Dual Wield vs Shield
Old 04-05-2009, 01:06 AM   #1
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Default Dual Wield vs Shield

Im approaching level 20 so soon i have to decide if I want to Dual Wield or continue using a shield. I notice that virtually all high level (melee) people Dual Wield, however im happy using a shield so far and I am currently very resiliant to damage.

So my Question is: Is DW really a must-have at high levels or can I still compete with everyone else using a shield? Is there anyone out there who has reached a high level with a shield or are they that underpowered compared to DW?
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Old 04-05-2009, 02:02 AM   #2
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Both have their advantages... Here are some things to keep in mind:

Dual-Wield: You deal significantly more damage, which means monsters will die quicker, which means you use RT more effectively. You will also travel quicker, etc. However, you also incur more damage, so if you're not careful downtime can make up the difference (not usually since you regen fairly quickly).

Sword & Board: You can take a lot of damage, but battles will tend to drag on as you essentially deal 'half damage.' Not many people other than Guardians or other dedicated Tanks seem to go this way. The best use of this 'build' is to group as much as you can! Some might not want to group with you because they think you only slow them down... Smart people will realize you can virtually eliminate downtime and pick you up. If you choose to go this route, you must invest in blue magic (and gem handling) for the taunts. Your job is taking the brunt of the enemy assault.

Aside from those pros/cons of using a shield, your character will be a little more unique, children will look up to you, savage beasts will be extremely irritated at your impenetrable manliness, and women will flock to you - shields are hot.

~ Solikos
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Old 04-05-2009, 02:38 AM   #3
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If you don't fight exclusively in groups then you are essentially going to have to dual wield to make any progress at all. Even with the best epic weapons available at lower lvls, blood claw then zombie claw, your battles will begin to drag on way too long. It will far exceed the time you save in post battle regen.

You can use the 1H and shield approach effectively if you group all the time otherwise you'll have to dual wield. You can keep the shield handy for bosses and when you get in trouble against regular mobs.
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Old 07-12-2009, 04:59 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Solikos
children will look up to you, savage beasts will be extremely irritated at your impenetrable manliness, and women will flock to you - shields are hot.

~ Solikos
lol cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute
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Old 07-12-2009, 06:57 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Solikos
Both have their advantages... Here are some things to keep in mind:

Dual-Wield: You deal significantly more damage, which means monsters will die quicker, which means you use RT more effectively. You will also travel quicker, etc. However, you also incur more damage, so if you're not careful downtime can make up the difference (not usually since you regen fairly quickly).

Sword & Board: You can take a lot of damage, but battles will tend to drag on as you essentially deal 'half damage.' Not many people other than Guardians or other dedicated Tanks seem to go this way. The best use of this 'build' is to group as much as you can! Some might not want to group with you because they think you only slow them down... Smart people will realize you can virtually eliminate downtime and pick you up. If you choose to go this route, you must invest in blue magic (and gem handling) for the taunts. Your job is taking the brunt of the enemy assault.

Aside from those pros/cons of using a shield, your character will be a little more unique, children will look up to you, savage beasts will be extremely irritated at your impenetrable manliness, and women will flock to you - shields are hot.

~ Solikos
Well said. I've got a Weaponmaster swiftly approaching 20, and he'll be dual wielding. My main is the tank of the group (I group my pally, WM and archer at all times), and he's a shield user. The Dual Strike skill helps a little to increase damage at level 20, but not as much as Dual Wield. If I recall correctly there is also a skill later that will let players use their shield to bash the enemy when blocking?

And yes... taunts are pivotal for those using a shield past 20. You're the tank, no matter what. The AC bonus of the shield makes it so. Ensure that you can hold aggro and all will be well.
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Old 07-12-2009, 07:51 AM   #6
Charles raven
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listen build a hybrid dump some trophies in to duel wield and once that done u just have to buy two of every one handed weapon and when your grouped do your tank thing Ive seen more high level players take this approach cos duel wielders can talk but at level 80 + bosses their increased damage means squat cant kill what u cant hit and tanks pawn because they can step up in the paint and take what those bosses are dishing out
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Old 07-12-2009, 08:35 AM   #7
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DW all the way
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Old 07-12-2009, 06:01 PM   #8
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Unfortunately, as stated by some high lvl players... shields even for shield specific type of chars which are guardians or any other tanks can do nothing against a dual wielder..even at high lvl blockings they have no chance..
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Old 07-12-2009, 06:09 PM   #9
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go dual wield, but in the off chance that you have extra trophies to burn, raise blocking up some also. shields are handy when fighting bosses higher than you.

the next time you group for a higher level boss, just watch who it hits. if you are the main target, and are taking more damage than the boss is, equip that shield and you should kill the boss before you die instead.
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Old 07-12-2009, 06:19 PM   #10
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Get DW, and keep your blocking up. Shields are awesome for Boss/PvP tanking
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