What IS a friend anyway?
Old 07-24-2009, 01:41 AM   #1
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Default What IS a friend anyway?

The Merriam-Webster Online dictionary provides this definition of a friend - 1: one attached to another by affection or esteem. 2 a: one that is not hostile b: one that is of the same nation, party, or group. 3: one that favors or promotes something (as a charity). 4: a favored companion.

I’m not really a fan of this definition, in that it tries to put feeling and emotions into black and white. One of MY favorite definitions of friendship comes from Dinah Mulock Craik: "Friendship is the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring all right out just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful friendly hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping and, with a breath of comfort, blow the rest away."

By this definition, there are many people in the land of nod that I have become friends with over the last several months. It became apparent to me last night that not everyone that I thought of as a friend shared this view of friendship.

I learned last night that to some people, clans outweigh any friendship or feelings that you may have towards others. I learned that some people take this game WAY too seriously. Here is how I learned this the hard way.

Back when I was in ViP it was told to me that Glacius (who was in ViP as well at the time) was a secret alt and spy for the WPack clan. Shortly thereafter, ViP and I parted ways. Last night I was determining who recruit to RAWR (the clan Mel and I created) and I decided to have a talk with Glacius (who I consider a friend). I asked him straight up if he was an alt or a spy. He denied it and after listening to what he had to say and weighing the facts...determined that A) he wasn’t a spy and B) even if he was a spy, he has always been a good friend and to me is more important than clans.

Menageatwan and Blueack (the leaders of ViP) came down hard in Pm’s when they learned that I had divulged their "intel" and "broken their trust". Blueack left one simple bully-like attempt of a pm and promptly iggied me before a response could be issued. Menageatwan and I talked for a bit, but the end result was the same, he iggied me.

These two "leaders" were supposedly friends of mine. Guess they had a different view of our relationship than I did...and they are among those who take it way too seriously. Its just a game guys.

Needless to say, hopefully the rest of the "friends" ive made in Nod turn out to be better ones than these 2.

Old 07-24-2009, 02:55 AM   #2
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Thats great that u wanted to recruit glac's nub alt into rawr and for that nub alt, told him the info we trusted u with. U betrayed that trust for a minimal gain to ur 'clan,' we didnt put clans ahead of our friendship - u did thru ur actions.

When i asked u why, u said u were lookin out for rawr's best interests, apparently u didnt care about our trust, or what kind of an effect it would have on V i P.

Those arent the kind of friends i wanna make, whether it b IRL, or on this awesome game which is basically RL :P

AND i only iggied u cuz u never know when to stop arguin hehe
At least u and glac are in the same clan now - gossipcentral@RAWR.com

i do however, really still wish u all the best (despite all the stuff i say), just outta my pm's

Old 07-24-2009, 03:27 AM   #3
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Actually...I ended up putting Glac himself into RAWR .Thanks for freeing up his clan space. Secondly...im gonna have to say Im lol irl at the "intel" as you put it. Intel is military information...which you have non of in this situation...all you had was an assumption based upon his bragging about things. As I said, I think your taking a game way too seriously. Especially since ViP is not at war with anyone, except an alt clan.

You criticize me for looking out for RAWR? Isnt that kinda the point of being a master of a clan...looking out for ones clan? Im saying separate clans from friendships. I could war with Twins all day long and talk crap back and forth, but at the end of the day, whn all is said and done...it stays in the clan war and im still great friends with them. (using twins as an example btw...not the only example out there)

Learn to take the game less seriously...I think youll have more fun...I know i do

Old 07-24-2009, 03:50 AM   #4
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1st off, i know u did - its what i was sayin..

2ndly, intel = SECRET information obtained through various sources on possible enemies (state of affairs atm have nothin to do with that) - one of our sources told us his real identity, and you only know what was told, not who said it/how they know beyond a few tips

3rd of all, first u say that friendships are more important than clans: 'I learned last night that to some people, clans outweigh any friendship or feelings that you may have towards others', then you change it to separate the two when it was pointed out that u were the one who put clans b4 friends

4th of all, what kind of information do u think u would have gotten by betraying us and asking him 'hey r u a spy?' DERR! none. - it didnt help rawr one bit, but u didnt hesitate to reveal everythin we knew about glac without thinkin.

LASTLY, we do have fun, but just not ur version of it (we dont find ppl to argue with in chat all day and then try to start the fight back up when theyve had enough)

which brings me to my earlier point - u NEVER know when to stop arguin, so i'll stop it for u

have a great life /thread

Old 07-24-2009, 04:01 AM   #5
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Wondering how you came to the conclusion that i went back on what i said? I said friends are more important than clans...and that you can war with a clan, talk crap etc...while still maintaining the friendship...hence, friendship is stronger. Im not getting into a flame war here with you...and if you check this thread, you began the arguement...this was just a post of a thought i had. Thanks.

As you said, I dont know your sources....by the same token you dont know mine lets drop that issue thanks.

Next issue...i only argue with you...its so much fun since I thought we were so much alike. Except, like I said before, I think our friendship meant more to me than to you. I have loads of fun here in nod, or i wounldnt keep coming back...and its not to argue with you lol.

I wish you the best of luck in nod and in life...i had already told you i hope we can rebuild our friendship, but that is apparently out of reach...so enjoy

Old 07-24-2009, 08:02 AM   #6
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Alesandra, stick to getting raped in Uncivil chat.

You obviously still haven't realized you made yourself to the exception to your own rule.

Please re-read this thread, realize that Menage was the more logical, and no longer argue.

Old 07-24-2009, 09:06 AM   #7
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Lol@getting raped in uncivil...I think you have me mistaken for ***yy. And friendships are rarely "logical".

Old 07-24-2009, 09:15 AM   #8
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No, I have seen all the uncivil BS, you get raped.

Anyhow, I was referring to logical in how Menage logically shot down all of your points, made you look stupid, and how you just need to stop.

Old 07-24-2009, 09:19 AM   #9
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LOL...really now? seeing as how I rarely enter uncivil, as I love chatting in civil. And Ive seen your posts in other threads and tbh...your opinions dont really carry much weight with me...thanks for playing sherman

Old 07-24-2009, 09:20 AM   #10
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I personally don't give a crap what you think.

But yes, when you do enter uncivil, you get raped. Even in civil it gets suggestive.

I suggest closing your legs, mouth, and just playing Nod.

Old 07-24-2009, 09:24 AM   #11
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Hmmm...closing my mouth...seems like you should take your own suggestion. Im not the one with 912 posts in forums...every single one criticizing another thread...be original...start your own thread...Im done with this conversation with sherman...next please

Last edited by Alesandra; 07-24-2009 at 09:38 AM..

Old 07-24-2009, 10:24 AM   #12
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1. I have made my own suggestions.

2. You only seem to read generalizations that I criticize every thread, which I don't.

3. I have 912 posts from jokes, bashing, suggesting, and other things.

4. Take your whiney ass somewhere else, no one likes a whining ***** on the forums.

Have a nice day.

Old 07-24-2009, 02:35 PM   #13
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Can't we all just get along, and have tea parties and dance and smile

Old 07-24-2009, 02:38 PM   #14
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For a TC I WON'T flame Alesandra for *****ing.

Old 07-24-2009, 04:05 PM   #15
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Much ado about nothing..

Play the game as you see fit, and fk what everyone else thinks.

Last edited by Jon; 07-24-2009 at 04:05 PM.. Reason: Meaningless post #600

Old 07-24-2009, 04:12 PM   #16
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Someone better post after this or I'll have the last word! Oh noooeeessss!
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