Religious Clan Recruitment |
07-17-2009, 04:15 PM
Religious Clan Recruitment
Originally Posted by STFUGTFO
Yet one thread doing just that was moved so it couldn't be replied to.
I feel the same. If the forum rules are to be followed strictly, then this thread should be closed just like the “clan heathen†thread. Blazinbones didn’t want to harm anyone but it was undeniably him who brought up religion and that was bound to result in a clash.
If it is allowed to bring up religion then why are the “heathens†not allowed to recruit peacefully? If it is not allowed, why is this thread tolerated in the first place? I don’t want Jesus Christ in my face and feel offended.
I know that some will view this as spite or hate, but I’m merely referring to a general rule of getting along with other humans: Never bring up religion! Just ... don’t.
Were the rules applied without bias, the only place it should be allowed to advertise religious clans is uncivil (in game and on the forums). This is a public place. Ban any confession of faith - however guileless it may be in private - or the civility comes to an end. There is no "peaceful" recruiting, seriously.
07-17-2009, 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Glitchless
As long as the Xtian clan doesn't mock atheists they'll be allowed to recruit in civil channels. If you want to mock them you have to do it in uncivil. Not too difficult to understand here.
I disagree, as seen above.
07-17-2009, 04:35 PM
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should apply here also
Originally Posted by Nikita
You can say all the horrible things you want about me in here but I'd prefer if you didn't =(
07-17-2009, 05:50 PM
Glitchless is offline
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Players are not allowed to discuss religious topics in civil channels/forums. Had his thread been "Let's discuss Christianity" it would have been moved to the uncivil forum. Players are allowed to recruit for special interest clans in civil channels as long as they are not doing so to purposefully offend someone.
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07-17-2009, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Nosebatter
I feel the same. If the forum rules are to be followed strictly, then this thread should be closed just like the “clan heathen†thread. Blazinbones didn’t want to harm anyone but it was undeniably him who brought up religion and that was bound to result in a clash.
If it is allowed to bring up religion then why are the “heathens†not allowed to recruit peacefully? If it is not allowed, why is this thread tolerated in the first place? I don’t want Jesus Christ in my face and feel offended.
I know that some will view this as spite or hate, but I’m merely referring to a general rule of getting along with other humans: Never bring up religion! Just ... don’t.
Were the rules applied without bias, the only place it should be allowed to advertise religious clans is uncivil (in game and on the forums). This is a public place. Ban any confession of faith - however guileless it may be in private - or the civility comes to an end. There is no "peaceful" recruiting, seriously.
What was unpeaceful about my thread? The word "Christian" or perhaps "Lord" or "Jesus"? Since when could one word be unpeaceful? I contend that a word by itself cannot be peaceful or unpeaceful. The f-bomb only becomes unpeaceful when it is spoken in anger or disrespect. However, when taken with a ***ual conotation it is a very peaceful word to a gangsta?
Suppose Jeff does moderate every mention of any religious theme. Do you realize that includes the removal of Thor, Zues, or Hedes? The lvl 13 creature in the Plains is the "hell"fire anthill, should he rename the creature because hell is in the Bible as well? Users with words like Lord or God must be removed as well if 'any' religious conotation is wrong. If you want be really honest, the names of the week have an ancient religous conotation to them, should we ban those as well? BTW, have you never called Jeff God??? I know many nodders do. Isn't that religious too?
I think the issue is a personal issue with Christianity. Jeff did not remove the heathn thread because of religion, but rather because it was a clear attack on me in the same forum, which was the exact opposite of what he had requested in my recruiting thread. ATian is doing the same thing in the right place for insults and attacks. Jeff hasn't said a word. I've even wished Zenga well.
People do not need to act out in anger or negativity just because of a differing opinion. Isn't that the message the forefathers of The USA tried to instill? What shocks me is that God is in the constitution and the Declaration of Independence and now it is not even a civil word. My how things have changed.
07-17-2009, 08:26 PM
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OMG you guys are obsessive noobs. Get a life, seriously. Who cares if someone has a christian clan, did that offend you? Oh poor baby. Go find something else to cry about.
omg i wanna sammich nao
07-17-2009, 08:38 PM
I agree with flipy personally.... but don't get me wrong, i know how delicate religious matters are for some people. A few people have even scold me in pm's when i used the term, jew in a jocular manner. But this is different.
We are not in the uncivil channel and religious topics are not welcome in the civil nor is it in the forums. Wouldn't it be the best for all of us to just transfer these threads to uncivil?
<<<i am atheist btw>>>
Last edited by klippi; 07-17-2009 at 08:41 PM..
07-17-2009, 09:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Blazinbones
ATian is doing the same thing in the right place for insults and attacks. Jeff hasn't said a word. I've even wished Zenga well.
You might have noticed that the thread you refer to is a clear persiflage. That being said jeff has a valid point. Not hard to understand it. However i disagree that religion / politics should have a place in a game. There is always one or another offended and it ends up in pointless stuff like we see now.
07-17-2009, 10:18 PM
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Jeff hasn't said a word because Zenga was doing it in the right place which Jeff said was perfectly fine.
Originally Posted by Nikita
You can say all the horrible things you want about me in here but I'd prefer if you didn't =(
07-18-2009, 02:58 AM
A while ago, there was a clan that was advertising for recruits in "General Discussions". This clan was asking for members who like violence, rape etc. I can't recall what the clan was called.
No one was protesting.
And then when another clan advertises for Christians, there is hue and cry and outbursts and frenzy.
I do not know which is more shocking. The fact that people find religion offensive (even though these people are not even attempting to convert you) or the fact that you find the word "Christian" more offensive than "rape".
Seriously, before you start on your crusade against religious bias, please look at your own biasness.
07-18-2009, 04:36 AM
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your thinking of clan N o S. and while no one said anything and they could have, in the end it was a choice. And i have to agree with the fact that religion has no place in a game. If we can't have athiest in civil then we can't have religion there either. maybe ATian should have been looking for people with higher morals grounds. Leave faith out of it.
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07-18-2009, 07:34 AM
Allah akbar!!
07-18-2009, 09:40 AM
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07-18-2009, 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Players are not allowed to discuss religious topics in civil channels/forums. Had his thread been "Let's discuss Christianity" it would have been moved to the uncivil forum. Players are allowed to recruit for special interest clans in civil channels as long as they are not doing so to purposefully offend someone.
HEATHN was created in opposition to Christian, which would have created a real clan war. Isn't that what you wanted Jeff, a real clan war?
Crusades were fought before, why not another? Let the Christians show us that they oppose killing and still do it.
07-18-2009, 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Blazinbones
What was unpeaceful about my thread? The word "Christian" or perhaps "Lord" or "Jesus"? Since when could one word be unpeaceful? I contend that a word by itself cannot be peaceful or unpeaceful. The f-bomb only becomes unpeaceful when it is spoken in anger or disrespect. However, when taken with a ***ual conotation it is a very peaceful word to a gangsta?
Suppose Jeff does moderate every mention of any religious theme. Do you realize that includes the removal of Thor, Zues, or Hedes? The lvl 13 creature in the Plains is the "hell"fire anthill, should he rename the creature because hell is in the Bible as well? Users with words like Lord or God must be removed as well if 'any' religious conotation is wrong. If you want be really honest, the names of the week have an ancient religous conotation to them, should we ban those as well? BTW, have you never called Jeff God??? I know many nodders do. Isn't that religious too?
I think the issue is a personal issue with Christianity. Jeff did not remove the heathn thread because of religion, but rather because it was a clear attack on me in the same forum, which was the exact opposite of what he had requested in my recruiting thread. ATian is doing the same thing in the right place for insults and attacks. Jeff hasn't said a word. I've even wished Zenga well.
People do not need to act out in anger or negativity just because of a differing opinion. Isn't that the message the forefathers of The USA tried to instill? What shocks me is that God is in the constitution and the Declaration of Independence and now it is not even a civil word. My how things have changed.
Yes, that's what it's about : There are people who have personal issues with Christianity. Can’t help it, it’s like the weak spot of maturity. I didn’t say “God†or “Jesus†is an uncivil word, but that it inevitably causes aggravation in a public place. It is just a word, but no word is ever by itself. Just mentioning it evokes negative feelings in some, and in that regard you can’t compare it to words like the days of the week or deities who are mostly forgotten. And what about the word “f/uck� It is not allowed to use it in civil, whatever the context may be, for that very reason. In private, I make rather liberal use of it, but fully agree that it does not belong in civil chat as it leads to friction that, ultimately, is pointless, but annoying. The way I see it you shouldn’t have started the whole thing except where others are not allowed to complain about anything that is said or read. You did. I will live with it.
Originally Posted by Ives
I do not know which is more shocking. The fact that people find religion offensive (even though these people are not even attempting to convert you) or the fact that you find the word "Christian" more offensive than "rape".
Seriously, before you start on your crusade against religious bias, please look at your own biasness.
Ives, you can call all this b/itching about religion in civil biased, rightly so (How can you approach something so burdened with past unbiased?), but you are wrong to call it a crusade, as it is not about forcing someone else to change his/her views or about accomplishing some kind of mission such as driving off the believers (or whatever). It is simply a matter of standards.
Originally Posted by flipynifty
OMG you guys are obsessive noobs. Get a life, seriously. Who cares if someone has a christian clan, did that offend you? Oh poor baby. Go find something else to cry about.
No, YOU need to get a life, n00b. Lulz! (You’re a moron. Stay out of this.)
07-18-2009, 11:34 AM
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So you are saying the mocking of sherman, Ghost and the others was not a crusade to get me to stop seeking like minded users? What do you call their behavior then?
I and other users find it offensive that Darshu and other users are constently "forcing themselves" and others just to get a laugh. *** is banned in civil as well and yet no one raises a voice to that? It's because it's not simply an issue of personal offense, it's that there are some area's that Jeff will tolerate of a subject and others he won't. He sets the rules. I would be all for comments like that being taken out of civil, and If Jeff wants any mention of religion removed from civil he could do this as well.
However, since users are still allowed to joke about creation or "Jesus came by with five nails the other night and asked if I'd put him up for the night" do not get any outcry like this on the forum, my guess is that It should be as equally okay to say i want to meet and Play nod with other users who call themselves christians. You can't mock the faith in civil and then not allow me to mention it at all. That is hypocrisy 100%.
07-18-2009, 12:03 PM
Ghost most certainly did not go on a crusade to get you to do anything. She agreed with Raven that the gaming money poured into Nod should be spent on charity. Reading is fundamental. Regardles you should thanking us instead of whining. Attention is waht you wanted and attention now is what you have.
07-18-2009, 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Blazinbones
So you are saying the mocking of sherman, Ghost and the others was not a crusade to get me to stop seeking like minded users? What do you call their behavior then?
I and other users find it offensive that Darshu and other users are constently "forcing themselves" and others just to get a laugh. *** is banned in civil as well and yet no one raises a voice to that? It's because it's not simply an issue of personal offense, it's that there are some area's that Jeff will tolerate of a subject and others he won't. He sets the rules. I would be all for comments like that being taken out of civil, and If Jeff wants any mention of religion removed from civil he could do this as well.
However, since users are still allowed to joke about creation or "Jesus came by with five nails the other night and asked if I'd put him up for the night" do not get any outcry like this on the forum, my guess is that It should be as equally okay to say i want to meet and Play nod with other users who call themselves christians. You can't mock the faith in civil and then not allow me to mention it at all. That is hypocrisy 100%.
You knew full well this was going to happen.
Yet you did it anyways.
You are an attention whore, *****ing on the forums for being mocked on a controversial topic, and now you want to call people hypocrites?
You are a cyber christian killing cyber beings, killing anything is a sin in the Christian faith is it not?
Btw, you Christians went on enough crusades to last 5 lifetimes. Give us a chance to go on a crusade.
07-18-2009, 12:39 PM
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I am amazed at how well users know my intentions when my posts suggest nothing of the sort. I mentioned the formation of a clan for Christian and I am seeking attention? I appreciate your honest opinions, as I have said before, but do not claim to know who I am through assumptions.
07-18-2009, 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Blazinbones
I am amazed at how well users know my intentions when my posts suggest nothing of the sort. I mentioned the formation of a clan for Christian and I am seeking attention? I appreciate your honest opinions, as I have said before, but do not claim to know who I am through assumptions.
I am advertising my opinions just as you did your clan. Now you mock me.
Wow, see how things work?
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