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Out of Date PvP and Player Killers (PK) Guide
Old 02-25-2009, 01:02 PM   #1
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Default Out of Date PvP and Player Killers (PK) Guide


This system was replaced entirely.

Any player can force combat on another player outside of cities. You are safe from this if you fully log out. Forcing combat on another normal player makes you a player killer (PK). The following things are important to know:
  • You are permanently flagged as a PK if you force combat on a nonPK. You cannot do this by accident, since you have to type in a confirmation message. You can test to see if someone else you suspect of being a PK is or not by attempting to force combat on them.
  • PKs are a rare breed of player because the risk of being a PK is so great. If a PK dies while flashing red he loses everything except paid upgrades, noncombat and epic skills, unless redeemed by a method below.
  • Being a PK is permanent, however, flashing red is temporary. PKs enter the red flashing state (referred to as PK mode) after being involved in forced combat (not duels, clan battles, arenas). While in this temporary state, they will continue to flash red and will die permanently if they die in ANY FORM of combat. PK mode lasts for 5 minutes after being involved in any forced combat or 30 minutes after aggressively forcing on someone else or actually PKing someone regardless of who initiated the combat.
  • Being in a town or logged off protects you from all PK attacks.
  • You can attack a PK without becoming one yourself. Doing so is a valiant deed and if you manage to kill him you will receive great rewards: ALL of the PK's gold, items (not all LGs, see below), and be awarded PKK points in the amount of his level.
  • If a PK kills you then he can loot one stack from your inventory - but only items that are not soulbound, not travel gear, not Legendary, and not real purchased items like Time Cards. Typically the highest value lootables are epic tradeskill tools, potions, or an epic you haven't equipped. After you die from a PK then you cannot be attacked by another PK for your next hour of rested time, so you can level without fear.
  • Normal players can log off in less than 60 seconds, however, PKs cannot log off or enter towns or arena stands while in PK mode.
  • PKs are protected to some extent by a level restriction of +/- 5 or 10 levels, however, if they attack players out of this level buffer then they permanently become fair game to all level players.
  • PKs can group up and go player hunting together. However, if one PK kills another PK or group of PKs with equal or greater level than his own then he is redeemed and becomes a normal player again. Also, forcing combat as a PK while grouped will permanently remove any level restrictions from others attacking you.
  • PKs get 3x the experience and trophy drops of normal players provided they have killed someone within the past 7 days. This does not stack with Reroller's Boon bonuses but it does stack with all other effects such as the Acceleration Upgrade. The trophies PKs get in this manner are soulbound unless they have PKed someone that same day.
  • Legendary Redemption: Anyone who dies as a PK (while in PK mode) or in a deathmatch will have all their legendary items liquidated to store sell price. If the total amount of that LG store sell cost exceeds 1 million (which would be more like 8 million in true cost), then the dead PK or deathmatchee will be redeemed to nonPK status rather than suffering a permanent death. He will still lose all legendary items, and the gold and items taken by the looters, but he will lose nothing else and find himself resurrected as if he had died in normal PvP and no longer having PK status.
Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
P(a or b ... or z) = 1 - P(!a and !b ... and !z)
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Not entirely accurate
Old 02-25-2009, 03:56 PM   #2
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Default Not entirely accurate

Originally Posted by Glitchless
If a PK kills you then he can loot one stack from your inventory - but only items that are not soulbound, not travel gear, and not time cards. They generally go for a juicy stack of trophies or an epic you haven't equipped or bought virtues for yet.
I have never looted tropies. My priorities for looting are as follows:
2-Non Epic Equipment
If none of that stuff is avaliable, I loot nothing.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
PK's can group up and go player hunting together but often do not trust each other because if one PK kills another PK or group of PK's with equal or greater level than his own then he is redeemed and becomes a normal player again.
Not true, either. PK's generally always trust each other due to the fact that we're all each other's got. I have never even considered killing one of my fellow PK's in order to redeem myself. Another fact, usually PK's come from a wide rande of levels, making this threat Nonexistant. I only know of one time since the redemption update was made that there have even been 2 pk's of levels close enough for this threat to be an issue, and it was when my 60 and austen's 59 were pk-ing, and niether one of us even had that thought ever. We were constantly communicating with each other in order to assist the other, and already had our own plans for redemption in place.
Do not equate PK's to the likes of Zenga and Misguided. Yes, MG, you're a devious backstabbing ****, and the people you have been feeding information from know it.
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Old 02-25-2009, 05:54 PM   #3
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I loved looting tools :'D

Made people pissed.
I am God, I am Techno Viking.
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Old 02-25-2009, 06:11 PM   #4
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I just want to be clear about this portion:

* PK death is not permanent in fair duels or if the PK has not been in PvP combat for more than 15 minutes and not forced combat or killed anyone in more than 1 hour.

If I'm a PK and haven't killed/fought anyone in an hour, and a PK hunter catches me, my death isn't permanent?
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Old 02-25-2009, 06:26 PM   #5
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Thats how I read that statement too Sylvant, but I believe if you are killed by a PKK it is Permadeath no matter when it happens... that 1 hour restriction would only apply to death from mobs
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Old 02-25-2009, 06:34 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Sylvant
I just want to be clear about this portion:

* PK death is not permanent in fair duels or if the PK has not been in PvP combat for more than 15 minutes and not forced combat or killed anyone in more than 1 hour.

If I'm a PK and haven't killed/fought anyone in an hour, and a PK hunter catches me, my death isn't permanent?
If a PKK kills you then you've obviously been in PvP combat in the last 15 minutes... I'll reword it though it's not written well.
Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
P(a or b ... or z) = 1 - P(!a and !b ... and !z)
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Old 03-03-2009, 08:10 PM   #7
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So as a N it say's you are unable to force intill a premium or standard is obtained and about the blah blah ..So Then once i have the standard/premium going and i try to force on a PK it says i have to have RT or the grinder upgrade... As i see it in-game and on the forum unless i missed it somewhere, It doesnt state that you must have rested time in order to perform a PK or PKK. Right or Wrong?
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Old 03-03-2009, 09:30 PM   #8
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Old 03-04-2009, 03:00 AM   #9
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Its not whinning. I just simply pointed it out to him. So grow up a lil
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Old 03-13-2009, 03:56 PM   #10
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Very good point slowdive, I have a question about PK and PKK, What governs the damage lvl, overall player lvl? or stat lvl? if I have a lvl 45 toon that has melee and defense near 70 will I stand a chance against a lvl 65+ pker? or would I die before I get my first escape gem?

SHUSH Menge I don't wanna hear anything about my spelling!!!!
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Old 03-13-2009, 04:35 PM   #11
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slowdive..."thou shalt not whine" is his signature...he wasnt implementing it on you...i think... but you're right, it isnt whining...
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Old 05-11-2009, 01:19 AM   #12
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oh i see thanks for the info!
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Old 05-11-2009, 06:51 AM   #13
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What if one donates 5$
He has a lvl 2 char, and kills a lvl 1 char...then he attacks a lvl 3 char but dies.
You have to donate another 5$ after remaking acc to become pker again?
Or is donating 5$ not enough to go kill ppl right away...
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Old 05-11-2009, 02:12 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Scenester
What if one donates 5$
He has a lvl 2 char, and kills a lvl 1 char...then he attacks a lvl 3 char but dies.
You have to donate another 5$ after remaking acc to become pker again?
Or is donating 5$ not enough to go kill ppl right away...
Player Killing is restricted to level 5 and above, i.e one can only player kill or be player killed from level 5 and above.

Your account time, upgrades, and virtues remain. You can retrain your pker to at least level 5 again, after you get Player Killer Killed (PKK), and continue pking.
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Old 05-12-2009, 11:28 AM   #15
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What needs to change about pking: You cannot loot from free players. Free players get epic drops as well. The only choice they have with these epics is to destroy them. Some are still carrying them though. I beleive frees should be able to be looted for this reason. It would really help with the supply and demand of this game.
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Old 05-12-2009, 02:00 PM   #16
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not entirely true on that a free can choose to purchase the virtues and use the item however if they do purchase and sell to a store it won't show as they are a free account (jeffs way of preventing farming i'm guessing)
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Old 09-04-2009, 04:47 PM   #17
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I'm not sure but, can PKers kill people below level 10?
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Old 09-04-2009, 07:10 PM   #18
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Post #17
Originally Posted by Varanos
I'm not sure but, can PKers kill people below level 10?
Post #14
Originally Posted by Jon
Player Killing is restricted to level 5 and above, i.e one can only player kill or be player killed from level 5 and above.

Your account time, upgrades, and virtues remain. You can retrain your pker to at least level 5 again, after you get Player Killer Killed (PKK), and continue pking.
Seriously, this is a good example why ppl get tired of answering repetetive questions. If you would have asked this in another section of the forum, I would have answered and given you a link to more info, thus helping you improve you knowledge of the game.

Asking this question when the answer is clearly stated 3 posts above yours, as well as in other places (Search > Varanos), is simply a product of lazyness and the "Give it to me now... Give it to me faster" mentality of today's youth...

Never fight with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level, and defeat you with experience.
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Old 09-28-2009, 11:10 PM   #19
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If your pking with a friend, and one of you dies before disembowling the roleplayer, can you res the other before exiting combat? if you are able to ressurect?
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Old 10-01-2009, 12:08 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by spartanairborne
I have never looted tropies. My priorities for looting are as follows:
2-Non Epic Equipment
If none of that stuff is avaliable, I loot nothing.

Not true, either. PK's generally always trust each other due to the fact that we're all each other's got. I have never even considered killing one of my fellow PK's in order to redeem myself. Another fact, usually PK's come from a wide rande of levels, making this threat Nonexistant. I only know of one time since the redemption update was made that there have even been 2 pk's of levels close enough for this threat to be an issue, and it was when my 60 and austen's 59 were pk-ing, and niether one of us even had that thought ever. We were constantly communicating with each other in order to assist the other, and already had our own plans for redemption in place.
Do not equate PK's to the likes of Zenga and Misguided. Yes, MG, you're a devious backstabbing ****, and the people you have been feeding information from know it.

First off, The list he has is corect. That is how I went the 2nd time, unless I was out of gates and recalls, then they were priority depending on if they had epics and what level they were.

Second off, you missed out on Evilviper 52 and Milfhunter 52.
You also missed Evilviper 69, Ratspike70, and Trainer 70
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