06-18-2009, 07:26 PM
Hi Marius and congratulations on selecting a mage character.
Wizards get a nice bonus on DD magic. To make sure you get as much damage as you can, go red magic for starters. They get the best Damage per energy/mana point you can get. They will also get the red aura Flare Up later which can increase the maximum damage of all spells cast. Also consider blue/black and green. If you pick blue or green, then you will have spread the skills up easier to put new gems in. Green also has healing gems, so that will also keep you alive longer.
There's some good stuff in the forums, so read all of it you can.
Good luck!
06-18-2009, 07:32 PM
Yes I'm currently thinking about going red/blue/green, and throwing up my 3 recastable DD's up on the bar, then basically keeping all pretty close to the same level, As well I would like to ask how should I spread my stat points out, in terms of raising melee, magic etc...should I just get them all to 70. or should i be leveling magic more then the others...
Thanks alot
06-18-2009, 08:04 PM
All depends on what you want to do? At the moment, the cap is 280 total levels on the first 4 stat skills, with a max of 100 in any stat.
As you want to go DD, you need to up INT & CNC as much as possible but also have some left over to increase Mst. That means you want magic to 100 when you reach lv 70.
The next part is to work out how much to put in Str/Dex/Pst. Str/Dex affects weapon damage. if you don't care, don't put any in here, but you will need Pst to cast spells.
Also work out how much defense you need (at least +70 in both Agi & Cnt) and how many extra Hitpoints you want.
From there, the rest can go into recovery to make levelling a bit quicker.
Hope it helps.
06-18-2009, 09:40 PM
Well i think imma stop leveling recovery, At some point I'll just make a second gem pouch for after battle switching to recover all my h/e/m etc...I'm just unclear of how i should disturubute my stats as I level you know..its a bit confusing...currently
06-19-2009, 10:57 AM
Make sure you increase suiting, parry, impedance, and combat recovery to high levels to help keep you alive as you won't have the advantage of a shield in the beginning for that extra AC.
Also, you don't have to focus as much in MST and PST as it implies. At your current skills you can reduce the amount of mana/energy used when casting spells. At later levels you can increase the amount of mana and energy you have.
06-19-2009, 11:19 AM
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doctor-warlord is offline
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if your a waizrd i suggest you go for as many gem colors you can but most important would probably be black red blue and green as those are the color where you can get the highest DD damage from due to skills and class bonus
06-19-2009, 11:32 AM
Suiting, yes. Ideally, try to keep that at or above your player level.
Parry is less useful if you don't invest a lot of points in Dex.
Impedance & Combat Recovery are completely useless at the beginning of the game. Actually, to be perfectly honest, I still find them pretty well useless at level 50.
Regardless of which class you're playing, get white magic to lvl 2 to make use of Heaven's Glance and/or Healing Touch (available in Castille). For the first few levels, these healing gems make the biggest difference.
Also, raising grey magic level 5 will allow you to equip the Free Escape gem, (available in Stronhad), which allows you a 50% chance to escape without using any mana or energy. With low mana & energy, this gem will make the difference between escaping combat & 'free' trips to town.
06-19-2009, 11:43 AM
I'm trying to think what my end game stats should be for level 70, primary dex, agil +70, Int +100, CNC +100....as for the rest i'm not sure...specifically how high should i go with int..
06-19-2009, 01:40 PM
Int should be as high as possible for any character relying on DD gems. Just keep in mind that CNC will allow you to actually land gems.
A common build for casters is to focus on White & Black DD gems, as they use primarily energy, rather than mana, ( Red & Green gems use mana for the most part). Necrox already mentioned the reasoning behind raisint PSt over MSt.
I won't lie, the highest level staff-wielding character I've played so far is 15. They require far too much attention ( ie gem-clicking) for my liking.
Having said that, I'm toying with the idea of converting one of my characters into a caster.
If/when I do, here's how I would like to be built at level 70:
80 Melee - For every 3 Melee levels (9 points), I would assign 3 Str / 1 Dex / 5 PSt
- This would give me a ton of energy, while maintaining the ability to do decent damage when hitting with a staff.
100 Magic - For every 3 Magic levels (9 points), I would assign 5 Int / 3 Cnc / 1 MSt
- I would be able to land gems frequently, and do a ton of damage. I would also have a decent enough mana pool for the invigorate gem (which replenishes energy at a cost of mana) to be useful.
70 Defense - For every 1 Defense level (3 points), I would assign 2 Dur / 1 Agi
- I would have enough HP to stay alive long enough to cast a few gems. Cnt would be boosted with stones as necessary, as it is one of the cheapest to make.
30 Recovery. - For every 2 Recovery levels (6 points), I would assign 4 PRe / 2 Reg
- Putting a few points into recovery would be essential for regenerating after a long, arduous battle. This would allow me to fight more often, as I would spend less time between battles.
Last edited by Emperor006; 06-19-2009 at 01:44 PM..
06-20-2009, 12:58 PM
so, i'm focusing on red,green, and blue gems....the green and blue give me a ton of regening possibilities, so im' not focused on raising energy at all, my current thinking is just raising dex, with str secondary, for the magic i'm thinking of keeping int 20 points higher then the rest..
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