Tanking Guide
Old 07-17-2008, 11:04 PM   #1
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Default Tanking Guide

Best Skills for a tank:

Parry- This one is iffy... Should a tank raise this?

Psych Magic
Blue Magic, Mind Bending, Wizardry
Life magic
Green Magic- The HoTs will be usefull small heals but will keep your health up a lil higher.. helping the healers out Thanks Davina and Emera... also you can add a lil damage spells for soloing or just a lil extra damage.
White Magic- Damage Shield Aura.. and other things you see important as the tank.. or some call the Meat Shield =] lol ... Thanks Ehlmaris.

Slashing, Piercing, or crushing
Critical Strikes - adds to ur damage.. which is good
Overcrit - Once you are able to hit 30-40+ crits

Beast Mastery-
Petmanship- just for the hell of it.. plus the extra damage is great.. or healing is great too just in case your healer can't handle all the damage.. which is possible

Worst Skills for a tank:

Two Handed

This isnt everything.. i know i'm forgetting some stuff.. Help the list

Last edited by antwon09; 07-18-2008 at 04:02 PM..
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Old 07-17-2008, 11:41 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

I would disagree on the life magic. Having lots of heals would allow a tank to take more damage and thus be more useful at higher levels. I think parrying is just as useful as blocking because it does the same thing and allows you to use two-handed weapons if you want. Petsmanship at 18 allows chipmunks, which heal.
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Old 07-18-2008, 12:22 AM   #3
Posts: n/a

ill have to disagree on life magic to since it help takes a bit off the duty of a priest, which can use the saved mana to rez, or do emergency heals. you can also get the aura gem that reduce damage, which is a plus on fights
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Old 07-18-2008, 01:15 AM   #4
Posts: n/a

I have to disagree with you disagreeing.. a healer has mana getting replenished while playing.. and also things take WAY less mana for a caster.. like a healer.. and a healer has to have something to do.. I'm a healer.. i'd RATHER .. almost be out of mana for healing then be healing someone who keeps healing them selves.. i'd feel useless and leave... White magic is pointless as a tank.. worry about damage not healing.. PLUS... if your a tank and worried about helping a healer out.. go Green magic instead.. HoT while the healer heals.. that will help keep your health up a lil and save healer mana.. yes Hot would be better.. So green magic is good for a tank.. i'll edit the post
thanks didnt even think about that :P
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Old 07-18-2008, 01:37 AM   #5
Posts: n/a

One reason for training white magic for a tank.

Damage Shield Auras.

I would say let healers/casters worry about that, but they need to focus on getting the healing gems or the DoT's out. You need someone who can spare the slots for a gem that will stay in play the entire fight. And since you have green magic in there, throw in the Damage Mirror Aura to add to the group's damage output. The blue gems... focus on Damage Reflect Aura which does a bit of both.

With the three of those, the Tank can also equip two heal gems - one white and one green - and the taunt gems.
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Old 07-18-2008, 01:07 PM   #6
Posts: n/a

My tank has 4 Taunts and HoT now.. his health officially never goes down.. lol and they always attack him.. Thats just my idea of a tank.. But once i get a damage shield or w/e then i'll be doing great =] btw nice sig Ehlmaris =]
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