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CoN: Wizard Building
Old 07-06-2009, 12:31 PM   #1
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Default CoN: Wizard Building

Had to limit this a bit as these forums don't have the access of the ones I keep these guides at.
Just thought I'd post one here, see what people think.

As can be seen, wizards benefit from a boost to ALL direct damage magics. Sadly this is somewhat of a double-edged sword in regards to the bonus, and quite easily a blunt one at that. While it may seem an impressive bonus, the requirements for equipping the multitude of gems you'd need to take advantage of this would hamper the speed of growth of your char unless you have a much higher level alt or friend to give you trophies, or can throw money at the game to sell off TCs to players. That being said, the damage boost is quite a nice amount, as at higher ranks, direct damage gems can deal a large amount of damage.

Red Magic provides the most effective damage from mana/energy exchange. Predominently, red gems use energy, which can cause problems, as your amount of energy is measured by your PSt, which is part of your Magic stat group, which also includes Intelligence and Concentration, two skills required to inflict maximum damage and ensure your gems hit respectively, ergo being quite important. Black Magic has many powerful gems which draw upon your energy, so a blend of the two would be suitable for a caster, however Warlock's have a boost to all Death Magic (which is the Red and Black Magics) which surpasses the Wizard's boost. Therefore to properly take advantage of the Wizard class bonus, we must find direct damage gems from another magic line which provides an additional benefit worth the digression from the highest max damage gems, using our class bonus to compensate for this.

Blue Magic has direct damage gems which inflict a constant amount of damage while Grey Magic has highest costs for less damage but boasts a higher minimum damage. As wielding a stave has many skills which boost your mana and energy stores and reduce the cost of the magics cast, Psych Magic does indeed seem an area of interest, as it houses many support gems and those which can afflict the enemy in various derogatory ways.

Life Magic (White and Green Magics) is the only line of gems in the game that provides heals and they also have many powerful direct damage spells as well, albeit somewhat more expensive to cast than the others, although as previously stated, staff-users have ways to lower their expenditure of energy and mana.

Equipment can be divided up into 4 areas:
  • Weapons
  • Armor
  • Pets
  • Gems
While there are possible benefits to other weapons, the weapon of choice for casters will always be the staff. While the actual staff itself is irrelevant at the lower levels, as any melee damage dealt will be negligible, the simple act of having one equipped will provide a major boost to the skills you should be levelling.

Armor as always should be highest AC possible, offset against those that provide beneficial stats to your character. As there will be no shield, focusing on your Protection skills (aside from those requiring a shield) is necessary for ensuring your survivability.

As whips won't be a part of your build, pets have little effect upon you, though as the saying goes, every little helps, so depending upon your build you may choose to opt for healing or damage pets, although healing would be advised as you should be maximising your damage through your gems. For preference you should take a healing pet which also provides a chance to prevent any detrimental gem.

The main focus of your equipment should be your gems, so prepare to get involved here. To focus upon more than 3 colors of gem will detract from your overall build, and as said previously, to focus on Death Magic would be moot as other classes have greater benefits for that area. Enchanters have a boost to Grey Magic skills, and many classes have a boost to Life Magic lines. Blue Magic is the only area which does not have a class bonus, but sadly the damage increments aren't that substantial when the Wizard bonus is taken into account. Angels are the sole class which gain a White Magic increase and Druids boost claim a similar 5%(15% with skills) increase to Green Magic. Wizards can attempt to bridge the direct damage facet of Life Magic by fielding both lines of colors found within. This should be supplemented by a few gems from other disciplines of magic, such as the Balance line found in Blue Magic and of course Flare Up in Red Magic. The following gemlines alongside the skills given below would be beneficial towards a Wizard built with PvP in mind and should allow both solo and group support.

Life Magic
Gradual Repair | Heavenspark
Gaia's Blessing | Invigorate | Invigorating Cantrip | Tendrils | Wisp Lift
Death Magic
Do Unto | Flare Up
Psych Magic
Balance | Damaging Cantrip | Daze | Stun | Mesmerize | Discourage Jeweling| Incidental Redirection | Korrsix | Mana Cantrip | Manaburst | Transcenence
Defamations | Defoliate | Malign | Psych Resistance Aura

Regardless of which gems you choose to use, there are certain core skills all staff users should raise which are shown below, alongside those which all characters should raise as seen in this guide and those required to insert your gems into your gem pouches. These should all have at least one level placed in them as soon as is possible, and be aimed to be kept in line with at least your player level if not just above it.
Life Magic
Mental Conservation | Healing | Repel | Shared Bliss | Eternity | Palisade
Death Magic
Staves | Sleight Of Hand | Destruction | Inferno | Necromancy | Longevity | Everence | Burning Soul
Psych Magic
Wizardry | Divination | Gem Handling | Replay | Perseverance | Mana Vault

For stats, you should aim for an end build consisting of 100 Melee | 100 Magic | 80 Defense | 0 Recovery and have a third pouch filled with restorative gems if you find those in your main pouch are insufficient.

The stat distribution for Melee should favour a 1-0-2 split .
Magic should have a 2-0-1/2-1-0 raising structure, with Defense raising 0-1-2 as a standard. These are obviously just guidelines to go by and should be altered as necessitated by your battle experience and equipment.

Last edited by AsylumDreams; 07-06-2009 at 01:22 PM.. Reason: sssh Zenga
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Old 07-06-2009, 01:05 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by AsylumDreams

Red Magic provides the most effective damage from mana/energy exchange. Predominently, red gems use energy, which can cause problems, as your amount of energy is measured by your MSt,
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Old 07-06-2009, 01:08 PM   #3
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OK that aside :P
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Old 07-06-2009, 01:13 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by AsylumDreams
Red Magic provides the most effective damage from mana/energy exchange. Predominently, red gems use energy, which can cause problems, as your amount of energy is measured by your PSt, which is part of your Magic stat group, which also includes Intelligece and Concentration

heheh i think you meant MANA
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Old 07-06-2009, 01:13 PM   #5
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Anyways - after reading the whole thing - it's just an idea about a build. What I miss in many caster discussions is the fact that casters are initial a versatile class, but once you put the focus on something they are the least versatile class. You can't have a caster that rocks in pvp but is a tank at the same time, etc

You can build your caster neutral, but that means you take away many of its advantages.
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Old 07-06-2009, 01:15 PM   #6
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Yeah. I did have comparitive tables but this place doesn't allow the table bbcode so had to rip that lot out.

It's vaguely commented on though in the opening paragraphs :P
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Old 07-06-2009, 01:19 PM   #7
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With staves being considered a 'crushing' type weapon, why would a caster want any Dex?
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Old 07-06-2009, 01:20 PM   #8
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Because I copied those tables from one of my beastmaster sets ^-^ -_-
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Old 07-06-2009, 01:34 PM   #9
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basically i would reccommend boosting all stats up a bit at least till 20 so you have the basics in everything

and as far as magic goes for a wizard i would say you would need to be able to use all gem colors to some degree but the most important are probably grey red and the life magic ones since they have the aura's and heals you need most to support you while doing damage with DD gems

as for placement of points in stats i put them equally in all but thats my personal preference and i plan to lvl all stat skills to 40 and then do magic and melee to 100
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Old 07-06-2009, 02:11 PM   #10
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There are many factors which influence a caster's build: for instance you can trade off increased offense against defense as the impact of each on survivability is about equal - if the enemy is killed sooner, it will do less damage to you, so the need for healing is reduced.

From a skills perspective:
Melee gives STR and PST - necessary for crush damage (staff wielding) and Energy (casting) - arguably both essentials, and of course a caster who runs out of Mana or Energy really does suffer compared to a non caster who has no comparable constraints on fighting.
Magic is required for each of INT, CNC and MST - all essentials.
Defense is a dark horse, as a caster can get away with low levels of AGI and CNT - no one ever said a caster needed to be good at defending against magic, although there are certain benefits that naturally accrue there that may make it a good idea.
Regeneration also delivers an interesting conundrum. Casters clearly benefit more than other classes from the ability to Regenerate in combat, with all of Mana, Energy and HP being used.

My conclusion is that casters have a difficult set of questions to ask themselves when building as their choices will undoubtedly involve some compromises. Be a generalist with balanced capabilities, or specialise and benefit from the ability to focus on certain attributes over others. If you want to specialise, then Wizard is probably not the class to do it with - you'd be better off using one of the other casting classes which gives more specific bonusses, the Wizard is probably one for the generalist.
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Old 07-06-2009, 02:50 PM   #11
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actually wizards in my opnion is best if you plan to go for offensive caster due to there class bonus and by raising both melee and magic to 100 you can get both a lot of damage from your staff as well as from your DD gems though the down side is to be truely strong as a wizard you need to could use all gem types which means they require more work then those who only get a bonus to 1 or 2 gem colors

but in my opnion the wizard is the strongest for an offensive caster but the weakest for a defensive caster so therefor the real compromise is to correctly choose how much to increase the recovery and defense stats since they are the least needed for the wizard class
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Old 07-07-2009, 07:45 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by doctor-warlord
actually wizards in my opnion is best if you plan to go for offensive caster due to there class bonus and by raising both melee and magic to 100 you can get both a lot of damage from your staff as well as from your DD gems though the down side is to be truely strong as a wizard you need to could use all gem types which means they require more work then those who only get a bonus to 1 or 2 gem colors

but in my opnion the wizard is the strongest for an offensive caster but the weakest for a defensive caster so therefor the real compromise is to correctly choose how much to increase the recovery and defense stats since they are the least needed for the wizard class
lol no nubcake
The highest DD gems are in death magic and warlocks are the best at this moment for those skills. Any class limited to a specific specialisation in magic, aside from Rangers, will out power a wizard for DD damage in that subtype. Utilising multiple colours just for the sake of it is retarded.

Defense is also incredibly needed by a wizard as they have no ability to block and a limited ability to parry.

Originally Posted by Erinn
There are many factors which influence a caster's build: for instance you can trade off increased offense against defense as the impact of each on survivability is about equal - if the enemy is killed sooner, it will do less damage to you, so the need for healing is reduced.
Definitely yes, hence the high defense stats :P

Originally Posted by Erinn
From a skills perspective:
Melee gives STR and PST - necessary for crush damage (staff wielding) and Energy (casting) - arguably both essentials, and of course a caster who runs out of Mana or Energy really does suffer compared to a non caster who has no comparable constraints on fighting.
Magic is required for each of INT, CNC and MST - all essentials.
Defense is a dark horse, as a caster can get away with low levels of AGI and CNT - no one ever said a caster needed to be good at defending against magic, although there are certain benefits that naturally accrue there that may make it a good idea.
Regeneration also delivers an interesting conundrum. Casters clearly benefit more than other classes from the ability to Regenerate in combat, with all of Mana, Energy and HP being used.

My conclusion is that casters have a difficult set of questions to ask themselves when building as their choices will undoubtedly involve some compromises. Be a generalist with balanced capabilities, or specialise and benefit from the ability to focus on certain attributes over others. If you want to specialise, then Wizard is probably not the class to do it with - you'd be better off using one of the other casting classes which gives more specific bonusses, the Wizard is probably one for the generalist.
Wizards need to be as good at defending against magic as any other class, and if memory serves they have the best base Cnt stat in the game. The amount of restorative gems listed, alongside balance, will ensure that you have a large pool to draw from.

Regeneration in combat can be a major factor in battles yes, but I believe that the stat points can be better placed and gems can substitute for them.

As for generalising, Wizards are capable at this but it's just inpractical to do so. As for specialisation, as has been stated, yes they aren't the best, but they can specialise in areas others cannot any make up for it somewhat with their class bonus.
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Old 07-07-2009, 08:09 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by AsylumDreams
Utilising multiple colours just for the sake of it is retarded.
Well as a DD caster you need multiple colors anyways if you use greens or reds, they eat too much mana to cover that with your mst. You will either find yourself doing very long battles while transferring energy to mana to cast your high damage gems, or you will want to use top black & white recastables (and obviously offering dex/str for pst). In the end i rather cast 10 gems with 300 damage average than 4-5 that do 450.

IN addition to that, the caster bonus to a specific color is nice, but its importance is not high enough to rely on it. My point is, whatever your casting class is, as long as you have the skills up you'll be fine.
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Old 07-07-2009, 08:11 AM   #14
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*an excessive amount of colours

3 is the optimal amount imo
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Old 07-07-2009, 08:12 AM   #15
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Depends what you wanna do, solo or groupfight.
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Old 07-07-2009, 08:13 AM   #16
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I cba to quote from the OP, but you can manage succinctly at both with just 3 gem lines
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Old 07-07-2009, 08:38 AM   #17
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green white/black and red could do, but that is an absolute minimum and not an optimal number
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Old 07-07-2009, 08:41 AM   #18
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Life Magic
Gradual Repair | Heavenspark
Gaia's Blessing | Invigorate | Invigorating Cantrip | Tendrils | Wisp Lift
Death Magic
Do Unto | Flare Up
Psych Magic
Balance | Damaging Cantrip | Daze | Stun | Mesmerize | Discourage Jeweling| Incidental Redirection | Korrsix | Mana Cantrip | Manaburst | Transcenence
Defamations | Defoliate | Malign | Psych Resistance Aura

that seems more than balanced enough
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:19 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by AsylumDreams
Life Magic
Gradual Repair | Heavenspark
Gaia's Blessing | Invigorate | Invigorating Cantrip | Tendrils | Wisp Lift
Death Magic
Do Unto | Flare Up
Psych Magic
Balance | Damaging Cantrip | Daze | Stun | Mesmerize | Discourage Jeweling| Incidental Redirection | Korrsix | Mana Cantrip | Manaburst | Transcenence
Defamations | Defoliate | Malign | Psych Resistance Aura

that seems more than balanced enough
You have 5 colors in that description (heavenspark is white and psych resistance/defamations is grey).

So you have 2 dd gems from life magic
You don't use any deathmagic dd gem
From psych magic you use the joke Korrsix & a few grey dd's that hardly do damage.

With this gempouch you will prolly die sooner than the mob from starvation as the fight will take a weeks.
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:22 AM   #20
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I personally have fought against doctor-warlord while both of us were level 20. He knows what he is doing and how to build his character.

Thought i am not "teh uber pwnage" I can still tell who can build a character just by fighting them in a duel.
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