Clan Wars Guide
Old 05-15-2009, 03:28 AM   #1
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Default Clan Wars Guide

The clan war system allows members of clans to do PvP battle in order to establish dominance, gain territory, and be able to access the best runes in the game. There are two methods that can make two clans enemies:

Declared & Accepted War

To enter into a war with another clan one of your officers must offer a war to an officer of another clan. Should they accept, your clans will be at war until one clan surrenders and your members will be able to clan battle. The cost of surrender is half your clan's rune power, dominance, and territory. Clans no longer lose any runes.

Clan Alignment

Clans can choose an alignment of Valiant or Malevolent if they are so disposed. Doing so will cause their clan to be able to clan battle members from clans of the opposite faction. The only way to return to neutral alignment is to surrender all wars which returns you to neutral status, The cost of surrender is half your clan's rune power, dominance, and territory. Clans no longer lose any runes.

Players can initiate a "Clan Battle" with members of other clans they are at war with (who's faces will flash orange) or who are of opposite alignment (who's faces will flash yellow) just as they would offer a duel except just like in forceful PvP there is no need for the opponent to accept. Both the attacker and the one being attacked must both at least be of rank soldier in those clans. Dying in a clan battle does not result in any lost rested time, however, you will be sent back to town. Winning a clan battle grants your clan territory and dominance. Note that clan territory decreases over time and can only be maintained through perpetual war. Dominance remains forever and both are important for using high-end runes.

After being killed in a clan battle you return to the last town visited and are unable to force clan battles on others or have it forced upon you for 4 hours. You will not gain any benefit from participating in war during that time, however, might still end up in a clan battle if your group members have not recently died in clan battles.
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