09-13-2016, 06:50 AM
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Originally Posted by marzus
Some of us made it clear about mounts and unicorns too. J/k.
Be reasonable, if this will affect s1 queue, imagine s2's queue. You were against implementing the 84 hours per week rule because it was harming some of you... just you. But now it doesn't matter if this update will harm others, cuz YOU wished it.
I'm not against it, don't get me wrong. But for the love of god, find a way around it so you can't kill the queue.
That's why I called it PVE tempers in the first place. Tempers that only work in PVE and not Pvp. That would keep those who want to queue in the queue, and those who don't can finally be free. IMO that would make arena more true to the spirit of arena
Last edited by Tharkas; 09-13-2016 at 08:57 AM..
09-14-2016, 02:22 AM
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Hot zones - my vote
10-16-2016, 03:17 PM
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10-16-2016, 03:18 PM
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le bump
11-10-2016, 10:50 PM
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I figured I'd share my ideas since Glitch has added "Epic Potions" to the list. Number could definitely be tweaked or changed around, and craft cost would be set by the might Glitch himself. I just thought some of them could be cool.
Potion of Invention Rank 1
Allows you to craft items 2 skill points beyond your normal capabilities, and reduces mana/engery cost by 3%. This would stack with invention rune/shield.
Potion of Berserk Fury Rank 1
Grants a 4% bonus to all attack damage, but increases all damage taken by 8%
Potion of Vitality Rank 1
Increases your maximum hitpoints by 3%
Potion of Brilliance Rank 1
Increases your chances of receiving an experience rush by 5%
The ideas for these potions actually led me into something else all together that I'd like to propose: Legendary Potions. There would be 12 Legendary Potions, one for each stat (str, dex, pst, etc...) Craft cost for a single potion would be in the 20 million range. Each potion would give you a PERMANENT (or until next reroll) boost to said stat. Each potion could give you a set amount or any amount in a set range. Say +3 per potion or somewhere between +2 and +5. I believe that legendary potions SHOULD ONLY BE ABLE TO BE USED BY LEVEL 90 CHARACTERS
Any thoughts you guys? I'm actually interested to hear what you guys have to say
11-10-2016, 11:33 PM
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Omg lg potions would make some of us do more pilgrims i would think.
Nom 100 dur pots and watch out :P
11-15-2016, 03:21 PM
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I'd say there should be LG potions for low levels only, not for high ones. In any case they shouldn't be permanent and cost less.
11-17-2016, 04:08 PM
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A skill that reduces encumbered stun timer by half.
Praise the hindu gods!
11-17-2016, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Soxson
A skill that reduces encumbered stun timer by half.
11-18-2016, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Let us know which of these ideas you'd most like to see implemented in 2016. We can't do all of them:
-Hot Zones (IN PROGRESS 2016) - after fighting in a zone for the first time that day, it would be revealed if the zone had any particular bonuses such as exp, gold, or resourcing modifiers. These would be changed daily and only assigned to about half of the zones, but revealing them could make for a fun day of farming in a different area.
-Nodiatis integrated on Steam for PC and MAC (COMPLETED 2016) - Nodiatis available on Steam should bring in some (don't expect a ton, it's easy to get lost in the fray) new players which can benefit the game markets.
-Craft Memory & Recipe Loader (COMPLETED 2016) - the ability to have crafting windows remember the last items that were in them, and have a button you could press to have those items reappear. And the ability for the items of a recipe to be automatically loaded into the other crafting slots when the recipe is placed there first.
-PC Standalone Client (COMPLETED 2016) - A Nodiatis client with superior performance that would store graphics locally. Note: Mac support is provided via Steam.
-Nodiatis App - An app version of Nodiatis that would play better on your phone than the current method of playing Nodiatis in your phone's browser.
-Free Face Ticket - A super rare item that could be found in gift boxes that could be traded to an admin in return for a custom face which normally costs 45 TCs
-New Mid Level Zones - New zones added, but rather than having them be higher level, have them be in the level range where people like to farm.
-Continuation of the Princess Storyline - more communes from Nodiatis's most ungraspable trophy.
-Siegecraft - System for actual clan territory ownership and warfare. Due to the complexity this would count as 2 additions.
-PvE Tempers
-Mounts for faster travel
-Ability to spectate combat
-Epic Potions
-Legendary Tasks - something similar to and based off of this suggestion: http://forums.nodiatis.com/forums/sh...ad.php_t=19169
Note: Our goal is to have 4 of these completed in 2016, based on what people want the most.
Siege Crafting and the ability to spectate combat, to watch arena matches and place bets , make us fight inside of the arena too not with that picture that is outside of a destructed kinda of arena and with a bet system, etc. PEOPLE OF NODIATIS, UNLEASH THE PvP ERA!
My soul is continually in my hand: yet do I not forget thy law.
11-19-2016, 07:13 PM
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Epic apocalypse. Removes all gems and the current aura effects in place, except for actual class abilities.

Praise the hindu gods!
12-31-2016, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Let us know which of these ideas you'd most like to see implemented in 2017
-Nodiatis App - An app version of Nodiatis that would play better on your phone than the current method of playing Nodiatis in your phone's browser.
-Free Face Ticket (x0.5) - A super rare item that could be found in gift boxes that could be traded to an admin in return for a custom face which normally costs 45 TCs
-Runes to Enhance Hot Zone Bonuses (x0.5)
-New Mid Level Zones - New zones added, but rather than having them be higher level, have them be in the level range where people like to farm.
-Continuation of the Princess Storyline - more communes from Nodiatis's most ungraspable trophy.
-Siegecraft (x2) - System for actual clan territory ownership and warfare.
-PvE Tempers
-Mounts for Faster Travel
-Ability to Spectate Combat
-Epic Potions
-Legendary Tasks - something similar to and based off of this suggestion: http://forums.nodiatis.com/forums/sh...ad.php_t=19169
My priority would be:
1 - The app for easier game play on phones
2 - PVE tempers (available at all levels though, not just at cap)
3 - Mid level zones cause no offense, but not everyone likes to cap and then grind, some like to stay a lower level and grind... and not everything has to cater to capped toons, we're already being spoiled rotten
4 - Siegecraft - although this would implicate 2 updates maybe it can be fit into the end of the year for half of it and the beginning of next year for the other half?
The rest of them are not too horrible but... the only one that's half interesting to me other than the ones mentioned is maybe the possibility so spectate combat. just for fun and giggles
Thank you 
12-31-2016, 04:37 PM
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Mattidor is offline
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Mounts, because screw townwalking >.>
12-31-2016, 07:14 PM
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Iesus is offline
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-Mounts for Faster Travel
-New Mid Level Zones
-PvE Tempers
12-31-2016, 08:46 PM
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I'm going to point out that Siegecraft is largely worthless to work on until the player base is larger. Let's just be frank and call a spade a spade: there are effectively a handful of large clans and then there is everything else. And really there is one ENOURMOUS clan (in so far as RP and Territory are concerned) 6 more really large clans, and then everything else. And if you eliminate the couple of dozen seriously fanatical arena players that account the heavy Territory...well, there just isn't a lot.
Now, if Siegecraft is in someway not linked to the current power, runes, RP, balance, strengths of the existing clans, then perhaps it might be something interesting, but, given the current clan dynamics, as written "-Siegecraft (x2) - System for actual clan territory ownership and warfare", that's just going to benefit the Big 7 and do little or nothing for everyone else. (Okay, Big 8 if you count Brook's 'Glen' clan.)
Other than that one though...
...more mid (80-105) level content would be nice.
What was, was, and what will be, has yet to happen....
01-01-2017, 02:59 AM
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My top 4 are
-pve tempers
-mid-level zones (and a new map maker)
-free face ticket
Praise the hindu gods!
01-01-2017, 03:06 AM
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^^ would agree with sox
01-01-2017, 12:34 PM
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---> New Mid Level Zones <---
Continuation of the Princess Storyline
PvE Tempers
01-01-2017, 11:04 PM
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Freakymagic is offline
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My vote would be for
#1 PVE Tempers
#2 mounts
#3 new mid lvl zone
01-06-2017, 11:01 PM
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blackpanther is offline
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1. Legendary Tasks
2. Epic Potions
3. Mounts for Faster Travel
4. Runes to Enhance Hot Zone Bonuses (if we get this one, i'll be setting up a new clan)
Question: With the PVE tempers. Is it going to be seprate temper system?--You can own on your gear a set you earn from arena for arena, and a set you can earn/buy for mob farming and only be used for farming purposes? Or Either way you temper your gear is used in both farming and arena.
I like the other ideas for the 2017 year, but those ^ are top 5 for me. =)
Last edited by blackpanther; 01-06-2017 at 11:06 PM..
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