archer problem
Old 06-09-2009, 05:50 AM   #1
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since I dont know how to explain this better this is a simplified version it has pics even (not that it helped the last time)

an ARCHER lvl 33 is killing a lvl 36 mob with stat skills 204 str and 110 dex

how is that possible?

I had 224 dex and 90 str,so I redistributed my meele stat skill to 204 str and 110 dex
not a single change with my ARCHER,he was still missing and hitting the mob the same HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE

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Old 06-09-2009, 06:07 AM   #2
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I can vouch for what hes saying... i grouped with neo just wondering if it was true and he seems to be hitting around 4 of 5 times with his bow.. but at only 110 dex, he should be missing way more.. ill check on my ranger and post my results in a few hours.
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Old 06-09-2009, 08:02 AM   #3
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With a base chance to hit of about 75% when your DEX is equal to the opponents average CNT+AGI you'll hit 3/4 times. Lets say you double your DEX which and that halves your chance of missing from 25% to 12.5% (this is not the exact formula, just an example) taking your chance to hit to 87.5% or 7/8... you're still going to be able to kill hard creatures if you have good gear with either rating and you're not going to see obvious changes unless you're actually tracking the statistics of 100's of fights.
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Old 06-09-2009, 08:48 AM   #4
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thnx for the explanation
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Old 06-09-2009, 09:01 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
With a base chance to hit of about 75% when your DEX is equal to the opponents average CNT+AGI you'll hit 3/4 times. Lets say you double your DEX which and that halves your chance of missing from 25% to 12.5% (this is not the exact formula, just an example) taking your chance to hit to 87.5% or 7/8... you're still going to be able to kill hard creatures if you have good gear with either rating and you're not going to see obvious changes unless you're actually tracking the statistics of 100's of fights.
I just finished a small test with my archery. 5 battles each high dex/low dex and 5 each high dex/low dex, being grouped and ungrouped.. my results are

153 dex, 252 str.... 66.27% miss "Grouped"
153 dex, 252 str.... 55.74% miss "Ungrouped"
306 dex, 99 str.... 28.57% miss "Grouped"
306 dex, 99 str.... 27.05% miss "Ungrouped

BUT, you also have to factor in everything else like... luck, random number generator, type of monster, trained eye, the weapons accuracy etc.etc.
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Old 02-02-2010, 08:56 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
With a base chance to hit of about 75% when your DEX is equal to the opponents average CNT+AGI you'll hit 3/4 times. Lets say you double your DEX which and that halves your chance of missing from 25% to 12.5% (this is not the exact formula, just an example) taking your chance to hit to 87.5% or 7/8... you're still going to be able to kill hard creatures if you have good gear with either rating and you're not going to see obvious changes unless you're actually tracking the statistics of 100's of fights.

We finally know something about how dexterity works.

75% chance to hit when an archer's dex = enemy's [(cnt + agi) / 2]

Now anybody here have any clue how to figure out the mobs' stats (mainly cnt and agi). If there is a way to get those figures, it would be possible to pinpoint the exact amount of accuracy that one could expect from a given dex value, against a specific opponent.

I was thinking about running some calculations using the pet stats as estimates for the mobs' stats. But I am not sure how closely the pet figures resemble the mob figures.

Any ideas welcome. Any comment from Glitchless about mob stats and perhaps how closely they resemble the pet stats is very welcome.

For example, if the swan figures are similar to the figures for the skelly mobs then:

[(147 + 147) / 2] = 147 dex = 25% chance to miss with 147 dex.

(With melee at 36 and all points in dex, the archer would have 218 dex)

This means that the archer will have approximately 17% chance to miss with 218 dex.

With 400 dex, the archer would still have a 9 % chance to miss (and 400 dex is too much for a level 36 player)

So for a level 80 player, 400 dexterity is probably making a 10% - 15% accuracy difference. Add trained eye (12% at level 80) and the assurance rune [10% at rank 5]; 400 dex seems more than adequate; maybe a bit excessive.

So a 39 140 140 1 build would mean 227 dexterity which should be more than enough to cover the [(cnt + agi) / 2] of the mob if they are similar to pets.

So lets say that 227 dexterity gives you a 75% chance to hit [probably slightly higher]
Trained eye at level 80 increases this to 87 % and the assurance rank 5 increases this to 97%.

The 39 140 140 1 build is extreme but does not seem like such a bad idea when I look at these figures.

EDIT: I am also assuming, that the 75% figure from Glitchless does not include level differences and how they affect accuracy.

If you see any math problems or anything with what I have done here, feel free to point it out.

Last edited by Conqueror; 02-02-2010 at 09:32 AM..
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Old 02-02-2010, 09:20 AM   #7
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Unfortunately, mob stats don't seem to follow any 'rules' as far as I can tell. Take a sand snake for example. It can continually cast Daze, mez and stun gems, all of which are supposed to use mana and energy. I've never seen them run out yet. It also has no MRE, PRE or REG.
The hitpoints of mobs also don't appear to follow any rules.

I've never accurately calculated it, but I'd imagine a skele (36) mob has about 2000 hp. When Roeth was fighting there, with a DUR of 150 or so, and level 34, he had about 1200 hp.

Roeth also has only 101 CNC, and yet can get a 'hit' with a sloth gem half (or better) against 46 mobs now (he is level 43). This would seem to indicate that the mobs have terrible CNT.

So, are all the mobs points in DUR (after all, they are 'built' for EvP) ?
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Old 02-02-2010, 09:36 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Roeth
Unfortunately, mob stats don't seem to follow any 'rules' as far as I can tell. Take a sand snake for example. It can continually cast Daze, mez and stun gems, all of which are supposed to use mana and energy. I've never seen them run out yet. It also has no MRE, PRE or REG.
The hitpoints of mobs also don't appear to follow any rules.

I've never accurately calculated it, but I'd imagine a skele (36) mob has about 2000 hp. When Roeth was fighting there, with a DUR of 150 or so, and level 34, he had about 1200 hp.

Roeth also has only 101 CNC, and yet can get a 'hit' with a sloth gem half (or better) against 46 mobs now (he is level 43). This would seem to indicate that the mobs have terrible CNT.

So, are all the mobs points in DUR (after all, they are 'built' for EvP) ?
lol @ the mobs being built for EvP.

Good points Roeth

It should be possible to calculate the hit points of the mobs if someone is willing to go through the trouble of adding up the damage inflicted.

Wish I knew more about mob stats though. I could say so much about dexterity and its importance to archers if I did.
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Old 02-02-2010, 04:30 PM   #9
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Wishing someone would infiltrate into Jeff's house, USB his files on mob's stat, and post them on wiki.

I'll pay that person 3 tc's.
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Old 01-15-2012, 01:18 AM   #10
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Just 3? I've been using the assumption that mobs are evenly lvl'd with even distributed stats (except for bosses), and that seems to work...of course, I could be way wrong with bad math, but only glitch can confirm
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Old 01-15-2012, 12:30 PM   #11
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overanalyzation ftw

just give more trade windows.. those are easy to add
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