Morrodins guide to the perfect warrior |
04-26-2009, 05:05 PM
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Morrodins guide to the perfect warrior
As a warrior or character that uses a slashing, piercing, or crushing weapon you will want to specialize in the STATS melee and defense. This means you will only want to level up those two stats and not level up magic and recovery until you hit character level 49 ( or have melee to level 100 and defense to level 100 ). When I use slashing or crushing weapons I use my skills points this way:
Strength ( STR ): 2 Points
Dexterity ( DEX ): 1 point
Physical Stamina ( PST ): 0 points
Agility ( AGI ): 0 points
Contravention ( CNT ): 0 points
Durability ( DUR ): 3 points
When using Piercing weapons I use my skill points this way:
Strength ( STR ): 1 Point
Dexterity ( DEX ): 2 points
Physical Stamina ( PST ): 0 points
Agility ( AGI ): 0 points
Contravention ( CNT ): 0 points
Durability ( DUR ): 3 points
Now that we covered how to level up as a melee combatant lets move on to your skills. As a warrior that does not level up the recovery skill you will want to use healing gems to stay alive during and after combat. I personally like to level all the skills I plan on using 5 levels above my character level ( Example: My character is level 5 and my slashing skill is level 10 ). This method will allow to have a weapon that is higher then your level and you can solo creatures that are more powerful then you. There are two methods I use to keep my skills 5 levels above my player level. They both start off the same way. At level 1 level the stats you are going to use up to level 6 so that you begin the game with all stats 5 levels above your character level. This is the first method, when you level your character up one time instantly freeze your character and level the skills that you leveled in the beginning one time. Repeat this process for every level your character gains and you should be able to solo creatures that are red and purple at all times. This is the second method, level your character to level 5 then freeze his level and level up all the skills that you picked in the beginning to level 10. Repeat this process every 5 levels your character gains. Using this method you can sell trophies while you level your character if you are in need of gold. Below is my list of skills that i try to keep 5 levels above my level at all times:
*Weaponry Skills*
Slashing, Piercing, or Crushing ( Whatever you plan on using )
Critical Strike
*Protection Skills*
Combat Recovery
*Life Magic Skills*
White Magic
Green Magic
*Beast Mastery Skills*
*Adventuring SKills*
Treasure Sense
Item Stacking
I suggest that you enchant all items with a mix of +STR and +DEX just for the little bonus.
( At level 20 more skills become available, if you would like my list for those skills just pm me whenever you want to )
Last edited by Morrodin; 04-26-2009 at 05:07 PM..
04-26-2009, 05:13 PM
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Weirdgus is offline
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morrodin you suck ****,hence your guide sucks too!
go /wrists please
04-26-2009, 05:31 PM
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Your just pissed cause i wont sell you TC's cause your an a**hole. So go FU*k yourself
04-26-2009, 05:44 PM
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zenga is offline
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Originally Posted by Morrodin
This means you will only want to level up those two stats and not level up magic and recovery until you hit character level 49 ( or have melee to level 100 and defense to level 100 ).
Unless you will powerlevel that char thats like the dumbest thing you can do. What xp do you get for killing a mob a lvl 40? (with all upgrades). It's way less than killing a lvl 60 or a lvl 70 mob. So totally ineffective, time consuming and (tc wise) expensive.
Originally Posted by Morrodin
When I use slashing or crushing weapons I use my skills points this way:
Strength ( STR ): 2 Points
Dexterity ( DEX ): 1 point
Physical Stamina ( PST ): 0 points
Crushing and slashing weapons are totally different weapons, and require a different dex/str spread.
Originally Posted by Morrodin
Agility ( AGI ): 0 points
Contravention ( CNT ): 0 points
Durability ( DUR ): 3 points
Going all dur might be true in the first levels, but wait till you fight a higher mob and see the magical damage they do.
Originally Posted by Morrodin
As a warrior that does not level up the recovery skill you will want to use healing gems to stay alive during and after combat.
Now you need recovery with such an amount of hp's, as it will take forever to regen.
Originally Posted by Morrodin
I personally like to level all the skills I plan on using 5 levels above my character level
The only skill that is worth it to level beyond your player level is your weapon skill (crushing/slashing/piercing). If you tend to use DD gems include the gem color as well. The main reason is to not use a better weapon (because you will often fight with weapons below your level just cause they are better than the ones available above) but to be able to deal more damage. If a skill is below the mobs level, you'll hit less and do less damage.
About healing gems: the green eternal heals are more than enough to cover up during fights. Definitely because your defense is so strong.
On a final note: as a warrior his class bonus is max damage, using piercing weapons is quite a waste as a warrior. I find crushing weapons and maxing out str the way to go for a warrior. Not slashing nor piercing.
Last edited by zenga; 04-26-2009 at 05:46 PM..
Reason: typo
04-26-2009, 08:40 PM
I agree with Zenga. Not putting point into Recovery might be only nice in the beginning but it took forever to recover your hp once you hit higher level. Also keep in mind by only leveling up in 2 stat make your gain level a lot slower.
Get some CNT as magic damage start to hurt you real bad by the time you start to fight those level 20+ mob.
Which resistant gem is best used anyway if you plan to use them? I wonder what type of direct damage gem are usually used by mob beside the blue one 
04-27-2009, 02:56 AM
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Weirdgus is offline
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Like I said morrodin,your guide sucks sh!t and no,I don't want your ****ing TCs.
Do the world a favor and go hell,please. kthxbai
04-27-2009, 02:35 PM
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No such thing as a 'guide' to building a char. Gotta adapt, be fluid, and sculpt your build as the situation and objectives demand.
That being said, SKILL complements and enhances stats. If your build 'sucks', then it's most likely that you've neglected your skills.
Finally, I agree with the others, that your 'guide' is flawed, Morrodin, and will lead others down the wrong path.
04-27-2009, 10:36 PM
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Hunters Bane is offline
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If you're not going to level Agi you might as well not invest in Parry. Parry needs Agi and Dex to be effective. Impedance isn't effective without Cnt either. Also, slashing and crushing weapons need different amounts of Str and Dex to be effective, so like Jon said "Gotta adapt, be fluid, and sculpt your build as the situation and objectives demand."
Originally Posted by Nikita
You can say all the horrible things you want about me in here but I'd prefer if you didn't =(
05-05-2009, 09:54 PM
Dont let these guys bother you Morrodin. Your just trying to help. I am sure some people found this guide helpful, because not all people like to play the same. If this helps even one person, it was well worth it.
Anyone that would take the time to trash a guide that someone obviously put hard work, time and thought into...has not been around Forums, MMORPGs and Games in general...If they have, they would appreciate what you are trying to accomplish.. regardless if they agree with you on your build or not. Since they are just out to hurt you, put you down and ruin your work..that your obviously proud of...this says more about them than it does about you. If they can not express their opinions in a open forum like adults....well they obviously are not adults. Hence the language and childish insults.
Keep up the great work morrodin. Some people are proud of you. For those of you who do not know morrodin like i know him.. He give much of his time during the game up, to help people powerlvl collect resources, upgrade equiptment, complete quests and the list goes on.
He also runs one of the best little clans i have been in..Mind you he funds the clan on his own and has never taxed or asked for a single gold. I guess thats why none of these guys like morrodin, they are the complete opposite.....and their comments. Stand that point clear.
Keep up the great work mate.
Just my 2 cents.
05-05-2009, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Malcovis
Dont let these guys bother you Morrodin. Your just trying to help. I am sure some people found this guide helpful, because not all people like to play the same. If this helps even one person, it was well worth it.
Anyone that would take the time to trash a guide that someone obviously put hard work, time and thought into...has not been around Forums, MMORPGs and Games in general...If they have, they would appreciate what you are trying to accomplish.. regardless if they agree with you on your build or not. Since they are just out to hurt you, put you down and ruin your work..that your obviously proud of...this says more about them than it does about you. If they can not express their opinions in a open forum like adults....well they obviously are not adults. Hence the language and childish insults.
So replying with more than valid arguments on a thread called "the perfect warrior" is trashing someone? I've put effort, thought and work in my reply as well. And actually it's based on quite some experience, which means that i've done stupid things as well with my builds. I really don't see what's wrong with correcting people in a game forum.
I've been around quite some game forums, for a long time. And I actually like to have correct information when i am a newbie. So i like to see some discussion/arguments/responses before i take something for truth.
Bottomline is, if i would visit the nod forum as a newbie, then 'the perfect warrior guide' would trigger my interest. And I have no way to verify what is correct or wrong. If people would post only positive comments, then the guide would look very credible to me. And eventually I would be screwed
Unfortunately this guide is not the perfect warrior guide. Not even close.
Originally Posted by Malcovis
Keep up the great work morrodin. Some people are proud of you. For those of you who do not know morrodin like i know him.. He give much of his time during the game up, to help people powerlvl collect resources, upgrade equiptment, complete quests and the list goes on.
He also runs one of the best little clans i have been in..Mind you he funds the clan on his own and has never taxed or asked for a single gold. I guess thats why none of these guys like morrodin, they are the complete opposite.....and their comments. Stand that point clear.
Keep up the great work mate.
Just my 2 cents.
I really don't see what someone's attitude has to do with the credibility of the information he gives? It's not because he is wrong about something that he is an *sshole or so  Being an adult means that you can discuss things without taking it personal or getting emotional.
05-06-2009, 03:30 AM
Malcovis the only one trashing here as far as I can see is Weirdgus.
Most of us especially Zenga simply giving some pointer base on his own experience and I really appreciate the useful comment given. You really need to learn to differentiate between constructive comment versus pure trashing 
05-13-2009, 09:10 AM
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Sapreaver is offline
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This is the stupidest guide I have ever seen what level are you? 10? 11? it seems like it works but it doesn't work at all I am one of the longest playing players and I have taken alot of time with my character building and I see that you just picked some skills and ideas rather quickly and said hey lets make a guide and **** up a bunch of people so I don't look as bad. NO one should ever follow such a shallow guide. I know from personal experience that they never work I have spent at least 30k gold restating my character trying out different builds and I have tried your build at level 24 I was taking magic hits as high as 90 crits which is not good think more about your "guides" next time and don't make one until you have enough experience to beat people with facts and calculations
05-13-2009, 09:28 AM
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go sap :P
05-13-2009, 11:10 AM
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Relic is offline
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DAMNIT! I used this guide and now i get owned!
Thanks alot Morrondin!
Just kidding, but to be honest, your guide sucks, period.
If you ever want to make a guide again, you need to TEST all other builds.
Be sure you have reached level cap atleast once, and have alot of knowledge of Nodiatis. Cant just make "Perfect guides" without true expierence.
05-13-2009, 02:14 PM
Crab Defiler
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Agree with relic and zenga, and mostly Jon. I have been playing for a while myself, and although I am only in the high 20's, I have played with the resistances and builds for a rogue for a while.
Your posted build will get you through for a while, and in a hurry. But your build is only effective for those mobs prior to mid-level mobs. It will start to slow down, and you will find yourself running from fights.
I have found that you must be able to shift your character in the direction that you will be heading to next, in order to advance. If you build up straight melee, eventually the only thing you will be able to fight are melee based mobs, as stronger casting mobs, and bosses, will tear through you like a fat kid through a donut with no spell resistance.
What I mean by shifting is you have have at least some experience in all areas. They may not be up to your level, but you just incidently throw enough trophs at a skill to ding it up a level periodically. That way when you need that skill to be brought up to par quickly, you can do so, and minimize the exposure time you have to risk being owned by a particular mob set.
Which also incidently, I would imagine that if you went against a pure caster, you would lose, and badly.
In short, you have to start putting into your other skills far sooner than the midlevel range. I would say about 10 or 15 you want to start considering your spell resistance, and other abilities.
But if you plan to only play the game until lvl 30 or so, your build is adequate, but expect a handful of deaths here and there.
How do I know? Well oddly enough, your posted build is similar to what I have as a rogue. But I am finding that I have to change it to survive the mobs that are even just red to me. Their magic damage is pwnting me from here to next week.
Sure I can deal a lot of damage to them, but this game is mostly about survivability, not dealing damage, and having a herculean character that gets his lights knocked out on every spell cast on em. In other words, there is no 'perfect' warrior.
Best build = balanced for your class.
05-17-2009, 10:46 AM
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Morrodin is offline
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Ok people, this build is not good for fight creatures, i agree, TRY IT WITH PVP. THEN RESPOND, this build is meant for a PvP character. AKA dark knights, weapon masters. after you look at all angles, then critique it.
05-17-2009, 12:19 PM
Morrodin... loathe as I am to agree with some of these, they are absolutely right. This guide is terrible. I flatter myself with having some knowledge of the game and basic mathematics and statistical analysis, despite only just achieving the mid-point of current max, and what you have given as a guide is just abysmal. If considered as a PvP guide it falls even more. Your skill building ideas are a bit backwards as well. Kudos for trying to help, but you should try and verify. That's why I have been so slow coming out with guides for my site. I'm trying out many different play styles.
05-17-2009, 11:37 PM
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TheMilfHunter is offline
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morrodin can you opm me ingame and teach me how to build a warrior i am a noob and have no clue
05-18-2009, 10:55 AM
Glad to see you finally accepting the general opinion milf 
05-19-2009, 12:26 PM
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Darkshine is offline
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I can confirm, it does NOT work for PVP. An archer will skewer me everytime, as well as a caster will crit on me more often than not. Only another rogue, or warrior class can I stand my ground against.
These are at lower levels too, at higher levels I would imagine the effect would only be magnified.
The only way this build would be effective in PVP is if you were using fast stun weapons like whips. Then you might have a chance, because you are restricting action of your opponent, while inflicting major damage, and quickly. But if you go up against a character that specializes in an area where your weakness is, you will be dead before you have a chance to do anything.
I would say if anything... your build descibes how to build a perfect whip wielding beastmaster character. I theorize that if someone specialized with the stats that you described, dropped all the specialization into the pet category with whips, healing pets & speed, critical, overcrit, and slashing spec, that would probably be a pretty tough character to overcome. Couple that with green healing gems, and you can heal a lot of damage in a short period of time, while still dealing it.
But it would still be a balanced out character as in you would heal the damage that is being dealt by someone exploiting your character weaknesses. Not the all out 'warrior' brawler that is described in the beginning.
BTW, the theoretical counter to the stated build is someone who goes all out dex and agi, and specializes in parry/dual parry. You will probably never hit them on a consistant basis, and they will heal inbetween the hits that you do deal. Hard as your hits may be, if you don't deal consistent damage, with a majority of blows not blocked or parried, they will heal the damage, and they will continue to exploit your weakness(es).
I will say again, there probably is no 'perfect' build, short of being level 100 in everything. Once you have all that, then you can play with stats, and stones, and all that fun, and determine which works best for what. But I would imagine, a balance is still the way you want to go.
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