Balance Change Suggestion Rule
Old 05-06-2019, 09:25 AM   #1
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Default Balance Change Suggestion Rule

For any request or post suggesting that a change should be made for balance purposes you must:

Specify the build or build combo (multiple suits/pouches) that you feel is either overpowered or underpowered, and specify PvP or PvE. Only then can you proceed with your evidence.

i. Note that it is natural for some builds to be good at some things and weak at others. Reporting a build that is weak in PvE that already does very well in PvP is not likely to result in any changes.

ii. Note that it is natural for some builds to be weak against others. Demonstrating that some build "B" never does well against build "A" is not an indication that build "A" is overpowered.

iii. Note any build being reported is overpowered in PvP should have a presence on the arena tops lists of the current or recent seasons. Likewise, any build being reported as underpowered in PvP should be rather absent from the arena tops.

iv. Note our goal is to temper the extremes, not help an already-powerful build completely stomp a build that threatens it. The weakest builds deserve counters against the best. The ones already at the top do not.

v. When reporting a build as underpowered you should provide evidence that it is weaker than the other weakest builds. If there are other builds less powerful, they deserve help sooner.

vi. When reporting a build as overpowered you should provide evidence that it is better than the other most powerful builds. If there are other builds clearly more powerful, they deserve to have counters first.
Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
P(a or b ... or z) = 1 - P(!a and !b ... and !z)
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