Didn't say it was a small degree. I didn't say it was large, either. I would like to see more of your work. Judging a person's poetic skill off a single piece is ridiculous. Can you make an accurate judgment of Poe based solely on The Raven, ignoring Fall of the House of Usher? Can you judge Shakespeare with just, say... Sonnet 31, without the other 150+, and discarding his numerous plays?
This individual poem shows that there may be some promise here, but I would like to see more to make a better decision. Then again, this is my personal opinion - There were plenty of people who hated Shakespeare, and look how wrong they were about the longevity of his works.
All that being said, please don't take anything I have said as derogatory. I just want to see more because I don't like judging ability on such a limited sample size.