Originally Posted by darklords
Stop letting people use Toons that dont belong to them and sorted. who in the world gives access to a capped toon who can contact anybody on the game and pretend they are said person and pretty much borrow w/e with no intent to return it...
This just comes back to toon sharing once again. if u dont trust the toons in ur clan kick them. dont ask for better features to try and prevent scammers and the such from being allowed in ur clan.
this doesn't just effect our clan, it effects all clans who are willing to support any new player. keep in mind this dude makes new toons EVERY single month, if not week. this guy is so damn bored he has nothing better to do than to log on to nod EVERY week, pretend like a new player, constantly beg, troll the chat and spam it. the guy is even trying to portray different personalities when he does so.
There is no way to tell it is him anymore. we have to guess, and just boot newer players who resemble him, as nom pointed out. This isn't fair to the legitimate new players who join the game, or to the players who actually take their time to help the newer players, then realize they've been helping another one of Lavapool's troll alts that are just going to turn into dust anyway. I don't think anything can be done unless glitch intervene's or else we're screwed until the dude gets bored.
I can see that sitting bothers you DL but honestly that isn't the issue here. the issue here is that this dude is destroying the reputation of all new players, pretending to be them and milking free stuff, then letting those toons rot. we don't have time to constantly keep booting him out of the clan, nor do the other clans. I even think CHAOS stopped recruiting new players as a whole because of this dude. it's just too much of a pain to deal with.
The players in our clan who we are aware are not lavapool we will help, but we're close to isolating and closing it off to recruiting any more lower level new players. he's done a ton of damage, and it's just too much of a headache. Nom isn't exaggerating when he said 30. we've kicked so many toons because of him, and i don't think i can take it anymore. May it be another clan's issue, i feel he is purposely targeting us. or other players are targeting us to get a good laugh. Either way, a player named " ulamog" on S2 had said, NOVA is a drama clan. I disagree with this entirely. just because we actually speak and do not remain quiet like the other clans automatically entitles us as a "drama clan?" if there's a damn scammer in any clan they should voice it. not remain quiet about it after booting. All clans have drama, simple as that. Nod is too tight-knit of a game with a small player base to not expose the douchebags in this game. 1 person can cause serious damage....
I was never a person who wanted to turn my back on newer players, but i may have to. Lavapool is also out of school now due to it being summer. I've never let one person ruin nod, or something on nod for me. but me and my close friends built up a clan for the sake of helping the game in a major category, and this dude is "screwing" it up. in the most polite terms i can put that.
Sorry for this rant, but i'm truly pissed at the moment about this issue. ~ lakki.