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Old 09-21-2009, 06:18 PM   #201
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It was happening too fast for the young girl.
Much too fast.

Qtchi stood beside Castiel, a confused expression upon her face. ”This cannot be happening,” She whispered, her look turning even more horrified when the man showed her the images. Indeed, the sight of such a familiar face, turning upon those she considered friends…


”How could this be? I thought he was on our side,” The archer spoke in a strangled voice, her eyes now filled with anguish and pain. The man released his hand, his face sorrowful as he turned away from her. It was then, the man told Qtchi the story of his past - one that completely rendered the young lass speechless.

Horrified, she clutched her hands, her lips slightly parted in disbelief. This… THIS is the Necronis that had befriended us and invited him into his castle? She stood rooted in her spot, her eyes growing wider as the man continued to speak, unable to pull herself out of this growing nightmare. How could this be?

”Oh dear Gods, what shall we do now?” She whispered, closing her eyes and resting her forehead within her hands. She didn't know how long she remained in that position, but something happened that very second - a slight tug that made the girl look up in confusion. "The air-" She whispered, her dark eyes turned towards the entrance a few feet away.

Indeed, the air had changed and all around the girl, she could feel the tension thicken. Whispers filled her mind and she could feel the spell growing once more.

”What is this?” She whispered to herself, her brows furrowed in deep thought. The young girl was unaware of any mind link Necronas had given her earlier, but even now, she could feel the tug of the spell. It trickled through her body and filled her with a sense of apprehension. The amulet around her neck began pulsing once more, the taste of magic growing upon her tongue, enticing the girl.

The young archer did the only thing that came to her mind.
Turning away from the man beside her, the girl ran for the entrance...
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Old 09-22-2009, 01:20 PM   #202
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^Pathetic...^ the voice of his spirit, Atterimus echoed in his mind. ^ When first we meet youngling you seemed to have such potential... look at you now laying face first in your own filth... your body is not even fit to be my vessel anymore^. His spirit paused here seemingly prompting him to respond. ^Atterimus this was as much your decision as it was mine you share equal stake in my brothers life. You know as well as I that our bound is much more... important than the average brothers if one of us dies than the other follows blindly into the abyss... and more importantly for you if either of us die so do you^.

The voice of his spirit then rung out through his mind yet again. ^ Indeed you are correct fleshling that is why you will no longer be controlling my vessel... Now you will know the misery of no control you shall never again fell the world around you... NOW IT IS MY TIME TO TAKE THE REIGNS^.

He could fell his spirit taking control over his body but there was nothing he could do to stop the process. With one pulse of it's energy Ketotsue was relegated to sitting idly by as Atterimus took full control over his body...

He tried to stand but the pain of his wounds would not allow it. ^ I had forgot what it was like to fell such pain^. He relished every second of it, the pain was like an aphrodisiac to him. Yet every fiber of his new body screamed out for it to stop Atterimus relished every second. In an instant he grew tired of his pain and took action against it.

Using his spiritual power he pulled in energy from the spectral entities surrounding him. ^ How lucky of me to take control in the middle of a demonic war^. His thirst for energy satiated he forced the flow of spectral mana into his wounds. Black light poured out of the gashes and soon his new body was completely back to normal.

Except for his new eyes. For some reason he had failed to keep them there original dark brown, and now they had taken on an almost luminescent shade of light blue. That hardly mattered though luckily enough Ketotsue hide his face from everyone but Vuxxa and he was hardly in a postion to give him away. " Now... I think it's time for some fun"

Last edited by ketotsue; 09-22-2009 at 01:42 PM..
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Old 09-28-2009, 06:15 PM   #203
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(uhm so i guess i'll just post again)

Atterimus then took his first steps in reality again. Everything was just as he remembered the wind especially was a comfort to him it was something he had grown to miss a great deal as a spirit. " Well I suppose it's time to put this body to a test ". He then looked around surveying the battle field that lay before him most of the combatants were minor demons and a few arch demons but there were two figures of real interest. One was a pitch black demon of obvious power and the other a mage who he would not have taken under the least consideration had he not already known about the tremendous amount of mana he had under his control.

^ I think I'll take the demon out first the mage will be an easy target once this battle is under control ^. Atterimus then charged full speed at the demon that was released from vuxxa's body. As he neared the battle he decided to anounce his precence early with a burst of magic. " DARK INFERNUM " the words filled the air with electricity as the spirit released a rather large mana burst. Shortly after the ground around the demon turned black as night shriveling up and dying as the effect of the spell took hold. Moments passed and soon the dead ground took up new life as a rageing pitch black flame leapt up around the demon.

^ I doubt it does to much but the distraction will be well worth it ^. The flames then completly engulfed the demon scorching everything they managed to touch. As the flames begin there slow demiss they were given new life and suddenly pulsed outward from the demon only to quickly retract back in on him combusting on contact. He now stood several paces behind the demon as it faced Necronas ^ if all goes as planed the demon will simply think he is responsible for the spell and then when it makes it's move I shall strike and if not then the mage will attack soon enough either way this demon's time has run out^.

Last edited by ketotsue; 09-28-2009 at 06:18 PM..
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Old 09-29-2009, 10:00 PM   #204
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Castiel could sense the panic in Q's voice. ^Yes, it is happening^ thought the man. Qtchi soon ran towards the entrance and Castiel soon followed after her with his men in tow. He ran on through the gates into the blood coated battlefield. Only stragglers remained as most had been killed. Bodies laying across the land, one after another, men and demons both. ^So much for their usefulness.^ he thought. He called for her "Qtchi, you must'nt go near them. It is too dangerous."

Last edited by Vuxxa; 10-07-2009 at 12:36 AM.. Reason: needed more
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Old 10-06-2009, 05:55 PM   #205
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( im moveing this along a bit in the hopes that it will pick up again )

^ With this demon I will finally have my complete power once again nothing will stop me now^. Atterimus then charged at the demon his blade in hand. In a few quick steps he was at it's back and with one fluid motion he plunged Aregetim deep inside of the dark beast. He then started a slow chant "Malum teneo vestri demise quod per is permissum vestri vox iam exsisto mei"Evil know your demise and with it let your power now be mine, as the words left his lips the blade that now resided in the beast started to glow black.

The demon let out a horrible wail of pain as it started to thrash about madly. Atterimus simply held onto the blade braceing his feet against the demon's back. Soon the spell started to take full effect. As the beast thrashed around small peices of it began to fall off of it and float slowly into the sword in it's back. The demon then let out one final scream of pain as it fell apart entirely. All that was left from the demon was the now black blade of Aregetim, which now served as the prison of the beast.

Atterimus looked at the changed blade and small smile crept over him. ^ Now this is how I was meant to be^. The power that once belonged to that demon was now his to control. He was at long last... complete.

All that was once "Vuxxa's" army was now scatered to the winds with the fall of there leader. those that had been lucky enough to live had been let lose of his spell and now fleed the terrible scene. All that was left was for him to assume the role of Ketotsue and find the people that had accompanied him to this place. He walked over to where vuxxa lay passed out on the ground and kneeled down beside him. ^ You will wake up soon... if he notices the eyes all would be lost... but I can not kill him, without killing myself... but I can kill the others and his "honor" won't let him allow others to die for him^
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Old 10-06-2009, 09:41 PM   #206
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(ugh, i will go along with this even though it throws a major wrench in my plans, though this could have an even better outcome if i do it right.)

Last edited by Vuxxa; 10-06-2009 at 11:31 PM..
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Old 10-13-2009, 09:43 PM   #207
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( So am I the only one that plans on posting here anymore??? )

He could feel the power of the demon flowing within him, a demented smile graced itself on his features. ^ Now for some fun ^ He then dashed through the battlefield leaving Necronas far behind. Anything that he happened upon was ran through with the now black katana. Even the arch demons Necronas had forged were nothing in the face of the once again complete Atterimus.

As the expanse of field fell under his feet he saw the archer Q runing away from a group of men lead by someone in odd formal atire. He then leaped high into the landing right behind Q, a single drop of blood fell from the blade as he pointed it towards the odd group. ^ Ahh demon's I should have known^ Turn away now demon's or feel the grip of death."

Last edited by ketotsue; 10-15-2009 at 12:25 AM..
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Old 10-16-2009, 04:20 PM   #208
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She made it to the entrance.

There was movement behind her and Castiel hurried to catch up to the lass, his voice calling out from behind her shoulders. Her heart pounded within her throat and the girl was almost scared to peer outside - lest she saw the bodies of her comrades strewn upon the ground. The girl slowed her steps, gradually bringing her body around to face the man once more.

It was then, a dark shadow suddenly darted towards her.

The girl gasped, her hands groping for her bow - only recalling, at the last minute, that she had lost it when she awoke in the chambers underground. Defenseless, she clenched her fist and waited for an impact… only it never came.

The shadow zipped across the threshold and neatly leapt over her head, making the girl straighten. Deep-golden-brown-eyes blinked as the blur landed heavily… behind her.

What? Confused, she waited for the dark cloak to settle and he straightened into view. Shock schooled her features as she gaped at the broad shoulders and drawn sword.

”K-Ketotsue?” The girl stuttered in plain confusion. ”But I saw your death…”

Her voice trailed off as her gaze flew past the swordsmen’s tense shoulders and at the man who saved her. Despite the bewilderment, it didn’t take long for the girl to elucidate the situation within her mind.

”You liar!” The girl hissed at Castiel from behind Ketotsue. Her lips pulled back in a snarl, even as she remained behind the swordman’s protection. Her eyes darkened with anger and the girl coiled herself, ready for an attack.

Even without a weapon, she wasn’t defenseless.
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Old 10-17-2009, 12:39 AM   #209
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He stood motionless in front of Q waiting for the demon to make a move. As he waited he reached into his side belt pulled out the dagger he had tucked away and tossed it behind him. He couldn't strike not yet at least. He leaned back still faceing the demon and whispered " Q the leader appears to be a demon as for the others I am unsure but if they so much as flinch we attack ". This would make for a decent test of his new power. He let his blade arm fall to his side the tip of the black blade barely touching the ground ready to be brought up at a moments notice.
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Old 10-17-2009, 04:07 PM   #210
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^Noooooo^ thought Castiel ^This can't be happening^. He looked at the man standing before him, searching the magic permeating his soul ^They call this one ketotsue^ reading the magics yet more "Atterimus" he yelled now connecting his magic to ketotsue's ^Atterimus, is that really you. I sense other magicks, but the stench of your magick is unmistakable. I can see what you have done, but don't think that Choronzon can be destroyed so easily. Remember, you cannot avoid judgement forever^.

Turning his gaze upon upon Q he spoke "I have not lied to you, I thought he had died. I think I can peice together what happened. The spirit of Atterimus permeates this man standing before us, I believe it is controlling him as we speak. Can you not feel the darkness spreading from him. I can feel it, strongly, not only that, he has absorbed the power of Vuxxa, and taken it for his own."

************************************************** ************

Vuxxa felt it, the pain, like his body being ripped to peices. The blade twisted around inside him, his mind breaking down, slowly the creature disappeared and Vuxxa dropped down, face first, into the mud. His head ringing and body numb, he simply laid in the slop, eyes wide open. He heard Ketotsue walk over to him, then leave. Screaming echoeing in his mind, over and over again. Ther were whispers in his mind "I will never leave, I am as much a part of you now as you yourself are". The wind began to whip around him bringing the sent of death ^How much pain I have caused. If only I were stronger^. He tried to move but only his fingers curled up before slowly relaxing again. Then his mind went black.

Vuxxa was walking thought a town, everybody running and screaming, and army was sweeping though the streets, the soldiers chasing people down and running them thorugh, Vuxxa watched with a smile on his face. Soon something hit him, he looked around, then down, a small child had bumped into him ^No, Vuxxa yelled, run child run^ The child stared up, terror filling his eyes. Vuxxa grabed the boy by the hair, bringing him up to eye level. The child screamed and kicked, tears rolling down his face "A filthy human like yourself shold watch where your going". He heard a woman yelling and she ran up to him and swung a board, he grabbed her arm with his free hand, squesing it, she dropped the board in pain "So this must be your child. Say goodbye to him" he snatched her by the throat breaking it. Then turning to the child and grabbing him buy the skull he began to slowly squeze harder and harder then everything went black.
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Old 10-18-2009, 01:07 AM   #211
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The words of the demon entered his mind ^Atterimus, is that really you. I sense other magicks, but the stench of your magick is unmistakable. I can see what you have done, but don't think that Choronzon can be destroyed so easily. Remember, you cannot avoid judgement forever^...^ you are correct but do not think for a moment I will let you ruin the freedom I have obtained not you or your dear Choronzon will take this from me^.

The man then spoke to Q "I have not lied to you, I thought he had died. I think I can peice together what happened. The spirit of Atterimus permeates this man standing before us, I believe it is controlling him as we speak. Can you not feel the darkness spreading from him. I can feel it, strongly, not only that, he has absorbed the power of Vuxxa, and taken it for his own."

" Q this "man" is a demon known as Castiel he is planting the seeds of chaos in your mind as we speak I did not die merely fell into a sort of coma after merging with my spirit nor did I absorb Vuxxa's power I only freed him of the demon controling his body, he is simply trying to confuse you, for you see he feeds on confusion just like his master let him decive you and soon you will find your self a mere pupet of a demon such as him,"
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Old 10-20-2009, 10:22 PM   #212
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She caught the dagger swiftly, the blade winking as she lowered her arm.

Castiel’s voice called out to her, trying to convince her with his words. Her face darkened upon the beesingching look upon his face and there was an overwhelming desire to release laughter at his audacity.

Qtchi slowly brought her left foot over her right one; with her eyes still firmly upon her opponent, she shifted until she was standing beside the swordsman. Her muscles tense and her legs ready to spring, the girl smiled at Castiel.

”A enemy that arms his foe,” Qtchi spoke, lifting the indicated blade into the air. Tightening her fingers around the hilt of the blade, she curled one end of her lips until a smirk was visible. ”It’s too late Castiel, the truth is evident in my face…”

Here, she paused, lowering her arm a few inches as she tilted her head at the men - ”If you surrender, you have my word no harm will come to you…”
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Old 10-20-2009, 10:49 PM   #213
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Castiel stares at Q as she shows him the dagger "If that is the way you want it, then I fear for your sould. His plans will come to fruition, and I am telling you they will not be good for anybody. You and Ketotsue both will understand the trechery of Atterimus". One of the mages in the group finished whispering the words of a spell and a light enveloped them, they all disapeared withing the light, but Castiel remained.

Looking at Q once again he spoke "They are gone, I will not put my men in harms way as I say this. I never thought this would happen, but I say these words in full confidence that you will keep your word Q and no harm will come to me." He paused looking at the two, unbuckling his shieth with sword, throwing it down upon the ground at the duos feet "I surrender." the words stung his tung and churned his stomach, yet he said them.

Last edited by Vuxxa; 10-20-2009 at 10:54 PM..
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Old 10-23-2009, 06:16 PM   #214
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Her eyes flew wide with surprise, as the mages suddenly disappeared and Castiel threw down his weapons. For a moment, she froze, unsure of her next move… but the moment was gone, as her lashes fluttered against her cheek and a look of apprehension furrowed across her brow.

It seemed too sudden - his apparent surrender - and Qtchi regarded him with suspicion. ”Let us hope you are a man of your word,” She uttered in a low voice, tightening her grip upon the hilt of her blade.

”Watch my back,” The young girl told the swordsman as she shifted away from his side. ”I will approach first and make sure he is truly unarmed…”

Her hands apprehensively shifted the dagger, from one hand into the other, the cool blade pressed against her palm. The girl slid her feet along the ground, peering cautiously around her surroundings. The mages appeared to have left the premises, but for all she knew, it could be a trap and one misstep would leave her encircled.

She hoped Ketstosue was alert…

The girl eased closer. He was close enough for the girl to reach out and grab him… or for the demon to cast a spell. Her dark eyes narrowed upon Castiel’s face and the girl began to lower her arm, her toe nudging out to kick aside his weapons.
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Old 10-25-2009, 10:49 PM   #215
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The words of the demon had come as a great suprise to Atterimus. ^ what is he planing no servant of choronzon would even think about finding themselves prisoner to this body... I should just kill him now though if I do im sure Q will have something to say about it^. So he stood unblinking ready to lash out at any moments time. For the demon was more than likely to be setting a trap for the both of them.

" Do not worry Q, no harm will befall you". His blade was at his side ready to find it's place in the demon in a seconds notice, and now it was as if the blade it's self called out for blood most likely a curse from the demon now sealed inside of it. ^ All I can do for now at least is to wait this out sooner or later his time will come ^. As of now he stood waiting staring into the demon's eyes waiting as if he would suddenly see the intentions of this, Castiel.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Deep in the catacombs of the mind of Atterimus there was a strugle playing out. The vessel and the spirit at war with eachother each fighting for the right to live again. ~Ketotsue~" This is MY body Atterimus and I will have it BACK" ~Atterimus~ " Silence boy it is my time now know your place and feel the pain that was once mine". To ketotsue the mind he once knew as his was now his prison, a prison of darkness that nothing could peirce " SOON YOU SHALL FEEL MY WRAITH SPIRIT!!! ".

Last edited by ketotsue; 11-07-2009 at 12:56 PM..
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Old 10-26-2009, 12:43 AM   #216
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Q spoke with Ketotsue before she aproached Castiel. He watched as she slowly cam towards him, dagger gripped tightly. She looked around, almost as if she expected something to leap out, ^I find this a little amusing^ he thought. He looked at her as she eyed him, eyes narrowing, still he showed nothing, looking at her calmly as she readied to kick his blade. His eyes now turned to Ketotsue, standing at the ready, Castiel stared directy into his eyes, he could see smething amiss, but just what it was he could not tell.
__________________________________________________ ________

Another scene played out before Vuxxa now. He was a child, looking through a door into a throne room. The king and queen both sitting upon their thrones, both with weapon at their sides, the king wore elaborate armor, made of a strange metal, blue-green in color with a silvery tint, a red jewel sitting in the center of the chest peice, his eyes green, his hair was combed streight back with gray streaks running through the red, no crown sat upon his head, it was his blade that was his sign of kingship, strange letterings ran down the the blade which had a barely recognizabel shade of blue witha green jewel at the base of the blade, the handle was gold, the hand guard looked like 2 dragon, each coming down over an opposite side of the black, mouth wide open, what appeared to be spirits rising from the earth were in between the dragons.

The queen, though beautiful was not delicate, she wore her own set of armor similar to the kings, though lighter, her black hair hung loose and flowing down her back without a sign of graying, her eyes wre dark brown, but there was something strange about them, like they belonged to something else, a crown did not sit upon her head either, her weapon was a sword, also similar to the kings exept the sybols on the blade were different, but as he looked at it it seemed to change quickly almost not enouph for him to notice, it seemedto turn int a katana witha black blade and red handle, nobody in the room seemed to notice.

Suddenly the door bursed open, two soldier were dragging a man through the door, the man wearing nothing but black, was pale skinned, there were bags under his eyes. One soldier was carrying another weapon with him, it's design was strange. "My lord" said the soldier "This man was caught sneaking around the Awakening. This is his weapon" the soldier showed the weapon he was holding. The King gasped "The Atru Malum! Why have you come? Your people know of the threats of the Awakening as much as we do. By coming here you have broken the treaty between our peoples. Do you wish to relive the war of two hundred years ago."

The man looked up at the king "Just because your afraid does no mean that we are." The king looked at the man, his eyes wide with shock, "This is MADNESS! Does Arshea wish to repeat the insanity of Atterimus!" At the sounding of the name Atterimus many soldiers in the room seemed to shake slighlty, the two holding the man seemed taken by surprise, vuxxa looked at the queen, she seemed to have a small smile on her face, yet nobody seemed to notice. The man lauphed "Maybe he was right." the man stared right up at the king "Our people shall be whole again." The king stood up "You shall die by those words!" Vuxxa felt spirit energy as the king held out his hand, without saying a word something appeared and quickly went through the man, carrying his sould with it and disapearing. The boy then waked away from the door and walked down a hall, rather shaken "War" said the boy. He passed by a mirror and the boy looked over at it ^That child is me^ thought Vuxxa, ^The first memory I have recovered of my childhood. So, Atteruimus has something to do with my peoples history. As soon as I recover I must tell my brother.^

Last edited by Vuxxa; 11-07-2009 at 09:26 PM..
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Old 11-07-2009, 12:54 PM   #217
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Ketotsue had been relegated to little more than a voice in his old bodies mind. And the truth of it left him rather discontent. ^ How am I going to get out of here ^ with no ideas he set about trying the only thing that came to mind, forceing his way out. He through himself at the darkness with everything he had useing what magic's he had available to him. Little happened in this time however, but after several moments passed he realized the toll this was takeing on Atterimus. It was obvious to him due to the spirit's once blocked mental processes, which were now slowly revealing themselves.

^ Soon my real pow... his brother holds hal... Exercitus, there homeland must return after... the little pest is in my thoughts hear me Ketotsue, struggle all you like nothing will save you from the darkness^. " So maybe if I drain him from the inside I can gain control again." He then summoned all the energy he could manage drawing only on Atterimus thus weaking him even further. When at last he felt as if any more would cause him to burst he released the energy stored within, a massive dome of dark energy spread outwards from his body and started pushing against the confines of the darkness. Soon the walls of Atterimus's mind became visable to him and the strain on Atterimus was now becomeing outwardly apparent as well, due to the enhanced rate of breath and sweat now beading on his forehead.

Moments passed with the dome still fighting against the walls with no effect. Then he saw what would promise his freedom, a crack was now forming amongst all the energy. He flung himself at the crack in the wall with every fiber of his being. Upon impact with the wall the dome of energy disapeared only to be replaced with a burst of white light from the colision upon the wall.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

" No how can th..." the words of Atterimus were suddenly cut off. " Im back finally" he looked around him and found his sword unsheathed in his hand with Q close by along with a new person someone that seemed familiar to him and yet he did not know him. " Q listen to me quickly I am not who you think I am Atterimus has taken control of my body as I speak he is now takeing it again, I don't know how much longer I can last like this so you have to take this man and run as far from me as possible, find Vuxxa and tell him what happened.... UGH AHHHHHHHH.... please go now... hurry...... RRUUUNNNNNNN!!!"

He knew Atterimus was about to regain control but he had to hold out for just a little longer. Q had to be able to escape she could not be lead to slaughter due to his own weakness. ^ Atterimus you will never have my body you may hold it for now but I will take back my place, I will resist you with every fiber of my soul... Foolish human you can not hope to stand against my tide for long I will crush you body, mind, and soul I will send you to the abyss...^
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Old 11-07-2009, 04:53 PM   #218
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”Not who you are?” Confusion was immediate, as the girl raised her weapon, the small blade winking coldly within her hands. To her right, stood Castiel, an unpredictable foe and enemy… To her left stood Ketotsue, an ally and friend… or at least, she thought he was one up until now…

The swordsman struggled with something within himself, his face contorted and scrunched with effort.

”Ketotsue?” She whispered, her eyes lighting upon his face in a mixture of uncertainty and fear. What is going on? She wondered, taking a step back just as the man threw his head back and shouted into the air.


Her eyes widened and for a moment, it seemed the girl was rooted to her spot. Still staring at the swordsman, she watched as the man released a tormented cry. Startled, the girl stumbled backwards, almost ramming into the sorcerer. Frantic hands anchored onto Castiels’ arm and she tugged urgently.

”Come! We must go for help,” She insisted, turning towards the entrance with great exigency.

We must find this Vuxxa…
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Old 11-07-2009, 09:18 PM   #219
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Castiel continued looking at Ketotsue as as his face showed sign ofstrain, soon sweat began to bead down his face as he was fighting something within him, his breathing quickened. What is happening to him? he wondered. He could now feel those very energies withing Ketotsue, both distinct, changeing and shifting in power, There is indeed a struggle going on, one which I know nothing about. thought Castiel. Ketotsue's eyes now changed in color and his voice spoke up, frantic. Castiel listened intently thinking So the true owner of that body now appears before me.

"RRUUUNNNNNNN!!!" shouted Ketotsue. Castiel felt a hand grip his arm, he looked over at her as she spoke to him, he quickly replied, "My thoughts exactly", as he spoke he quickly nudged his foot under his sheathed blade, kicking it into the air and grabbing it with his free hand before running with Q attached to his arm. He looked back at his speaking "The man we just heard speaking was the real Ketotsue, since he fought Vuxxa while we were in the castle the spirit Atterimus has been contolling him just as I had told you." he looked back Ketotsue as he ran, speaking to Q once again "And you had better pray to a god of your choosing that we're fast enouph because it's a real possibility magics will begin to fly from his body!"

__________________________________________________ ____________ __

Vuxxa's mind shifted to another memory. A fifteen year old Vuxxa stood outside, the sun shining brightly, a few clouds drifting by, and off in the distance yet ten more legions of soldiers marched to the southeast. "This war...will it ever end?" Vuxxa asked himself as he watched them march, most would probably parish. Soon they disapeared over a hill. "Today's training won't begin for hours,might as well walk around." he said. He began walking, stareing at the ground in thought, seen he stumbled over a root which jarred him from his thoght. Looking around h foudn he was in a forest "Uh, hopefully this is'nt the Woods of the Dark Blood. He walked along the trail before hearing whispers, following the voice he seen the outling of a woman standing before a monument. The ground was dead and black, a smell permeated the area. He looked up, the leaved that stretched over the spot of ground seemed to be dead. Rotted leaves lay scatter across the ground. Quickly hideing behind the tree he watched as the woman continued to speak "Father, your plans shall come to fruition. It will be awoken and our people shall take their rightful places as rulers of all. It is coming about as you wished, the war has taken it's toll on this nation and soon they will be ready to fall. As soon as you give the word the beasts shall fall upon them all. she finished and stood up, then a voice rand out, which startled Vuxxa

"Very good. So, I shall assume my grandson's body is properly prepared for me Yeshiya." Vuxxa gasped with shock "Mother?" he whispered

"Yes, Ketotsue is ready" she walked off lauphing into the forest as Vuxxa stood shocked How could mother do this. Betray not only our nation but her own sons. After I'm done here I must warn brother! He walked out into the clearing, it was like a vale came up around him, he stoped in surprise by this but soon walked on toward the monument it read "Her fell the darkest of all men, the traitor of nations, the man demon," several inches down in the middle of the monument read "Atterimus the Dark Blood" below that several inches further "Sleign by King Tierme" the next space below "the year 2134, 3rd month, 13th day" Vuxxa finished reading So father killed Atterimus. I remember when I was a child now, in the throne room. This man is my grandfather. No, I dont's want to believe this, that dark blood flows through my veins, and the veins of my brother. I must tell him, tell him everything. Mother must be stopped." He looked up at a trail leading though the other side of the forest That leads to the Awakening then. He was so close when father stopped him. I would like to look at it but I must warn Keto! He turned around only to be face to face with his mother, he felt his mind going faint, as he began to fall, the last hour disapearing from his mind before everything went black.

So, now everything is comeing together. Atterimus is our grandfather, Ketotsue will get quite a surprise when I tell him. Our mothers betrayal. What else could be locked within my mind. thought Vuxxa

Last edited by Vuxxa; 04-18-2010 at 03:23 AM..
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Old 11-11-2009, 10:31 PM   #220
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His body was frozen in place Atterimus ripping through his mind in an attemt to regain control. " No...No... NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO". The hands of Ketotsue flew to his head griping at his temples the torment showed plainly on his face. His shadow soon began to rip and distort around him as if it was the one responsible for all his pain. Tendrils of darkness were now sprouting from his body slowly consumeing him once again.

The darkness of his shadow then split into two new tendrils that quickly shoot across the ground. Lines of black were now stretching there way towards both Q and castiel. Ketotsue let out one final pain filled scream right before the darkness had once again consumed him completly.

" I am Atterimus and I am ETERNAL". The man once known as Ketotsue was once again no more left as a mere speck in the catacombs of anothers mind. Atterimus looked around him and saw the two people fleeing away from him. " AHH just how things should have always been". With a wave of his hand the two tendrils of darkness that were chaseing after Q and castiel stoped for a few seconds. Only to twist and change into the shape of those they were chaseing.

" I will them to you my pets, bring me there souls and you will have a place by my side in eternity"
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