07-21-2008, 10:05 AM
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doctor-warlord is offline
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well i was to make a vampire i would either train it up as a staff user or whip user to get it either casting bonuses or pet bonuses and how you would place your stats would depend on what weapon you choose
07-21-2008, 05:42 PM
Nah.. I'm raising Piercing.. then at 20.. duel wielding  Using a staff for magic purposes as a vamp kinda defeats the purpose... use Slashing, piercing or crushing... dont use whip or staff... you can add some red magic if you want damage  or some white or green for healing.. or be like me and raise blocking, suiting, parry, piercing and blue magic.. Vamp Tank FTW :P lol at 20 i'm going to stop lvling blocking :P lol its just something to do because as a vamp there isnt many skills that need to be lvled...
07-22-2008, 03:43 AM
yeah, i got some problems with that: all my 'main' skills are above player lv. what's the best thing to do then? do trophies decay while in storage? otherwise it would be possible to keep them there till you need them..
07-22-2008, 05:51 AM
using a staff doesn't defeat the purpose, you'll have auto attack on using a staff or a piercer. it comes down to play style... do you like using magic? or just the hum of the monitor while you watch your weapon swing?
07-22-2008, 12:35 PM
Hi! Can you tell me what does it mean:WARNING, you are fighting with inadequate contravention (CNT)and significaly more magic damadge?
07-22-2008, 02:51 PM
i got the same message when i just started. guess it was because my cnt (contravention) was only 95. when you gain some lvs in defence, you can raise this stat and if i remember well, the message dissappeared when you've raised it to 100
07-22-2008, 07:45 PM
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Hopilus is offline
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you are correct
The war is waged, the battles are fought, the Angels and the Demons vow that none shall be left standing. Compassion, never to be seen on the battlefield, one lone angel left standing at the battle's end, sword against her foes throat, tears in her eyes, for her fallen comrades and the slain enemies around her, staring into the eyes of the last demon, lowers her sword, a single act of compassion and mercy, never to be forgotten.
07-22-2008, 11:18 PM
No using staff is lower damage..and pointless.. Find a vamp that can do good damage .. at lvl 20 you'll be duel wielding.. and would have wasted points into staff when you could have lvled something better... So yes staff defeats the purpose of Melee damage... yes its strong.. but not as strong as a piercing weapon and DEF. not as strong as 2 piercing weapons or 2 slashing
Yes its good for spell damage... but Your a vampire.. your doing more melee then spell ... Honestly.. dont waste exp points.. use them where needed...
A whip is even more pointless then a staff thou... you'll be lvling like 7 or more skills then you really have to.. and your damage wil be low...
Staff is good damage .. but will be wasting points... Your not getting any bonuses for spell damage .. Go ahead and argue but staff is pointless as a vampire..
07-23-2008, 12:35 AM
Honestly, I think vamps should go one of two paths.
1) Caster path
-Equip a staff. They do decent damage; yes, delay is high, but you'll make up for it.
-Weaponry skills: Crit, Overcrit, Two Handed.
-Archery: None.
-Protection: Suiting, Parry. Combat Recovery would be nice, but only if you have spare trophies. Same with Impedance.
-Beast Mastery: None.
-Magic skills... Red magic is best, because as Antwon said, it comes with the Flare Up aura. Mental Conservation for Mana cost reduction. Sleight Of Hand looks nice, but only if the second fire doesn't use mana. Destruction is great, Wizardry is great. Divination, you want at least 1 point so you get the 10% energy/mana regen bonus. Diabolism should go without saying...
2) Beast path
-Weaponry: Crit, Overcrit.
-Archery: None
-Protection: Suiting, Parry. Combat Recovery isn't that necessary as you will not need to recover much in combat anyway. Impedance for spare combat trophies.
-Beast Mastery: Well, everything, really. Luckily you can burn spirit trophies on this.
-Magic Skills: White Magic, Blue Magic, Green Magic for Auras, as well as the associated skills to equip them. Maybe get some HoT's, but not necessary.
-Pets: Start with a rat, move up to a chipmunk until you can get an attacker that deals enough damage for you to vamp with it. Have a shield for the bonus AC until you can equip two whips.
There ya go. My personal ideas for vamps.
07-23-2008, 09:07 PM
Those are good but once you hit 20 they are very weak compared to full melee duel wielding.. There for they are pointless.. waste of skills.. spend time lvling skills you will loose later... ever bit of exp helps.. specially when you get to hell lvls you will wish you lvled them more earlier.. so yes.. Vamp with staff and vamp with whip.. Pointless.. Lvl melee.. ignore staff and whip.. Dont waste good exp =]
07-24-2008, 12:16 AM
First, whips can be dual weilded. Dual weld? Welded? I dunno. You can use two whips. And 2h weapons tend to do more damage to compensate for the fact that they take two hands to use them, thus eliminating the possibility of dual weilding, or using a shield.
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