What is considered "throwing" in arena?
Old 11-15-2019, 09:03 PM   #1
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Default What is considered "throwing" in arena?

Throwing matches means purposefully losing in arena. This is never allowed. It can and has gotten people excluded completely from arena, and even banned when proof was provided that it was being done on purpose to manipulate standings.

Simply queueing with AFK teammates or with multiple members that you are attempting to control yourself is not considered throwing the match. This is allowed and can be done repeatedly. However, if your teammate magically shows up when it's time to play people you want to beat, and magically remains AFK when you are facing people you want to gift your excess rating to, this is NOT allowed. Match records can reveal these patterns if they are suspected. Note, that the impact of throwing matches and gifting rating is SUBSTANTIALLY reduced by the fact that we now have tournaments at the end of the season.

Repeatedly queueing and going AFK on seasons where you are being matched with random teammates is NOT allowed. You will be reported by your teammates and excluded from arena if it happens repeatedly.
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Old 11-15-2019, 09:09 PM   #2
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People can easily know and find out who are in queue and can manipulate standings that way with the AFK teammates by choosing when to queue, giving rating to people that normally lose to the team, like for Example Brookelands team could be securing Hochsters top 10 spot by doing that.
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Last edited by Algamisu; 11-15-2019 at 09:14 PM..
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Old 11-15-2019, 09:22 PM   #3
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look at anyone in HAI

omg i wanna sammich nao
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Old 11-15-2019, 09:35 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by flipynifty
look at anyone in HAI
for what?
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