The Long Road |
02-19-2009, 07:26 PM
The Long Road
(I decided to start a thread because A Bright Era was just a teensy bit crowded, lol, this thread is open, so come on if you feel like it)
"Gaah!" Silmar exclaimed as his left hand bled slightly from the hit he had taken from the orc earlier on.
^we should have stopped^ Aragoth stated, in a neutral mental tone, ^you are losing blood, despite the bandage, and you know what you would have to resort to if you lost too much...^ Aragoth allowed his thought to trail off, giving his deathly blue companion time to considerext this.
^If I lose that much blood then I will not resort to stealing blood from others who need it, and I will not defile myself with animal blood. Being a Blue Elf is much less a pervertion to nature as apposed to a blue elf with animal blood.^ Silmar stated flatly, finishing any argument by his wolf companion.
This did not remotely phase the canine, the argument had been repeated many times, yet still the master insisted on denying himself a further opportunity to live, still, he was bothered by his master's lack of any well deserved self esteem.
^You have not killed another sentient being without nesessity, and you have kept out of their way.^ Aragoth reminded him pointedly ^and you have resisted drinking blood, no matter the danger to your person, and yet this once you resist it. Do not the gods owe you this atleast, if nothing else?^ the male wolf demanded.
^The gods owe me no favors, nor would they answer my prayers even if they did, I suspect.^ Silmar replied grimly. ^and are the very gods you speak of not the ones who created pain, death misery , sadness, and all the mortal abominations?^
Aragoth would not allow the argument to be lost. ^But truly, what of the after life, of paradise, would they create that if they did not love us?^
Silmar exhaled sharply through his nose ^Do we truly know of an afterlife? do we? we have only the words of seers and half senile old fools who survive illnesses to believe. And even if an afterlife is their pathetic atempt to wash away our strife, would our first life every truly be forgotten? Indeed, if there are truly gods, and not illusions, or powerful beings pulling the strings and playacting at the role of god? The insuferable cruelty of one world is not diminished by the perfection of the next. Truly, these gods have much to answer for, they act as children!^ came the canines swit and brutal reply.
The wolf gave a very bestial sigh, then conceeded the point with a bob of its head. ^Perhaps you are right...^
Under his black hood, Silmar shook his blue head. ^No good friend, it is this sun, it makes my body weak, my thoughts slightly unclear, and my temperment bitter, perhaps you are right, but I have ceased to care about the existence of gods, it has been a long and tiring road.^ the half vampire sighed.
^No, it is fine, let us find a resting place for the night, and perhaps, after your recovery, perhaps we should travel by night instead, to better increase our pace and your mood.^ the beast remarked.
^I understand you miss the perpetual gray clouds of the north, as do I milord, shall we return to our home perhaps?^ Aragoth inquired.
^No, let us rest in the mount yonder, and we shall continue the next morn.^ Silmar stated. ^You must rest, as much as I must, come and we shall settle in, for the setting of the sun is nigh.^
Indeed it was true, for his furry companion could only offer a head bob in agreement, and began leading his master to an old wolf den he had spied on the mountains face. The blue Elf, Silmar, who was perhaps six or seven feet tall, followed after. If you were to witness the conversation, you would, of course have only seen the small telltale signs to clue you in one the silent debate, as a deathly blue elf with black hair, whos face was sheilded by the falling sun with his hood, and a black robe flowing around him, with only the hilt of a blade with a single saphire visible in the center of the hilt guard, and a bleeding and bandaged left hand, made impatient gestures along with his canine companion.
And so, the two settled in for the night, in the side of a mountain surrounded by a host of trees. Though, if you had walked past, there would be a good chance that you never would have found the den with the half vampire and his familiar.
(Mkay, I just thought I'd give it a shot, how did I do? Be brutal!)
04-05-2009, 05:15 PM
(You're fine. We're just kinda dead right now. Don't worry too much, it'll pick up)
Keep On Truckin' |
04-06-2009, 12:20 AM
Keep On Truckin'
(So...I uh....saw this thread and thought I'd post a little summin' summin'  )
A light sigh slipped past slightly pouting lips as the wind blew her hair into her eyes once again. Pulling the long strands of, slightly curled, red hair out of her face she allowed herself another sigh. The tree she currently sat beneath was little protection from the breeze that seemed determined to annoy her. Closing her eyes she mumbled something unintelligible beneath her breath as she pulled the hood of her light cloak over her head. Maybe that would help keep her hair away from the winds playful grasp.
She needed to get moving again if she was ever going to find a place to restock her rations. True she could easily hunt if she wanted but she was A) too tired and B) too lazy at this precise moment to even try. Maybe when she ran out of food and she still wasn’t anywhere near a village or some other form of civilization then she’d hunt. She sighed again just picturing the mess she’d have to clean up if she did hunt. First she’d have to find a place to stash her things so they wouldn’t be stolen then she’d have to clean both her kill and herself. Her nose wrinkled just at the thought of the blood that would matte itself to her skin and hair even if she did shift. If she shifted back without washing she’d still be covered in blood. She shuddered at the thought. She hated the feeling of blood on her skin.
Opening her pupil-less blue eyes she stared at the sky and frowned. It was already close to midday and she still hadn’t made any progress. Her mother would sure be proud of her if she could see her daughter now….not. All she had to do was shift and she’d cover so much more ground. But, alas, to shift she needed energy and energy was something she lacked right this moment and she was loath to tap into what was left of her supplies to gain that energy. The only thing she could shift into now without draining herself were things that would take her maybe an inch in a day. Sure she didn’t usually need a lot of energy to shift but it helped since it relied mostly on her brain. When her brain was sluggish so was her shifting.
With a resigned sigh she pushed herself to her feet and grabbed the strap of the worn out bag that sat dutifully at her side while she had wasted time. Slinging the strap over her shoulder she reluctantly placed one foot in front of the other over and over in the pattern that allowed upright creatures to do something amazing called walking.
04-07-2009, 11:20 PM
(ignore the fact that this is the same person, I'm too lazy to register another account.)
The sun hung high in the sky as a hawk soared over the trees, keen eyesite penetrating the canopy as he winged his way over the forest, gazing down to try and find food to prey on. The house of elves had come quite a ways, but there were still those who tried to commune with nature. He had succeeded more then all his fellows, he had truly mastered his art and could now take forms that his people could only imagine. With their weapons and their wars, they lacked true peace, which he had achieved in the graces of the skies. Down below, he spotted another human and he was surprised. This forest was leagues from any civilized town of man. He would've shrugged if that was possible for a bird, but all he did instead was flutter down through the trees to grab a squirrel to shift into. He grabbed it lightly and started the transformation, and when it ceased, he scampered into the trees, watching the young woman.
04-08-2009, 12:13 AM
He quirked his ears at the woman and chittered loudly before hopping onto her shoulder, gazing at her for a moment. ^Well now that you mention it, I may just happen to know a way out of this forest youngling. But the better question I believe is why you came into it in the first place. Our people are not forgiving, though you have yet to cross our boundaries. Though you are rather closer then most tend to enjoy. They're probably off fighting your brethren somewhere. My people have lost their rationality and war with man at least once a season. It is truly sad.^ He perked his ears, ^You however seem to be unlucky. Scouts are patrolling in this direction. In twenty paces there will be a subtle game trail head due east. It will take you out of this forest, and I will try to keep you safe. Take a right, by the way.^ He stayed perched on her shoulder, listening to the elves rustle through the trees, still far enough away.
04-08-2009, 12:57 PM
Gem Pouch Expert
ketotsue is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: On the Wind
Posts: 285
( well seeings how a bright era is loseing people and is rather dull right now im just going to join in here)
Ketotsue had been walking for days with no real since of purpose. " Hmm I wonder where I am" stoping to look around for the first time in days he realized he was completly lost. Other than the large forest on the horizon he stood in a rather unremarkable stretch of land. ^Well I suppose I could try my luck and hope theres something on the other side of the forest but from here its impossible to guess just how large and dense that forest really is, well at least going through there i'll most likely stumble across something to eat i'm really starting to push the reserves of my spirits energy^.
Reasolving to walk through the forest he decided to pass the time by speaking with his spirit. ^ You know in all the time we've been chained together I have yet to ask your name^ the spirit quickly replied his voice echoing in ketotsue's mind ^my name is of little importance, though if you insist I suppose i c- "I do insist" ^resorting to speaking out loud is really rather useless when speaking with a spirit link to your soul^ " Then stop avoiding the question" ^ My name is Aterrimus^
Ketotsue had not taken his second step into the forest when a large bear came out of his den which just so happened to be right infront of him. Removeing his katana from it's sheath he took a single step back and readied himself for the bears charge. After a few seconds had passed the bear stood upon his back legs and let out a furious roar. Ketotsue knew the bear was about to attack and decided to kill it before the bear had a chance to do any damage. He then leapt towards the bear decideing that removal of the head would be the easiest way to kill it. While he was in the air he swung his blade at the bears neck. He landed softly behind the bear lifted his sword to eye level and knew the deed was done when he saw blood trickling down the blade. Swinging his blade in a broad circle the blood that stained it was sent through the air. Content with his now clean blade he sheathed his katana and begun cleaning his kill.
Soon after he built a fire around which he placed several large rocks that served two purposes one it kept the fire from spreading and two allowed him to cook more of his kill allowing more of it to be preserved. He then placed a large portion of the meat on a spicket of wood which he placed a few feet above the fire. Knowing it would take some time for the large portions of meat to cook he removed a small stone from a leather pouch on his side and begun sharpening his already razor edged blade.
04-08-2009, 05:54 PM
He chittered again, the scouts growing nearer. She didn't know the ways of the forest, and made far too much noise. They wouldn't make the game trail. His people wouldn't harm him if they saw him, so there was at least that. ^In a few moments eyes will be upon you. And behind the eyes are minds, and those minds will train arrows upon you. Stay still and don't threaten them. They won't hurt you unless you give them cause to.^ He jumped off of her shoulder and started to change again, slowly walking upright towards them as he shifted. The scouts in the trees saw him as they surrounded the both of them. They looked to him. "She doesn't belong here..." The trees whispered in the wind as they sat above them. He looked back to the woman, still feeling that somehow she was important. "No she does not. Nor do we, brothers. This is not our land, nor is it theirs. We fight constantly over it, but it does not belong to elvenkind. She has as much right to be here as I." He sighed softly, gazing back to the trees. "I know our laws, so take her if you must, but I will follow. She is not dangerous to us. This day..." He grinned widely as the scouts filled in from the forest around them, even their hair dyed to blend in with the greenery. They grabbed her gently and ushered her off, deeper into the forest, and he followed.
04-08-2009, 09:11 PM
He turned back to the woman and smiled softly, "There usually are minds behind eyes. These ones just happen to sharper then those of most mortals. Though you wouldn't notice of late." He snorted and got a look from the lead scout. He shrugged his shoulders and sighed softly, drifting back to walk next to her, watching her. She confused him, and when she began to look nervous and shadows shifted along her skin. He grabbed the elf's arm holding her, "She won't run..let me." The scout shifted his hand to the blade on his waist and stayed close. She was a were, or at least thats what he assumed, and he understood her trouble. He entwined his fingers with hers and gazed into her eyes, ^Now isn't the time, young one.^ He closed his eyes for a moment and tried to take away the beast, whatever it was. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he started to change. Wings sprouted out of his back and he cried out in pain. He controlled the change however as the leathery wings flapped behind him. "Well, that wasn't exactly what I expected..." The wings stayed as he kept walking, he couldn't quite get rid of them. "You're quite..interesting." He shifted his weight on his feet, the new weight on his back keeping him a little off balance.
04-08-2009, 09:52 PM
"And a good way at that.." He shrugged his shoulders, the wings moving with his shoulderblades. The scouts gazed at him, their swords leaving their slightly. He waved them off with his hand, "Cease your worries. We're fine." He laughed slightly, "You aren't a were..What's your name?" He gazed on the woman for a good long time, "Usually that goes a little different for me. My name is Escalion, I study the natural world. My companions here like to..protect it. I intend to perserve it, to save the world." He flapped the wings, wondering if they would help him defy gravity. They continued into the elven kingdom within the forest, buildings that seemed to blend in started to stand out, and elves in armor with weapons drawn. He looked to the scouts, "Going into battle again soon?" They looked grim and kept silent as they were escorted to the center of town. He looked around, "The queen? You're serious? Is that necessary?" They kept moving as they encountered the largest building in the area and the guards stayed at the doors. He led her inside as the wings grazed the ceiling. He walked her into the building and continued to the court. It was surrounded by beautiful gardens overhung by trees and a gorgeous woman sat at the base, cherry blossoms streaming through her hands, as she looked up to him. "Lady Litha, you are far from the Golden Halls." He stated simply as she gazed upon the young woman. She made no comment, but stood slowly fabric flowing to the ground as she placed a hand on the not-were, smiling sadly.
04-09-2009, 01:17 PM
He smiled softly as he strode to the side, "I do not believe you will be judged by our people this day, Laylani. It was good to meet you..but this is not my place, nor my time. She will see you make it back to me, if you so wish it. I believe you will be able to spend as much time as you want among our people..." The silent whispers through the trees in the gardens hastening his retreat. He turned back for a moment, looking at Laylani and the Queen. ^She doesn't belong here..I know. But if you agree, I will accompany her into the world.^ He turned quick on his heel again and left the building, "All your questions will be answered in time young one...in time...." He whispered to himself quietly.
04-09-2009, 02:26 PM
(since it will no longer let me edit posts...)
He smiled softly as he stood behind the Queen, watching her take Laylani's measure, feeling her power. The Queen turned to him and nodded once, staying silent, all but for the whispering of the trees, there was hardly a sound in the gardens. He understood her and walked back to 'Lani. "You're free to stay here as long as you will, she has judged you." He started to walk out of the building, hoping the young woman would follow him. "She finds you as intruging as I, and she wishes you to come visit her once more before you go."
04-09-2009, 03:00 PM
He walked with her and smiled softly, "She wanted to know if you were in control." He frowned sadly, "To answer your question, weres are people just like you and me. Shapeshifters, but they don't have the power to change when they want to, they just..change." He escorted her into the cottage and sat down at the table, "She wanted to know if you happened to be a were or not. She doesn't think so." He grinned warmly.
04-09-2009, 07:51 PM
This place was amazingly strange. A young woman looking very stragely dressed in this kind of environment tromped cautiously though the forest, jumping at every hoot and chatter of animals that resounded through the area. A particularly loud rustle at a bush near her caused her to jump back. Shakingly, the woman drew her sword. Another maki'ka. How many were there in this place?
It wasn't her intention to come here, either. Elsani was-or had been, attempting to follow a group of merchants on their way to another city. There was no obvious ruler in Castille, and she had hoped that the place they were going to was the capital of this continent. Damn orcs-or-whatever-they-called-them-here.
After no further movement from the bush in question, Elsani put the sword back into its sheath. It was getting dark, and the woman gritted her teeth n frustration. At this rate, she would never get out of this hellhole. The good thing was that she wasn't hungry or thirsty. The bad thing was that if she slept outside without protection, a maki'ka might get her. Elsani preferred to stay awake until the last moment.
^Must keep moving.^ She thought to herself. She continued in this way for hours, exhausted mind pushing exhausted body. It seemed amazing that at last she found a large and rugged mountain face, and she clung to it like a babe to her mother. Elsani knew that where there was a mountain, there was a cave, and where there was a cave there was shelter. Right?
Elsani began to push herself even further. The white cloak she always wore slowly became scratched and dirty with her leaning against the rocky face for support, and still she continued. Walking for three days without rest was tiring, after all.
(I hope it's alright!)
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