I was a bit confused (maybe cause of the english

) so far, so tell me if i understand this correct:
Do unto rank
the next detrimental gem used on you will trigger this gem and have a 66% chance of being mirrored unto the caster as well.
this means that the spell *will* hit you but that there is a chance that the same damage will be done to the caster?
Incidental redirection
the next detrimental gem used on you will trigger this gem and have a 33% chance of being reflected back to the caster
this means that there is a 33% chance that the spell won't hit you but send back to the caster?
Discourage jeweling rank 4
The next detrimental gem used on you will trigger this gem and have 66% chance of being prevented
there is a 66% chance that the spell wont hit you?
now i wonder: if it's send back to the caster, will it hit the caster always, or if he has an incidental redirection up, will it be casted back to me? (kinda ping pong). and how do restance auras relate to this?