Elevate Clan Master Authority
Old 05-29-2016, 10:50 PM   #1
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Default Elevate Clan Master Authority

With the resurfacing of lavapool on multiple toons I would like to make a request to glitch to implement stronger clan administrative tools. Lavapool has borrowed and scammed gold from many new, unsuspecting players and even falsely taken a loan out from DTM while logged on another player's character.

There needs to be some built in community policing tools to deal with troublesome players, right now as a clan master I have no way to permanently deal with these types of characters.

A simple player blacklist that would not allow players to use runes or join clans until the blacklist is lifted would be a godsend. Even better, RP fines that are taxed from the character regardless of quitting or joining a clan.


its a pain for you to sift through IP's and character logs to figure out who is scamming who, and it's a pain for us to deal with the headaches in the interim. Please give clan masters a little more authority to deal with these headaches permanently.

Last edited by Nomicon; 05-30-2016 at 01:01 AM..
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Old 05-30-2016, 01:13 PM   #2
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Old 05-30-2016, 05:06 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Nomicon
With the resurfacing of lavapool on multiple toons I would like to make a request to glitch to implement stronger clan administrative tools. Lavapool has borrowed and scammed gold from many new, unsuspecting players and even falsely taken a loan out from DTM while logged on another player's character.
Stop letting people use Toons that dont belong to them and sorted. who in the world gives access to a capped toon who can contact anybody on the game and pretend they are said person and pretty much borrow w/e with no intent to return it...

This just comes back to toon sharing once again. if u dont trust the toons in ur clan kick them. dont ask for better features to try and prevent scammers and the such from being allowed in ur clan.

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Old 05-30-2016, 11:49 PM   #4
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Honestly don't even know what to say to your reply darklords, we've kicked lava from the clan about 30 times now on various toons, and some legit players because they behaved in a similar fashion. The point is there is no way to tell, and no repercussion for lavapool to just do it again and again, which is why he does.

The toon sharing incident had nothing to do with anyone in our clan, it was on kittie's toon a few months back. It was how everyone first found out lavapool was on multiple toons in multiple clans, scamming.

Do you think i want to be wasting time writing posts on the forums whining about a little piece of **** like lavapool?

It seems like you are upset over toon sharing, and using this to vent or something.

Last edited by Nomicon; 05-31-2016 at 12:06 AM..
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Old 05-31-2016, 01:43 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by darklords
Stop letting people use Toons that dont belong to them and sorted. who in the world gives access to a capped toon who can contact anybody on the game and pretend they are said person and pretty much borrow w/e with no intent to return it...

This just comes back to toon sharing once again. if u dont trust the toons in ur clan kick them. dont ask for better features to try and prevent scammers and the such from being allowed in ur clan.
this doesn't just effect our clan, it effects all clans who are willing to support any new player. keep in mind this dude makes new toons EVERY single month, if not week. this guy is so damn bored he has nothing better to do than to log on to nod EVERY week, pretend like a new player, constantly beg, troll the chat and spam it. the guy is even trying to portray different personalities when he does so.

There is no way to tell it is him anymore. we have to guess, and just boot newer players who resemble him, as nom pointed out. This isn't fair to the legitimate new players who join the game, or to the players who actually take their time to help the newer players, then realize they've been helping another one of Lavapool's troll alts that are just going to turn into dust anyway. I don't think anything can be done unless glitch intervene's or else we're screwed until the dude gets bored.

I can see that sitting bothers you DL but honestly that isn't the issue here. the issue here is that this dude is destroying the reputation of all new players, pretending to be them and milking free stuff, then letting those toons rot. we don't have time to constantly keep booting him out of the clan, nor do the other clans. I even think CHAOS stopped recruiting new players as a whole because of this dude. it's just too much of a pain to deal with.

The players in our clan who we are aware are not lavapool we will help, but we're close to isolating and closing it off to recruiting any more lower level new players. he's done a ton of damage, and it's just too much of a headache. Nom isn't exaggerating when he said 30. we've kicked so many toons because of him, and i don't think i can take it anymore. May it be another clan's issue, i feel he is purposely targeting us. or other players are targeting us to get a good laugh. Either way, a player named " ulamog" on S2 had said, NOVA is a drama clan. I disagree with this entirely. just because we actually speak and do not remain quiet like the other clans automatically entitles us as a "drama clan?" if there's a damn scammer in any clan they should voice it. not remain quiet about it after booting. All clans have drama, simple as that. Nod is too tight-knit of a game with a small player base to not expose the douchebags in this game. 1 person can cause serious damage....

I was never a person who wanted to turn my back on newer players, but i may have to. Lavapool is also out of school now due to it being summer. I've never let one person ruin nod, or something on nod for me. but me and my close friends built up a clan for the sake of helping the game in a major category, and this dude is "screwing" it up. in the most polite terms i can put that.

Sorry for this rant, but i'm truly pissed at the moment about this issue. ~ lakki.
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Old 05-31-2016, 06:10 PM   #6
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Nomicon mentioned the fact lava had access to other toon's that aint his and used them to scammed somebody. thats the reason i flamed toon sharing.

i couldn't care less who shares a toon with who but using that as reasoning to get clan admin tools is a bit unreasonable. fair enough lava makes 500 alts to terrorize yall. ask glitch to ip ban the dude if that dont work then its down to glitch to find something that does.

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Old 05-31-2016, 06:39 PM   #7
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:{ yeah the IP ban isn't working. Idk what other options exist that glitch can actually do :{

On another note I guess I kinda missed part of the lavapool issue. If someone is begging kick. Doesn't matter if they're lavapool or not. If they aren't begging and you just randomly choose to give free stuff out of the goodness of your heart...who cares? You chose to give it not like they forced you.

So I can't really see how he is making it so bad for clans. Don't give pws away or if you do only give them to trustworthy people that you've known for a long time or are established at very trustworthy :{ (tho even established people sometimes scam...that brooking tho. And I to combat any future arguers yes Merrick prolly deserved it but it's still a scammer scamming a scammer. Two wrongs don't make a right)

Considering those two things how much mayhem can he really cause?

Spammer? Kick. Doesn't matter if lava or not. Spamming civil? Meh. Half of civil is boring spam anyway.

Troller? Well half of nod is trolls so would need to see an example for how he crosses the line here.

Borrowing gold from new players is a thing of interest. If he keeps making new toons does this mean he's spending rl money on tcs? Or are they being dumb enough to "loan" to a low level N that has little to no chance of paying it back?
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Old 05-31-2016, 07:45 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by King
:{ yeah the IP ban isn't working. Idk what other options exist that glitch can actually do :{

On another note I guess I kinda missed part of the lavapool issue. If someone is begging kick. Doesn't matter if they're lavapool or not. If they aren't begging and you just randomly choose to give free stuff out of the goodness of your heart...who cares? You chose to give it not like they forced you.

So I can't really see how he is making it so bad for clans. Don't give pws away or if you do only give them to trustworthy people that you've known for a long time or are established at very trustworthy :{ (tho even established people sometimes scam...that brooking tho. And I to combat any future arguers yes Merrick prolly deserved it but it's still a scammer scamming a scammer. Two wrongs don't make a right)

Considering those two things how much mayhem can he really cause?

Spammer? Kick. Doesn't matter if lava or not. Spamming civil? Meh. Half of civil is boring spam anyway.

Troller? Well half of nod is trolls so would need to see an example for how he crosses the line here.

Borrowing gold from new players is a thing of interest. If he keeps making new toons does this mean he's spending rl money on tcs? Or are they being dumb enough to "loan" to a low level N that has little to no chance of paying it back?
he isn't spending anything. he's making newer toons, pretending to be a new player, and asking for gold/ trophs/ and some players have given him a TC or two because of it. it is extremely dishonest and is a waste of time from the players who actually wish to help the newer toons. it's a complete waste of time, low-level epics, gold, occasional tc's, and toons that just end up getting blanked anyway.

see the lavapool/yetibeast thread in the uncivil forums to see what kind of spamming.

The point is the community is already lazy as it is to help newer players. if there is one, two, or three people who deliberately log on new players just to beg, act like douches in civil, beg in clans that are willing to help newer players, attempt scams, or just spam the chats with gibberish, all this is going to do is get every capped toon pissed off, stop helping newer players, and they're just going to leave.

It's frustrating when you help newer players for over 6 months and you kick one guy who scams/begs and he gets pissed off for it, tries to make himself known for "infamy" or just being a complete douche., and makes up 30 or more toons that you had to boot from your clan in the past 3 months. Ask Smashy how many toons he had to boot from Zombe because of this. Or Claud how many from CHAOS.

this is not the thread to discuss this in it's entirety.

here's the post/ http://forums.nodiatis.com/forums/sh...ad.php_t=19202

Last edited by Lakki; 05-31-2016 at 07:49 PM.. Reason: the link
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Old 05-31-2016, 08:19 PM   #9
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So it's idiots encouraging begging? Giving a beggar a tc..ie saying it's a good idea to beg you can get free millions from it. Even gold/trophies are telling them "it's good to beg".

If people want to help new players they shouldn't help the beggar. Help someone who is actually trying to improve on their own. I help plenty of new players in otcst without worrying if they're lavapool or whoever because they aren't begging me. They're grinding their way up and I choose to be generous and help them.

Spamming civil would be the big issue. It's a hassle to ignore new toons constantly but not much that can be done there whether we get clan authority options or w/e.

Getting back on topic for the thread:
Being able to make a player blacklist hopefully it'd be operated by glitch not players. Otherwise say I piss off xxx in clan xxxxx. I've been in clan for a bit but it's a falling out. I'm gonna leave the clan. He can blacklist me so I can't join any other clans? Or how exactly would that work?

Rp fines is basically same diff. I piss off someone we're having a falling out he can set some massive rp fine to screw me for however long? :{ it's just too much power for players who can easily get incensed at each other.
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Old 05-31-2016, 10:37 PM   #10
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Every new player i invite to nova gets same speech, no begging, no bullying and try to watch your language as there are women and children present.

The scammers just switch to doing it in pm's

We've now added no lending to new players to slow him down further.
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Old 06-01-2016, 08:11 AM   #11
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I support a revamp of Clans so that more stuff is available to police clans.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
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