Healer Guide |
07-17-2008, 11:01 PM
Healer Guide
Best Skills:
All Life Magic-
White Magic- Thats your direct heals
Green Magic- Thats your HoTs
Mental Cons.- A must have :]
Death Magic-
Diabolism- To use Death magic :P
Sleight of hand
Red Magic- To help for soloing.. Thanks Hop :P
Destruction- Crits can always be Nice  Thanks Hop :]
Psych Magic-
Mind Bending
Grey Magic- This is your shielding spells :]
Blue Magic- For Balance or E/M Conversion :] Thanks Somneil =]
Wizardry- Another must have =]
Beast Mastery- Petmanship - Just for the hell of it  The healing on yourself is good and so is damage.. =]
Protection- Everyone needs suiting.. =)
Overcrit-Mine as well get what you can out of the staff  Thanks Hopilus
Two Handed- " "
Critical Strike- " "
Worst Skills:
Probally some more.. Post your opinions  Also any other tips for Healers :]
Last edited by antwon09; 07-18-2008 at 09:39 PM..
07-17-2008, 11:04 PM
Any Chance at higher lvls there is Aoe heals? to heal group/party?
if so what lvl?
07-17-2008, 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by antwon09
Any Chance at higher lvls there is Aoe heals? to heal group/party?
if so what lvl?
99% sure there's not, but Jeff has said that there's still a ton of spells that haven't been added yet so that might be in the works. But I'm betting they'll be pretty inefficient. Just a guess 
07-18-2008, 01:11 AM
ya that would be sweet.. they will probally take.. a BUNCH of mana or energy lol
07-18-2008, 04:59 AM
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doctor-warlord is offline
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i would say if you planing to use damage spells later on the healer it might be smart to get red magic for the flare up aura
07-18-2008, 08:33 AM
What about blue magic for e/m conversion and/or balance gems?
07-18-2008, 09:46 AM
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Hopilus is offline
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i find it helpful to have at least 6 in red magic for the DoT.
also, you dont really need grey magic. the thick skin aura, and other white magic auras do just dandy.
however, i would recommend both white and green magics. for the healing, auras and DoT spells.
in all honesty, no healer is complete without some damage spells.
sometimes, its that added little umph that pulls your ass out of the fire.
plus, put enough in the stats that need it for the energy/mana conversion gems like Somneil suggested. gives you pretty much an unlimited supply of each, if you manage it right.
also, i would suggest a few skills in destruction. (i think thats the name of the skill. will double check that)
however, the biggest thing is. when making a healer/caster, do what feels right to you. everyone is going to have their own opinions of what makes a better healer/caster.
just because one person thinks it should be done a certain way, it may not be right for you. 
The war is waged, the battles are fought, the Angels and the Demons vow that none shall be left standing. Compassion, never to be seen on the battlefield, one lone angel left standing at the battle's end, sword against her foes throat, tears in her eyes, for her fallen comrades and the slain enemies around her, staring into the eyes of the last demon, lowers her sword, a single act of compassion and mercy, never to be forgotten.
07-18-2008, 12:53 PM
yep.. This is just a guide to help those that dont know where to start =] Thanks for the opinions i'll fix the guide asap :P
07-18-2008, 08:50 PM
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oh, and it also helps if you put skills in crit, overcrit and 2 handed.
even if you are mainly attacking/healing with magic, you do use a stave still. might as well try and get as much as you can out of it.
The war is waged, the battles are fought, the Angels and the Demons vow that none shall be left standing. Compassion, never to be seen on the battlefield, one lone angel left standing at the battle's end, sword against her foes throat, tears in her eyes, for her fallen comrades and the slain enemies around her, staring into the eyes of the last demon, lowers her sword, a single act of compassion and mercy, never to be forgotten.
07-18-2008, 08:58 PM
Ohhh ya.. i knew i was missing something... =] lol i tottaly forgot.. thanks Hopilus :P
07-18-2008, 09:00 PM
I dont think Crit and over crit include staff thou... If they did then a 2 handed staff would have 100% or more for crits... i think two handed covers the crit .. i dont think over crit includes staff either because it doesnt say... and for those who didnt read it right.. Crushing damage is dealt by a staff but crushing weapon skill doesnt include the staff... so crit and over crit arent usefull for staff wielding.. Maybe jeff will clear this up.. I might be wrong... But it doenst say staff or whip..
07-18-2008, 09:13 PM
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Hopilus is offline
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it does
read it (includes whips and staves)
The war is waged, the battles are fought, the Angels and the Demons vow that none shall be left standing. Compassion, never to be seen on the battlefield, one lone angel left standing at the battle's end, sword against her foes throat, tears in her eyes, for her fallen comrades and the slain enemies around her, staring into the eyes of the last demon, lowers her sword, a single act of compassion and mercy, never to be forgotten.
07-18-2008, 09:16 PM
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and i quote "Every point in this skill provides a chance for 0.25% to crit with slashing, piercing and crushing weapons. This includes whips and staves" that is the discription for Critical Strike.
The war is waged, the battles are fought, the Angels and the Demons vow that none shall be left standing. Compassion, never to be seen on the battlefield, one lone angel left standing at the battle's end, sword against her foes throat, tears in her eyes, for her fallen comrades and the slain enemies around her, staring into the eyes of the last demon, lowers her sword, a single act of compassion and mercy, never to be forgotten.
07-18-2008, 09:31 PM
Oh thanks.. Didnt even read that... Thanks Again hop :P lol
I'll update it again 
07-19-2008, 01:28 AM
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Hopilus is offline
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pft, you should know by now, i like my angel. and know about healing/casting. and what i dont know, i will learn. lol
The war is waged, the battles are fought, the Angels and the Demons vow that none shall be left standing. Compassion, never to be seen on the battlefield, one lone angel left standing at the battle's end, sword against her foes throat, tears in her eyes, for her fallen comrades and the slain enemies around her, staring into the eyes of the last demon, lowers her sword, a single act of compassion and mercy, never to be forgotten.
07-19-2008, 01:46 AM
=] Ya
Hopefully there is more healers for high lvls... =[ And Hopefully.... There is tanks too... I stoped lvling my tank and healer.. just because having 10 chars is pointless... plus confusing.. and time consuming lol.. but i'm going to make my vamp a somewhat tank.. he takes damage great and heals himself pretty well just from damage.. and he is speced to shield himself with grey magic =] So far the vamp tank is working out.. lots of skills to lvl just because he is a damage class mainly.. and lots of protection lvls to lvl =[ lol but oh well its pretty cool :P
Thanks for all the help on the quick guide 
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