Few noob questions...
Old 06-04-2009, 05:08 PM   #1
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Default Few noob questions...

Heya all, I'm new and have couple of questions...

1. Is there skill cap? If no, what's the "Untrain 1 skill point" for?

2. How to get more slots in gem pouch? and slots in hand in combat?

3. can you set any hotkey for some actions like open inventory

4. Is there lvl 1-9 pet? The lowest I've seen is sewer rat lvl 10...

5. If I wanna stay at my current level to farm trophies for other skill, should I switch to Class Enhancement in Stat skill, as long as the other 4 don't go up I won't level up, is that correct?

6. Is it common to use pt. 5 above to farm? or do people mostly just raise level as fast as possible, but relatively weak at other skill?

Thanks in advance I know thats load of questions :P
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Old 06-04-2009, 05:15 PM   #2
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1). Stats can be max 100. Melee, magic, defense & recovery can total 280 (ex 100, 40, 100, 40). as the player level cap is 70 atm and determined by those.
2) per level you get a new gem pouch slot, with a max of 50, you can have 3 pouches though
3) use a program like autohotkey for windows (or any macro program will do). it is allowed as long as your script does not play for you
4) no rat is lowest
5) yes, or you can untrain one of the 4 that you think is useless for you
6) thats totally up to yourself, there was a tendency in the beginning of this game to rush chars, but now we see more and more strong accounts at lower levels. whatever way you go, you can always correct your build in a later stage
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Old 06-04-2009, 05:32 PM   #3
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for 1, only stat skill has cap? and other skills can raise as much as u want?
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Old 06-04-2009, 06:22 PM   #4
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100 is max for every skill, though once you take a skill beyond your player level, u'll get a serious xp penalty (except for melee, def, recovery & magic stat skill)
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