Brewing Spirits (Not the Trophies)
Old 12-21-2009, 02:46 AM   #1
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Default Brewing Spirits (Not the Trophies)

I was just reading a thread in this sub-forum about ideas for potions to be made with the Potionmaking skill and I remembered that the Brewing skill description also mentions something that has yet to implemented into the land of Nodiatis.

The Brewing skill description reads as follows:

"Brewers are currently known for their ability to extract valuable oils from vegetables and fish via the use of huge cauldrons. Some are also studying to one day master the art of creating spirits."

I'm not exactly sure what Jeff had in mind for spirits when wrote this skill description, but it should almost certainly have significant pros and nearly-debilitating cons (alcohol is bad mmkay). I would like to see what kinds of ideas everyone can come up with.

Every solid idea we, as a community, can come up with increases the chance that we will see this implemented in the not-so-distant future. Simple and creative ideas are the ones that are most likely win out over others so keep that in mind when you are brainstorming. KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid).

I'll throw some ideas up when I think of something. How about you people, have any ideas to start us out?
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Old 12-21-2009, 03:01 AM   #2
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Glad you made this thread Kerry, good idea.
Here's my KISS:

Spirits(alchohol), It has 30 tiers of potency, similar to resourcing, crafting items, etc. Depending on the Brewing level of the Brewer, the cons of drinking these spirits can be decreased, and the pros increased. Would also suggest temporary effects from the spirits (5-15mins per drink) and then after it wears off is when the debilitating effects take place.

Simple example:

(Spirit made from lower level brewer):
Spirit of the stout: increase damage by 10, decrease accuracy by 10.
Increase armor class by 10, increase chance to be hit by 10.

(Spirit made from high level brewer):
Spirit of the stout : increase damage by 15, decrease accuracy by 4.
Increase armor class by 15, increase chance to be hit by 4.

Many ways to work out formula and concepts, just needs some discussion.
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Old 12-21-2009, 03:55 AM   #3
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I really like the idea that the level of Brewing for the brewer directly affects the awesomeness of the liquor.

An interesting idea I have is that the resulting item from brewing spirits with a distillery is a massively heavy keg. The keg would not tell you the resulting effect the spirit will have. The keg would have a small chance to decay. Once the keg decays you are left with a small stack of liquors (perhaps a variable amount). I know this isn't very simple, but I'm in love with the idea of having a dimension of realism to the spirit-brewing process.

I would also like to see people of the Alcoholic class have a resistance to the negative effects of the alcohol, and perhaps even benefit more from the alcohol then others would.
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Old 12-21-2009, 07:57 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Kerrlahg
I would also like to see people of the Alcoholic class have a resistance to the negative effects of the alcohol, and perhaps even benefit more from the alcohol then others would.
I was thinking the same thing.
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Old 12-21-2009, 01:49 PM   #5
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Perhaps characters could actually get addicted to alcohol and there would be penalties associated with breaking an alcohol addiction?
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Old 12-22-2009, 07:31 AM   #6
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I like the idea of having long-term withdrawal symptoms, but my main worry with getting spirit-brewing implemented is that it's going to need to be straight-forward, easily balanced, and fit well into the existing game.

It seems like whoever does the coding for new features doesn't have much extra time to budget for getting less-popular ideas implemented, especially ones that demand extra complexity. But please everyone, keep the ideas coming! The more responses and input we get to threads like this, the more Glitchless will know people are interested in seeing these features completed and implemented.

With that being said, I have another idea for how spirits could be used. The spirit could be equipped and it's usage tracked with 2 bars (similar to how rested time and rollover rested time look on the interface).

I'm going to break this apart so it's a little easier to follow (I promise it makes a whole ton of sense and isn't too complicated once you are able to grasp the concept).

  1. When you first equip the spirit the top bar (green to represent a positive effect) is full.
  2. You can right click the bars and select to activate it.
  3. The positive bar is drained when you are using rested time and you receive the positive effect.
  4. As the positive bar is drained, the negative bar (red to represent the negative effect) fills up at the same rate as the positive bar is drained.
  5. At any point when you aren't using rested time you can right click the bars and select to deactivate the spirit.
  6. When the spirit is deactivated, the negative bar drains when you are using rested time and you suffer the stated negative effects.

A Few Rules:
  1. You cannot remove the spirit from it's equipped position and place it back into your inventory.
  2. You can destroy the alcohol from it's equipped position so long as the negative bar is empty.
  3. When both bars are empty, the alcohol item is removed and destroyed automatically and you are free to equip another spirit and repeat the vicious cycle of alcoholism.

Spirit brewing can either be made into a complicated process, or it can be relatively simple and rely on local factors (the character itself) for complexity. Here is a few ideas I've been tossing around in my head.

Spirit ideas:
  1. We could have just a handful of different spirits divided by character build-types they would be best suited for. The strength of the spirit would be derived from the brewing level of the character who crafted it.
  2. Alcoholics must have a spirit-related bonus. They could have a % bonus/decrease to positive/negative effects, the negative bar could fill up slower (or drain quicker), or they could simply not ever suffer a negative effect.
  3. In similar fashion to how enchanting stones are made, each resource-type would have a known effect. When brewing with the distillery tool, the resources on the left would cause that effect in a positive way and resources on the right would cause that effect in a negative way. You must match tiers and have matching pairs of resources.
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Old 10-16-2012, 05:05 PM   #7
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is this a old idea worth looking into
( support )
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Old 10-16-2012, 10:53 PM   #8
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just digging the old ideas of old up again : )
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Old 11-17-2018, 10:17 PM   #9
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bumping this old one, it seems good glitch
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Old 11-23-2018, 05:20 PM   #10
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When last year we voted for new functionality to be implemented, i mentioned that we still yet to see spirits. Today i have one simple idea for spirits. We got a runes on surplus to the point of just destroying them. Why not boil them with oil or dye and make a spirit (literally)? U could use spirits in about the same way as potions - for limited time u can get some bonus or bonus/penalty or whatever.

If u need a background for it - then it's something like extracting rune's essence.
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Old 11-24-2018, 02:46 PM   #11
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That sounds kinda neat, Seselis.

Grindstone the rune into powder and boil it into consumable spirit... or such - tasty essence >,>

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Old 11-26-2018, 03:40 PM   #12
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Few more thoughts about spirits. As it should be more or less complicated process because of description, we can use grindstone to make spirit powder from rune and epic dust. Then we boil spirit powder with oil/dye/etc and create spirit. Spirits can be classified into:
Earth spirits - increase defense
Fire spirits - increase str
Water spirits - increase healing power (regen)
Wind spirits - increase dexterity
Can be other types for every stat.

As we have ranks for runes, so spirits could also have ranks. Every rank should give higher stats but up to some limit.
Rank1 - 5%, ..., Rank6-15% ????
For rank1 we will need tier 5 resources (dust, oil, etc.) as for rank6 - tier 30

Artistry and crafting skills also should be appropriate.

To spice things up - evil spirits also could be summoned as failed creations with some interesting abilities.

Out of ideas....

Last edited by Seselis; 11-26-2018 at 03:50 PM..
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