08-04-2012, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Syn
well, that kinda puts the whole "Craftsman" class at a bit of a disadvantage, no? guess it's a good thing I decided not to jump right in on that, even though according to that little "test" that is the class best suited to my preferred playstyle. have to admit, though I'm an engineer IRL, I'm partial to magic when it comes to gaming so that "test" is questionable.
yeah, sorry. guess I'm still just a little frustrated, but I appreciate the offer. I usually ask for help in-game only as a last resort. I prefer to exhaust all other avenues first, meaning FAQs and game guides. what can I say? I'm an independant person.
I haven't even touched enchanting yet, but decided to give it another go. I kinda liked my Archer, but what's one more reroll? I shyed away from the magic classes due to all the diversity until I got a handle on what skills did what in-game.
appreciate your feedback, but you have to admit it makes very little sense to play a Warrior using magic when you're initially gimped for -20% magic experience or whatever. that's like giving up 1/5 of your total experiance on the skills you rely on the most.
pretty significant gimp to advancement so I don't see myself trying out some of those combos you mentioned. I'll just keep tinkering until I find the right "fit" for my playstyle. oh, and in-game character is the same as here. "Syn"
That only affects the exp you get, not the proficiency you will be in it. If you want to be a caster that has high staff damage in addition to gems a warrior would allow for higher hits. And in the long run a bit more fighting to get the skill levels might be worth it.
08-04-2012, 04:49 PM
Seer's BFF
Thomas Jordan is offline
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I sympathize with much of what you have said. The night I started this game, nearly three years ago, I had no clue as to what I was doing. I picked "Trapper" class because the description sounded good, and that type of class has been useful in other games I have played. If only I knew then what I know now. Oh well. Now if Glitchless would let me keep all my very expensive gear if I rerolled . . .
The tutorial isn't as helpful as it could be. There is very good, useful information in the forums, but finding it can be difficult. There is also very good information at the wiki, but again, if you don't know what you don't know, you don't know what to be looking for. And no offense to Huggles, but the wiki isn't as user friendly as it could be.
Don't be afraid to ask other players questions, many of them will try to help you.
I'm on off and on from rest to around 10:00 p.m. server time nearly every day. Best time to reach me with game questions is in the morning (server time) or evening (server time).
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Confirming TJ correct.
08-04-2012, 05:57 PM
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Syn is offline
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thanks guys. the encouragement is much appreciated. I tried the caster focusing solely on magic but even that didn't work out so well. I turned off the "autoroll" to devote all xp to my preferred skills (magic) but once those levels got so high they far outstripped everything else and grinding slowed to a crawl as the xp requirements became enormous to keep advancing.
so now I'm thinking the extremes of the spectrum and specialization isn't the best way to go. I need a more balanced class that can take full advantage of the rolling skills. oh, and figured out the rerollers boon after all the drops tripled but came up soulbound. a nice feature to be sure to help offset the losses.
not even worrying about the crafting anymore. first have to find a good fit class-wise.
08-04-2012, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Syn
thanks guys. the encouragement is much appreciated. I tried the caster focusing solely on magic but even that didn't work out so well. I turned off the "autoroll" to devote all xp to my preferred skills (magic) but once those levels got so high they far outstripped everything else and grinding slowed to a crawl as the xp requirements became enormous to keep advancing.
so now I'm thinking the extremes of the spectrum and specialization isn't the best way to go. I need a more balanced class that can take full advantage of the rolling skills. oh, and figured out the rerollers boon after all the drops tripled but came up soulbound. a nice feature to be sure to help offset the losses.
not even worrying about the crafting anymore. first have to find a good fit class-wise.
Using the 'Autoroll' isn't advised as it spreads it out to stats you might not need like recovery and can make you level too fast without having sufficient skills to move on making you weak. My stats are 75 melee, 140 magic, 116 defense and 8 recovery and i cannot think of a high level player that has even stats. It may be a slower level but it is in your best interests to turn it off.
As to wanting an easy class, Beastmasters are fairly good and are very good tank at cap but they have a slow kill speed. Crushers are good as well if you wanted to try that route. Casters are hard to do as a new player since they have to replace gems every few levels and gold is somewhat hard to come by. where melee will have to replace 1 or 2 weapons every 10 levels a caster might have to replace 10 or 20 (the pouch grows to 50 at max).
To avoid that as a cast you can go crusher until around level 60 then start getting gems and a good staff.
08-05-2012, 11:19 AM
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update. developing a serious love/hate relationship with this game.
08-05-2012, 02:40 PM
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Thomas Jordan is offline
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Originally Posted by Syn
update. developing a serious love/hate relationship with this game.
Welcome to Nodiatis . . .
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Confirming TJ correct.
08-05-2012, 03:30 PM
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ty. on topic, the crafting still eludes me, but once I get an idea I might give Craftsman class a shot. perhaps its bonuses will help offset some of the initial difficulties.
08-05-2012, 04:25 PM
Seer's BFF
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Crafting is tedious in this game, and unless you have the accelerator upgrade very slow in gaining experience. The "Craftsman" class doesn't make crafting any easier; it just provides additional experience points when you do craft something. Much like my "Trapper" class provides additional experience points when I collect a resource.
Like trapper, a craftsman has the flexibility to try pretty much any type of combat style. Trappers suffer a 9% decrease to gaining magic stat experience points. I tried melee weapons and didn't particularly care for them, then tried a bow and loved it. Magic is the most important stat a bow fighter needs. The 9% penalty just slowed down my leveling a bit, which gave me the opportunity to raise my trophy skills before outrunning them too badly.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Confirming TJ correct.
08-05-2012, 04:49 PM
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Illiana is offline
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Crafting eludes everyone for quite a while in Nod. It's expensive, time consuming, and really only worth the effort at higher levels. For example, crafting the patchwork silk armor pieces (the tier 3 stuff in Castille) would mean that you need 3 points in armorcrafting, an arm and leg form for the sleeves and leggings, and points in whatever resourcing skills are needed to get the supplies. Then you buy a quantity of resins since every item requires those--after being able to travel to whichever town sells the needed resins. Oh, and you'll also need a master recipe from which to make consumable recipes for each piece, and to get that you need to dismantle one of the pieces of armor you are trying to make. Yes, you have to have an item and break it in order to make that item.
Long explanation short, there is a reason why no one crafts anything equipment-wise that isn't epic or better. If it can be bought in a store, it's infinitely cheaper to do so. As a low level crafter you're better off taking TJ's advice. Work on building up your resourcing skills (and your level of course). As you reach new towns you'll find more tools and therefore more options, and if you're paid you can sell tier 1 resources regularly since they are part of high level gear recipes.
As far as classes go, being a craftsman actually has nothing at all to do with your ability to craft anything. It simply allows you to gain XP in the needed crafting skills slightly faster. Any class can choose to pursue any character build; some are preferred only because they provide bonuses that help out. Beastmasters nearly always become whippers with pets because BMs get such a nice bonus to pet damage and heals, but they're not required to do so.
Above all don't be afraid to ask questions. There are a few @$$heads in chat now and again, but someone will usually always give you a proper answer. Thomas Jordan goes out of his way to give advice. I may not pop up all that often but I do my best to help out too, and there are plenty of others. Nod can be tricky to get into at first but it's a good drug to get hooked on. 
The most merciful thing in the world is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. --Lovecraft
01-09-2016, 11:06 PM
preadatordetector is offline
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Ugh, this is disappointing. Having to dismantle an item just to make more of it just ruins the whole point of collecting resources, aside from using them to craft potions. If there was a way to combine crafting recipes in the early game to provide a boost significant to the player's level when collecting stuff, resourcing would become much more effective and not a big, bloody waste of time for players.
Or, just have a laboratory or something similar for the player to experiment with resources to get early pieces of crafting recipes to combine into the finished product. Have it be a feature of the Magic Shop or be a part of the shop respective to where you buy the real thing.
01-09-2016, 11:51 PM
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:{ crafting isn't exactly meant for low levels. At cap crafting is fine so doesn't need a change except things to make it more convenient. And yeah you gotta dismantle it to make more but you can make quite a bit of money off this at later levels. Dennisthemenace is the richest player in nod and has crafted most of the legendaries caps use making 1 mil off each one (couple exceptions)
Crafting non epic/lg isn't really something to do at all unless you wanna raise the skill level.
01-10-2016, 01:41 PM
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hotshot64 is offline
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Originally Posted by preadatordetector
Ugh, this is disappointing. Having to dismantle an item just to make more of it just ruins the whole point of collecting resources, aside from using them to craft potions. If there was a way to combine crafting recipes in the early game to provide a boost significant to the player's level when collecting stuff, resourcing would become much more effective and not a big, bloody waste of time for players.
Or, just have a laboratory or something similar for the player to experiment with resources to get early pieces of crafting recipes to combine into the finished product. Have it be a feature of the Magic Shop or be a part of the shop respective to where you buy the real thing.
Resourcing is always more profitable than crafting.
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Enchanting |
03-12-2017, 07:29 AM
Peto is offline
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I know you said not to start actually crafting things to early,but how about creating Enchanting Stones? I've started and although I'm only able to create +2 2 ones right now,the bonus to my stats is proving to be very helpful,and it'll only increase as I get some more skillpoints in Enchanting.
03-12-2017, 10:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Peto
I know you said not to start actually crafting things to early,but how about creating Enchanting Stones? I've started and although I'm only able to create +2 2 ones right now,the bonus to my stats is proving to be very helpful,and it'll only increase as I get some more skillpoints in Enchanting.
Enchanting isn't too bad to level. It has a wall though. You'll stop getting exp for small stones as it levels. You can use the resources you find. But unless you're raising multiple types of resources fairly high you'll eventually need to rely on the auction house to get more materials. And we all know the level of s2's auction house. Hopefully your clannies will help when you reach that wall of being unable to get more exp.
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