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To the obsessive retards
Old 07-17-2009, 08:29 PM   #1
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Default To the obsessive retards

Get a life, just flat out, get a ****ing life.

If you're anti-religion then ignore it, don't ***** about it. If it offends you, report it, if it doesn't and your just looking for something to ***** about then you're as bad as the Jehova's knocking at my door.

Nothing is more pathetic than a group of people making someone a Martyr on an online game.

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Old 07-17-2009, 08:58 PM   #2
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Agreed when it's about persuading others about your own conviction. Not agreed when its just about bashing & making fun of them. Religion & politics have no place in a freaking game. It's supposed to be fun.
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Old 07-17-2009, 10:28 PM   #3
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Religions belong in churches, not in online gaming.
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Old 07-17-2009, 11:50 PM   #4
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if you really want to disscuss religion online go on google and fin religious forum and post there
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Old 07-18-2009, 12:00 AM   #5
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Agreed, however if you make a thread telling about a religious clan you created and are met with flame and whatnot, then it gets silly.

Strangely enough, some people are proud of their life choices enough to share with others who have the same pride. I say leave them alone, similar to leaving civil and the granola eaters alone.

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Old 07-18-2009, 12:47 AM   #6
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lol@granola eaters
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Old 07-18-2009, 07:33 AM   #7
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Yay flippeh ure my favorite carebear
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Old 07-18-2009, 09:58 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by zenga
Agreed when it's about persuading others about your own conviction. Not agreed when its just about bashing & making fun of them. Religion & politics have no place in a freaking game. It's supposed to be fun.
Mockery is fun.
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Old 07-18-2009, 11:54 AM   #9
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TBH I don't really care that much, just hate seeing high school bullying without reason. It's people like that who keep religious contrversy going and fights and wars. If you just ignored it perhaps it would either A) go away or B) not be an issue.

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Old 07-18-2009, 12:07 PM   #10
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Everyone knows that bringing up religion in a game is going to cause controversy.

The best thing to do is to leave it out completely.

Blazin knew full well what was going to happen when he made that clan, and advertised in this forum. You guys applaud him for doing such a stupid thing, as to purposefully cause this to happen in a forum.

I personally think he should be punished for such a thing.

The mockery was funny, but not needed. The fun is over, take the clan advertising off the forums so we can put this behind us. It isn't right to favor one religion over another, actively show it.

This can be seen when HEATHN made a thread, it was moved and made it so that people could not post in it. This was done while a Christian clan was actively protected, and help open.

You can say that HEATHN had a right as it was made as a direct opposite of Christian, but so were many religions. Lutheran is just one example of something made in a direct opposition to the original, and it was considered evil too.

Show no favoritism and call it both ways. If you are going to do something to one religion, do it to the other as well.
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Old 07-18-2009, 12:08 PM   #11
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Thank you flippy. I see it like this: Zenga you may disagree with this analogy as well, but I can't control what you like and dislike about what I say.

Suppose a group of X-Marines (No such thing, I know. ) came and made a clan too? To a pacifist, they might not like seeing that group start either, because granted it is a hub of something they do not like in the game they do. However, if the Marines are not preaching that War is the only answer, they are just seeking to share war stories and thoughts on the Presidents they couldn't when they served, why do we need to get upset? Just keep it private and away from the one's who are pacifists

This is all I am doing with XTian. I like talking about my faith, no matter where it is. I can't do it in civil and I really can't do it in uncivil without it becoming an uncivil discussion, so to be fair there needs to be a third road, private chat. You don't have to read about how much I love Jesus or how Paul is one of my favorite writers if i keep it private. The easiest way to keep it private and still be discussing it with multiple users in Nod is through a clan. So if you don't see what we are talking about and I'm not asking you to join in the clan you dislike, what is wrong?
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Old 07-18-2009, 12:13 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by STFUGTFO
Everyone knows that bringing up religion in a game is going to cause controversy.

The best thing to do is to leave it out completely.

Blazin knew full well what was going to happen when he made that clan, and advertised in this forum. You guys applaud him for doing such a stupid thing, as to purposefully cause this to happen in a forum.

I personally think he should be punished for such a thing.

The mockery was funny, but not needed. The fun is over, take the clan advertising off the forums so we can put this behind us. It isn't right to favor one religion over another, actively show it.

This can be seen when HEATHN made a thread, it was moved and made it so that people could not post in it. This was done while a Christian clan was actively protected, and help open.

You can say that HEATHN had a right as it was made as a direct opposite of Christian, but so were many religions. Lutheran is just one example of something made in a direct opposition to the original, and it was considered evil too.

Show no favoritism and call it both ways. If you are going to do something to one religion, do it to the other as well.
Did I know full well? To say so means that I knew some people would be to impolite to tolerate even the mention of Christianity. So you are assuming that i have a disdain for people when not one post shows that. I appreciate your honest opinion of me, but I wish you would get to know me before you had formed it.
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Old 07-18-2009, 12:14 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Blazinbones
Thank you flippy. I see it like this: Zenga you may disagree with this analogy as well, but I can't control what you like and dislike about what I say.

Suppose a group of X-Marines (No such thing, I know. ) came and made a clan too? To a pacifist, they might not like seeing that group start either, because granted it is a hub of something they do not like in the game they do. However, if the Marines are not preaching that War is the only answer, they are just seeking to share war stories and thoughts on the Presidents they couldn't when they served, why do we need to get upset? Just keep it private and away from the one's who are pacifists

This is all I am doing with XTian. I like talking about my faith, no matter where it is. I can't do it in civil and I really can't do it in uncivil without it becoming an uncivil discussion, so to be fair there needs to be a third road, private chat. You don't have to read about how much I love Jesus or how Paul is one of my favorite writers if i keep it private. The easiest way to keep it private and still be discussing it with multiple users in Nod is through a clan. So if you don't see what we are talking about and I'm not asking you to join in the clan you dislike, what is wrong?
Why would pacifists play a killing game?

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Old 07-18-2009, 12:18 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Blazinbones
Did I know full well? To say so means that I knew some people would be to impolite to tolerate even the mention of Christianity. So you are assuming that i have a disdain for people when not one post shows that. I appreciate your honest opinion of me, but I wish you would get to know me before you had formed it.
Did I say you had disdain? No, if I don't say it don't assume I am assuming such a thing.

You knew that people would go and mock you. After the first round, you should have had an inkling that something was going to go down, and you should call it quits. You kept going, knowing what was going to happen, and now this is the result.

There have been posts looking at how religions have been the victim of constant mockery, I think you knew, deep down, that it was going to be deja vu.
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Old 07-18-2009, 12:19 PM   #15
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lmao, i agree actually blazing, any sort of "group" can cause contrversy when people want it to. Hell, wolfpack would cause contreversy to people that are scared of wolves or PETA members that consider us dueling to be offensive.

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Old 07-18-2009, 12:19 PM   #16
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So if you do not believe in war you cannot play Nod? This is not war, this is being an epic hero to save a princess.(At least according to the story line.) I do not think Pacifists would mind this game all that much but i could be wrong.
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Old 07-18-2009, 12:20 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by flipynifty
lmao, i agree actually blazing, any sort of "group" can cause contrversy when people want it to. Hell, wolfpack would cause contreversy to people that are scared of wolves or PETA members that consider us dueling to be offensive.
The potential and the actual is different.
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Old 07-18-2009, 12:21 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Blazinbones
So if you do not believe in war you cannot play Nod? This is not war, this is being an epic hero to save a princess.(At least according to the story line.) I do not think Pacifists would mind this game all that much but i could be wrong.
1. Not much of a storyline per se.

2. Pacifists disregard all types of violence.
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Old 07-18-2009, 12:32 PM   #19
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Yes potential and actual are different, however, there was potential and actual with blazing making his post. Potential for him to find like minded people to have a religious clan and they can keep their religion in clan chat, also potential for what actually happened, contreversy, which brings far too much attention to religion. Mind you i have now put myself in the stupidity as well, c'est la vie.

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Old 07-18-2009, 12:33 PM   #20
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That is not true about pacifists. Just as there are varying degrees or those with religious devotion, there are varying degrees of pacifists. Some are just anti war, and then the extreme as you note are anti-violence. I know this from two pacifist friends from college. One was really only anti-war.
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