, or share their character with/to you is a scammer.
Do not mislead, troll, tease, or sarcastically misdirect players in civil. In uncivil this does not apply, but in civil nothing should be said that can mislead players, and only serious answers to other players' questions - no matter how dumb - will be tolerated. NOTE: Being banned from civil is not a laughing matter, it comes with trade restrictions that you will not enjoy.
Do not speak on behalf of others who have been muted or banned.
Don't Bot. No form of automation is allowed. Multi-boxing is acceptable, but you can only broadcast 1 action to all your clients with each keystroke (and it must be the same action on each client, ie a mouse click at the same location or pressing the 'a' key on them all), nothing more. Common key cloning software like HotKeyNet or ISBoxer are acceptable, but you cannot use any of their more advanced features, since that will be considered botting.
Don't make or suggest making the game easier for new players. Nodiatis is not for the weak. An easy beginning makes for pathetic warriors, not worthy of the princess's communions.
Arena Rules
You may never purposefully lose a match or complain about your opponent or teammate doing everything in their power to win or draw. This may seem harmless, however, throwing matches can be used to gift excess rating to friends and thus is strictly forbidden. See
this for details. You may also not suggest that another player should lose a match to you on any grounds - this includes whining about them using Vamp/Tact CAs or defensive builds. It is their job to try to win the fight via any means, not to maximize your farming efficiency.
You may never purposefully hold a WEAKER team in arena in order to waste their time. Holding in clan battles is technically legal, and if someone is doing it to you, you can suicide with the /arsenic command.
You CAN queue and avoid queueing whenever you wish. Queue dodging is an unavoidable part of arena, but it becomes very difficult in rush week.
All your characters must be on the same email so that they will not be matched against each other in the arena.
PvP doesn't suck. You might suck at PvP, though. Stop making excuses and start making actual adaptable strategies.
Arena Requirements and Details
-Registering a team requires 25,000 gold.
-You must be at least level 60 to register for arena during a Random Team arena season.
-You must be at least level 20 to register for arena during a 1v1 arena season.
-You must be at least level 20 to register or join a team during a premade team season.
-You will not face opponents or teams whose current rating is more than 1500 from your own. The one exception is during 3v3 season, where if you are queued for a very long time you can match outside this range provided it is during rush or prime time (10:00 to 24:00 server time)
-The week prior to the end of the arena is Arena Rush Week. During this time winners get a 20% bonus to rating gains but players also need to play more matches per day than usual to prevent rating decay, and that decay will be much more significant at 5% rather than 2%.
-You cannot register or modify teams during Arena Rush Week.
-There is a tournament at the end of each arena season to determine the final standings. The tournament dates are now always on the second to last Saturday of January, May, and September of each year.
-When the tourney starts, no one with above 2500 arena rating can redistribute stats, meaning no stat untraining or stoning.
-There will no longer be any decay to
arena bonus the day of the tournament. You should grind all the matches you can the night before and the day of the tournament to maximize your bonus.
-Each player can only have 1 of their characters participate in the tournament. Any other characters of theirs that would have qualified due to standing, individually or on a team, will cause that team to have to sit out of the tournament and have their rating reduced to be removed completely from tournament standings.
-Teams that do not show up for tournaments will potentially lose several ranks due to being automatically passed by the team behind them prior to the tournament as well as potentially passed by other teams as well.
-Tournaments consist of the top rated 16 teams or players (18 players during random team seasons) that are logged on and not disqualified by the above rules. AFK Arena is active for tournament for all seasons, so your team can still participate even if a member is missing, but you are not likely to fair well.
-Random arena tournaments consist of 10 rounds where all 18 players are divided into random teams. Winners get +150 rating. Draws get +50 rating. Final rating determines final standing. Click a tourney link in the
Hall of Fame for more info.
-All other arena tournaments are doubly-bracketed single elimination. All matches are best 2 of 3. Click a tourney link in the
Hall of Fame for more info.
-Only 1 character per person (unless they are on the same team) is allowed to participate in the tourney, so the team/character of their choosing will play and the others will be removed from the tourney and demoted in ranking below the lowest ranked person participating in the tourney.
Arena Final Tournament Rewards
3v3 Premade Seasons:
#1 Team - Arena Champion - $1,500 Game Credit, 1 New Undiscovered LG Weapon/Pet/Quiver/Arrow/Lavaliere/Shield
#2-3 Teams - Arena Title Contender - 20 TCs, 1 LG Gem (any rank) or 1 LG Armor/Shield (tier I)
#4-10 Teams - Arena Gladiator - 15 TCs
#11-15 Teams - Arena Veteran - 8 TCs
#16-20 Teams - Arena Challenger - 6 TCs
#21-25 Teams - Arena Combatant - 5 TCs
#26-50 Teams - Arena Qualifier - 4 TC
Random Team 3v3 and Standard 1v1:
#1 Player - Arena Champion - $1,500 Game Credit, 1 New Undiscovered LG Weapon/Pet/Quiver/Arrow/Lavaliere/Shield and master plans of same item.
#2-3 Players - Arena Title Contender - 20 TCs, master plans of the new LG and 1 LG Gem/Shield/Armor
#4-9 Players - Arena Title Contender - 20 TCs, 1 LG Gem (any rank) or 1 LG Armor/Shield (tier I)
#10-30 Players - Arena Gladiator - 15 TCs
#31-45 Players - Arena Veteran - 8 TCs
#46-60 Players - Arena Challenger - 6 TCs
#61-75 Players - Arena Combatant - 5 TCs
#76-150 Players - Arena Qualifier - 4 TCs
Players who have reward options must let Glitchless know within 24 hours or it will default to the option that includes the new LG or LG plan.
General Info
What class is most powerful? What should I be?
All the classes in Nodiatis have the potential to be very powerful in combat, however, you should play the one you most enjoy. Casters are difficult to play especially at first, however, with time they can become extremely powerful.
I want to cast spells. How does that work?
Spells are cast via the gem system.
Quick start guide.
How do I level up?
Every time you gain 4 skills (out of Melee, Magic, Defense, and/or Recovery) in the Stats tab, you will gain a level. Leveling Class Enhancement or other Stats skills will not count towards your next level. When you understand the leveling process better you may wish to disable auto stat cycling under account options or the game will continue to alternate between melee, magic, defense, and recovery stat skills.
Can I have multiple characters?
Yes. And not only can have multiple characters but you can play them together if you are really hardcore.
Read more here.
When can I use 2 weapons?
At Level 20, you have access to a new skill called Dual Wield. Once you reach Level 20 in that skill, you can dual wield two one-handed weapons.
What happened to the forums?
The forums had to be taken down when we discovered that a PHP exploit was being harnessed to send spam mail. No longer being able to trust PHP, we disabled the forums with a plan to code our own with a proper backend that would not be open to such numerous exploits. This was quickly abandoned when we realized that our time was best spent on actual game patches. Chat exists in the game and we would rather keep discussion centered there anyway. Players can view the archives which has some of the old forums stored
What's Nodiatis all about anyways?
The Nodiatis storyline can be round
What are epic and legendary beasts?
Special beasts can spawn randomly with a server-wide message (for phone alerts, see below). These are ugly creatures that show up on the player list if you are at the same location as they are. You can and should force combat on them, since dying to them does not cause a loss of rested time. The first person to find and attack them gets a TC, and the group that kills them gets a TC. Killing a legendary beast will get you a legendary reward. Dying to epic and legendary beasts gives a stackable and increasing bonus to gold found in chests for a short duration.
The more epic and legendary beasts you kill, the more difficult it becomes. The game keeps track of how many epic and legendary beast kills you have (on separate counters) and will reduce the time-based damage bonus (similar to the PvP damage bonus in arena) based on this number. This helps those who have fewer kills have a better chance of succeeding, but still rewards the strongest with their just desserts.
How can I get beast spawn messages or special announcements on my phone?
Android Download
How do I restart/remake/reroll my character?
You can delete a character in the account options menu (see link below), however that requires manual processing and can take several days. Instead, you can start from scratch again by using the reroll method. For details read
this thread.
How do I delete an account?
Will my account be deleted if not active?
Accounts that have never used a Time Card to buy something are deleted after 90 days of inactivity. If you use a Time Card, you don't have to worry about deletion.
Does this gem/ability stack with that other one?
Unless otherwise stated in the effect description, EVERYTHING should stack except for aura effects of the same type. If a gem doesn't have aura in the name then it is not an aura. All damage over time gems stack because they are not auras. This includes Damage Over Time (DoT) gems which you can cast repeatedly to build up damage. Stuns, mesmerize, and dazes are the only exception in that they refresh the amount of stun, mes, or daze time rather than adding to it. DoT/HoT stacking works in the following manner: the total amount of stacked damage/healing is simply totaled as you would expect, but the duration of two DoTs or HoTs of the same kind will combine with a weighted average. For example, if your target has a 10 damage over 100 seconds DoT on him and you add a 100 damage 20 second DoT to him, his total DoT damage will be 110 over a period of (10*100 + 100*20) / (100+20) or 25 seconds. This can have important implications on the subsquent tick values which are based on the new damage divided by duration.
What is a time card?
Time cards can be purchased by clicking the $ icon at the bottom of the game interface. They are used to get account service upgrades.
What are the trade restrictions on unpaid accounts?
-Players who do not currently have standard or premium time cannot trade items to another player.
-Players who do not currently have standard or premium time must be level 85 or 1 year old to receive items from other players.
-A free player can, however, buy a TC from someone or off the auction house, but the price must be at least 1.5m gold.
Can I trade among my accounts? Do I have to buy TCs separately on each of them?
There are no trade restrictions when trading TCs among your accounts, so you do not have to pay $25 on each of them separately. All other trade restrictions still apply to trading among your free accounts, however, so to trade nonTCs freely among your accounts they must have standard or premium time, which can be purchased with a single TC.
How can I buy account upgrades? Do I have to?
Players can buy account service upgrades by clicking the $ icon on the bottom of their screen next to the rested time meters. In order to protect the game economy against mass free account farming, we only allow paid accounts to freely trade with other characters, but you could play the entire game through to the hardest creatures without ever paying anything if you really wanted to. You can even buy all the game upgrades without spending a dime by buying time cards from other players.
How can I see what quests I'm currently doing?
Simply move your mouse cursor over your accomplishments window icon on the lower right of your screen and read the mouseover window to view your current quests.
How come it says I'm too heavy to move or even gate?
The maximum weight you can still move/gate with while encumbered is 3 times your total decumberance weight.
How do I (un)ignore someone?
Type /ignore username or right-click on their player icon, and toggle ignore. You can also ignore an entire clan if you put an underscore in front of the name of the clan you enter. Type /clearignore to remove all ignores.
I am getting blocked because of my school/work filters. Is there a way around them?
You can try to connect directly via our alternate IP addresses using a special port:
but your browser (and the filter you are trying to bypass) won't be able to verify the site identity, requiring you to click on advanced options (assuming you're using Chrome) and choose to continue regardless. Your connection will still be encrypted.
What are Golden Showers?
If someone makes a purchase with real money, everyone online receives 1 gold for each $1 US the player spends unless they have disabled golden showers altogether under account options. Note, players on your ignore list never benefit from your showers - but golden showering may make them realize they are on your ignore list so turn off showers if that bothers you.
Where do I use spirit trophies?
In the altars inside the church where the seer is in each town. You can also use both combat and spirit trophies on the Altar of the Beast outside.
What is the maximum number of group members?
Three. Nodiatis is geared toward small groups of friends, not huge raids.
How do I convert a steam account to a normal account?
Simply use the change PW feature while you are logged on to your character. Then you can log in at and have access to full game functionality.
What is solo group? LFSG
It's when you are grouped with another player (or two) but don't fight in the same battles. This is so you can take advantage of the Group Acumen learning skill (click on the Learning tag in the skills window to see its description). The other group member can be any level in any area doing anything for you to get the benefit.
What is dismantling?
If you dismantle an item, you receive the master recipe for the item, and a stack of resins close to the store sell value of that item.
Is there more info on Combat Mechanics / Game Mechanics / Attacks / Stats / Blocks / Resists / Parry / Miss / Damage / AoE / DoTs / Attack Delays / Attack Speed?
this link has a wealth of info on combat mechanics, and is updated as complex questions are answered publicly.
What is a Clan Battle or Clan War? What is a PlayerKiller or PK? How does world PvP work?
Clan Battles/War happen between the members of clans that have chosen to oppose each other. A PK is a Player Killer who has made an expensive sacrifice and is risking a skill reset to be able to force combat on other players. More info
What is an LG?
Legendary item, which is even better than epic.
Read more.
So what do I do with a master recipe?
Assemble the ingredients listed and use a quill pen to create consumable copies of the recipe. Then, you assemble the new ingredients listed there to create the item itself.
What are resins?
Resins can be bought in the General Store of each town, or from dismantling items. They are used for crafting.
What happens if I die?
If you die to a normal creature, then you will be teleported to the last town you visited and lose rested time minutes equal to your player level. In a duel you don't lose anything except time wasted to regenerate afterwards.
What are enchanting stones good for?
Enchanting stones modify your item's stats, giving and taking away an equal amount. This helps players achieve the stat ratios they desire.
I know I hate Daze, but why?
Daze causes you to attack random people, even yourself. Certain gems can cause you to be immune to daze effects.
I have really high Cnt, but I rarely resist anything, doesn't it work?
Cnt requires skill in Sorcery, Diabolism, and/or Mind Bending to resist spells since it modifies their effect. It also prevents you from taking extreme magic damage from high level creatures caused if your Cnt is very low.
I'm fighting a creature higher level than me, but I have lots of Dex and an accurate weapon, so why do I miss all the time?
Your player level compared to enemy level is a major factor in determining your chance to hit - the higher the enemy is compared to you, the less chance you have of landing a blow/shot.
What is a hell level?
Hell levels are levels which take twice exp it would normally need to finish. They start at level 9, and are every other level ending in 9 (19, 29, etc.).
I finished my battle, but why can't I gate?
If you hover your mouse over your RT bar, you will see that you need to be at full mana/energy/HP, at least 60 seconds (20/30 for RRT/RT on acceleration) since the last time you were in combat, and not gathering resources. You need to fulfill these conditions before you can gate.
What are virtues/epics?
Epics are equipment that have better stats then they would normally at that level, and are rare drops off creatures. You can use an epic for yourself, but in order to sell/trade an epic for profit, you must purchase the virtues it needs. A lot of epics share the same requirements so if you purchase virtues for one epic, then you may not need to if you find/buy another one. Virtues cost $4.99 USD or 1 timecard each, and there are a total 30 of them. As well as allowing you to sell epics, virtues give your character an additional 3.33% exp gain in all areas, which means that with all 30 virtues you will level at twice the normal rate. You can purchase virtues either by right-clicking an epic you find, or one that is in your trade window (trade doesn't have to go through). You can also buy them all at once with the virtue pack.
How do I clear my "cache" ? (Browser Clients)
Clearing your browser's cache can sometimes be necessary to force it to re-download game data that has been stored incorrectly.
For the DL client on Windows:
Delete the following folder (assuming you know what you're doing): C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\nodiatis\Cache
For the default browser client:
Clear Cache Guide
How do I get rid of the <SB> soulbound effect?
The only way to do that is to sell the item to a store and then buy it back. This can be risky, however, since someone else could buy the item back before you do, and note that stores only hold a finite amount of player-sold items, so sell and rebuy in very small batches.
Where do I find gear to access certain areas?
Travel gear is dropped off of bosses or bought in the general store of towns.
How do I get more gem slots in my pouch?
You start off with 5 gem slots, and after you reach level 5, then you will gain an additional pouch slot each time you gain a level, until you reach level 50, and therefore 50 pouch slots.
Traveling Takes Forever, Help!
If you find a great hunting spot and your bags are full, use gate potions to return to the last town you were at. Then use recall potions to return to the last place you gated from.
Can I rename, name change, name swap?
You can swap names with another of your characters.
You must read this guide completely before e-mailing us.
Can I change my face?
You can select a new face for your character if you reroll. You can also buy a custom unique face.
You must read this guide completely before e-mailing us.
Why is my text ugly or flickering?
If you are experiencing ugly and potentially flickering text when you play Nodiatis on the browser, there is an easy fix. Example:

Text should look like this and not flicker:

To fix this, you need to ensure your browser Zoom when at is set to 100%. On most browsers this can be found in the top right menu:
Why can't I hear sounds?
Read this.
If that doesn't help, report the problem on to
What is Demigod status and how can it be acquired?
Info here.
Are there any spending limits?
As of January 1st 2024, no single player may spend more than $2,500 per month on Nodiatis purchases.
How can I change the background color?
Yes, on the webpage version. To change your background color you need to add the color to the end of the URL, example for red:
View more hex colors here
How do I recover a lost account?
How do I contact Glitchless and get help?
E-mail via the contact link at the bottom of the page for assistance with your account or purchases made for your account. For game mechanics questions (i.e. Why can't I kill the fisherman naked?) you must ask in civil, however.
My ping/connection to Nodiatis is bad or laggy, but it's good to other sites. Why?
Diagnosing connection issues.
General Shortcuts
(Use Command instead of Control on Mac)
- Click the "Loot" word above creature inventory to loot all
- Click a stack of items twice to select entire stack
- Shift + Click to select entire stack
- Control + Click a face in local to force combat (great for PK/PKK/Beast)
- Control + Click to select X amount of items
- Control + Shift/Alt/Command + Click to smart move between Storage/Inventory/Pouch/Trade/Crafting
- Control + Shift/Alt/Command + Click on an auction item to immediately buy/sell it depending on the listing
- Control + Shift/Alt/Command + Hold Click on an auction item to repeatedly buy/sell it
- Control + Shift + Click and Drag on the top stone bar of the main Nodiatis window to reposition the entire interface
- Alt + Enter toggles true fullscreen in the DL client
- Hold a Click or Touch to Right Click
Gem Shortcuts
- Shift + left click a gem slot to activate auto casting
- Right click gem in play to remove from play
- Hold alt or control while pressing gem hotkey to remove from play
Keyboard Shortcuts
Most of the following chat commands can be abbreviated by only typing part of the command - often just the very first letter such as /t Jerry Hi Jerry!
- /arsenic - poison yourself during PvP combat to get it over with
- /convert - converts your standard account time to 1/3rd as much premium time.
- /message or /tell - used for private messaging
- /civil or /shout - used to speak in civil chat
- /uncivil - used to speak in uncivil chat
- /buddy or /friend - used to add buddies
- /filter - used to toggle dirty words filter
- /group - used to speak to the people in your group
- /clan1 or /c1 or /1 - used to speak to the people in your primary clan
- /clan2 or /c2 or /2 - used to speak to the people in your secondary clan
- /cm1 and /cm2 - sets message clan members see upon login
- /ignore - used to toggle ignoring individuals or to list your ignore list
- /ignore _CLANNAME - use an underscore before the name to ignore an entire clan
- /clearignore - clears your ignore list
- /refer - used to obtain your referral/recruitment link. See this for details.
- /signature - used to obtain your referral forum signature. See this for details.
- /dnd - used to toggle DND mode.
- /inspect - used to inspect other players gear from any location or online status
- /hotkeys - temporarily disables hotkeys, type again to enable
- /copybinds - copies another player's key bindings
- /copybinds Glitchless - reset your key bindings to default by copying an admin
- /copyhotbar - copies another player's hotbar settings
- /copyhotbar Glitchless - reset your hotbar settings to default by copying an admin
- /copyignore - copies another player's ignore list, but e-mails of both characters must match
- /bossbait - enables temporary affinity for attracting boss mobs if they are around in your area
- /rerollinfo - gives info about a potential reroll
- /lang - toggles the language translation selection drop box
- /disable - toggles the auction buy and list warnings until you relog or use /disable again
- /revenge - see the list of PKs you can force combat on regardless of level restrictions
- /redeem X - command, where X is a number between 1 and 100. You will convert that many Siege credits into a random tier 30 resource stack of that size, rather than waiting for their intended use when Siege is released.
- / - any text you have following a simple / will filter what is shown in your Book of Masters