05-03-2009, 09:20 AM
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Chaos. The mere sight of it had always attracted him, from the first day of his life, when he was mesmerized by the fire that consumed his mother, unaware that it was the spawn of his own hands. As he grew, he developed power that was beyond comprehension. Able to bend his own lifeline and that of others, he became an unparalleled practitioner of the dark arts, adorning a coat of fire and shadow over a heart of pure ice. Growing a hunger for more power, he burned and destroyed everything he could in the search to satisfy his desire. But, like many other desires, it was unsatisfiable. Burning, destroying, and pillaging swept a reign of fear through the land, and all knew the name that the Lord of Death had given himself: Necronas.
Now he stood, watching his own past before his eyes. He had grown disgusted of his own savage nature years before, the insane desire to destroy. He was immortal, and thus time had no bearing on him: he could practice and do as he pleased. He realized that he had no need for all the power in the world, simply enough. Simply enough. Now it was the time for culture, for enjoyment.
Necronas. What a horrible name. One that reminded him of his horrible past. One that showed the world that he was the only one who held their mortality in his hands, the only one who was immune from those laws himself. Now he was a changed man. He was cultured, he knew of poetry and of fine dining and of beautiful women.
Yet, it was a name that stuck. Necronas.
05-04-2009, 11:35 AM
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He watched as the being who was the source of the havoc walked among the flames, undaunted by them and even encouraged and satisfied by the destruction they caused. His soul was one that was both fresh and strong. It was strong and bold, with both the wisdom of an ancient and the vitality of a youngling. Such a specimen would make a fine addition to the Necronas's collection. Yet, Necronas watched and passed by. His was a soul that Necronas realized he was not ready to take. He was still revitalizing his own flame, and besides, the sun was still up.
Confident that he would meet the stranger again, Necronas set off to find his own little village with which to fuel his fledgeling fire into the inferno it once was.
The burning and destruction was accompanied by a wonderful melody. Necronas did not simply vocalize his spells. A tactic he had learned from one of the ancient books, his words were sung. The beauty and fluidity of it made him lose his stamina far more slowly, for his spells were no longer wasting the prescious energy that was required to direct them into bursts and supress them at all other times. His spells were continuous, eternal, just like him. The screams carried their own notes, each one supporting as the base for the song which would spawn more screams of pain, each of which was stronger than the last. Necronas closed his eyes, for the beauty of the song was impeccable, the beauty of the bloodlust, a beauty that he had abandoned for so long. A beauty that was so far greater than the most beautiful damsel.
He stopped. Something disturbed the song. A single teenage boy with a weak sword stood, his legs shaking with fear, yet standing adamant to defend a beautiful girl who lay on the grass crying behind him, softly muffling her sobs. Necronas walked towards them. The boy shut his eyes and his legs began to wobble faster than ever, yet he held his sword upright.
"Go." Necronas said.
The boy stammered, and his eyes opened weakly.
"Go. Get out."
The boy was speechless. "Wha-"
"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Necronas yelled.
The boy dropped his sword, grabbed the girl's arm and ran. They stumbled and moved slowly away across the wide plains. As Necronas watched them go he wondered to himself, why had he pardoned them? Was it that the past still haunted him? No, impossible. He had forsaken his humanity years ago, and it was not his fault. The others had taken everything from him, the world was his enemy.
And that boy was of the world. Why did he let him go? He was just like the rest of them. The ones who label those who are powerful beyond comprehension as freaks and demons. That boy was nothing like him. Nothing. Necronas did not have a heart. He was not human. Hearts made one weak, Necronas was beyond that. He was immortal.
He looked back at the children, still stumbling over the rocks. He hated them now more than he had hated them when he first came to destroy their lives. With a wave of his hands, the weaklkings were on their knees feeling horribly ill. Necronas approached them slowly. What was eventually left was little more than bones and ash.
Chaos has no conscience because it does not differentiate. Men are all the same, regardless of their deeds, both moral and immoral. Chaos is the master of fate, the one who choses whether its playthings will live or die. Chaos has no time for formalities and culture.
Now he knew why he loved it so much.
05-04-2009, 01:20 PM
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Ketotsue looked onward towards the rain of death a loof of awe and fear in his eyes. " W...Who could be responsible for such an attrosity". He stamered as he tried to take hold of his body and mind and force himself to move. As of right now his only desire was to find the root of all this insanity and strike them down, for now there crimes were unforgivable. A blow against him could be forgotten but a blow on the world itself must have its vengance.
As he stood there he realized why he was so devoted to seeking out justice for this crime for it was his own hand that caused this world so much pain in his years past. It was a part of him he only wished he could forgot all the lives he stole away for his own petty wish of becomeing something more than human a being that could look into the eye of destiny and spit into it. Now he was sure no normal mortal could accomplish such a task for after he had saught the destruction of uncountable villages, he still saw the lines that had begune to mare his face grow deeper and more plentiful and as such he had devoted himself to attoneing for his mountain of sins.
" We must hurry if we are to have any hope of there being any life left when we arrive ". Ketotsue then turned on the group that had gathered from the recent battle and began to run towards the chaos that spilled out on the land not bothering to look back to see who had decided to accompany him. He then heard his spirit speak to his mind ^ FOOL turn back we do not have the energy we will need for such an encounter this will surely be our doom... that may be but there are some things in this world that are far more important than a single person's life and this is one of those things, so if your so worried about our energy why don't you stop pestering me about it and do something^.
A short time past and then he felt his spirit project its will to that of the world around him and in response to its call came minute particals of energy from what was left on the path of decay that lead to the forest. It was the will of the world itself to strike vengance into the heart of the one responsible for this and as such it was more than willing to gift its energy to any being willing to fight for it. He rejoyced as he felt his body become light with the world's pure energy and now felt more than ready for whatever blight awaited him at the end of decayed path he now followed.
05-04-2009, 04:30 PM
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Vuxxa further ran through the forest, with decay fowllowing him. ^Yes follow me you fool. You shall know^ he thought. He wrapped around and came out on the other side of the mountain adn before him a plain. Legions upon legions of men, demon, beast and the like stood before him. Vuxxa opened the link with ketotsue and begane speaking to his army "As far as I can see there is nothing think that cannot be handled by us. Those that you yourselves cannot defeat, I can, that is all we need. The orginization has grown over the years for sure. We suffered humiliating defeats in the past, against smalls groups of skilled fighters. That was because of certain, gaps in knowledge. Now, our plans have renewed themselves. Soon, it shall all be ours! There are...other sources of that special energy we have been seeking. Also me and my associates shall be takeing a more...active role in battles. The Aligru shall never die! Prepare for battle!" Vuxxa spoke with his mind through the link ^Well ketotsue, what do you think of that. Never in your wildest thoughts would this have ever entered your mind. You thought The Aligru to be long dead did you not. That shadowy organization that plagued so many lives^ he let forth a lauph showing his insanity. ^Come, fight me. But can poor little Keto stand a chance.^
05-04-2009, 11:16 PM
He pondered momentarily, wondering about that himself. "Well as a people, we generally don't consume the flesh of animals..but since you're not really an Elf..I think we might be able to make an exception for you to be able to hunt out in the forest. But you can't go overboard, its one of the reasons they're fighting the mortals." He listened to her for a few moments before he smiled, "We do not. I'll make sure that it is alright with the queen that you partake from the bounty of the forests." He thought about her last question for quite some time before he shrugged his shoulders, "I don't really know. You can look at yourself and try to figure out where you came from. But without knowing them, you can't really tell what kind of people they are or anything like that. I can try to help you find out though. I will teach you everything I can, to help you learn and grow." He grinned and walked with her back towards the cottage.
05-05-2009, 04:35 PM
Hmmmmmmmmm I'm going to read all these wonderful posts now, I wonder, is it too late to rejoin?
05-05-2009, 05:46 PM
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No, it's not too late. Go ahead, rejoin.
05-05-2009, 05:53 PM
“If I don’t consume the flesh of animals,†she wrinkled her nose as she said it, the words just feeling wrong coming from her mouth, “I’d probably wither away and die.â€
Combing her fingers through her hair, pulling the fire red strands out of her pupil-less blue eyes, she sighed. “I would never go overboard. I only kill what I need and only what I can eat. Usually, depending on how hungry I am, a couple of rabbits or a small deer will be enough. Once I even sold the skins when I was careful not to ruin it too much.â€
Her stomach did the very unladylike growling again and her cheeks flushed a bit. “Do you think you could ask her soon? I fear what might happen if I don’t get some real sustenance in my belly now,†she smiled sheepishly at him and really hoped that he said yes. She really needed to hunt, or eat, whatever. Though after not changing for son long she felt like her skin might split soon if she didn’t. That or she was just a little too excited about this place to want to control her shifting much. Just the thought of hunting brought the primal thoughts she often took when in the form of a predator.
Realizing he was answering her last question she abruptly brought her attention back to the conversation. “Oh…well, I know a little about my mother. I sort of have her eyes only hers were read and she was blind. I can see though. What I really want to know is who my father was and if he’s the reason I can do so much more than what my mother can. An old lady who knew my mother used to tell me some stories about her but she didn’t know much. Only what she could do.†She sighed softly, remembering the older woman. When that lady had died was when she had been put into the boarding school. Ugh, that place was just awful.
She noticed they were heading back to the cottage and she glanced towards the place they had come from after seeing the queen. “Could we go ask her now? Or would it be alight if I just caught something and see if it was okay later?†Again her stomach growled as if trying to aid her words.
05-05-2009, 06:50 PM
He shrugs his shoulders lightly, "Like I said, I will speak to the queen, and we will see what we can do about granting you clemency to hunt the wood. I won't let you wither away and die quite yet." He smiled softly and nodded, "Alright then. Well we don't trade in furs or anything, just return it to the earth, I suppose that's all we can really ask of you." He paused and nodded, "I will get you your rights, you can go and start now if you so wish." He turned on his heel and looked towards the way they had come before continuing to listen to her. He shrugged his shoulders, "Ah I see. Seeking the answers to paternity without knowing the man can be difficult." He nodded again and stalked off towards the building they had come from, "Go. I'll deal with it, you'll be fine." He grinned widely as he padded back to the queen.
05-05-2009, 07:44 PM
She grinned a little, “I’m glad you won’t. I can’t see withering away as a very pleasant way to die. Seems quite…uncomfortable really.†Flicking her hair over her shoulders she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “I can do that. I promise I won’t waste anything, it makes me sad to see wasted food and what not anyway.â€
She stopped walking as he turned semi-abruptly towards the queens’ residence. She started to follow him until he started to speak and she smiled. “You won’t get in trouble will you? I promise I’ll be neat and I won’t take more than what I need and whatever is left I’ll make sure goes back to the Earth.†She acted before thinking, something she had a little habit of doing, and hugged him when he gave her permission to hunt. While she hoped he wouldn’t get in trouble she was really, really, hungry.
So excited she pivoted on her heel and practically ran towards the cottage. She couldn’t shift outside; it’d be embarrassing to have a pile of cloths left in her wake. Also that would just be rude. So, heading back into the cottage she looked around for a moment, making sure no one would just walk in or see her, she quickly stripped and shoved her cloths into her bag. Running through the things she could shift into through her head she figured she needed to get out of the cottage first. Something she should have thought of before hand.
Sighing she moved towards a window, moving in a crouch to stay out of view, and pushed it open about eight inches or so. Then, closing her eyes, she shuddered as she skin rippled.
Her body started to shrink and change, skin rippling as feathers replaced flesh. Her arms turned to wings, her mouth and nose stretched into a beak and as the change finished a little red bird sat in her place. Flapping her newly gained wings she hopped up onto the windowsill and proceeded to fly her way out. She took a moment to look over the village from her new birds eye view. She also paused to swoop in and circle around Escalion’s head to chirp a thank you at him before flying off into the forest.
Once she was far enough from the village she landed in a group of secluded trees and once again her body started to ripple and change. This time reddish black fur replaced the feathers and her body took on the form of a rather large wolf. Stretching, front paws moving out in front of her so her back sloped downwards, she measured her hunger. Her stomach growled noisily even in this form and she sighed mentally. Looked like it was time to have deer for dinner. She had a feeling she could eat most of it. If not her perked ears picked up the sounds of a family of foxes near by and she was sure they would finish what little she left.
Standing up right she lifted her head and inhaled through her sensitive nose. It took a few sniffs and change of direction but she finally smelled a heard of small deer. Taking off, her massive paws eating up huge amounts of ground, she headed towards the heard. As she got closer she slowed, ears swiveling to listen. It was a small heard, maybe three at most. Creeping closer she saw two does and a buck. The buck was definitely too big for her to eat but the second doe was just big enough.
Crouching down she slowly inched forward, closer, and closer, until she could almost hear the rapid beats of their hearts. A split second later she was chasing. The deer bolted but she only cared about her target. Tunnel vision took over as she leapt and tackled the deer, sinking her teeth into its neck as she rode its body to the ground. The doe kicked and tried to buck her off but she stayed latched onto its neck with teeth and claws. Retreating into her wolfs brain to ignore the heat of the blood spilling into her mouth as she hated the smell, and taste, of blood normally.
The doe eventually stopped moving and Laylani was able to eat. She gave herself completely over to the sense of being a real wolf as she devoured the meat she so desperately needed. She didn’t stop eating until her stomach felt distended and when she stepped back she noticed that she had actually eaten pretty much all of the small doe.
Remembering her promise to Escalion she managed to drag the deer to a place where decay would take charge and bring the deer back to the Earth and help life grow. Also where the fox family would be able to find it and pick what was left. Next she trotted away from her kill to find some source of water. No way was she going back covered in blood.
05-05-2009, 08:33 PM
He chuckles softly to himself and nods, "No, I don't imagine that it would be a very pleasant way to die. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone, least of all you." He smiled warmly, "I know you won't. I trust you." He started walking away from her and turned his head as he walked, "Oh I might. But I can take care of myself. You just take care of you for now, I don't want you to be unwell." He laughed as she hugged him and hugged her back, happy. He pondered that happiness for a few moments as she turned and walked away, gazing after her. "Hmm." He smiled softly as he saw a bird return and chirp at him and he knew it was her. He turned back and started walking back to the queen. He shouldn't feel that way about a mortal. He would be more then just shunned, he'd be outcast from elven society forever if he dared to love her. He shook his head, driving those thoughts away. He just met her afer all. No sense in getting all worked up about another shapeshifter. He had seen them before..but her eyes captivated him. He sighed softly as he walked back into the building, making his way past the guards into the queen's garden. She looked up at him and the trees whispered in the wind. "You know what I've done already, I do not doubt your power. But I think it is far easier to beg forgiveness, my lady, then ask permission." The elf queen stood up, laughing. She approached him, "Well that is a very interesting philosophy, Escalion. Be sure not to put into effect too often however. I do like to hear from my subjects, especially concerning the nature of your act. She could be killed by our own people for poaching on the land." He nodded and bowed to her. It was the first time that she had even spoken to him, and that held more connotations then he dared to consider. "I know, my lady. But given the options, I didn't want her shifting unwillingly and not having control. You saw her..she is more frail then she seems, I think." She nodded to him and touched his shoulder, the trees whispering. And yet she still deemed it worthy to speak to him again. "She is..take care of her Escalion. But I know what lies in your heart, and as you know, you could not stay. It would be an abomination to our people. Push it away before it consumes you." The queen turned, "She will have my permission to hunt as long as she stays. She is good to the kill, I have watched her. They shall not be told anything but what they need know, just stress to keep her out of sight of the scouts. They will not appreciate it." With that the queen dismissed him, sitting back down. He sighed again and left the palace once again, wandering out into the pleasant afternoon, thinking about what she had said to him. He knew in his heart that he shouldn't..but he wondered where she was, and if she had filled herself already. He flapped the wings on his back and furrowed his brows in concentration as they began to shrink and reform into his shoulder blades. When the last bone disappeared, he frowned slightly and headed back to the cottage, figuring as it was one of the few places she knew, she would return there when she was finished hunting. He walked back to the building and went inside, finding a chair to sit in. He twiddled his thumbs and pondered this new addition to their people, and what she would bring to them...and to him. He chuckled warmly to himself, "Irrational, that's what this is." He shook his head, smiling, as he waited upon her return.
05-05-2009, 09:25 PM
Boss Hunter
Necronas is offline
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Posts: 184
Necronas rode long on a horse that he had stolen from the destroyed village he had left behind. He rode deep into the forest and plains which once thrived with life but, since the humans of the land had been reduced to mere nomads and adventurers, they held close to nothing. Then he saw it. A single silver cross was all that stood there, but he knew it well. This was his village, the one that he had destroyed completely so many years before. His village. He could not find her body, and he assumed that she had burned along with everyone else. She was the only one who deserved a proper burial. All the others needed no respect, for they deserved none. He had erected a single gravestone for her, with a single word melted in with fire. No date, no words of comfort. Nothing more than a name.
He clutched the silver cross, holding on to it as if for dear life. She was his only anchor to sanity. She was the only one that kept the little humanity that he still had after all those years intact. But she was long dead, and her legacy had ended there, all those years ago in fire.
Or so he thought.
Last edited by Necronas; 09-11-2009 at 10:33 AM..
05-05-2009, 10:15 PM
Silmar awoke to see nothing.
Or was darkness truly nothing? Was darkness bad? He had had a master once, a philosopher, who had always had the nerve to insist that chaos and order were eternally linked, in fact, he had ventured to say they were brothers, two sides of the same coin.
But, surely that was rediculous? Chaos was the source of evil, the abominnation of gods, the ruination of all that was.
And yet, without chaos thee would be no order, his master had said. That was ridiculous, if the gods took away chaos there would only be order. Order would rein. Chaos could die in a lightless abyss.
But, was he chaos?
Was he an abomination?
Was he unntatural?
He was technically undead
^You always did think too much^ Aragoth thought to him, intercepting another spasm of self hatred. ^You slept through a battle that could wake the dead!^ the wolf growled ^full of rotten magicks, and now a village burns and chaos gallops through the country side!^ Aragoth almost howled. "Rotten MAgicks" was the wolf word for black magic.
Silmar rose unsteadily, forced to bend down under the low wall of the den, sore from the night and slightly hungry. The strang thing was, he got hungry, but he didn't need to eat, So long as he had blood, he was fine. Human food was more of a luctury then a neccesity.
He heard an urgent masculine voice saying "We must hurry if we are to have any hope of there being any life left when we arrive ." Silmar really hoped the source of this unnamed peril was not undead. He hated other undead. They were half the reason why his luck was so bad.
He climbed out of the small cavity in the mountain to witness a most unusually group standing in what an old master of his had called "battle shock", the state in which one has just become momentarily desensitised to violence and the horrors of battle to better fight.
They all looked a little worse for wear from the unknown pevious ordeal.
Silmar approached unsteadily, unsure of what to say, unsure if he would be accepted or not.
"Hail friends," he said unsteadily, sensing Aragoth padding up behind him, "I am Silmar, pray, what has occured here?"
He slowly and imperceptibly tensed each and every muscle in his body, awakening them for possible combat.
He really hoped all would go well.
************************************************** ************************
((((Wow everyone! GREAT story! Lots of characters and clashing morals! But, I see only one problem, some of these guys (villains especially) seem uber nasty, and by nasty, I mean powerful! I mean, everyone but Silmar seems to have some cool magic power, or they can turn into cool stuff! I'm just worried that my poor vampire will be flattened, but other than that, I couldn't have hoped for better, G'job all!))))))))))))))))
05-05-2009, 10:40 PM
He waited for her to return until long after he thought she should be back. He wondered where she had gone out to hunt and stood up, pacing around the cottage before looking out the windows. "Hope she didn't get lost. Silly bird." He walked out of the cottage and listened for a few moments before he growled low in the back of his throat, hoping she hadn't gotten into trouble with the scouts. "Well, I can only go look for her.." So he did. He started to shrink and change, hopping up into the trees to jump to and from trees, even though his subconscious wanted nuts. ^Stupid squirrel..always wants to eat.^ He thought to himself as he searched for her out amongst the trees.
05-06-2009, 09:39 AM
(Perloo? Im not sure if you mean us as the group?Or somebody else)
Fang looked up at the upcoming stranger....a wolf padded behind him...gasping in short breaths to regain some small morsel of energy.
"Let the archer here tell you." Hoping she would relay her side of the story, Fang rested.
"I dont have the energy in my body to give a tale as of yet..*turning towards the girl*.....Archer?"
05-06-2009, 03:29 PM
He tittered and kept moving, keeping his nose to the air in case his senses could find her before he did. He saw movement ahead in the bushes. Something that looked like it was mean and furry. He pondered to himself for a moment and figured he'd try to watch it, see if it was Laylani. He ran towards the spot where he had thought he had seen the predator, but it was no longer there. He leapt to another branch and acked. He tried to backpedal in midair, but flailing around didn't help him. He jumped straight into a little red bird which for a moment he thought he recognized it as he fell helpless towards the unwelcoming ground. ^Oh this won't be pleasant..^ He thought to himself as he hit with an expulsion of air from his lungs. He lay there on the ground, hoping he could still move and hadn't broken anything. Any injuries would translate to his other bodies, so he just lay still, breathing shallowly.
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