Weird freezes
Old 06-03-2009, 03:32 AM   #1
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Default Weird freezes

Hello everyone. Me and my girlfriend started playing a few days ago, both using the same internet connection (connected to the same router). The problem is: she is getting, from time to time and what appear to be randomly, freezes lasting long enough for her to die. Not only that, even when she logs in, she always have to wait a long time for her Submit button to appear (its blackened out at first and doesnt work) after she puts her details in.
Have to mention I got noone of these problems, all works 100% smooth here.

She is using IE, pentium M 1,6 GHz, 504 RAM. We're using the same Java version.

If anyone has any idea what can be causing the problems, thanks in advance.
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Old 06-03-2009, 05:57 AM   #2
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You really need to have at least 768 megs of ram to play Nodiatis. She is running out of ram and her system begins to use HD space for ram (swapping) and this causes massive performance problems and lock ups. Time to get the lady a new computer, make sure it has a gig of ram or more.
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