Legendary Tasks
Old 04-26-2016, 08:29 PM   #1
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Default Legendary Tasks

So, I have an idea that may give a possible solution to several "issues" that currently plague Nod.

1) Currently epic drops (especially 99's that drop only as tps) are pretty worthless to capped players. So much so that most capped players regularly only boss farm since it provides higher gold output. 2) Currently most players remain at a static position to farm and do not move. 3) There are many players that cannot readily afford to buy or uptier legendary items. 4) The cost to buy or uptier legendary weapons/pets is sometimes not worth the cost. 5) Some legendary weapons (*cough cough* piercers *cough cough*) cost significantly more than others to craft (although I realize this is a product of a player driven market)


This solution combines several elements already in Nod. Namely- Epic Tasks, Quests, Max Coinage/Big Game Trophies, Epic Drop table and Epic Skill.

This idea would create a new line of skills- One for suiting, one for each weapon type (crush, slash, pierce, stave, archery, whip) and one for pets. Each level gained in one of these new skills would provide X (0.1%?) chance for your next epic drop to be a LEGENDARY TP up to XX (10%?) max chance. It could also provide X (.01%?)chance to provide a LEGENDARY TP that requires HALF of the normal resources to create the actual item, thus reducing the cost tremendously, up to XX (1%?) max chance. So, if you desire that new 2h piercer, you would choose to level the LEGENDARY PIERCER SKILL for a chance that your next epic drop would be a piercer tp. If you wanted a new Cow, you would level the LEGENDARY PET SKILL for a chance that your next epic drop would be a pet tp. This idea could be modified to either be a set % chance no matter where you farm or an increasing chance the higher level area you farm, thus making it beneficial to farm high end areas.

Rather than create a new skill line that you just dump trophies into to level, I propose that these new skills require LEGENDARY TASKS to level. Only one task can be completed per day (with additional chances able to be purchased). Ideas for tasks would be focused on getting the players to farm mobs and move around the map. Some examples would be
1) Kill a mob on every square in Goblin Swamp within 12 hours.
2) Hit every town in Nod within 2 hours.
3) Collect 100 combats from 5 different zones within 2 hours.

The levels could scale similar to the current epic tasks where the first level would take 1 task, the 2nd could take 1 or 2. The third 2-3 etc etc. Or they could just increase in difficulty the higher you level it. For example, at a certain point the tasks could begin to look like this:
1) Two person farm Forest of No Return for 6 hours of RRT
2) Be in a group that kills the 128, 130 and 132 bosses within 3 hours of each other.
3) Be in a group that recovers the Lock of Hair Travel Gear.
4) Kill 3 mobs in Faerie Cemetery while at under 30% hps.


The LEGENDARY SKILLS would work similar to Poison arrow and Flameshot where the highest leveled skill would take precedence. If the skills are equal, then there would be a 50/50 chance of getting one or the other if you got a legendary tp drop.

In my opinion, this would give players a reason to farm new areas, farm mobs again and move around the map as well as a possible reason to group farm again. It would also give people a reason to get excited about being close to an epic drop again as well as give players like Smash and Lakki a chance for a reprieve on the high price of their choice of LG weapons, even if it is just a slight chance. Feel free to comment and help develop this idea into a more well thought out plan. Thanks for taking the time to read and happy hunting.

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Old 04-26-2016, 08:33 PM   #2
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Good points, great idea, Support
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Old 04-26-2016, 09:14 PM   #3
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Wow!! This is a GREAT idea!!! I haven't read such a great idea in a long time!! I FULLY SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

omg i wanna sammich nao
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Old 04-26-2016, 10:30 PM   #4
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I will always support more quests, and this is a fantastic way of implementing them.
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Old 04-26-2016, 10:33 PM   #5
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Honestly i didnt read all of it but the few that i read seemed pretty good.

I support what i read.

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Old 04-26-2016, 11:09 PM   #6
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Old 04-27-2016, 12:21 AM   #7
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Support, however there's a few quests I wouldn't agree to, for instance

hitting all towns as one of the low level task, considering Draak/Andol are hell to get to for most builds.

Getting to all town up to Fa'ar sounds more like it to start with.

As for getting the lock of hair, sadly that's also kinda problematic, from what I've seen this isn't something everyone can do, in fact you're limited by the type of gear/gameplay/classes immensely when it comes down to it, so something easier should be considered.

I understand those tasks are supposed to be legendary and all, but they should also be accessible for most people, otherwise it's kinda pointless and only a few people would be able to do it, sadly.
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Old 04-27-2016, 07:23 AM   #8
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I support this, I like it because it would take away from the mindless farming 1 spot 24/7 and give reason to move around, do different things, and and enjoy different aspects of the game.
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Old 04-27-2016, 09:02 AM   #9
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I fully support anything Ales says or does and fully support her having my babies irl
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Old 04-27-2016, 06:29 PM   #10
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If anyone has any idea to make this better or a way to implement it in such a way that Glitch does not view it as too difficult to implement I would love to hear them. Thanks for the support!

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Old 05-01-2016, 10:13 AM   #11
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Old 05-05-2016, 02:39 AM   #12
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This might buff DD's and Flippy fully supports it.

No support and two sammichs down for Flip support.

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Old 05-06-2016, 12:23 AM   #13
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I fully support all of this. my favorite was the part about genuine 99 epics dropping instead of the stupid toilet paper. they just get dismantled for dusts, we have a dust collecting skill as well so what is the point? 99 actual items dropping would support the game tremendously, as most players are given the options of the epics, or legendaries, which are about a 25M gold difference for the most part.
LEGENDARY TASKS are wonderful. as a 2handed piercer can cost 34-42M to craft, or a 1 handed about 26M. my spear costs 60M+ to actually craft, and for what? as mediocre as we are, many toons would rather spend their money on either a better melee sub-category, go BM, or rule nod with a double cast archer or staff DD caster in terms of farming gold. these legendary tasks would not only benefit piercers, but the entire game, as resources are scarce due to the low player base legendary TP's would be a great addition to this game in my opinion. Great post Alesandra. strongly support it!
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Old 05-06-2016, 07:35 AM   #14
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I support this as well, would of a while ago if the original post wasnt so daunting to read (make points as separate lines lol)

Quests are great, fun to do, and time consuming. It keeps people playing, gives them something thats not just the normal grind to do.

Something id add to the ideas:

Make it so they cant be done in Travel Mode. So if you have to travel, its all with rested time being used as well.

If you are in pilgrim, you are still allowed to do the quests, but they scale for you. So you cant get 1s like get trophies or travel to towns (2nd+ pilg).

Maybe have 2 types per day. Solo and Group. This way people will have to work on their own for a bit, but will also have to group if they wanna get further faster.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
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Old 05-06-2016, 07:44 AM   #15
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Added to http://forums.nodiatis.com/forums/sh...ad.php_t=18912 as a possibility.
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