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Old 05-20-2009, 07:43 PM   #21
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Darkshine what is your lvl?
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Old 05-20-2009, 11:42 PM   #22
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30...but not an overnight 30. Probably have anywhere from 300-700 more skills than what most lvl 30's have, and only a small portion of that is tradeskilling. Check out my char birthdate in the other thread. I have been around for a while.

So ya, even at that low level you are forced to change it up to survive, and used to lose most every duel I went into, even against some lower level characters. Prior to stat redistribution, I had beat one character higher than me, by a margin of 40 hp and one level.

After stat redistribute, I can take a beating, and wins are usually 50/50 which is good enough for me.
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Old 05-21-2009, 11:14 AM   #23
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Ok, you say you tried it for pvp, get to my level and duel me. Then say that it sucks, it work perrfectly fine for me. Yes i need to heal after battle with creatures and i already admitted that it isnt great for creatures. So once you hit level 34, or or even level 36 msg me in game and i will duel you.
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Old 05-21-2009, 12:56 PM   #24
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The perfect warrior should be able to fight creatures and people easily my character can fight non stop battles with out healing in between with out using gems the only problem with my build is that it isn't that great at pvp yet since I use whips not cookie cutter claws(zombie)
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Old 05-21-2009, 06:38 PM   #25
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So in that case, yes i agree, but i cant change my guide name, it isnt perfect. But i can almost guarantee it wont be beat in PvP
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Old 05-22-2009, 01:21 AM   #26
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I havent had time to post, but read most of it before when it started.

Yes I agree Morrodins guide is a little flawed, but not by that much.

However, look at you people?? Is it so natural to bash and put down the person that came up with something good and actually spent time on doing something that might at least help a little the community of new players ??

I am not talking about everyone, but instead of coming up with YOUR OWN SUPER MEGA GUIDES you put down Morrodin that actually spent some time on it, without being asked or paid or whatever.

I am yet to see anything good on these boards, apart from the name calling, trash, bragging and all other stupid things...

I say keep up the good work Morrodin, learn from the best, take advice, use it and dont look back on the loosers that try to bite your ankles because they cant do much anymore..
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