Best Exp Gains |
04-03-2009, 02:28 PM
Best Exp Gains
Hey guys,
Recently, as I've finished some quests far beyond my character level (against black cons) I started thinking about what the fastest way to 'grind' is. I've heard lots of different thoughts, 'facts,' and opinions on the matter, but since grinding exp is such a large part of the game, I thought I'd bring it up here. This may have been brought up before... If so, I blame the search function (I know, a bad carpenter blames his tools!).
So, what are the best things to kill for experience gains and why? I've heard anything from Blues to Blacks... Also, what are the factors incorporated into your choice of prey?
Some factors that come to my mind:
Character Level vs. Monster Level (Con):
This actually makes much more of a difference than I once thought. This seems to be the single more important factor to determine your chance of hitting a monster. I tend to miss Purples/Blacks a lot more, regardless of my slashing/archery skill levels, or stats (DEX). For this reason alone, I tend to avoid fighting Black 'con' monsters, even if they are 'easy' to kill; the time I spend missing doesn't seem to make up for the additional experience gain.
Weapon Skill Level vs Monster Level:
This helps determine your actual damage once you hit a monster. So if your weapon skill is equal to your character level, you will not maximize your damage while fighting blacks (5 levels higher than yourself)... This coupled with your miss % chance raising can make fights can really drag on. I'm not certain what the actual damage reduction equation is, or how severe it is per level (if someone knows, this would be great info!). My Slashing/Archery skills are not typically 5 levels higher than my character level - normally mine are 1-2 higher than my character level, as I have lots of skills I like to keep up to par.
If your character level is 10 and you have 20 levels in Melee, you should have lots of points into STR/DEX for your level (assuming you're a fighter/archer). However, I have seen several examples of this not being a great factor in chance to hit - or damage output. One such example: In chat a few days ago (questionable credibility) someone said that their level 20 character with 34 levels in melee, completely devoted to DEX (I assume an archer or piercer), could not hit a level 28 monster. This reaffirms that your character level is much more important than your stat levels.
Aside from the above (fairly) common knowledge, I have simply not tested the time it takes me to kill something and the experience gains at different levels. There are enough factors that you need a decent sample size to really get a good idea. I personally cannot justify killing Blue or lower con monsters as trophy gains and experience start to decline more rapidly, but I may be wrong - perhaps the sheer number you can kill make-up for the individual loss.
So my question is - has someone tested this extensively? Even if not, what seems to work for you? Lately, I find myself fighting yellow's - red's... Blacks are certainly possible, but I find that the missing and lowered damage really don't make it worthwhile.
Also, does anyone know if trophy drops are actually higher as monsters are higher con (and by what %)? Or is the trophy drop rate the same from whites to blacks, and only start to dwindle out for blues/greens?
~ Solikos
04-03-2009, 02:38 PM
Can't edit original post *grr*...
Here is another factor I failed to mention:
Down time:
If you are low on mana/energy/life after fighting monsters, that is burning your RT, so that should be factored into your calculations... Typically this will be longer after high con monsters (purple/black).
Tip: To prevent downtime, I suggest healing gem during combat. But something often overlooked is invigorate (green magic min lvl 10) and manaburst (blue magic min lvl 10) gems to keep your E/M levels high! Even fighting black monsters, I can end a battle at over 80% in H/E/M - That means saving RT, which is useful to everyone - don't overlook it! (Thanks to Morton for bringing this to my attention so early in the game!).
~ Solikos
Last edited by Solikos; 04-03-2009 at 02:42 PM..
04-03-2009, 03:00 PM
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zenga is offline
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Now is this a question, a guide or what? Like do you expect answers?
04-03-2009, 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by zenga
Now is this a question, a guide or what? Like do you expect answers?
A bit of both.
That is my opinion/input, and the request for 'what works for you?'
Just curious as to what other people do... So, to the ignorant, it might be a guide. For the experienced, it's an opportunity to share their wealth of knowledge/experience.
~ Solikos
04-03-2009, 04:07 PM
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Sure, here you go
Originally Posted by Solikos
So, what are the best things to kill for experience gains and why? I've heard anything from Blues to Blacks... Also, what are the factors incorporated into your choice of prey?
That ranges from level to level. I'd say it depends on the situation.
- Sometimes you are behind with a certain skill in relation to your player level. And the higher mobs take too much regen after fights. If you are a resourcer it might be worth, if not you will want to start your next fight asap.
- Mobs use different magic colors. Sometimes you have good defense against one particular color, but not against others. So it might be that a mob using red which is 1 level higher will do more damage than a mob using green which is 2 levels higher.
- The trophies they drop. If a mob 1 level up spits only spirits while you are a fighter, and a mob 3 levls up only combats, you want to go for the 3 lvls up mob.
- Solo or group? And what are your other groupmembers their skills? If you have one with awesome aura skills it might be worth to fighter higher than you should.
- It's my experience/feeling that high damage dealers like archers and mages do more damage towards higher mobs than melee fighters.
- what epics do the mobs drop? say you are lvl 20 and you want the 25 epic armor. then it might be worth to grind the areas where those epics drop, even if its above your level
Originally Posted by Solikos
I tend to avoid fighting Black 'con' monsters, even if they are 'easy' to kill; the time I spend missing doesn't seem to make up for the additional experience gain.
100% agree.
Originally Posted by Solikos
If your character level is 10 and you have 20 levels in Melee, you should have lots of points into STR/DEX for your level (assuming you're a fighter/archer).
An archer should have no str at all. Completely useless.
Originally Posted by Solikos
However, I have seen several examples of this not being a great factor in chance to hit - or damage output. One such example: In chat a few days ago (questionable credibility) someone said that their level 20 character with 34 levels in melee, completely devoted to DEX (I assume an archer or piercer), could not hit a level 28 monster. This reaffirms that your character level is much more important than your stat levels.
Charlevel difference is the most important thing in nod. And > 4 levels difference is a lot. 8 is pretty nuts. Unless you like enrage.
Originally Posted by Solikos
So my question is - has someone tested this extensively? Even if not, what seems to work for you? Lately, I find myself fighting yellow's - red's... Blacks are certainly possible, but I find that the missing and lowered damage really don't make it worthwhile.
Also, does anyone know if trophy drops are actually higher as monsters are higher con (and by what %)? Or is the trophy drop rate the same from whites to blacks, and only start to dwindle out for blues/greens?
Yellow to red seems to make the most sense with regards to trophy drop rate, killing speed and regen time needed. And yes trophy drop rate increases with the moblevel difference.
04-03-2009, 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by zenga
An archer should have no str at all. Completely useless.
Right, STR was for the fighter half of that.
Originally Posted by zenga
Yellow to red seems to make the most sense with regards to trophy drop rate, killing speed and regen time needed. And yes trophy drop rate increases with the moblevel difference.
Good to know! I hadn't thought about solo vs. grouping as I typically group with my alt... I guess that's potentially as important as Character Level. Thanks for the great response.
~ Solikos
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