Need help with druid char...
Old 05-19-2009, 01:24 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default Need help with druid char...

Hello everyone, Im very new to this game and have a question. I have created a druid character and have no idea what would be best to make it more powerful right now. Where should i allocate my experience at first, and later on? What weapons are best? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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Old 05-19-2009, 06:19 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

With any mage character, you have to work out from the spells you have, what you are going to do.

Druids are pretty versitile in what you can build with them. You can make them a support healer, a Direct Damage (DD) mage, or a Damage over Time (DoT) mage, or just use spells like a warrior/archer to compliment your combat skills.

The game is less than 1 year old, and stat levelling is still pretty new. There are some camps that go pure hit point and attack, some try and even all the skills out, and some that go down the middle road and have some stats even, with 2 to 4 standout stats.

Before you start to level, read each skill and stat carefully, noting down which one would be good to compliment a druid. Also look at the weapon guide to get an understanding of which weapons and gems you may wish to use compared with the stats. Remember, you can only level the stat skills 280 times at the moment (level 70 x 4) with a maximum of level 100 in any skill. So that should determine which stats you should raise and which ones you don't.

I personally then create a spreadsheet with what stat skills I expect at level 70, then use the formula ([goal stat level] / 70) x [next level to get] to determine where my stats skills should be at a certain time. Sometimes I deviate from it a little, but it is a good guide.

Good luck with the druid.
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Old 07-09-2009, 06:53 AM   #3
Posts: n/a

Or you can be like me and become a Battle Druid. I am currently eqipped with a Blue Crystal axe and a Splitblade Londsword. But i heal better than most priests or angels.

Its all up to you, though i'd advise sticking with a staff. I dont want Battle druid competion.

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