Best Skills for a tank:
Parry- This one is iffy... Should a tank raise this?
Psych Magic
Blue Magic, Mind Bending, Wizardry
Life magic
Green Magic- The HoTs will be usefull small heals but will keep your health up a lil higher.. helping the healers out

Thanks Davina and Emera... also you can add a lil damage spells for soloing or just a lil extra damage.
White Magic- Damage Shield Aura.. and other things you see important as the tank.. or some call the Meat Shield =] lol ... Thanks Ehlmaris.
Slashing, Piercing, or crushing
Critical Strikes - adds to ur damage.. which is good

Overcrit - Once you are able to hit 30-40+ crits
Beast Mastery-
Petmanship- just for the hell of it.. plus the extra damage is great.. or healing is great too just in case your healer can't handle all the damage.. which is possible
Worst Skills for a tank:
Two Handed
This isnt everything.. i know i'm forgetting some stuff.. Help the list