User Interface
Old 03-14-2020, 03:39 PM   #1
Boss Hunter
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Default User Interface

I am proposing the idea of a user defined interface.
This meaning that there is a selection window within the menus where users may move their gem bars, attack options, mob health bar on the screen where they please. More so just referring to while in combat with a mob, as I could see the arising issues with arena etc for having multiple users. The initial should be based off of 1v1 mob then expand to 2v1 then 3v1. This would be in order to work out the bugs with the user defining interface.

Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Improvements?
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Old 03-26-2020, 01:35 PM   #2
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Most languages have ways to allow a user to manipulate individual containers in this way, including setting depth of each so you can change what's on top. It would be great if the containers weren't limited to the size of the game screen, as well, so you could open skills beside the game window or have the eq set next to the rune set next to the rune vault and still see your location, inventory, and chat windows.

Don't get me wrong, the rework for this would be a hefty undertaking, but it could be done. Maybe a 5 point project, Jeff?
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