why not make another OPTION FOR TC? |
12-01-2010, 08:17 AM
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loxemet is offline
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why not make another OPTION FOR TC?
why you not makking more TC OPTION ?
Premium Elite (:
like 6 days GRINDER + ACCLEARTOR + permium rights + full virtues right
so 4 ppl that use 2 be : Sandart or most time N ,
can have advantage at Adventure like walking crafting and spend rrt faster?
N PPL or standart who cant pay Grinder / ACCELLRATOR .
can realy enjoy and have more fun .
not every 1 can pay 1 time 55$ *2 + 1* 170$
+ 3*5$ 15$ monthly
so 1 year 460$ ( without TC bURNS !!! )
with this right every 1 can trade get full virtues packs + grinder + accealrtor
RIGHTS means 200% more exp !! can sell every epic drops
can spend my tiem faster not days , can better on advtreure things
make all my advture better
it will be pleasre 2 play even only 6 days !
in 1 month
that wil courage other to get advatnge on the game .
12-01-2010, 08:54 AM
this is a terrible idea. i could leave it at that, but ppl have been saying im a troll to much lately so i will pick apart your idea!
1) giving temp virtues would be exploited to sell epics only
2) it discourages buying the virtues at all
3) if one TC = 10 days premium, how did you work out that it will also equal 6 days of: premium/Accel/Grinder/30 virtues its baffling! at most i'd say 2 days worth (maybe not even that)
4) no1 in their right mind will use this, you DONT NEED Accel OR Grinder OR all the virtues OR premium status to play this game (made even easier by allowing ppl to use their own epic drops w/o virtues) also evidence for not needing these things = me iv been playing 26 months, after about 9 months i got standard status, after about 13 months i got Accel. i dont have premium or grinder and i have only just recently finished getting all the epics.
5) this will not encourage new players/existing free's to spend more money on the game, maybe a free trial or some of the bonus features but no1 will pay to just try all these things out, its bloody crazy!
6) its extra work for jeff for something that will not be worth it, when he and his team could be working on more important issues e.g. actually being glitchless! or maybe the fabled clan territory patch...
7) your spelling and grammar is at times are almost unreadable
8) its an epic fail idea
so there you go, a long list of some serious (some less serious) reasons why this idea is crap
12-01-2010, 09:38 AM
geef another TC option for
*+1 extra gem slot
*only sale mod, no extra rrt or xp bonus
Last edited by Xenn; 12-01-2010 at 09:41 AM..
12-01-2010, 10:30 AM
Seer's BFF
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First things first... Danan ain't a troll
But this idea blows, its just too easy to exploit
(people just save ur their alt's rrt as N's then burn all their rt w/ full virtue rights and they get full exp, is only one example)
12-01-2010, 02:16 PM
I want an option to give me an instant kill button that has 5 second cooldown
12-01-2010, 02:32 PM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by yoky
I want an option to give me an instant kill button that has 5 second cooldown
12-01-2010, 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by yoky
I want an option to give me an instant kill button that has 5 second cooldown
Neo's got one of those.
12-01-2010, 03:50 PM
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i would like a trial purchase of grinder and accel kinda similiar to trial access on RWK it would give people a taste of it and maybe entice them into buying it but as for a TC constantly being able to be used to maintain it is a terrible idea
Originally Posted by Glitchless
There are modifiers that alter drop chance when you go AFK based on what you do when gone. We will list them here: - Fix and eat a sandwich +15%
- Watch TV -5%
- Urinate +20%
- Finish your homework +10%
- Stand on your head for 5+ minutes +33%
We believe these are working as intended.
12-01-2010, 03:57 PM
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I agree with a trial. I thought I'd never get accel or grinder, but once I got them (omg <3 tm) I realized how awesome they were and ended up buying them for other accounts as well.
That I no longer use..... Hmm...
12-01-2010, 07:59 PM
Boss Hunter
loxemet is offline
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miglevy how much they can burn ? 20 hours?? lwith virtues its like 40 ?
so we can do it 1 day tc not 6 ok ?
1DAY With full grinder acclerator time + full virtues
( as same as soul bone with tc )
ppl can get back their gold and exp faster
so , now what exploit it iwll be ?
BUT PPL CAN TRY IT AND HAVE FUN 1 DAY MONTH no need 2 play every hours
12-01-2010, 08:02 PM
Boss Hunter
loxemet is offline
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Ok so 1 day tc with full grinder + accleartor virtues pack trial ok ppl ?
Not much explouit now
12-02-2010, 02:35 AM
lol its still a fking sh!t idea and i'd give up on it before your credibility dives deep into negative numbers...
12-02-2010, 09:07 PM
Seer's BFF
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The 1 time only trial part is good
But loxem, ur trying to make 1 TC = 52 TC's ( if you buy each virtue separately) and that just won't happen. Ever.
12-02-2010, 10:37 PM
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Smashbros is offline
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Originally Posted by loxemet
Ok so 1 day tc with full grinder + accleartor virtues pack trial ok ppl ?
Not much explouit now
if by 1 day you mean 5 min then sure 
Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers 
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
12-03-2010, 06:14 PM
it may even be exploitable in 5 mins.. the trial sounds better (with no virtues)
01-25-2017, 06:17 AM
Lylix1 is offline
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Wow I recall discussion of this in 2008. Forced to leave game & laptop stolen,etc wasn't able to return till now that though of it once more just 3 month ago & giving another go. I am sticking w/it as it was once my original planned intention. I had lots cool looking avatars picked out names & backgrounds,nut lost notebook which was with the new 5 or so laptop was making payments on.
I thought your guys replies as well as my buddy Loxemet had a great idea. A cool name btw. So are the red of u that replied that see on the 1st page. Some not knew of or never got to see the names. Of course cool Glitchless. Over dramatic. That's funny what he replied. Lol I thought I was the only 1 that gets upset & over emotional sometimes. �� teeheehee. I will try 2 slow down & take a chill pill 2 which I need act(@ certain x's) & just enjoy playing,making new friends,being creative in tho world of Nod,etc.
Possibly I saw it under other Thread Group post that may no longer exits 4 I can't really recall I it was this 1 per say as it doesn't look all to familiar of as same x yes, a tiny bit, or just the comments themselves read elsewhere on forum somehow.
 Lylix1 Avatars in game Azulabux & Few Others. Update UPDATES ON MY PAGE LATER,WHENEVER I CAN.
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