05-06-2009, 03:57 PM
Her feathers ruffled and she puffed out her chest in frustration as she couldn’t decide which way to go. That probably had something to do with the fact that she had a bird brain. They were too flightily to think for very long but she didn’t want to shift again, not unless she really had to. Deciding to just take flight and go whichever way she was blown she flapped her wings a few times.
Seconds before she was about to take off, something slammed into her. She let out a rather loud chirp as the huge squirrel tackled her much smaller self. The other thing that saved her from plummeting towards the ground much like the squirrel had was her wings and even then they didn’t help much. She was so started from the impact that she managed to slow her fall with a few beats of wings before her body, deciding to betray her, threw her back into her human form.
She landed with an oomph on the other side of the tree from the squirrel; at least she wouldn’t land on the poor thing. Groaning she reached beneath her and pulled a few sticks out from her back. “Ow,†she groaned again and pushed herself up into a sitting position, tangled hair falling around her to pool around her waist. Blowing some hair from her face with a puff of air she belatedly realized her unclothed state. Letting out a started squeak she shifted into the first thing she could think of. That just happened to be, well, a squirrel. Ha. Skittering around the tree to her fallen comrade she stood next to it and looked down at him. Hey, she knew this squirrel. ^Escalion? Is that you? Are you okay?^ Her tail flicked as she blinked down at him, head cocked to the side.
05-06-2009, 04:04 PM
He continued to lay on the ground until he saw a human form fall from the tree from which he had fallen. ^Well at least I found Laylani..^ He thought to himelf as he tried to move a little bit. She had a softer impact then he, so he worried for her, but not as much as he probably should have." He watched her shift again and approach him. He croaked out a twitter and sighed softly, ^Yes, it is me. And I don't really know yet. You got in my way of looking for you. That's quite anti-climatic. I was supposed to help you find your way back, not tackle you out of a tree. I apologize.^ He would've chuckled if he could have. He raised his head up and looked around, slowly pulling himself to his feet. ^Well I feel everything..it just hurts. I think I'll be able to walk you back yet.^
05-06-2009, 04:34 PM
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"We must hurry if we are to have any hope of there being any life left when we arrive " The man spoke quickly, his eyes reflecting the same urgency that shone within her own. Her own panic clutched within her throat and the young girl mutely nodded in reply.
"You. I know you need help but I have nought the energy anymore.." Slouching and dropping to one knee, the mage seemed out of breath and weak. Alarmed, she tightened her grip around her arm, as if to steady him. Swallowing hard, he continued to talk, "When I regan my strength I will do whatever is in my power to get revenge....but my power was stolen...and until its returned i can do little to effect the world around me. So go and find that man and help him, I pray that you two return alive. If you do I will help you, if you help me return my power I WILL BLAST THAT ESHAI DU TO THE WINDS IF I HAVE TO!"
â€A-All right,†She hesitated, drawing back from the resting mage; there was no choice but to leave the man behind, but she did not want to seem insincere. The girl casted a glance towards the smoke-filled skies then bit her lower lip worriedly. Beside her, the swordsman pulled free and sprinted towards the scene; she knew any minute dallied in the clearing, meant one more life was probably lost.
â€Thank you†She added, then the young girl also turned to leave.
"Hail friends," A new voice boomed, making her skid to a stop. As she glanced over her shoulders, a strange man was approaching them….a large wolf pattering by his feet. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the creature, noting the silvery fur, heavy paws and large jaw.
As the mage spoke rapidly to the stranger, her eyes fell upon the man immediately, trying to draw conclusions as to who the newcomer was. A beastmaster perhaps? She thought to herself, unable to shake the feeling that something was different with him. Nonetheless, he seemed to be prepared for a battle and could prove useful against this unnatural force she was about to face.
â€Silmar? My name is Q,“ She spoke rapidly, hurrying through the introduction. Her hands gestured towards the distant smoke, blossoming into the distance. “We need to go now,†She insisted, just as another boom echoed in the distance - sending a fresh flock of birds into the air. “Something is very wrong….my village-â€
Her voice cracked and the girl couldn’t say anymore. Backtracking towards the edge of the forest, she gave the newcomer a chance to catch up, then whirled around, leaping through the foliage. Even as her heart pounded furiously within her chest, the girl picked up pace and raced towards the heart of the woods…to her village.
Gods, please let me make it there in time, She prayed, her hands trembling around the curve of her bow. Deeper into the forest, Qtchi went…hoping to catch up with the swordsmen. There was no sight of the man, but the forest seemed to be deteriorating every second. As she skirted past a withered tree, she was appalled at the sight of decay and death. The air was filled with a foul stench, hot blood and bitterness clung to every breath she took. It seemed as if someone had made its way through this very path…and left behind destruction. Her vision swam and the young girl almost wept for the dying forest.
But now was not time to show weakness.
Blinking away her unshed tears, the young girl gritted her teeth and pressed on…
05-06-2009, 05:14 PM
Silmar's eyes widened. something is very wrong? but... that implied that this young female didn't know precisely what was very wrong.
A creature? Was that something, a primal beast? Or some dread sentient force beyond his comprehending? A Black mage?
...the undead?
As the youngling who identified herself as Q (quite an unusual name, not that Silmar had known many in his eternal seclusion) raced off through the foliage.
Silmar tool about a milisecond to glance at the one who had first answered him, not long enough to discern anything but the stance. The figure didn't seem as though he had the energy to protect the young girl.
After a moment of waying the options, Silmar's morality one. He had seen great loss many times. He hoped that this girl would not see it once.
He dashed after the girl, praying to the gods as he had only rarely, he could hear the light footfalls as Aragoth padded after.
Everything seemed somehow... destroyed. Animal corpses and soon-to-be-animal-corpses lay felled where the had stood, some trees were blackened, some looked as if they had been felled with a single stroke. Silmar couldn't see Q anymore, so he followed the smoke.
^Is this wise?^ Aragoth asked calmly.
Silmar ignored the question and continued his mad dash toward the smoke visible above the canopy of leaves.
************************************************** ************************
05-07-2009, 09:25 AM
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Necronas is offline
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(nice avatar, Perloo. Although I have to say, L > N. However, Q > L. Yes, I just had to say that. Poor L  . Q would have just stuck an arrow in Kira's face :P )
05-07-2009, 09:25 AM
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An Elven raiding party moved through the plains seeking plunder in human towns. Hungry for combat, for bloodshed and for glory, they rode on their mounts, a strange assortment of all the exotic creatures of the Elven forests, for unlike humans the Elves were not restricted to riding the horse. They were loaded with gold and humanprisoners, who were tied to each other at the arms and legs. At this particular time, however, they would have the privledge of being the prey instead of the predator.
Necronas watched from above the trees, concealed by a blanket of night from the eyes of any who passed. As he often did when bored, he had an imp, who at this moment stood upon his shoulder, with whom he would communicate. Unlike a wife, this particular companion had the on/off switch, namely he could be banished and summoned as Necronas pleased.
"Hehehe" the imp cackled, "Roast elves, fried tiger and grilled...whatever that thing is"
"Its called a moonstrider. Tall, elegant and strong, with quite a large brain for a beast"
"Yeah, whatever. I just want to know the sound it makes when it dies"
Necronas laughed, "I suspected as much. Come, let us pay them a visit."
As the Elves rode along with their human prisoners carrying the chests of gold that had been taken from them, one heard a noise. Silently motioning for the others to halt, he pushed his head into the forsts. He screamed and returned with a fiery red demon clawing at his face. It gouged his eyes and leaped to another of them. A few seconds later an exquisite black figure appeared and laughed. "Not much of a problem I suppose?"
"None at all!" cackled the imp as it made its next jump.
One of the Elves, the one with his eyes gouged out, began to move again. In an attempt to stand up, he grabbed at whatever was closest to his hand, which happened to be Necronas's cloak. He was nothing more than ashes within seconds.
The imp was about to make the final jump when Necronas grabbed him by the tail and swung him back.
"No, no, no. That's not how its done. The last one is tortured for information."
But the Elf was already horrified enough to tell anything he was asked. Necronas learned much of the recent events in the Elven Forests and more, concerning some of the most secretive plans of the Queen. Apparently the raider was also a privateer. Knowing everything he needed, Necronas calmly slit the man's throat.
"See, imp. That is how its done"
It cackled again as it scurried back up to Necronas's shoulders.
"And what of the prisoners, Master? What shall we do with them?"
Necronas paused.
"Free them"
One by one, Necronas melted the chains which bound the prisoners together.
"You are free to return to your village."
The humans cheered. Each and every one of them bowed to Necronas, both happy and shocked beyond measure of such a merciful verdict.
"Get out of my sight. Now. All of you. Before I change my mind."
They scurried like insects, each taking what was theirs and leaving immediately. The imp was furious. As Necronas cut his ears so they appeared pointed and saddled the moonstrider, he asked in a half-yelling half-shreiking sound, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? WHY IN ALL THE HELLS DID YOU LET THEM GO?"
"Because I felt like it"
He then banished the imp.
05-07-2009, 10:45 AM
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The world around him had become blured and now only the smell of smoke and death lead him on his search. The only thoughts concealed in his mind were ones of vengance for that was what lead his mad dash through the forest. Almost in response to his thoughts he heard a voice speak in his mind a voice he knew rather well. ^Yes follow me you fool. You shall know. Well ketotsue, what do you think of that. Never in your wildest thoughts would this have ever entered your mind. You thought The Aligru to be long dead did you not. That shadowy organization that plagued so many lives, Come, fight me. But can poor little Keto stand a chance^.
He stopped dead in his tracks frozen and in shock. ^No this isn't possible the aligru I personally saw there demise that group should be nothing more than ash and memory by now and yet...^. He then began to communicate with his brother through his mind link. ^ Brother what is this madness why have you corupted yourself to such regards have you learned nothing from my mistakes the energy we once saught can not be taken it must be given surely you must know this, even now the energy that courses through your body from this chaos is unpure and as such is useless... So why would you cause such misery, you know what you have done and you know I can not stand by and watch you plague this world as i once did so if you will not repent from your course I will see to it that you meet your fate in the abyss^
He knew he had to move he had to find his brother and stop any further attrocity and yet he couldn't, all he wished for was to leave this spot and yet his body stood unwilling to budge. And so he stood motionless shrouded in a cloak of black smoke. The smell of death clung to his every breath and his desire to run became all the more potent and still he could not move. All he could do was stand with shock gripeing his body surely the archer that had so despreatly asked for his help would be comeing up behind him maybe then would his body give up the roots that grounded him.
Last edited by ketotsue; 05-07-2009 at 10:48 AM..
05-07-2009, 03:06 PM
(I guess I'll be a little clearer next time with my npcs)
05-07-2009, 03:22 PM
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He replied to ketotsue ^Nay. You were a fool Ketotsue! It was you who ounce said that darkness triumphs over all. Even over darkness, you said that light will not defeat darkness, only a greater darkness can destroy darkness. You were ounce great. Now look at you.^ He broke off his link with ketotsue and opened a link to another person ^Arahad, you fool of a Lich why do you not rejoin the Aligru? We are stronger than we were! Your fears of your own destruction are unfounded. We need your power. Just because we were defeated before does not mean it will happen again!^
The Lich answered back ^Indeed, I do fear for myself. Was it not you who almost met their doom at the hands of those champions all those years ago. If it wasn't for that split second opening in this boy, you would have been destroyed demon. But it is not my saftly for which I fear for the most, it is the Dark Oracle's who's safety I fear for. It is them whom most of the dark energies of this world come from. You shall draw attention to them you foolish demon!^
^Oh, Arahad. Those fears are the most ludicrous I've heard. They cannot be destroyed, not aproached, not seen. They will forever be safe. But, if you refuse to help me now, perhaps after this you will change you mind.^ with this he broke off the link.
Vuxxa called to his men "Bring out the dead!" Many soldiers scurried into a rather large tent, momets later they came carrying our corpse after corpse, laying some of them in formation close to the forest, some of to the side of the army. Then he called to some of the darkest of magics, Necromancy he called out in a booming voice "Exsisto existo. Permissum Vita reverto ut ye quisnam have died quod incedo servitus unto vestri vinco! - Arise. Let Life return to ye who have died and enter into servitude unto your master." The bodies rose from death, slight rot falling from thier bodies. They stood wavering, waiting for their master, and in the village the burnt corpses of the town arose, and of the slain elves, even those slain by necronas. That which is unatural now sprung up, defiling the ground on which they stood.
05-07-2009, 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Necronas
(nice avatar, Perloo. Although I have to say, L > N. However, Q > L. Yes, I just had to say that. Poor L  . Q would have just stuck an arrow in Kira's face :P )
[lol, L IS the best, however, L looks nothing like me, Near on the other hand, looks quite a bit like me, make the hair brown (keep the skin white though!) and give him glasses. That's me. BTW, L never should have died, he was the best char in the series, Kira's just insane.
05-07-2009, 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Tesvielle
"Im gonna hate being a cleric...."
[Rofl, imma remember tht quote 4ever!]
05-08-2009, 07:52 AM
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The Elven forests. The last time Necronas had been here he learned almost everything he now knew of blue magic. The Elves were cretures of the mind and of the arrow: precise, quick and brusque. There was little reason for him to return, since the forest was warded with a powerful defense ward against some of his most powerful fire spells, making all his red magic worth little more than cantrips.
However, he was here for a different reason. He did not come here to kill. The spy had supplied him with information that was valuable and also quite awkward. In these chaotic times, the Elven Queen had announced a Ball to be held within her summer palace. She had claimed an open invitation to all those of high and noble status, and being the gentleman that he was, Necronas would never refuse an invitation.
Necronas had left his past behind, but old habits die hard. And deep in his gut, he felt something which was more human than love itself: a deep feeling that something was going to happen. Something. The problem with emotion is it rarely gives any telltale signs, simply a feeling in his gut that told him "what the heck, why not". Besides, it had been a while since he had met anyone, and sometimes, after years of ultimate power, it felt good to actually be a pawn of nature, unable to destroy and dominate, yet, for once after such a long time, he would have a chance to exist as little more than flesh and blood.
He nudged the moonstrider with his heels. The creature quickly accelerated into a gallop.
And besides, who knows, maybe this time will be different.
The Ruins |
05-08-2009, 09:50 AM
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The Ruins
Her heart pounded within her chest and the wind stole her breath away.
The archer was closer now, the scent of death permeated through the air and the young girl had to choke back her own bile. Her bow - a long curve of wood with runes burning along it’s entire length - was strung, and Qtchi traveled with an arrow in hand. Notching the sharp object, she took up trail once more, her feet delicately skirting the body of a dead creature. A pang started in her heart, but she ignored it as she pushed through the dying foliage.
Her code of morals were deep-rooted and the challenges upon the lives of her villagers and innocent woodland creatures made her vigilant, ever on the alert.
Rounding a bend of trees, she caught sight of a figure and instinctively tightened her string.
â€Ach Gods, ye gave me a fright,†She said, lowering her weapon when she realized t’was the swordsman. He stood slightly turned away, the smoke filled air making his face unreadable. â€What is it?†She asked, her voice suddenly taking a edge of fright. Uncertainly, she stood studying his profile, noting his fatigue.
Still holding her weapon drawn, she pushed past him and glanced out to where her village stood.
â€Gods…†She spoke in a strangled voice, her voice trailing off as she gaped at the view that met her eyes.
The village was in state of total destructions; where there was once a beautiful valley, filled with straw-thatched dwellings and sun-kissed pottery…now stood nothing. Her eyes grew larger, as she took in the smoldering timbers, the blackened ground and…the bodies…
Qtchi made a sound, much like a moan, and she stumbled backwards, away from the horrific scene. â€There‘s someone behind us," She started to babble, “…he said he‘d help…the mage- he-,†She broke of and drew a long shaky breath, trying to regain her composure.
Her face crumpled.
â€Tis too late…I’m too late…What do we do now?†She asked, turning back to stare up into the swordsmen’s eyes. Her own were filled with a measure of fear that she could not hide, though she tried. From their gold-flecked depths, however, defiance still blazed as she fought back tears of frustration.
A hand darted out and she gripped his arm, her eyes studying his profile with growing concern. "What is it?" She repeated, "What's wrong?"
05-08-2009, 03:20 PM
He chuckled softly and shook his head head, "That's a good plan. I'm not too worried about you getting lost again. I think you'll do fine in here, once you get the hang of it. It's a pretty large forest, but it's not exactly huge." He gazed back at her as she finished changing and ran a hand over her cheek and down her neck. He pondered something before he answered her. "Just take it slow. I don't want you to find a windfall and end up breaking a leg or two." He put his hands into her mane and jumped up, mounting her. He directed her as best he could through the forest and they reached the elven buildings again. They had no stables or anything, so there weren't any horses or such in the village. If they needed to get anywhere, his people usually just ran there. They knew the forest better then anyone could possibly imagine, and until of late, had no reason to leave. They had yet to enter battle as of yet, so most of his people were training. They weren't warriors persay, though most of them had lived for centuries, and had in that time learned how to wield a blade. They were just rusty, so to speak, so they trained. Scouts kept the humans back as much as they could working in pairs, but they also did not engage mortals in combat unless they were alone or in small groups.
(Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming that Necronas is talking about my people..so I'll just assume he's in our forest)
When they reached town he dismounted and stumbled, unused to riding a horse. "Well that was interesting. Thank you. If you want to go back to the cottage to change and get clothes, meet me at the building where we talked to the Queen. The people are abuzz..something is going on." He patted her neck and looked into her eye for a moment before he trod off, pulling all his concentration to form his usual garb. When he reached the Queen's building, he entered the gardens again. He found her sitting idly on the branch of an oak and quirked an eyebrow at the elf maiden, "It is an odd day to go climbing, my Queen. What is going on?" She looked to him, her eyes ablaze with fury, the trees whispering. "No..oh gods above..you can't do that. Please my lady.." And that was as far as he got. She jumped down in front of him and struck him across the face, sending him flying into the garden walls, "How dare you tell me what I can and cannot do! Leave me." He lay crumpled against the wall as a pair of guards came and dragged him out of the building and tossed him onto the ground. "Oww..second time today." He whimpered softly as he rose to his hands and knees, crawling back towards the cottage before he got to his feet and walked the rest of the way, brushing himself off. "Hot spring sounds good right about now.." He murmured softly before wondering if she had changed. He hadn't seen her on the way, so he assumed she was still in the cottage. He didn't want to take advantage of her trust, so he knocked on the door. "Laylani..it's time to go for a little while. Are you decent?"
05-08-2009, 03:48 PM
He sighed softly as he looked up at her, sliding past her to sit down on the chair as he let out a loud breath. "Ow.." He gazed at her, "You know that hot spring sounds rather tempting right now.." He chuckled which turned into a cough and he wiped a bit of blood off on his clothes. "Everything. To answer your question, everything is wrong. If you want to bring anything with you, you can. It won't be disturbed in your absence, though I do not know when we shall return." He shook his head, "The Queen is throwing a supposed ball for the royalty of the mortal realm. She has sent out invitations, inviting mortals from around the world to her bower...where she plans to have them all promptly executed. They will all step in, be announced and then they will be shot. I do not approve of this decision..these may not be innocent people, but they do not deserve that kind of a death. I thought it fit to ask you with me. Once my people have blood on their hands, I don't know if they'll stop. They know you're here. They will eventually come to their sense, realize that you are my ilemni and our guest..but immediatly afterwards, I just can't promise your safety. So I think it will be better if you're elsewhere. They won't destroy this place or your things though." He rocked back in the chair and shut his eyes for a moment, relaxing. "She's going to murder them all..." He murmured to himself softly.
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