Damage and Exp Formulas
Old 04-14-2010, 06:30 PM   #1
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Default Damage and Exp Formulas

MIN(n1,n2) is a function which means use the smaller number.
MAX(n1,n2) is a function which means use the larger number.

S = Strength
D = Dexterity
L = Target Character agi or Mob Level + 100
x = min weapon damage
y = max weapon damage
ss = slash spec level
ps = pierce spec level
cs = crush spec level
o = overcrit level

Slash Hit:
Min Calculated Damage : x * (1 + (ss / 500))
Max Calculated Damage: y * MIN((S / L), 1.5) * (1 + (ss / 500))

Pierce Hit:
Min Calculated Damage : x * (1 + (ps / 250))
Max Calculated Damage: y * MIN((D / L), 1.5)

Crush Hit:
Min Calculated Damage : x
Max Calculated Damage: y * MIN((S / L), 1.5) * (1 + (cs / 400))

X = Min Calculated Damage
Y = Max Calculated Damage

Min : X * (1.5 * (1 + (o * 0.33) / 100))
Max: Y * (1.5 * (1 + (o * 0.33) / 100))

Min : X * (1.5 * (1 + (o / 100))
Max: Y * (1.5 * (1 + o / 100))

db = deathblow level
X = Min Calculated Damage
Y = Max Calculated Damage
CX = Min Calculated Crit
CY = Max Calculated Crit

Min: CX * (1 + (db / 100))
Max: CY * (1 + (db / 100))

Normal min: X * (1 + (db / 100))
Normal max: Y * (1 + (db / 100))

S = (int + cnc) / 2
L = Target Character agi or Mob Level + 100
w = min bow damage
x = max bow damage
y = min arrow damage
z = max arrow damage
sc = serial criticality level

Calculated Min Bow + Arrow Damage = w + y
Calculated Max Bow + Arrow Damage = ROUND((x + z) * MIN(S/L, 1.5)) <- round up or down like you would an integer

Ciritcal Hits:
X = Calculated Min Bow + Arrow Damage
Y = Calculated Max Bow + Arrow Damage

Min Crit Damage = X * (1.5 * (1 + (sc / 1000)));
Min Crit Damage = Y * (1.5 * (1 + (sc / 1000)));

Mega Crits:
CX = Min Crit Damage
CY = Max Crit Damage

Mega Crit Min = CX * 2
Mega Crit Max = CY * 2

Aerial Dom Crits:

MX = Mega Crit Min
MY = Mega Crit Max

Aerial Dom Min = MX * 2
Aerial Dom Max = MY * 2


Direct Damage:

Red and Blue Magic:
I = int
L = Target Character cnt or Mob Level + 100
x = min gem damage
y = max gem damage
i = inferno level
f = flare up aura

Calculated Min Damage = x * (1 + ((i *.35) / 100))
Calculated Max Damage = MIN((y + f), 2y) * MIN(I / L, 1.5) * (1 + ((i *.35) / 100))

Calculated Min Damage = x * (1 + (i / 500))
Calculated Min Damage = MIN((y + f), 2y) * MIN(I / L, 1.5) * (1 + (i / 500))

Black and Green Magic:
I = int
L = Target Character cnt or Mob Level + 100
x = min gem damage
y = max gem damage
n = necromancy level
f = flare up aura

Calculated Min Damage = x * (1 + ((n *.35) / 100))
Calculated Min Damage = MIN((y + f), 2y) * MIN(I / L, 1.5) * (1 + ((n *.35) / 100))

White and Grey Magic:
I = int
L = Target Character cnt or Mob Level + 100
x = min gem damage
y = max gem damage
f = flare up aura
cb = color blind

Calculated Min Damage = x * (1 + (cb *0.33/ 100))
Calculated Min Damage = MIN((y + f), 2y) * MIN(I / L, 1.5) * (1 + (cb * 0.33 / 100))

X = Calculate Min Damage
Y = Calculated Max Damage

Min Crit Damage = X * 1.5
Max Crit Damage = Y * 1.5

Damage Over Time:
I = int
D = dot damage
T = dot duration

dp = dark patience level
hd = hasten demise level

With Staff:
Calculated Damage(X) = D * (1 + (dp / 200))
Calculated Duration = T / (1 + (hd / 100))

Deathflow Damage = MIN(X + I, 2X)
OutBreak Damage = X * 1.25

Outbreak + Deathflow = MIN(X * 1.25 + I, 2(X * 1.25)) <- theoretically

SE = stat enhance level
str = your str
W = worgen level
Pet Str = (base str on the pet + stone mod) + ((W * 3 / 4) * str)
S = Pet Str
L = Target Character agi or Mob Level + 100
T = Taming Level
F = Ferocity Level
K = Stalking Level
x = pet min damage
y = pet max damage

If not using whips T = 0

Min Damage(X) = x * (1 + (T / 100)) * (1 + (F / 400)) * (1 +(K / 100))
max Damage(Y) = y * MIN(S / L, 1.5) * (1 + (T / 100)) * (1 + (F / 400)) * (1 +(K / 100))
Crit Min = X * 1.5
Crit Max = Y * 1.5

Cirt Min with Wound = X * 3 (up to 3x if the bleed finishes)
Crit Max with Wound = Y * 3 (up to 3x if the bleed finishes)

New: Accuracy(speculation)

With the new accuracy patch my old equation should be fairly accurate now.

These are going to need heavy testing. They should be slightly lower if your stats are above 300.

B = Base Accuracy (0.75 for normal mobs/bosses and 0.5 for black mobs/bosses)
D = stat used for accuracy (Dex for slash, pierce and ranged, avg of both for crush, cnc for gems) <- speculation
agi = opponents agi stat or 100 + mob level for mobs/bosses
W = weapon accuracy (poor = -5, normal = 0, good = 5, great = 10, excellent = 15, exceptional = 20, epic = 25)
A = assurance rune
P = precision level
T = lg melee weapon procs not equpped = 0
dw weaps(2T) = (1 - (1 - T / 100) * (1 - T / 100))
rr = ranger revenge arrow proc not equipped = 0

m = mob penalty <- also speculation
grey - white = 0
level + 1 = 2.5
level + 2 = 5.0
level + 3 = 7.5
level + 4 = 10.0
level + 5 = 12.5
level + 6 -> 20 = 15.0 -> 50.0


Single Weapon:
1 - (((1 - (B - (m / (D / agi)))) / 100) * (1 - (W / 100)) * (1 - (A / 100)) * (1 - (P / 1000)) * ( 1 - (T / 100)) * (1 - (rr / 100)))

1 - (((1 - (B - (m / (D / agi))) / 100) * (1 - (W / 100)) * (1 - (A / 100)) * (1 - (P / 1000)) * ( 1 - 2T) * (1 - (rr / 100)))

p = piercing skill level

1 - (((1 - (B - (m / (D / agi))) / 100) * (1 - (W / 100)) * (1 - (A / 100)) * (1 - (P / 1000)) * ( 1 - (T / 100)) * (1 - (rr / 100)) * (1 - (p / 2000)))

1 - (((1 - ((B - (m / (D / agi))) / 100) * (1 - (W / 100)) * (1 - (A / 100)) * (1 - (P / 1000)) * ( 1 - 2T) * (1 - (rr / 100)) * (1 - (p / 2000)))

te = trained eye level

1 - (((1 - (B - (m / (D / agi))) / 100) * (1 - (W / 100)) * (1 - (A / 100)) * (1 - (P / 1000)) * ( 1 - (T / 100)) * (1 - (rr / 100)) * (1 - (te * 0.15 / 100)))

1 - (((1 - ((B - (m / (D / agi))) / 100) * (1 - (W / 100)) * (1 - (A / 100)) * (1 - (P / 1000)) * ( 1 - 2T) * (1 - (rr / 100)) * (1 - (te * 0.15 / 100)))

1 - (((1 - (B - (m / (D / agi))) / 100) * (1 - (A / 100)) * ( 1 - (T / 100)) * (1 - (rr / 100)))

1 - (((1 - (B - (m / (D / agi))) / 100) * (1 - (A / 100)) * ( 1 - 2T) * (1 - (rr / 100)))

cnt = opponents cnt or mob level + 100 for mobs/bosses

1 - (((1 - (B - (m / (D / agi))) / 100) * (1 - (A / 100)) * (1 - (P / 1000)) * ( 1 - (T / 100)) * (1 - (rr / 100)))

B - (m / (D / cnt))

New: Skewed Damage(speculation)

S = stat used to increase damage (str for slash and crush, avg of str + dex for pierce, avg of cnc and agi for ranged, int for dd, pets str for pets)
agi = agi of opponent or mob level + 100 for mobs
cnt = cnt of opponent or mob level + 100 for mobs

S / agi

S / cnt

Calculate average damage but instead of using the 1.5x cap to max use that modifier.

S = 500
agi = 250
Slash weapon damage = 50 - 100
You have enough str to get the 50% max bonus
= 50 - 150
= 200 / 2 = 100
x = min = 50
y = max = 100

X = x
X = 50

Y = y * S / agi
Y = 100 * 500 / 250
Y = 100 * 2
Y = 200

new range = 50 - 200
= (50 + 200) / 2
= 250 / 2
= 125 new average

125/100 = a 25% damage skew

Exp Formula For Grouping:
X = Character Level
V = Number of virtues
A = Level of active accel
G = Level of group acumen
R = Rune of the wise % (0 if you don't have one linked)
S = stat bonus (+10% - 5% etc)

M = Mob Factors
X - 3 = 0.25
X - 2 = 0.50
X - 1 = 0.75
X = 1
X + 1 = 1.20
X + 2 = 1.40
X + 3 = 1.70
X + 4 = 2.10
X + 5+ = 2.60 (Black 1)


If you are group farming in the same square and the difference from lowest level to highest is > 4){
1: X = the higher of moblevel - 5 to the avg of the levels in the group
2: change (1 + (G / 200)) to (1 + (G / 100))
3: divide the result by the number of group members

If you are group farming in the same square and similar levels (within 4 from lowest level to highest){
1: change (1 + (G / 200)) to (1 + (G / 100))
2: divide the result by the number of group members

Level 1- 49
((X * 200) + 300) * (1 + (V / 30)) * (1 + (A / 400)) * ( 1 + (G / 200)) * (1 + (R / 100)) * (1 + (S / 100)) * M

Level 50+
((X * 200) + ((X -50) * 100) + 600) * (1 + (V / 100)) * (1 + (A / 400)) * ( 1 + (G / 200)) * (1 + (R / 100)) * (1 + (S / 100)) * M

Adventure Exp:
Level 1 - 49
((X * 2000) + 3000) * (1 + (V / 100)) * (1 + (A / 400)) * (1 + (R / 100))

Level 50+
((X * 2000) + ((X -50) * 1000) + 6000) * (1 + (V / 100)) * (1 + (A / 400)) * (1 + (R / 100))

Put the numbers in as they are if its a +10 stat bonus you plug in 10 not .1 if its a -5 you plug in -5 not -0.05 the formula breaks it down into its % for you.

Active accel = .25% a level which is the same as its level / 400
Group Acumen = .5% or its level / 200

If You're an adventurer multiply by (1 + (class bonus / 100))

Also if you're training stats that are affected by the level penalty:

This table is based off the current skill level not the skill level it will be.

Skill < X = 1.0
Skill = X = 0.9
Skill = X + 1 = 0.8
Skill = X + 2= 0.7
Skill = X + 3= 0.6
Skill = X + 4= 0.5
Skill = X + 5= 0.4
Skill = X + 6= 0.3
Skill = X + 7= 0.2
Skill = X + 8= 0.1
Skill >= X + 9= 0.05

Multiply the exp by those to see how much you get.

If you are not in a group do not multiply by the ( 1 + (G / 200))

Bosses are worth 2x the exp.

Gold Formula:
gmin = mob or boss level / 2
gmax = (moblevel * 2 + 7)
bmax = gmax * 4
L = language level
R = riches%
P = premium = 2 or 1 if not prem
A = accel = 3 or 1 if no accel
DA = double accel = 2 or 1 if no double accel

MC = max coinage level
HP = mobs hp or boss hp / 2
THP = ~569400 (hp of a level 81 mob * 100)

M = Max coinage Bonus = (MC * HP / THP) + (1 - MC / 100)

Gold Min = gmin * (1 + L / 1000) * (1 + R / 100) * P * A * DA * M
Gold Max = gmax * (1 + L / 1000) * (1 + R / 100) * P * A * DA * M
Boss Max = bmax * (1 + L / 1000) * (1 + R / 100) * P * A * DA * M

Rush Min = Gold Min * 7
Rush Max = Gold Max * 7
Rush Boss = Boss Max * 7

The formula is inaccurate but close. Still have to do more testing.


Beet Da Brat

Last edited by beetdabrat; 03-27-2015 at 12:12 AM.. Reason: Added Aerial Dom
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Old 04-14-2010, 07:22 PM   #2
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L = 100 + Character Level max of 1.5 or more accurate 100 + mob level still maxed at 1.5
little confusing cause it is the (S/L) that cannot exceed 1.5
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Theoretical Accuracy Formula
Old 04-14-2010, 07:41 PM   #3
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Default Theoretical Accuracy Formula

I have to fix the accuracy formulas.

Beet Da Brat

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Old 04-14-2010, 07:43 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by launcelot
little confusing cause it is the (S/L) that cannot exceed 1.5
Fixed it, put the function in the formula.

Beet Da Brat

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Old 04-14-2010, 07:58 PM   #5
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must be some new maths symbols im not aware of, but wtf does , do??

is it multiply divide plus subtract or what??


also in the calcs at the top to work out the min/max damage. what is MIN??

Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
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Old 04-14-2010, 08:08 PM   #6
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the , in the (S/L, 1.5) is saying that the S/L cannot be higher than 1.5

The MIN if your talking about in the accuracy is confusing me too though


Why is there a MIN put in on the first damage equations they were right before that.
Instead of: Max Calculated Damage: y * MIN((S / L), 1.5) * (1 + (cs / 400))
It is: Max Calculated Damage: y * ((S / L), 1.5) * (1 + (cs / 400))

Last edited by launcelot; 04-14-2010 at 08:18 PM..
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Old 04-14-2010, 08:12 PM   #7
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yeah figured the , out after i looked at some other posts.

and the MIN im talking about is trying to work out the Min/Max damage in this calc:

Originally Posted by beetdabrat
Slash Hit:
Min Calculated Damage : x * MIN((S / L), 1.5) * (1 + (ss / 500))
Max Calculated Damage: y * MIN((S / L), 1.5) * (1 + (ss / 500))
i can work out everything else in there, BUT the MIN. which might help and give some accurate numbers.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.

Last edited by Smashbros; 04-14-2010 at 08:15 PM.. Reason: bracket fail
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Old 04-14-2010, 10:01 PM   #8
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MIN is comparing the two numbers (S/L, 1.5) and telling you to use the smaller of the two. MIN is short for Minimum. Its also the function you can use in a spreadsheet to automatically take the 1.5 if S/L goes above that. Some spreadsheet programs you have to use a semicolon ; instead of the comma.

Beet Da Brat

Last edited by beetdabrat; 04-14-2010 at 10:06 PM..
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Old 04-14-2010, 11:57 PM   #9
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Do you know the pet Damage formulae?
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Old 04-15-2010, 06:15 AM   #10
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Still not convinced of some of this, will continue my research to provide my own data. Hopefully combine info to get the full idea, yeah?
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Old 04-15-2010, 05:21 PM   #11
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This looks absolutely beautiful Beet.

Thank you for posting.
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Old 04-18-2010, 04:59 AM   #12
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Pet Formula:
S = Pet Str
L = 100 + mob level
T = Taming Level
F = Ferocity Level
K = Stalking Level
x = pet min damage
y = pet max damage

If not using whips T = 0

Min Damage(X) = x * MIN(S / L, 1.5) * (1 + (T / 100)) * (1 + (F / 400)) * (1 +(K / 100))
max Damage(Y) = y * MIN(S / L, 1.5) * (1 + (T / 100)) * (1 + (F / 400)) * (1 +(K / 100))

Crit Min = X * 1.5
Crit Max = Y * 1.5

Cirt Min with Wound = X * 3 (up to 3x if the bleed finishes)
Crit Max with Wound = Y * 3 (up to 3x if the bleed finishes)

This is how I think it works,
Beet Da Brat

Last edited by beetdabrat; 08-28-2010 at 12:54 PM..
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Old 04-22-2010, 10:44 PM   #13
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Updated the virtues bonus for the experience formula. Also updated pet stats to include stat enhance.

Beet Da Brat

Last edited by beetdabrat; 04-23-2010 at 05:45 AM..
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Old 04-23-2010, 04:24 PM   #14
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Hey BdB, what about trophy drops? I saw a thread by Relic once that said the best drop rates are from yellow/white or yellow/orange, but do you have anything related? Thanks in Advance, and good work on the previous stuff.
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Old 04-23-2010, 05:55 PM   #15
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Removed the stat modifier for min damage as it was proven not to be affected.

Beet Da Brat

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Old 04-24-2010, 01:06 PM   #16
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Malc, here's the list of average trophy drops, not including the plunderfiend skill:

Green - 0.5
Aqua - 1.0
Blue - 1.5
White - 2.0
Yellow - 2.4
Orange - 2.8
Red - 3.4
Purple - 4.2
Black - 5.2

So it all boils down to how fast you kill each color mob(or 2 colors in a certain zone). The best way to tell what color/zone is best for you is simply to time how long it takes for you to kill X(as large as possible to get a good average) number of mobs in a zone. Then compare time / (# of mobs killed * trophy average). That should give you seconds per trophy for each zone. Then just go with the lowest.

It's a little tricky because you'll need to count, for instance, the number of whites and yellows, and multiply by 2 and 2.4 respectively if you want to get really accurate. Otherwise, in a white/yellow zone use 2.2...(2+2.4)/2...for a quick estimate.

Hopefully that makes sense...someone double check me plz just to make sure
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Old 04-24-2010, 01:53 PM   #17
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For my accuracy formula I put in all the correct data and itr came out to be 2.4625... What does this # mean??

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Old 04-24-2010, 01:57 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by ajones
For my accuracy formula I put in all the correct data and itr came out to be 2.4625... What does this # mean??

Something went horribly wrong lol. since that would be a 246% accuracy

Beet Da Brat

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Old 04-24-2010, 10:05 PM   #19
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Well if you get a chance to look this over.....

accuracy= 1-((1-.75)*(1-0)*(1-11(.5))*(1-0)*(1-(0/1000))*(1-((35-38)/10)))

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Old 04-24-2010, 10:38 PM   #20
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For Ajones:

BA = Base accuracy = 75%
W = Weapon accuracy = Normal = 0
D/L = [dex / (100 + character level)] = 1.5 (so we use 0.5)
A = Assurance rune bonus = 0
P = Precision level = 0
X = character level = 35
M = mob level = 38

Accuracy = 1 - ((1 - BA) * (1 - W) * (1 - MIN(D/L - 1, 0.5)) * (1 - A) * (1 - (P / 1000)) * (1 - ((X - M) / 10)))

Plugging in the numbers we get :

Accuracy = 1 - ((1 - .75) * (1 - 0) * (1 - (0.5)) * (1 - 0) * (1 - (0 / 1000)) *
(1 - ((35 - 38) / 10)))

Solving inside the parenthesis without getting rid of any parenthesis we get:

Accuracy = 1 - ((.25) * (1) * (1 - (0.5)) * (1) * (1 - (0)) * (1 - ((-3) / 10)))

getting rid of extraneous parenthesis we get:

Accuracy = 1 - (.25 * 1 * 0.5 * 1 * 1 * 1.3)

Accuracy = 1 - .1625 = .8375 = 83.75 % accuracy

So there you go Ajones. With the numbers that you gave, you have an 83.75% accuracy against red mobs.

You probably messed up on the parenthesis. Just be careful with the parenthesis.
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