07-07-2009, 09:22 AM
lol Red Magic need only be raised to around 40s for a decent flare up, and korrsix seems to match the class bonus of Wizards. High min is effected by it. The white is for gradual repair only, with the DD gem as an exra for if you choose to use that. Grey Blue and Green are the main lines used as can be seen easily enough if you bother to look.
To Sherman:
Just coz u get whupped doesn't mean someone knows how to build a char.
07-07-2009, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by AsylumDreams
lol Red Magic need only be raised to around 40s for a decent flare up, and korrsix seems to match the class bonus of Wizards. High min is effected by it. The white is for gradual repair only, with the DD gem as an exra for if you choose to use that. Grey Blue and Green are the main lines used as can be seen easily enough if you bother to look..
The fact that i spotted 5 different colors shows that i did take a look  Next time add that 3 colors equals 5 where you only level 2 to a certain rank. Thats quite a nuance. I'm a non-native english speaker, do my best to read between the lines but was not able to spot it.
The class bonus is (say at lvl 70 cap) 10% bonus to all DD magic. Doesn't it seems to be a waste to use low damage gems like the blue & grey ones? They are nothing but pouch fillers to me. The class bonus will do way more to 400-500 hits than to 200 hits. This while the waiting time for recastables is equal. Yeah they consume less mana/energy, but that's easy to cover.
I've wasted a few millions to try out all those gems (at lvl 70), and the blue/grey are just a plain waste. I rather use 1 or 2 ranks lower from demonic, daggers and radiants to fill my pouch) than using the low damage ones.
If i could change ugolin his class (angel) i would go for the wizard and use exactly the same gems. It would mean that i get an extra bonus for the blacks (Demonic) and reds (inferno & daggers).
So i remain to what i said earlier: with your pouch it takes ages to kill mobs once above lvl 50-60.
07-07-2009, 09:47 AM
Suggested gemlines, not solo ranks of all.
Your points are obviously valid, but it's a broad selection of gems to suit varying needs papa Z
07-07-2009, 02:05 PM
I still vote for Wizard pure caster,going full magic (no str) with all in PST and a good mix of cnc/int/mst, using red/green/black DD gems (most powerful + u get bonus from Inferno and Necromancy skills) add it up with class bonus and i think its best DD utilization possible.
07-07-2009, 02:37 PM
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Well thats the theory, the green/reds are mana eaters, even with both mana skills maxed you will only be able to cast a few gems. And you will always have a few misses. Thus white/black recastables are the way to go. But hey, do whatever you like :P
07-07-2009, 04:42 PM
Warlocks out class Wizards as it stands for max DD.
The Wizard class bonus should be increased imo.
07-07-2009, 04:57 PM
no idea about wizards but a warlock with red+black+green is quite good when stats and skills distributed finely, with only DD gems
Last edited by Xenn; 07-07-2009 at 04:59 PM..
07-07-2009, 04:58 PM
Warlocks get 5(15) boost to DD in Death Magic
Wizards get 4(12) for all DD
Death Magic houses best DD gems, therefore Warlocks are better than Wizards for a DD build
07-08-2009, 08:35 AM
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well if you look for damage only but chances are if youy go for the one time castables at later lvls wizard will be superior due to having the bonus to all DD gems and there by having up to 24 DD gems in pouch of highest rank useable in each type
though in the begining its probably best to use recastables as draw speed is slow at the begining of the game
07-08-2009, 09:14 AM
but why raise up and take every colour of gem when having a few of the best is just as effective?
07-08-2009, 09:55 AM
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well it also gives you better chances at getting around resistance gems so that you should could always get a DD gem in play that your oppenent doesnt have a restistance gem in play for as they would need resistance gems in play for all colors which is unlikely for you to get unless your a staff user and there by being more effective in pvp ill agree that they might be weaker against creatures
07-08-2009, 09:57 AM
Limited numbers of players run resistance auras. It's running these gems just for the sake of taking advantage of a somewhat meagre bonus.
07-08-2009, 10:03 AM
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actually the high ranking resistance gems are worth it if you can get them into play and they are worth it when you also add up the resistance from skills to them they can get well over 50% resistance chance and they can be a real pain to a caster if the enemy can resist 2 out of 3 casts since they will be pounding your HP down at a much faster rate with ranged or melee
07-08-2009, 10:10 AM
I didn't say they were worthless, I said not many run them, and Psych Resistance is by far the most popular. As is increasingly obvious, you don't read what is put.
07-08-2009, 10:25 AM
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i do read and i give my opnions and i also write out the reasons i ahve for my opnions i never claimed what you said was wrong i said i didnt agree with what you said on soem things regarding wizard
in the end its those who play wizards that choose which advice they will follow of that which is posted here i simply tell about how im building mine and how i plan to improve mine to give them ideas as i think you are too if im not mistaken
07-08-2009, 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by AsylumDreams
lol Red Magic need only be raised to around 40s for a decent flare up, and korrsix seems to match the class bonus of Wizards. High min is effected by it. The white is for gradual repair only, with the DD gem as an exra for if you choose to use that. Grey Blue and Green are the main lines used as can be seen easily enough if you bother to look.
To Sherman:
Just coz u get whupped doesn't mean someone knows how to build a char.
Actually I didn't get "whupped" as you say. I hope you know what happens when you assume right? I could go in to detail about how I am sure I know how to "build" but you are too stubborn to listen and would come up with illogical conclusions based on your "logic" that you so strongly hold on to.
In any case, I don't think the wizard class needs any improvements. I have dabbled in the wizard class on alts before and leveled to 10, solo'd the sandskin goblin, and got him down to 1/4th health and rerolled. The Sandskin can be very challenging at low levels, in case you are too high and mighty to admit, but I did that by using a wide variety of DD gems.
A wide variety of DD gems allows for more combination. A wizard should make the most of his/her class bonus and use any DD gems he/she thinks would be useful.
Also, using a wide variety of gems, it makes it harder to use gem resistance auras against a wizard effectively, while still using heals, anti-daze etc.
If you would rather use a select few DD gems, then more power to you. However, some of us prefer wide variety and will continue to use it, despite what you may prefer.
You cannot sway everyone into your way of doing something. 
07-08-2009, 03:53 PM
Obviously you're incapable of reading shermy, as I've said it's good to use many gems. There's just no need to use all colours. Get over youself baby, no one really cares about whatever kind of affront you believe you've suffered.
07-08-2009, 04:28 PM
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well i never said you have to use all gem colors though it gives a wider variety of gems available to you and it also by using all 6 colors allow you to choose the perfect combination of gems for your pouch without later on finding that one of the gems is of a color you havent trained at all and there is already a lot of different gem lines and there is also added new ones for instance glitchless has posted that there will be coming epic DD gems at some point and there are added new gems every few months so far and you can never anticipate if its one you will need and what color it will be so there are both advantages and disadvantage to training all gem colors
you get a bigger selection of gems to choose from by training all gem colors but its harder to get them up to higher lvls
but by only choosing 2-4 you on the other hand have an easier time getting them to high lvls so you can use higher ranked gems easier
and as for your last comment sherman no one who has posted in this thread so far has been forcing anyone to do as they say they simply posted there opnions on who train the best build for the wizard class and then its up to those that read the topic to decide who they think is more right or post there opnions on the matter
07-09-2009, 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by AsylumDreams
Obviously you're incapable of reading shermy, as I've said it's good to use many gems. There's just no need to use all colours. Get over youself baby, no one really cares about whatever kind of affront you believe you've suffered.
Once again you make immature personal attacks, but whatever.
To make the most of the wizard class bonus, as I implied in the previous post, it is important to use all gem colors. To what extent is each person's decision.
Only using a couple colors doesn't add much variety and a person who duels you often enough, will learn to bring gems to resist the colors that you use. If a person uses many colors though, less chance of resisting all of them.
If a person is only going to use a select few colors, just reroll and choose a different class with a higher bonus.
Also, as I said before, you can use few colors if you want, but that is your decision. I see no reason to argue which is better as different tactics work better for each person.
You can respond with a personal attack if you want, but that only shows what kind of person you are.
07-09-2009, 05:45 PM
Trolling again are we shermy?
Even mentioning it to show how little it effects you is proof that it cut deeply into your shallow little life hun
And to make the most of the wizard bonus, it's important to use DD gems. That is all. Variety is a matter outside of effectiveness. If you repeat duel, that's an entirely seperate thing to dueling against differing successive opponents, and you will also learn about them. Moot point. If you actually HAD read what was put, you'd see the analysis of the colours I gave at the start and see that I specifically advise players to use alterate claasses.
Stop lying and move on 
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