Civil Channel Versuses Uncivil channel
Civil Channel
Has (a)
Guy who makes those mini doughnuts
an above ground pool
pool table
condom machine
drug dealer
2 hot tubs
this weird lady who wants to massage people I think she is a masuese
a fishing hole
chat restrictions
more people then uncivl
4 wiis
2 360s
3 ps3s
atari 2600
more Ns then uncivil
a wierd guy who tells jokes he kind of looks like eddie murphy
this old lecher
Sattilite tv 12 tvs(flat screen)
boxing ring
Martial arts teacher
Music the person
a bunch other cool stuff all this is in a football field sized room
Uncivil has (a)
two pools (olynmpic size)
4 Jacuzzies
a roller coaster
a muffin seller
6 dart boards
a wine cooler
6 kegs of Belgium beer
a marijauna grow op
a tame bear
a funny looking talking dog people call puppy
1 Prototype ps4
1 a nintendo virtual boy
2 used blow up doll
a condom machine
a ciggarrete machine
a dildo store
a green ish vampire tranny with light green hair
a skeleton that some how heals hp
a math teacher to help people do the difficult calculations in the game
4 gaming Pcs
a virtual reality machine that malfunctions once in a while causing the holograms to become real ( I got slapper with a paternity suit cause of it)
a koi pond
a podium a stage
diving board
less people
some annoying people
a wierd looking telephone pole that when touched shocks you (jeff should call the city)
a razer factory
a whole robot army of people controlled by Over Lord Zenga
a *** machine for guys
a Love machine for the ladys
you know that siren that goes off when there is about to be a patch or reload it is located in the uncivil channel
all this is in the area of a foot ball field excpe the pool which is out side tghe field
I hope this error filled guide helps you pick a channel to call home
Last edited by Sapreaver; 07-11-2009 at 02:04 AM..