04-24-2010, 10:50 PM
Awee thx... I see my mistake. I misread the min dmg part...
04-26-2010, 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by StormGuardian
...not including the plunderfiend skill:
Thanks StormGuardian. How did you come up with the rates? And I assume the PF skill increases it evenly across colors?
04-26-2010, 01:34 PM
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Lots of testing
Basically I wrote down the # of trophies i got from each mob and averaged them. I noticed that they were approaching the already known multipliers for XP based on color as well, just x2(if you assume white = 1.0 multiplier). This came from 500+ fights from colors blue through purple, so I'm assuming green/aqua/black follow suit.
You are correct, simply take the average trophy number and multiply by the additional % based on your PF skill. AVG * (1+ 0.003*PF) should give you what you're looking for.
04-26-2010, 11:54 PM
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Updated the archery damage formula, need it tested though.
Beet Da Brat
04-27-2010, 02:44 AM
Do you know the spell accuracy formula?
That's one I've been looking for, for quite a long while.
04-27-2010, 10:55 AM
I'm assuming that the Precision formula should be *100 and not *1000. Else Precision would be all but useless.
04-27-2010, 04:24 PM
Thanks Storm. I wish there were a better way to predict loot drop or epic drop. I've read a lot of varying ideas on the matter on the forums, but nothing that really seems to nail it down. Simply seems to be more a matter of chance than anything you can put a formula to.
04-28-2010, 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by beetdabrat
Theoretical Accuracy Formulas:
Base Accuracy(BA) = 75%
Base Accuracy for Black Mobs(BA) = 50%
W = Weapon Accuracy:
Poor = -0.04
Normal = 0
Good = 0.04
Great = 0.08
Excellent = 0.12
Exceptional = 0.16
Epic = 0.20
S = str
D = dex
L = 100 + Character Level or 100 + Mob Level
X = Char Level
M = Mob Level
A = Assurance Bonus if Linked (8% would be 0.08)
P = Precision Level
R = Piercing Level
Accuracy = 1 - ((1 - BA) * (1 - W) * (1 - MIN(D/L - 1, 0.5)) * (1 - A) * (1 - (P / 1000)) * (1 - ((X - M) / 10)))
love all these formulas for this tho acc is only theoretical and doesnt seem true to what actually happens so i looked around and this is what i came up with
Base accuracy
the base accuracy starts at 75% for whites and goes up and down by 5% for each lvl of the mob which would leave 50% at blacks and would mean almost 100% for greys (which from what little i done to test seems accurate). if this is the case its most likely that the (1 - ((X - M) / 10) part of the equation for the rise for lvls you have may not be part of the equation
Assurance rune
also i noticed that assurance is a very good at improving accuracy and the way in which u calculate it make it pretty much negligable and reading the description it says "grants a x% extra chance to hit with all attacks. includes melee range pet and direct damage." the same as the crit rune which is "grants a y% extra chance to crit with all attacks. includes melee range pet and direct damage."
from that i figured that the hit chance from assurance is calculated one of the 2 following ways
from that i gathered that assurance rune may be added to the final accuracy rather than multiplied inside of it since the crit rune which is worded almost exactly the same is added and that assurance rune seems to give more of a bonus that your equation suggests
although the wording suggests it is added the other possible solution i thought of was it multiplies the accuracy rather than the chance to miss which it is doing in your equation
ie: rather than 0.92*0.25=0.23 chance to miss or a 0.77 chance to hit
you have 1.08*0.75=0.81 chance to hit or a 0.19 chance to miss
Other questions
does stat enhancement effect pets because i wasnt sure on that since it doesnt show visually on the pet (at least it doesnt on mine)
why hasn't this thread been stickied yet?
04-28-2010, 04:30 PM
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From testing, yes stat enhancement does increase your pet stats.
As for the accuracy formula I was assuming that it would work like most everything else.
For example:
100 critical strike is 25% chance
100 two handed is 40% chance
The way it is calculated though is as separate events.
->Check for critical strike the random generator rolls a 33 which is > 25 so it fails.
->Check for two handed the random generator rolls another 33 which is <= 40 so it passes.
By checking this way it comes out to a lower chance than if it was simply added. Which is why the 1 - (!n1 * !n2...) comes up.
I was assuming accuracy was done the same way since everything else seems to be.
But Like I said it is theoretical and I haven't been able to do actual testing. So if you find an equation that better represents it, please share.
Beet Da Brat
04-28-2010, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Malc
Thanks Storm. I wish there were a better way to predict loot drop or epic drop. I've read a lot of varying ideas on the matter on the forums, but nothing that really seems to nail it down. Simply seems to be more a matter of chance than anything you can put a formula to.
For items other than trophies I am seeing a trend that each mob has a certain chance to drop each type (potions, gems, runes, equipment).
So for a rat:
So you have a 1% chance to get a non trophy item
then it will select whether it is going to be a potion, rune, gem, or equipment
I am thinking it is chance but then there's a guaranteed drop after so many kills.
so you kill a rat
It then checks to see if you are getting an item.
Equipment drop is selected from the random generator.
Now it finds which equipment items are in the loot table and randomly selects one of them.
You see the selected item in the rats inventory.
This is of course my theory,
Beet Da Brat
04-28-2010, 11:37 PM
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Originally Posted by yoky
ahh ok then i see i didnt know that they were calculated as separate events makes it alot clearer tho it still looks likely to me at least that it is the base accuracy that changes for different lvl mobs
just by looking at your formula it states
"(1 - ((X - M) / 10)"
and the fact that they are calculated as seperate events means this only allows for decreases of accuracy were as your accuracy increases for lower lvl mobs(at least it seems to i haven't done testing on this)
and for assurance rune i still cant accept that it is multiplicative although im basing this from how much i seem to hit using it and the wording of the rune itself and with no actual numerical data (tho of course your calculation is only theoretical itself)
i propose the following equation:
D = dex
L = 100 + Character Level or 100 + Mob Level
X = Char Level
M = Mob Level
A = Assurance Bonus if Linked (8% would be 0.08)
P = Precision Level
base accuracy (BA)= 0.75+(5*(X - M))+A
Accuracy = 1 - (1 - BA) * (1 - W) * (1 - MIN(D/L - 1, 0.5) * (1 - (P / 1000))
for the base accuracy i assume it is caped at greys or greens (same as blacks currently are) or from -4/-3 to +5
quick test that can be done
using my equations if the accuracy is dependent as i just proposed if it is caped at -4 and not -3 then its possible that you can achieve 100% accuracy with an assurance stone versus greys or around 1% versus greens
You're missing weapon accuracy.
If it was -4 then you wouldn't miss greys but I have missed them on occasion.
Beet Da Brat
04-29-2010, 05:36 AM
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Also somewhere it was posted, as BdB mentioned that assurance rune is another chance to hit, meaning it is "checked" separately, and is multiplied in as another one of the 1 - (!n1 * !n2...) possibly chances. I'd find the thread but it's 630 in the morning and I havent gone to sleep yet  .
Also BdB, I've been gone from the game for ~4 months...but I have written down somewhere when I was doing XP calculations that both +5 and +6 black mobs gave the same multiplier to XP(and so I'm assuming +7,+8, etc do too, just the different base XPs)...but this is NOT for certain as I've misplaced my spreadsheet :\ Just a thought that these should be checked into again perhaps
Great work on accuracies BTW...I'll look them over some more in the next few days and see if I can add anything...but they look pretty close to me :P
05-04-2010, 10:13 PM
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Question about archery damage. Your formula states to use the higher of Int or Cnc. Is that correct, or should it be the average of Int and Cnc?
05-04-2010, 10:17 PM
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you use the average of cnc and int
Originally Posted by Glitchless
There are modifiers that alter drop chance when you go AFK based on what you do when gone. We will list them here: - Fix and eat a sandwich +15%
- Watch TV -5%
- Urinate +20%
- Finish your homework +10%
- Stand on your head for 5+ minutes +33%
We believe these are working as intended.
05-05-2010, 01:30 AM
A very interesting topic 
Description for Str and Int claims that it also increases chance to do max damage, sort of skews distribution towards higher end. Is this true? Maybe it only means "prevent half-damage hits" for mobs with higher level? Are there any statistical data for this?
05-05-2010, 02:25 AM
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it increases your average damage after you achieve your max
Originally Posted by Glitchless
There are modifiers that alter drop chance when you go AFK based on what you do when gone. We will list them here: - Fix and eat a sandwich +15%
- Watch TV -5%
- Urinate +20%
- Finish your homework +10%
- Stand on your head for 5+ minutes +33%
We believe these are working as intended.
05-05-2010, 03:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Thomas Jordan
Question about archery damage. Your formula states to use the higher of Int or Cnc. Is that correct, or should it be the average of Int and Cnc?
I'm still working on the archery formula and i'm not sure exactly how its done yet, but was testing and was getting higher hits than would be calculated with avg cnc and int. I also thing the arrow and bow are done seperately then added at the end.
Beet Da Brat
05-08-2010, 06:01 PM
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Here's what I have so far for archery, per the way you have yours shown. It's not exact according to numbers some ppl have reported, but it's pretty dang close:
S = (int+cnc)/2
L = 100 +mob level(fyi, just use mob lvl cause all formula use this, not 100+char lvl)
x = min bow+min arrow damage
y = max bow+max arrow damage
sc = serial criticality level
Calculated Min Damage = x
Calculated Min Damage = ROUND(x * S/L) <- round up or down like you would an integer
Calculated Max Damage = y
Calculated Max Damage = ROUND(y * S/L) <- round up or down like you would an integer
** Note there is NO cap of x1.5 for archers
Ciritcal Hits: ( take the NON-ROUNDED version of the previous min/max )
X = Calculated Min Damage
Y = Calculated Max Damage
Min Crit Damage = X * (1.5 * (1 + (sc / 1000)));
Max Crit Damage = Y * (1.5 * (1 + (sc / 1000)));
This will get you very close, but a few ppl that I'm getting numbers from are reporting only slightly higher numbers than this formula gives...which *might* mean that you take the higher of int or cnc, but i'm not sure. Obviously you can add in archer bonuses to max damage(as follows) and runes.
CE = class enhancement
CS = class specialization
z = archer's max
z = y * ( 1 + (0.05+0.00025*CE)*(1 + 0.01*CS))
That'll be your new max damage if you're an archer. Then of course just add in rune of pain, etc.
05-08-2010, 10:08 PM
Red and Blue Magic:
I = int
L = 100 + level or 100+ mob level if it is much different
x = min gem damage
y = max gem damage
i = inferno level
f = flare up aura
Calculated Min Damage = x * (1 + ((i *.35) / 100))
Calculated Min Damage = MIN((y + f), 2y) *
MIN(I / L, 1.5) * (1 + ((i *.35) / 100))
Does this mean that intellect caps at 300?
since I / L cannot be greater than 1.5? is that what it is or is it something else?
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