Old 04-29-2009, 04:27 AM   #1
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Default caps

I haven't found an answer yet...

1) Is there a stat cap? How much is it?
What is the max level of a stat group (like melee...)?
What is the max value for a single stat (like dex...)?

2) Is there an experience cap?

3) Is there a skill cap?
What is the max value of a single skill?
Can I max out all the skills (all crafting skills, all combat skills...)?

4) What are the best stats and skills for a necromaner?

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Old 04-29-2009, 06:04 AM   #2
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player level cap is 70
cap for everything else is 100
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Old 04-29-2009, 11:42 PM   #3
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Stige
I haven't found an answer yet...

1) Is there a stat cap? How much is it?
What is the max level of a stat group (like melee...)?
What is the max value for a single stat (like dex...)?
Lv 70 *4 total in the first 4 stats in Melee, Magic, Defense & Recovery. Lv 100 is the maximum you can get any stat.

Originally Posted by Stige
2) Is there an experience cap?
XP cap is the level cap.

Originally Posted by Stige
3) Is there a skill cap?
What is the max value of a single skill?
Can I max out all the skills (all crafting skills, all combat skills...)?
See answer 1. It is possible except for the 4 levelling skills to get them all to 100. Not feasable at the moment, but possible.

Originally Posted by Stige
4) What are the best stats and skills for a necromaner?
Ok - here's a tough question. What do you want to achieve? I'll keep it simple to a Damage over Time (DoT) mage.

Melee: Str are important for damage and parry with a staff. Dex is important, but not as much. Pst will be required for increased energy.

Magic: Cnc is the most important to make sure your spells hit. Mst is also important for Mana. INT not required for DoT mages.

Defense: All 3 are important.

Recovery: All are important, but not as important as the other three skills.

Weaponry: Critical Strike, Overcrit, Two-Handed
Archery: None
Protection: Suiting*, Combat Recovery, Parry*, Impedence

Life Magic: Mental Conservation
Death Magic: Diabloism*,Black Magic*,Staves*,Slight of Hand*
Psych Magic: Wizardry, Divination, Gem Handling

Beast Mastery: Petmanship

*Very important Skills.

Crafting is a different matter, and only really matter when you are a paid account. Any of the resources skills are good. Enchanting will be a must later if you stay a free account. Read the guide to enchanting which would help more than I can here.
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Old 05-01-2009, 03:54 AM   #4
Posts: n/a

Thanks for the reply.

When I reach the level cap, can I still work on a skill by passive learning?
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