08-09-2009, 09:55 AM
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Necronas was never rash and now, of all times, he remained adamant to that composure. Roars and shrieks echoed around him as Necronas joyously climbed up the stairs. He could not have felt more at home. The lord's chambers was not a long walk away, and emergency door to the war room was right behind it. The doors were large and hard for a single man push, regardless of muscle power. Luckily, Necronas was not using muscle to open them.
The war room was a large area, and below the balcony were rows and rows of swords that had once belonged to a skeleton army of his own. Now, though, the bones would be of little use. The disadvantage of a powerful spell indeed lies within the power itself. Nonetheless, the balcony Necronas found himself in had his own finely crafted battle armor, and the wicked golden staff that still showed the crimson marks of the dragon blood that had been used to temper it. Adorning the armor, Necronas opened a black metal cage to reveal a fully armored black stallion. The demon horse was immortal, but that did not mean that it did not lust for flesh.
I'm coming for you, Vuxxa.
Necronas saddled the creature and released it, the two of them charged out towards the blood, both moving with eyes of flame. The main gates burst open as Necronas engulfed swath after swath of monstrosity in flames, his dreadsteed pounding and devouring anything that got too close. Devastation was all that could be said of what laid in their wake, and the master and stallion rode with a singular, unquenchable purpose.
Last edited by Necronas; 08-09-2009 at 07:23 PM..
08-09-2009, 08:23 PM
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He had finally reached his goal, his destiny, his brother. " COWARD FACE ME!!!". The dark shield that embodied his brother twisted with a malicious will of its own. Tendrils of dark energy lashed out at anything that dared stray to close. " Demon you can not possible think a pathetic shield such as that will save you from me".
His body pulsed with spiritual energy as he lunged towards the demonic field. Reaching out with a single hand he collided with the dome of dark energy and begun a slow chant in a long forgotten language. Dark energy began to pulse and swirl around the cloaked swordsman as the words grew louder and more rhythmic. Fiends that approached him were pulled into the spell and transmuted into energy.
Still yet Vuxxa stood adamant. ^ Fool the dark forces are not only yours to command^. The spell was drawing to its end and still no one of any real consequence appeared to have notice him. The winds then howled and the cloak that hide his face quickly disappeared into the sky. He then shouted one final word in the forgotten language and the dark field that encompassed Vuxxa began to swirl towards the out stretched hand of Ketotsue.
08-11-2009, 11:00 PM
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Vuxxa hovered in thought, going thorugh the minds of his army ensureing they did exactly as he wanted witnessing their deaths, and the deaths of Necronis's demons all the while knowing that his shield was being drawn away yet paying it no mind knowing that it was a truly trivial matter. He now moved on to the Arc Demon Castiel ^Yes, open the door, it is time for you to make your prescense known my faithful servant.^ The lever now pulled and the door sliding across the sorroudning stone, the demons rushed through the opening, screaching with delight, the first to gain entry to the innards of the castle. Now chargeing through the halls hoping to find find unsuspecting victims.
A demon begane attacking Qtchi, Vuxxa sreamed for it to stop but it was too late. Anger broiled in him as he realised what was about to happen ^I will kill you myself^ he whispered to the creature, but the fatal blow was never given, but one was recieved as the girl impaled the creature with a knife, whispereing the ancient words. A smile crept over his face. ^Yes^ he thought to himself ^I cant still feel that oh so familiar power.^ As her lips uttered the final words of the incantation, light burst from her body, demons and monsters in the imediate area disentigrateing before its might. His soul, the darkest of them all, felt its effect even though she suppressed her power, the light touching his flesh, burning and searing. Black smoke rizing like a dark haze up from his body. His shield disapeared as he plummeted to the ground. Dust scattered as his body his body made contact.
Vuxxa lay there on the ground, though, in stead of cries of pain, only lauphter erupted from his. He raised up, burns covering his flesh. Sounds of bones controting erupted from his body as he just stood lauphing "YES!" he cried out looking into the sky "YES! It will take more than that to destroy me! Now feel my true power you insolent mortal. Die by the hands of perfect darkness!" Horns erupted from his forehead, deep lines cutting through his face, darkness flowing across his eyes. He, threw off his cloak. Unbuckling his armor and just letting it fall. Now bare chested, claws brusting from his finge tips, spikes erupting from his elbows.. Each breath spewing darkness. Giving a blood curtling beastly roar he looked at Ketotsue "So, do you still wish to fight me" He called for Castiel as ghe observed Necronis inputting a pressure point sequence into the stone, showing the sequence and the location to his trusted underling.
He grasped his sword pulling it free, the metal scrapeing against the shieth. Quickly he swung the blade before pointing at his brother "I dont care how much darkness you absorb, you will not defeat me. This will indeed be called the battle between the lord and the fool. But I propose you hurry and do what you are planeing on doing before that little coma sets in."
Last edited by Vuxxa; 04-18-2010 at 05:28 AM..
08-20-2009, 09:48 PM
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He stood in shock of what had occurred before him. The sight was horrifying indeed and yet he could only manage to feel pity for his brothers vessel. ^ The demon in his body must have been forced to fuse with him surely it must know that it is an imperfect fusion two spirits can not meld harmoniously in the same body there is a weakness here I simply have to find it^
" Fool I may fall into a coma soon but if you do nothing you know what fate awaits for your shell". With he threw himself at the beast lashing out with his enchanted katana, he ripped through flesh and bone but to little avail for the wounds simply contorted and brought forth new flesh. The ghastly form that was his brother thrashed about like that of a mad beast making his strikes a simple matter to evade in his altered state.
After the battle had raged for some time it was all to obvious his sword was of little use in this matter. ^ We have only one option Atterimus^. " SPIRIT RELEASE--INFERNAL ABYSS " he shouted the words as if they were all that remained in the world. " I may never beat you but even if I do not fell you I will not allow you to wreck havoc in my brother's body.
Soon the world had changed it was warped and contorted for the brothers were now trapped in a spectral realm of his creation. A power he leaned from deity's long ago. " Now demon we may truly fight and even if I do not live your will shall not be done ". And thus the battle raged on between them neither gaining sway over the other.
08-21-2009, 02:17 PM
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Vuxxa just lauphed at his pitiful words. Ketotsue charged at him slashing, ripping, tearing his flesh asunder to no avail. The pain only strengtening him as him wounds closed themselves instantly. The rage boiling wthing Vuxxa released itself as he begane wildly slashing in a meeting of the blades. After several moments his brother unleashed a strange magic "SPIRIT RELEASE--INFERNAL ABYSS" screamed his brother. Vuxxa yet agin ignored his brothers words and the world began to warp and contort upon itself changeing as the two shifted into a spectral realm.
"Now demon we may truly fight and even if I do not live your will shall not be done ".
Vuxxa lauphed at his brothers words "You think to defeat me?" he said quizickly between blows "How can you do that?" he said as their blades met "How could you stop me if you were dead. My will shall come to pass as surely as your death." Quickly pushing back away from his brother he opened his mouth alowing darkness to spew into he air coating much of the ground, he landed thrusting out his hand as rays of darness arked in every direction and waving his hand up a hole apearing with magma burstin out at ketotsue "The the power I now have, the powers of this world obey my will with no need for incantation or even any sort of spirit release."
08-24-2009, 12:06 AM
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"You think to defeat me? How can you do that? How could you stop me if you were dead. My will shall come to pass as surely as your death." He shouted back at the demon all the while dodging his blade. " How you ask your mind must be duller than I thought demon you are in a world of my creation do you truly think this is really going according to your will? Even if I die here the spell will carry on there are very few ways to rend through this world and In your state I hardly think you will escape"
He couldn't help but laugh as he saw the effects of the demons will in his world. Darkness and molten rock spewed towards him but he was safe from it's malicious will. As the wicked spell speed towards him the spectral world shifted in front of him altering the course of the magics.
" Now do you understand demon this world resonates with my will you will not overcome me so easily". With that he begun a volley of arcane spells varying from every element imaginable. He watched in content as the spells arched towards the demon the spirit world shifting them along the way causing each of the various spells to disappear and reappear a hundred times before if even came near the beast.
Last edited by ketotsue; 08-24-2009 at 12:14 AM..
08-26-2009, 07:15 PM
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Vuxxa just stood looking at Ketotsue smiling. Soon his broters volley came down on him, allowing it to hit him, there was an explosion of energy, smoke covered the area around him, he waved his hand clearing the smoke. Seemingly uneffected by the assault of magics. Lauphing now and holding his hands up again. "Universitas Reddo -- World Render!" he yelled. Strange distortions shot through the air leaving behind them white voids, the distortons hurtled toward ketotsue ready to do the same to him.
08-27-2009, 12:08 AM
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Shock crawled into his eyes as he watched his brother wave away his assault and return with a spell he had only heard whispers of. ^ Of course this world responds to him almost as eagerly as it does me due to the demon using my brothers vessel^. It was then that the solution to his current dilemma struck him. But first he would have to survive this spell.
He summoned almost all of his spiritual presence and called out to his spectral world weaving through it his undeniable will. As the spell the demon had cast came bounding towards him he focused all his power into a single point from which he spread out a shield of immense strength.
The spell designed to end all life came crashing into his shield reaping through the outer edges. As the volley continued his will diminished and still more of rending spell carved through his protective field. As the spell faded away he saw his left arm had been severely damaged seared flesh was exposed down past the bone. Even more unfortunate however was the damage to his left leg multiple gashes had appeared down the entire leg leaving it completely useless had it not been for the burning effect of the spell he would have surely bleed out then and there.
His spirit then screamed out in his mind ^ WE CAN NOT CONTINUE THIS ANY LONGER SOON WE BOTH SHALL PERISH^. ^I know... But I know what I must do to overcome him^. With that he leaned his entire weight on his sword and focused every last reaming drop of his spiritual energy on one point... the magic thread that kept the demon bound to his brothers body. SPIRIT RELEASE--DARK LOTUS, as the words left his body his sword shattered into thousands of resplendent shard the shards then flew straight towards the demon disappearing mid-way to find there mark on the spirit thread binding his brother and the demon.
He was unsure if his plan would work but he could feel his body slipping into the coma that accompanied the spirit synch. And with that knowledge he focused his will on ending the spell that he forged the spirit world with. Otherwise even if he had freed his brother both of them would be trapped in a spiritual void for eternity which served a double purpose. For if he had succeeded in separating the demon from his brother it would end up trapped in a spiritual void never to be opened again.
Last edited by ketotsue; 08-27-2009 at 12:11 AM..
08-27-2009, 07:15 PM
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As his brother attempted to shild himself from the magic Vuxxa put up his own shield ^Now he will try to end it.^ Vuxxa thought. Now watching as Ketotsue's shield was ate away lauphed athe attemptto protect himself. The flesh searing as the magic made contact, Ketotsue's arm severely wounded and leg now useless now only holding himself up by his sword. The white burns still hung in the air from the destructive effects off the spell. Soon his brother yelled "SPIRIT RELEASE--DARK LOTUS". Vuxxa just stood there "Ketotsue, you should know by now you cannot harm this body."
The shards now hurtling towards him as he stod smiling the blades hurtled at him, he readied for the hit, but nothing happened. The shards passed right throught his skull without doing a single thing. "What is this he yelled!" then pain and a blinding flash. Vuxxa collapsed to one knee. Looking up he said "No, how could you have done this. The bonds, damn you." he reared his head back in pain from another hit.
09-11-2009, 11:19 AM
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Necronas was burning everything, shattering that which could not be burned into peices, and bringing forth tendrils of darkness to trap their lost souls in eternal torment. They would pay for daring to stand against the Lord of Death, and what better torment than to keep them always away from the sweet calm that death brings with it? Eternal slumber denied, instead replaced by eternally remembering the burning agony of their last few seconds again and again. Anf if that was proper punishment for the minions, only the devil himself knew what lay in store for Vuxxa. I'll think about that while I'm ripping open his chest to see if he has a heart.
But it was becoming too easy. None of the weak things stood a chance, even in numbers like this. The fires were simply too intense, and those lucky too survive were no match for the hungry, blood-crazed stallion. A single demon had been thrust through the inferno by his comrades, who followed him. With a single sinister, hissing word, the central beast collapsed on the floor, clutching his head, screaming as he clawed at it with his hands.
Screaming and roaring in agony, the demon thrashed on the ground like a dying fish, while the armored demon horse rammed itself into one of its companions, sinking the horn of its armor deep into the demon's flesh, sinking its canine teeth inside the screaming, helpless creature. He felt the pain of every limb being ripped off, every drop of blood being hungrily drunk, every forceful crush made to silence it, failing to do so against the will of the creature that begged to be put to rest, yet could not without the taint of magic to made true its passage to the netherworld from which it spawned. As if through an act of mercy, Necronas uttered a single, devastating word by which, piercing through its inner core, the beast would find solace.
Vuxxa, on the other hand, would not have such luck. The echoes of the two brothers throwing spectacular bursts of power at one another resonated far, and any magic-user could feel their presence. Neither was very good at concealing their magics, and the two were wasting far too much power. That was what emotion did. It reduced control. It made things burst instead of fire. And both were at fault here. They were strong, but they had no control. They would tire quickly.
Necronas moved with a calm that was rarely present on a battleground. He was in no hurry, because he never was. What was the point? Running would only tire himself, and if the stories of Vuxxa were true, he would need all the composure he had in order to endure the creature... whatever it was. Everything was logical for Necronas, every action carefully thought out. Anything less was restricted for the mundane, not for the divine. He finally approached Vuxxa.
"Such a mannerless fiend." Necronas said, his voice smooth, deep, and playful, as if he was taunting Vuxxa into being the first to act. "How could a guest introduce himself without first meeting his host?" He needed no words for his spells. Necronas had mastered the darkest, most forbidden magics so completely that they came to him naturally, instincitively, just as any normal man would pull his hand from a flame, Necronas's hands shone with them. "I am offended..." He launched the twin bolts, followed by a volley of others, each larger and faster than the last. Necronas smiled. He was enjoying this.
"And I shall repay the offense in kind."
Locked |
09-11-2009, 05:41 PM
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The young archer remained in deep slumber, her pulse steady as her quiet breathing filled the room. Even as the battle continued overhead, the girl’s eyes remained closed and her ears mute to the cries above. Her lashes quivered and a moan escaped her lips, but it was barely a whisper as the candles surrounding the four corners flickered. The spell was advance for the young archer and her body suffered for this endeavor. Indeed, in the dim lights, it appeared as if the spell’s release had caused some damage upon her skin as well. Her fingers were puckered and red, and the tunic she wore was stained with soot and appeared as if the heat of the spell had brunt away some of the material, leaving her arms exposed. Yet, the girl dreamed, strange, colorful dreams.
Battle and blood.
Fire and swords.
The sweet scent of incense cloyed with her senses and the amulet she wore around her neck continued to glow. A shudder went through her lithe frame and the girl turned in her sleep, shifting so that her cheek was now pressed against the Persian rug. Long dark hair brushed against her flushed cheeks, and her lips moved as if she was whispering silent words in her dreams. The air thickened around the young girl and the candles flared, sending sparks into the air.
Unconscious, the girl mumbled, her words like a sigh lost in the thickness of the carpet.
Tendrils of light swirled from the radiant amulet, extending into the air before it arched down. The vectors separated slowly; each strand slowly encircling her arms and legs, till her whole body was cocooned in this warm blanket of light. As the girl drew in a shuddering breath, the golden light began brightening… the ethereal glow slowly darkening to the color of flames…
The warmth poured over her, flooding her stomach and overfilling her heart.
The girl continued to dream… the lights wildly casting a deep cataract of color against the stone walls. Brilliant hues of yellow, orange and red - it was the color of her dream… of her passion… and of life.
Brighter and brighter the lights became…
Hotter and hotter they burned…
Her body trembled and the girl suddenly opened her eyes, a scream of agony upon her lips.
The spell released with fervor; the light exploded as she awoke, the force easily penetrating the walls and scorching the enemy struggling up the lower levels of the keep. The cry slowly died from the girl’s lips as she hunched forward, shivering as the warmth suddenly departed her, leaving her amulet silent.
Where am I?
Still curled upon the rug, the girl blinked rapidly, too weak and dazed to comprehend her surroundings. Gulping for breath, she tried to push herself up, her frightened face peering around the silent chamber.
The battle, The girl thought stupidly. I was in battle… the spell…
Her vision wavered and the girl closed her eyes briefly, trying to gather her wits. When she opened her eyes once more, she noticed the door and shakily crawled towards the exit. Her hands fumbled for a handle, and upon finding none, she pressed both hands against the door, pushing it with all her might.
It didn’t budge.
â€Hello? Is anyone there?†The girl called out, her heart starting to race within her chest. Hopeful, she pressed her ear against the crack, hoping to hear movement on the other side. â€Hello?!†Her voice rose in panic and she pounded against the walls weakly, waiting to see if anyone’s attentions were caught.
Her breath caught and the girl waited, perking her ears for any sounds of movement. What’s going on? Am I a prisoner? Her heart thudded painfully as she swallowed a sob. Trembling, she looked around the room once more, trying to find another way out...
All she could see were the burning candles surrounding a plush rug.
Where is this? Where am I? The girl struggled to find a answer as she studied the walls…
09-11-2009, 06:38 PM
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Out of nowhere Vuxxa was hit over and over as he went flying though the air and skidding across the ground. He stood up, his chin covered in blood wehre it flowed from his mouth. No sooner than he was on his feet again his link was attacked again putting him to one knee. ^Damned these foolish creatures!^ Looking at Necronis he yelled "How did you get into this spirit realm Necronis!?" spitting the name out with distaste. He flinched back again as another shard attacked his bond.
At the castle Castiel and his band of demons stood before the spot where Necronis had placed Qtchi. Castiel could smell where Necronis had been. He carefully felt along the wall, finding the the areas he needed to press. They felt a wead pulse of holy energy sweep throught the castle. Several of the weaker demons disentegrated where they stood ,the stronger just shrugged the sensation away. Now Castiel carefully pressed the correct places on the wall and the door slid open. Before the eyes of the demons stood the girl. "Please, do not attack me, I am here to help you. The evil Necronis locked you in here."
09-16-2009, 06:55 PM
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The door suddenly swung open and Qtchi looked up with relief.
â€Oh thank you!†She replied, shakily rising to her feet. Sighing with relief, she managed to take a few steps away from the center of the room, a hand reaching out to steady her balance with the stone wall. She still felt weak, but this was no time to be dallying... there was still a battle to be fought...
The girl managed to make it to the doorway without feeling dizzy, and she curiously looked at her savior. It was then, his words registered in her mind, and the girl stopped. Her hands fluttered around her throat and she stared in disbelief.
â€N-Necronis did this?!†She asked, a slight tremble in her voice. â€Why would he do that?†The girl mumbled to herself, a stricken look crossing her features. I thought he was on our side? The girl thought to herself, her mind racing wildly at this implication. Had he been an enemy all this time? I thought he...
Her large doe-like eyes fell upon the stranger and she hesitated. â€Who are you? Can you take me out of here Sir?â€
Whatever the problem was, the archer will wait till she was free before figuring out...
Last edited by Qtchi; 09-16-2009 at 07:00 PM..
09-17-2009, 02:57 AM
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His body was going limp now and his mind was slowly slipping away. Soon, very soon his body would be completely useless to him. Looking around he could see the spirit would fading slowly back into the void from which he had summoned it. His body then lurched forward landing him on his knees his hand now barely held onto the blade he cared for so much. Then sounds of combat pierced through his senses and he was barely able to make the figure of Necronas in the spirit world. ^ B…But…how…not…pos^. Then he heard the piercing sound of his brother’s voice “ Necronas “ was the only word he understood though.
Now he knew he was in his last moments of consciousness that soon the world would fall away from him completely. Soon his worst fears would be realized, soon he would lose all control and his body would be a battlefield for control… over his body and over his mind. It was unavoidable and no one would be able to understand what was going on within him only his brother would know and even he would be powerless to aid him from his spirits thirst for a physical bond to the world.
The last thing he remembered was the felling of falling and the thud his face had produced upon meeting the hard ground. Everything was out of his hands now there was nothing more he could do but hope Necronas would find a shred of humanity within him and spare his brother. For he was rather certain in his last moments of conscience thought that he had severed enough of the demons bonds to eventually rend him from his brother.
09-17-2009, 05:11 AM
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”Oh thank you!” said the girl who then got up, rather shakily, walking out and holding on to the wall ^Lucky for me as an arc demon I can hold my angelic human shape. Though I shall appear slightly shadowed, she won't notice.^ He also allowed this transformation to take place with the demons under his command who now stood beside the door.
”N-Necronis did this?!” Asked the girl with a tremble in her voice ”Why would he do that?” she then mumbled something inaudible to herself which Castiel could not hear
She stared at Castiel with her large eyes ”Who are you? Can you take me out of here Sir?”
"Aren't you full of questions my dear." he said letting out a small lauph "For those last two, my name is Castiel" He stepped forward out of the shadow of the doorway fully revealing himself. He was tall, around six feet, slender, with pitch black hair and dark brown eyes. He wore a crimson colored jacket, unbuttoned with gold buttons and elaborat gold embroidery on the front with a clean white shirt undeneath. On his legs he wore smooth black pants with black leather boots with a sheen to them from being coated in oils.
^Perhaps The jacket is a little to elaborate^ He looked around the room before returning his gaze upon Qtchi "And of Course I can take you from this place! There is no need for you to tell me your name. That I already know, your name is Qtchi." He stepped outside adn said "Right this way My Lady." holding his hand out towards the outside
Last edited by Vuxxa; 04-18-2010 at 02:34 AM..
09-17-2009, 05:14 AM
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(i thought you used purple and i didnt notice that you boldened it)
09-17-2009, 06:35 PM
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She mumbled as his laughter filled the air and the girl lowered her chin to hide her scarlet cheeks. Whoever he was, he was willing to remove her from this locked room, so the girl took the offered arm and allowed herself to be escorted outside. I’ll need a weapon, She thought to herself, feeling a bit vulnerable without her bow and arrows. Nonetheless, the girl was more the sufficient to fight in the battle with whatever was offered… even if it meant repeating the spell…
â€Is the battle still going on? How are the others?†Worry filled her eyes and her muscles were tense as she waited for a reply. Though she did not know her friends long, they were kind to her and volunteered to fight this battle for the sake of her village. If anything had happened to them, the girl would suffer the guilt and remorse for the rest of her life. She remained silent for the man to reply as they left the lower levels of the keep...
She prayed they weren't too late...
09-18-2009, 01:19 AM
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She grasped his hand and now they were on the move. The pounding of their shoes on the stone as they moved onward every step bringing them closer to the battle. Qtchi questioned Castiel yet again. "Yes, I'm afraid a battle still wages. Though there are only a handfull of demons left a battle ensues between Necronis, Vuxxa, and Ketotsue. Now I will try to answer your other question" he called for his men. They stepped out of the shadows, a group of swordsmen, a couple handfulls of archers, and a hundred or so Mages. One came forward carrying a basin of water and sat it down before Castiel. Now kneeling before it, he waved his hand over the surface of the water. It rippled slightly and an image appeared. It showed Necronis stepping forward and launching multiple spells, then Ketotsue collapsing, and the final scene was Vuxxa knelt down in agony.
Castiel looked back at Qtchi "See, Necronis has shown his true colors. He attacked Ketotsue and Vuxxa both." He turned his face from view as he gleefully smiled. Now looking back ather with a worried look draped over his face he continued "You see, anyone with power, Necronis tries to take their souls to add to his power and takes their bodies to add to the ranks of the undead." he shook his head "All this time he has been testing you. He wants to use you for his own designs, you and that power of yours. The demon controlling Vuxxa, it was summoned by Necronis after he captured Vuxxa during a weakened state and he forced it into that body. He had already heard about you. He wanted to use that demon as a test of your power. You see, he ordered it to destroy your village, to make you vulnerable and to drive you to his side. Vuxxa is simply a victim to his insane lust for power and control. You were going to be pulled along with him. Unknowingly bending to his insane will."
Castiel let go of her hand and walked away looking into the stormy sky "My mother, she had a power like yours. He had a demon army attack the castle. Father was slughtered before my eyes. The town left in ruin. Then came Necronis rideing through the smoke screaming lauphter like a madman. I was but a child but still he ran me thorugh with his weapon. I watched as the smoke cleared. He came to my mother, acting completely different than how a saw him just moments before. He pretended that he was saveing her and she believed him, he took her off on his steed to this very castle. I dont know how a lived but a did. It was a miracle of the gods I suppose. But I made myself follow their trail to this desolate place. There was not a living thing in sight. I stumbled thorugh and eventually came to his throne room. He tried to force her to do soemthing. She refused and in a fit of rage he choked her to death. Then realizing what he had done he tried to steal her soul. But the energy burned him and he could not take the soul. Now he plans to do things very diffently with you." he stopped with a tear running down his cheek "I ran in terror despite the pain in my side I ran out into the fields before collapsing." He turned around "I'm sorry, but this is still very painful for me after all these years. I'd better stop now before I tell you my whole lifes story."
Last edited by Vuxxa; 09-18-2009 at 01:24 AM..
09-19-2009, 05:35 AM
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Necronas chose not to respond to the demon lord's questions. He had never seen this Vuxxa before, but the creature was far more than Necronas had predicted. To someone so knowledgeable in the winds of magic as Necronas, Vuxxa's aura was more visible than a burning, yelling imp propelling itself at him head-on. His eyes dilated, and the crimson orbs looked on greedily. Necronas was consumed by a sense of utter bloodlust as he threw himself at the creature, yet he was perfectly aware of what he was doing. He did not fight the beast within himself, as Qtchi did. He let it loose, channeled it, rode its destructive potential into battle, a beautiful, deadly mixture of the savage and the divine.
Necronas's entire body seemed to change as he bolted towards Vuxxa, his body twisting and blackening until it became a shadowy, translucent wisp of darkness. Not a single word was said, for now nothing could be said. He had accepted the beast, and now it was altering the body to suit itself. The entire being burst into flames, for the mage had much power to spare, and the twin spirits of the beast and the mage came to gather in a beautiful twisting mass of light and darkness, fire and malice.
As he came into contact with Vuxxa he threw himself in the air, his burning claws ready to cover the demon lord in shadowy infernos and tear Vuxxa to shreds. The beast looked upon its prey hungrily as the mage watched from behind with a sinister smile.
Death, Vuxxa. He comes to take you. Are you ready?

Last edited by Necronas; 09-19-2009 at 05:40 AM..
09-19-2009, 09:51 AM
Gem Pouch Expert
Vuxxa is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: The Oceans Depth
Posts: 409
Vuxxa knelt on the ground suffeing in pain ^Don't worry ketotsue, you will wake up sometime, then I will take my vengeane. Oh the tortures you can pick up in hell.^ Soon the Necromancer began changeing. Going through a horrible transformation. Eyes of crimson, the body of a beast, sorrounded by the flames of the chaos that filled his soul. Yet Vuxxa was not worried as it leapt into the air.
"You may have transformed but I still yet have another transformation of my own to go through." he yelled at Necronas as he jumped back with unbelievable speed. There he stood looking into the sky at his new attacker who just floated there as time seemed to slow. Black Shadowy wings slowly rose from his back. The sound of something snapping echoed through the area as a shadow arm rose from the physical arm which hung limp to his side, the shoulder and arm no longer linked to the spritual entity. Another shadowed arm rose up on the left though the shoulder was still attached to the entity. The Head now simply hung loose and another shodow head stood erect in it's place, red eyes and wicked horns. "Thank Ketotsue for breaking some of those bonds" he said to the Necro beast.
He simply swiped his shadowy arm the the air and a torrent of black flames swept towards Necronas ^My power has growm substantially in this form. Soon, I will be at full power.^
Last edited by Vuxxa; 09-23-2009 at 01:05 PM..
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