05-17-2009, 10:21 PM
Lord Fang handed him the book....The man returned but instead of handing him the book he returned with...it was thrown at his feet. I am not a dog Fang thought to himself. This man really has no care for others...and of all mysteries with this power of a cleric why do I want to remove this character, the more I am here the more anxious I get, why is this? The only reasoning would be if a more powerful undead lay dorment in this man.
Its making me speak out of order and very quickly.
Looking at the book upon the floor he noticed it to be an anticharm book....this book would not help him. It may restore him to a mage..but unfortunately not at the power he wished to be at. Fang considered two things. taking the book and becoming a weakened mage...and find out more about the man...an anticharm book surely would tell Fang something....Fang walked to the courtyard and out away from the building...chanting the reversion spell from the book he returned to an arcane mage...though weakened....then he cast two other lengthy spells a protection against detection of the second spell...this spell revealed the surface thoughts of all....he would block out the others thoughts...he merely wanted to see if the man was a lich...
If so Fang had not want to deal with him and would leave immediately...of course after warning the others...
Speaking to himself "Evil may beget Evil...but evil is still bad and will eventually try to consume good, and I want no part in being consumed."
Shutting the book he held onto the book and chanted a few words of magic....quickly small blue tentacles of magic drifted from the book into Fang....the magic of the book was being transferred from it to him...leaving the book useless.
"A little power." He then turned to talk to the man named Silmar.
Last edited by Tesvielle; 05-17-2009 at 10:24 PM..
05-18-2009, 02:29 PM
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Vuxxa called all his army to his attention. "We march now to a new location. Death shell rain on those fools!" ^Yes, they shall surely be mistaken. I cannot be done in. Only one way, but if they have that power. Well, I could still turn it aroudn to my benefit. Because only few could cast a spell like that. Ther is only one in that group that could do so. As Keto said, It must be done willingly.^ A grin swept over his fave as he and his army now marched on the citadel.
05-18-2009, 04:35 PM
Silmar paused, this castle and its charms were corrupting him, and he did not like it, he hastily apalogized to Aragoth and stepped back into the courtyard.
He spooted the man from before and waded through the sea of minions over to him.
"Hail friend! What say you about this new development? Q, I fear, has not taken it overwell..." He let his voice trail off ominously.
************************************************** ************************
05-19-2009, 06:55 AM
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Necronas returned with the book and stood before the girl. She had a face that claimed innocence and a heart that yearned to claim revenge. Yet she was suspicious of him. He could see it in her eyes. She hated him, everyone did, but Necronas was confident that she hated Vuxxa even more. He could connect to that on a personal level, and it seemed almost that in that short moment that the two looked each other in the eyes, he felt like a child again, running through his father's fields, impressing the girls with beautiful fireworks that spurted from his fingers. He raised the Necronomicon Ex Mortis, its battered black leather frame covered in silver engravings. He turned to the page with the exorcism.
"Do not be afraid, child."
But he was aware that fear was not the only thing running through her head. She did not say anything. After a breif pause, Necronas continued to speak.
"Can you read this, girl?"
"Do you know what it is?"
"If I teach you, are you willing to learn it?"
She looked in his eyes again, and for a minute the two stood silently staring at one another. She felt everything. A river of emotion screamed through her, each burst louder than the last, and the warlock simply stared at her, emotionless, an oasis in a desert, or perhaps a black spot in a painting. She felt him drop the book into her hands. It was heavy, but it felt soft and warm. After a little while longer, Necronas walked away, leaving the girl to dream by herself. He could not have helped her anyway.
The spellblade walked to him. This man was different from the girl. He was lively and, although he had a certain fear that was obvious, there was something more. He seemed strangely more accustomed to this than the others. He spoke to Necronas.
Originally Posted by ketotsue
" I understand you have a desire to face the mage known as Vuxxa but what can you possibly hope to gain from it?
Necronas laughed. "Gain? An army marches with the power to destroy civilization itself and you ask what I have to gain in destroying it? Most people call it the balance of power. I call it jealousy. Either way, everyone goes for the biggest army, regardless of affiliation. You asked for an explaintation, I gave you one. It is quite obvious that you know that this is not the only reason, but it is one that does apply to the situation."
Necronas looked at the gates of his fortress, his eyes faltered by the great figures, yet his mind perfectly capable of sensing the power of the figure that came ever closer.
"Besides, who knows, it might be a lot of fun."
05-19-2009, 08:00 AM
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Necronas looked above at the sky. Night was approaching. Each of his guests were instructed to their quarters, rooms initially designed for knights who would pass by or entertainers staying overnight. Obviously, none were able to sleep. Each remained awake because of either fear, hatred, or a mixture of both combined with a cocktail of other emotions. They waited in anticipation of the war, almost wanting Vuxxa to come so that it could all be over with once and for all. The anticipation was too much to bear.
It rained. Heavily. The castle grounds were soaked and a dark, murky colour. The skies turned black and the sole source of light, the moon, was smothered by the blanket of darkness. After some time lightning began to appear, specs of light that teased men with lines that stretched from the earth to the heavens, only to disappear into oblivion a fraction of a second later. The rumbling thunder that followed sounded worse than the howls of the demons surrounding the castle. A dark figure levitated through the walled fortifications which were soaked. He was able to avoid the water on the ground but, like everyone else, was wet from the rain which fell from above. His guests watched as Necronas moved to a corner. The two closest demons stepped back.
He released a roar that echoed through the citadel and through the barren, dead feilds which surrounded it. It was a single sound of reckless abandon that told a tale of suffering, of pain, of loss, of power, of rage waiting to be unleashed, and of a void waiting to be filled. They all heard the sound again and again, each echo slightly less horrible than the last, until finally they were free of its story.
What they could not hear, amongst the constant downpour of the rain, was the warlock collapsing on his knees, allowing himself to be tainted by the water, and the silent, weak sob that followed.
05-19-2009, 07:05 PM
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Vuxxa could now see the citadel through he flashes of lightning. "Yes the fun shall begin, I shall let them know I'm here." He activated his power and spoke "Vox seputus profundus intus orbis terrarum solvo vestri quod infirmo humus per vestri rabies! - Power buried deep within the earth releace yourself and shake the ground with your fury!" There was a slight noise that grew and the ground began to quake as the pressures of the earth rose to the surface. Vuxxa thrust out his hand towards the castle, directing it's power and the rumbing earth now spead toards the structure, great fissures opening and following in the wake of this power.
Vuxxa continued to feed his energies into the earth to ensure a walking path for him and his army remained. "Yes, now you shall all know that I'm near, I hope i did'nt interupt anything.
05-19-2009, 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Vuxxa
Vuxxa could now see the citadel through he flashes of lightning. "Yes the fun shall begin, I shall let them know I'm here." He activated his power and spoke "Vox seputus profundus intus orbis terrarum solvo vestri quod infirmo humus per vestri rabies! - Power buried deep within the earth releace yourself and shake the ground with your fury!" There was a slight noise that grew and the ground began to quake as the pressures of the earth rose to the surface. Vuxxa thrust out his hand towards the castle, directing it's power and the rumbing earth now spead toards the structure, great fissures opening and following in the wake of this power.
Vuxxa continued to feed his energies into the earth to ensure a walking path for him and his army remained. "Yes, now you shall all know that I'm near, I hope i did'nt interupt anything.
[OOC:Enough DBZ man!!!!!!!!!!!
Can we just have a real epic army battle already?????????????????
BTW you two, you're autoing us a bit to much, SLOW DOWN!
By the way, thpse of you who hate OOC on this thread, it's OPEN Q, read your own rules, OOC is aloud.]
05-20-2009, 11:43 AM
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The sky was black and rain had taken it's hold on the fortress. It was truely a unique experiance to be hold up in a castle over run with demons while awaiting the terror of war to take its place. And yet he had not felt so at peace in years strangely battle had always brought him a since of humanity strange... considering most humans find there humanity in life and love while he saught it buried in the chaos of battle. Never the less he was here and though they had been lead to there own rooms sleep was hardly an option. As such he decided to seek out Q for after what transpired between her and the new stranger it was only obvious she would be of great importance in the comeing battle.
He had been walking around trying to find the room she was in when a bolt of lighting struck obviously it was to be expected and yet this one locked him in place it was as if this single flash of the gods anger had struck him instead of whatever patch of land had been its mark. It was then the ground began to tremble and shake and as the slabs of stone that comprised the castle began to shake free of there resting place he realized it, this was the will of his brother Vuxxa. Death was about to take it's place amoung them and yet he still felt as if the entire battle would fall upon Q this much he was almost entirely sure of and as such he decided he would stand with her to make certain no harm could befall her... for her sake and his brothers.
Last edited by ketotsue; 05-20-2009 at 11:47 AM..
The Storm |
05-20-2009, 12:57 PM
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The Storm
The girl dreamt restlessly as the storm raged outside the balcony doors...
She was a child again, hiding under the covers in effort to block out the sounds of the raging storm. Thunder clashed loudly and lightening flashed across the skies, illuminating the straw mattress where the young girl huddled within. Suddenly, she heard her scream - the sound filling her with a sensation she’d never known before: sheer terror. As she huddled under her blanket, she could hear the screams coming in from outside the house.
The girl froze.
As a small child, Qtchi had been afraid of the dark, and thunderstorms had often sent her scurrying to the pallet her parents shared in the main room. But this was something entirely new. Her hearing and vision sharpened, but her heart was pounding so hard she could feel her temples pulsing. She felt cold all over, like she’d been rolled in snow.
Her dream shifted and the scene changed. The sound of the pounding rain suddenly became the crackle of flames and the world began to glow. With a gasp, the child lifted her head and looked up. A large area of the thatch was black and little specks within the black were glowing like orange stars.
Shaking, the young girl crawled out from under the blankets and made her way to the hatch. More sparks were falling and it showered upon her body. The sudden pain almost broke her shock and sent her into full panic. The air filled with smoke and the young girl began chocking.
The fire was growing...
Qtchi could hear the great roar and crackle of the flames consuming the roof, and large chunks of burning thatch began to fall around her body. Sparks and cinders rained down the open hatch, and the loud pops all around told her that the fire was catching in the timber itself.
”Mother, we have to get out. Mother!”
The girl half-shimmied, half-tumble down the ladder and hurried to her mother’s side. She was lying on the ground, the flames flickering over her body. Upon her forehead, an ominous knot had begun to form and beside her head, a large piece of timber laid upon the ground - the edges black from the fire.
”We must leave, Mother!” Qtchi reached out to grab one of her wrists and pulled. The women moaned, but her eyes remained shut. The room was growing hotter with each breath and Qtchi coughed. Her eyes were starting to sting and well with tears as smoke filled the room.
Outside, huge fireballs continued to rain down upon the village. Trapped within the house, the girl stared helplessly around the hazy room. A large hunk of thatch, blackened and filled with tongues of flame, hit the floor near her feet. The fire began to lick at the dining table, blackening it. More cinders followed, and the sound of the fire overhead became deafening. Covered in grime, tears running down her cheeks, the young girl continued tug at her mother’s hand, but to no avail. She heard a large crack! and her head snapped towards the ceiling just in time to catch sight of the roof tumbling down upon-
”No!” Q awoke with a violent start, her body shot upright from the table she was seated at. Disorientated, the girl stared down upon the wooden desk, dimly illuminated by the candlestick, then lifted her gaze around the unfamiliar room. A streak of lightening suddenly struck the dark skies and a loud boom! echoed loudly, causing the girl to jump to her feet, her muscles still clenched tightly from her nightmare.
You must have fallen asleep by the table, after being shown to your room, The girl told herself, forcing her clenched fists open and drawing in deep, calming breaths. Rolling her shoulders back, the girl lifted her hands and scrubbed the tears from her face.
With a sigh, she turned towards the balcony doors, throwing them open to stare at the rain. It seemed as if the heavens had opened and was drowning the castle grounds. Lifting her head towards the darkened skies, the girl thrusted a fist in the air, in defiance of the gods. Where was the rain when my village needed you? Her mind shouted at the heavens, the thunder accentuated her anger. Her mother's face flashed across her vision and the young girl lowered her hand to the silver pendent around her neck. ”Mother,” She whispered, clutching the jewelry so tightly, it left a imprint upon her palm. ”I shall avenge your death. This I promise.”
The girl turned and sat upon the bed, her hands shoveling her pack off the item.
As the sound of rain filled the room, the girl pulled the dark tomb into the dim, flickering candle light. Her fingers ran across the worn leather bounding of the book and in the semi-darkness, the girl could read the silver lettering that graced its cover. Flipping it open, she sat upon her bed and ran a curious gaze over the contents within the book.
What is this? She thought, unable to read the language that filled the yellowed pages. Why had he given this to me? She wondered, turning another page of the book to see strange arcane symbols drawn upon the aged parchment. One of them stood out from the rest, drawing the girl’s eyes towards its markings.
Breathlessly, she picked up the heavy book, her nose drawing in it’s old and musty scent.
”Strange,” She murmured, a finger lightly tracing the symbols upon the page. ”This almost appears to be a-”
A sudden roar suddenly erupted her train of thoughts, the noise startling the girl into dropping the heavy book. Even as it fell shut upon the bed, Q was on her feet, throwing open the door of her room to glance out in the darkened corridors. To the young girl, it sounded like a cry of a man in excruciating pain, the mournful sound slowly fading away to oblivion once more.
Breathing heavily, she stepped out into the hallway, her eyes large upon her face.
Last edited by Qtchi; 05-20-2009 at 01:01 PM..
Reason: lalala~*
05-21-2009, 04:41 AM
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Necronas made his way to his quarters. He no longer felt like levitating. He would walk. It felt less natural to do so, like a bird recently depraved of its wings, but somehow he did not care. His soaked black robe held to the floor as he moved, wishing to hold him back but eternally unsuccessful. The gargoyles stared at him from the walls, their ruby eyes reflecting his image covered in crimson, covered in blood.
He would have to pass through the guest quarters to reach his room. He walked indoors and closed the doors behind him. He saw the girl outside her room, panting. He moved to her and entered her room, staring at the ceiling.
“I still remember the last person who used this room so many years ago.” he said, talking as much to the girl as to himself. “She was a gypsy. She came to me begging for a place to stay. She was beautiful. I told her I would let her have a room. She was grateful beyond words.” He walked and stroked his hands over the wardrobe, a smooth wide structure of ebony with curved corners and a concave composition. “That night she danced with me in the ballroom. She stared into my eyes the entire time. Afterwards she kissed me and told me she loved me and she wanted to be with me forever.” Necronas moved to the dressing table and looked at himself in the mirror, his pale façade staring back at him, always blank. “When I told her that I did not love her, she hanged herself.” He turned around to find the black book on the floor. He picked it up. “Only then did I realize that I cannot love; I cannot hate, for love and hate both spawn from the same power.” He turned to the girl, the book in his hands. “So I ask you, will you love for me?”
“Will you hate for me?”
Naught but a thin line between Love and Hate... |
05-21-2009, 01:28 PM
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Naught but a thin line between Love and Hate...
His voice startled the young girl, even as he appeared from the darkness.
The man was soaked from head to toe, the water sluicing off the heavy cloak that graced his shoulders. Her eyes widened further and she wordlessly took a step back, in effort to further the distance between themselves. Even though their host was an ally, according to Perloo, the young girl still regarded him with suspicion. Paying her no heed, Necronas brushed past Qtchi and stepped into her room, his gaze lifted towards the ceiling. Uncertainly, she stood by the doorway, her own eyes following his and studied the ceiling blankly. When he spoke, she almost jumped in surprise; His words were a low murmur, almost drowned by the sounds of the rumble of thunder and patter of rain….but the girl heard every word from where she stood.
T’was not a happy story and t'was a tale that made a shiver travel down her back.
He spoke of a beautiful gypsy who had fallen in love with him, begged for his affections and eventually killed herself with a broken heart. Her own eyes flickered towards the intricately carved wardrobe that stood by the side of the room, noting the way he looked at it. As lightening flashed across the skies and illuminated the designs etched upon the wood, Q bit her lower lip and wondered - Perhaps that is the very place where she hung herself?
The girl shivered again.
What could this possibly do with me? She wondered, swallowing nervously as the man faced her, his face cold and emotionless. She stared at him incomprehensibly, wondering who this man was…or what! How can a man stand there and calmly speak of a death without any sentiment at all? She thought to herself feverishly. Tis not right…everything about this place just seems wrong…
Necronas suddenly directed his next words at the young archer, startling her.
â€So I ask you, will you love for me?†He asked, his eyes watching her as he lifted the book into his hands. â€Will you hate for me?â€
â€What?†She said hoarsely, not comprehending what the man wanted her to do. Her eyes fell upon the book and she took a fearful step backwards, her hand lifting mid-air, palm facing him, fingers splayed. â€Now hold on a minute, I won’t have anything to do with your black magic or-or-†Her words faltered and she withdrew her hand to rub her temples.
â€I cannot- I have nothi-†The girl stopped talking abruptly and drew in a deep breath to steady her pulse. When she finally lifted her head, her eyes were clear and her voice was much firmer.
â€My village, my life and all those I love, has been destroyed.†Her eyes flashed angrily through the darkness and she braved a step forward, lifting her chin to speak adamantly. â€There is nothing left to love in this world.â€
Greif laced her words, but the girl suddenly lowered her voice to a bitter whisper - one that reflected the pain and turmoil she felt within her heart.
â€Hate is all I have left now…â€
05-21-2009, 09:58 PM
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Necronas looked at the girl and smiled. He had learned to recognize emotion in others, and how to fan or smother those flames. He felt nothing but he could feign extremely well, as all nobles could.
"Beleive me," he said sincerely, for his smile was a lie but his words did not need to be, "Beleive me when I tell you that I understand your words better than you may understand them yourself. I know your hate, child. And I know that you seek vengeance. You loved your mother, did you not? And you love her still. And is that love not the stem of your hatred?"
He did not wait for an answer. He did not need one.
"When I look into your eyes, girl, I see everything. I see your past, I see your dreams, I see your thoughts, and I see your future. Everything is on your face, child. You are too innocent to lie. You are too pure to lie. In this slippery world you are a bastion of more light than any cleric can hold."
He stared into her eyes, her face was pale and pure, but her mind was on fire. He could see within the tiny glass beads that were her eyes a towering inferno waiting to be released.
"You hate because you love, child. And your love is strong. And thus, as the enemy of your enemy, I have come to you offering to turn that love into your weapon."
He raised the book and turned to the page of the exorcism.
"This spell requires a pure heart, free from the corruption of dark magics. Do not fret, for the spell itself requires little skill, but requires willpower, and more importantly, love. The spell is an exorcism, it will shatter every undead being within miles, but I cannot perform the rite. I will teach you the incantations you need to know, if you are willing to learn them. But only you can perform the spell."
"Only you."
Last edited by Necronas; 05-21-2009 at 10:01 PM..
05-22-2009, 12:37 AM
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Vuxxa halted his army ounce again. ^So close now. I can sense them, those demons. I thought it a trick, but now that I'm this close it truly is. But will they continue to obey him, will the contract beetween the summoner and his host hold when their Lord aproaches?^ He kneslt down toughing his hand to the soden earth and examining the now cracked and rouph terrain that he had created ^Perhaps it was rather too rash of me sending a quake thorugh the earth.^ Sending tendrils of magic throught the earth he begane searching, pushing and prodding on rocks and stones. Then he came to a stone barrier, a wall, deep underground "Ah!" he proclaimed, but do you even know that this is there.
He allowed the tendlrils to now work their way back through the earth and return to him makeing sure he remembered just where the tunnel was. Suddenly flashes shot through his mind memories of ages past, A child running through a court yard with another boy chaseing him. Lauphter. Now a Teenaged boy looking out of a window, vast lands befor him, fields forests, as far as the eye could see. Down below another teenaged boy being tought the art of smithing and then later swordplay and the principle's of magic. Envy struck him. Over farther out he could see the army going through drills. Practice at swordplay and magical duels both going on at the same time. Farther out form the castle city life playing out before his eyes. Now longing for freedom. "Stop THIS NOW!" he screamed "You shall not be free never, NEVER!!!!!!" His heart began to speed up, his skin paled to the point of being able to see through it. He grasped his chest, digging his fingers into the flesh, his eyes balged, veins popping out, tightly pressing his teeth together causing blood to run out the corner of his mouth. An Armored swordsman near him moved and Vuxxa leaped over to him adn threw the soldiers helet off, knocking him to the ground. His head head hit a rock and his eyes closeing. Then the soldiers eyes burst back open locking around in confusion fear overcoming him upon seeing the forms of demons "Where the hell am I?!" he yelled. "Please do not kill me! I am but a simple farmer!" He looked up at the form of Vuxxa as he loomed over the man, lightning streaking across the sky, water running down his face. He reach down grabbing the man by the hair and held him up in the air. The man struggled, pulling and tugging to get free but to no avail screaming and punching his assailent. Vuxxa streightened the finger on his free hand drawing his arm back then thrust his hand, fingers bursting through the man's skull then the rest of the hand and some of the arm.
Vuxxa jsut began laughing as the dead man just hand there on his arm that crimson liquid issuing forth from the head and running down his arm and soaking the sleave of his cloak. He uncerimoniously removed the body with a kick. Whipeing splattered blood from his face. Blood attemping to pool under the body but immediately was washed away by the downpour. Vuxxa then rubbed the bloody hand through his read hair, some blood running down his forehead. None of the humans in his army were affected by this at all, they continued to mindlessely stand there in their trance. Vuxxa pulled out his sword The Obelisk and began hacking, slashing, and stabing the corpse until there were just chunks of bloody meat scattered across the ground. He whiped the blade off before sheathing it "Yes, you shall never be again Vuxxa, never." The memories tried to flash up again but quickly were filled with darkness, the demon isolating the bad emotions, anger, envy, jealosy. Slowly the other will vanished ot nothing as it sunk back into it's little part of the mind. "Never, you shall never escape."
He split the army into parts, sending one to the tunnel he uncover and the rest followed him to the castle. "Remember Vuxxa, never."
05-22-2009, 10:07 AM
Lord Fang turned to Silmar...the man was strange but seemed to have a conflict in his emotions that ran across his face. He ignored them and began speaking.
"So Silmar whats your story? Why are y..." Turning towards the building he sensed something a stir in magic. "Well that didnt feel great..I wonder whats going on in there..wait wheres Ketotsue and Q?" Anxiousness spread across Fangs face. This can not be good, if feels as if a ritual of cleansing of some sort is being started. I just hope its not harmful to us...usually the only cleansing spell a mage cast was.....an undead one? Mages only used them because they were ill equipped against the undying if they werent a necromancer.
Thinking as well as speaking softly to himself, Silmar stood next to him unmovingly " Un..dead...ritual of cleansing...why?" Using the surface thought spell he felt the barrier of both Q and Ketotsue but not of the man in the building, nor...Silmar? "Umm Silmar are you...umm.....Not living shall we say?"
05-22-2009, 10:16 AM
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He had been wondering about for some time when he started to hear the muffled words of people talking. Everything they said was distorted from distance, storm, and stone but he managed to catch the apparent last words "Only you". When he turned the corner there stood the archer known as Q and the new warlock. From the looks of them they had just shared some conversation for her eyes burned with desire it was a look he was rather familiar with. And in him there was nothing not a single drop of emotion nothing that would betray his true desires.
He then walked closer to them for he could feel his brother’s presence drawing near and time was short. " I assume were ready for combat now my brother is very close it's only a matter of moments before were engulfed in full scale warfare" Looking at them he could see something was amiss the warlock stood tall and emotionless his clothes soaked through all the while he held what was most obviously a spell book. He had been trained in magic as a child and had refined the art through his travels thus was he able to tell this was a spell of exorcism.
“Aye exorcism a good plan but that would require one of..." His words dropped off suddenly as he realized exactly what the warlocks plan was, Q she was obviously one of purity, and with the destruction of her village she would have reinforced feelings of both love and hatred. He then took a moment drowned in thought before he spoke again.
“Q you need to know you’re going to be in a lot of danger performing this all of the higher forms of corruption will know what you’re doing and will stop at nothing to keep it from happening, but this may be the only way we can live through this so I will stand before you so that if death wishes to take you he will have to cut through me first". He then turned to the mage “Seeing how this is obviously your plan I presume you will be standing in opposition to death alongside me".
The Decision |
05-22-2009, 06:12 PM
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The Decision
She was on the verge of answering Necronas, when footsteps interrupted her answer.
Angling her body, she waited until the footsteps emerged from the shadows, in form of a person - Ketotsue. Her eyes immediately peered into the darkness behind him, but the others failed to appear. Anxiously, she waited until the swordsman was closer, wondering where the others were. She watched his face as he gave their host a unreadable glance, his gaze honed upon the book. Dimly, she wondered how much he had heard.
“Q,†He called her name and the young girl tilted her chin up to look into his face. â€You need to know you’re going to be in a lot of danger,†He said gravely, and her eyes widened.
“I-I-†She stammered, then fell silent. So he has overheard Necronas and I, She thought to herself, gnawing upon her lower lip.
Ignoring her uneasy look, the man continued to speak, â€All of the higher forms of corruption will know what you’re doing and will stop at nothing to keep it from happening…“ His voice trailed off and the young girl clutched at the silver pendent she wore around her neck. For once, her mind was sharp and with shocking realization, the girl knew the one responsible for the death of her village was still out there…destroying more people…and here she was, lingering upon her own indecisiveness.
â€We have no choice,†She uttered softly, a look of pain crossing her features. When she had taken the sacred oath of the Gods and taken up her bow, the girl had vowed to protect the living and those who were innocent. Even if faced with death, the girl would not retreat her footsteps - t’was her duty and honor as an archer.
The swordsman seemed to agree, for he spoke again, â€This may be the only way we can live through this.†He paused and the girl couldn’t read his eyes in the dark. “I will stand before you, so that if death wishes to take you, he will have to cut through me first" He said and her jaw dropped in surprise.
Turning to the mage, Ketotsue continue to speak in a grave tone. “Seeing how this is obviously your plan I presume you will be standing in opposition to death alongside me."
She studied the two men, each of them silent as they waited for her response. The girl knew t‘was up to her now and she bowed her head to hide the gratitude that lit her dark eyes. It warmed her heart to have allies by her side, even when all is lost and death was awaiting her by the sidelines… at least she would die in the company of these noble men.
â€Thank you, She uttered softly, staring down upon the ground. Drawing in a deep breath, she released it slowly and regained her composure. Her chin lifted and she faced Necronas once more.
â€All right then, I am ready…â€
05-23-2009, 03:04 PM
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He felt the girl look into his eyes, her black beads stared at him, stalwart and undaunted. As the inferno behind them raged on, her lips opened slowly and he dimly heard her speak. Her voice had a child-like quality to it, but the words she spoke were strained with the weight of her own conscious and the undercurrents of her own power.
“All right then, I am ready,” She said.
Necronas paused, then handed the her the book once more, its gossamer pages slipping silently from his hands into hers, resting there naked yet cloaked in an air of mystery reinforced by hundreds of years of secrecy, pierced by renewed light. Necronas placed a heavy hand upon her shoulder, bestowing upon her both a burden and a source of comfort. “Follow me child - I will take you to a place where you can learn what I have to teach…”
Indicating to the spellblade, Necronas led the two through the hallways strewn with gargoyles and paintings, once glistening with life but now barren as the lands surrounding them with the exception of the three souls who walked within them. They reached a secret door, hidden behind a cleverly engineered panel. Necronas worked the puzzle with ease, mastering it so well that the complex actions involved seemed involuntary. The door creaked open and they walked down a black metal staircase that twisted in on itself, creating a spiral that led down into a darkness illuminated only by torches that burned weakly, yet everlastingly, for they were enchanted with mageflame.
At the end of the staircase the trio found themselves within a vast dome. The place was well-lighted, and a magnificent chandelier hung chained from the ceiling, made of the same twisted, dark metal which ran through the spiral staircase, but this time engraved with images of dragons, griffins, chimeras, manticores, wyverns, and a range of other beasts, both hideous and powerful.
This room was his training room, evident by the straw-filled dummies that were strewn upon the stone floor. If one peered hard enough, the white gleam of bones were hidden by the shadows in the four corners of this clearing. Here, his footsteps echoed to a stop and Necronas turned to face the others.
"Welcome to my training room,” He said, indicating the dome that lay before them. “The stack of straw shall represent Ketotsue and I, while the brick will represent the castle, and the bones-” He paused to gave the archer a hard look, “-will represent any undead. When we have finished learning the spell, I will animate the bones and you will cast the spell. If successful, it should kill them, but the straw and brick should remain unharmed."
He paused, giving the others a chance to catch up. “We don’t have much time, we must focus.” His voice was not as it usually was. Necronas was cold, but calm. Now he was anxious and impatient, yet maintained the coldness, combined with a haunting echo created by the room. But now was no time for petty fears. Vuxxa's hordes approached, and each second wasted before the battle was an advantage that was being discarded. "Are ypu ready to learn the spell, girl?"
The Training Room |
05-23-2009, 04:27 PM
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The Training Room
Qtchi didn’t like long corridors during thunderstorms. The thunder itself wasn’t so bad, but the roar of the rain and the howl from the wind amplified through the stone passageways so that the underground hallway seemed to hum a malevolent tune. She shivered and tried to keep up with their leader. They reached a narrow stairway that began at ground level and descended into the earth.
Her footsteps echoed along the slick stone walls and the air seemed to grow thinner, making it harder for the young archer to breathe. The chill settled around her and the girl shivered as she followed the man further into the ground. In her arms, she now gripped the heavy book, the edges dug into her sides as she tried to ignore the shadows dancing along the ground. The thunder boomed outside, and Qtchi could have sworn the stone beneath her feet were shaking.
How much further? She thought to herself, her gait growing stiffer the deeper they went.
They stepped through a high archway and entered a great domed room. Pillars ringed it; the young archer could count at least four on the near side alone. They were covered in odd patterns, similar to the designs she has seen in her room - no doubt they dominated the castles’ architecture.
"Welcome to my training room,†Necronas informed them and her eyes wandered around the room. There were a few lamps surrounding the area and Qtchi could smell the lamp oil mixed in with the musty scent of stale air. Beside her, Necronas gestured around the room and she managed a tight nod in response.
“We don’t have much time, we must focus,†He said. "Are you ready to learn the spell, girl?"
She let her gaze linger one more time around the room, seeing no more than bare stone floor, covered in dust and grit. Then her eyes returned to Necronas’ face.
“I am ready,†She said faintly, her hands steadily held the book out, pages opened...
05-24-2009, 12:11 AM
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“Good,” He said, facing the archer once more. “I will teach you the incantation to this spell. It is a simple chant that you must repeat throughout the entire exorcism. It works best if they are sung, for that is when they are closest to the soul.
Logos maleficus, - (Words of malice)
Recedo re vera, - (Return to the truth)
Veritas venus, - (The truth of love)
Iaceo identidem. - (And die again)”
He repeated the incantation interminably, chanting it in a voice that sounded simultaneously more horrifying than the thunder and more beautiful than any songbird. He continued chanting and waited for the girl to follow suit. He knew she was afraid, but now was not the time for fear. As Vuxxa drew closer, her hatred grew stronger. Her love became more intense with each passing moment, and that love would now be fashioned into a sword with which he would tear Vuxxa apart.
“The second step is willpower. You must focus all your energy, all your desires, all your dreams, all your feelings into one spot. Compress it so that it becomes hard and strong, for it is the metal that you will forge into your blade."
He paused once more, letting his teaching sink into her mind. He believed she had the ability to focus, for she was an archer and he had heard the others speak of the precision and strength she released in each arrow she possessed. It seemed as if the world had suddenly darkened and his focus was solely upon the girl, the rest of the world engulfed in a blanket of fog, only the two of them remaining untouched. But then he felt the fog envelop himself. Only she remained visible. Only she remained pure. Her eyes were closed, closed to malice, envy and avarice.
“I will help you,” he said. Necronas brought his hands and stretched them out and calmly and slowly, he placed his hands on her head and slowly moved his hands down her silky black hair until his palms reached her temples. There they rested, and Necronas paused, letting the girl become accustomed to him.
A spark passed through his fingertips as he slowly drew into her mind. He saw everything, each moment in the girl's life passed through the warlock's mind as glimpses - her past, her dreams, her thoughts, her desires, and her emotions engulfed him like a wave. He breathed heavily and unsteadily, finding his way through all the memories and then swirling them into his command, bringing them to a single point.
He was inside her mind.
The Power of Fear |
05-24-2009, 02:19 PM
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The Power of Fear
The words began to echo within the vast room.
She struggled at first; the words were in a language that was foreign to the young girl and the phrases rolled off her tongue with great difficulty. The trembling increased and Qtchi could hear the stones rattling. Necronas kept up his chant, his voice rising over the rumbling of the storm.
She followed suit, her eyes fearfully wide as a strange sensation overcame her body. Power sparked from the tips of her fingers and started to unravel to the rest of her body. Q took in a breath and summoned the spell -
“Logos malefic us,†She whispered…
“Recedo re vera,†Her voice rose higher now…
“Veritas venus,†Strength crept into her body…
“Iaceo identidem,†She finished.
She could feel the power coming to life within her body, its warmth spreading through her entire body. T’was as if the power was pulsing through her now, like blood, only a thousand times more alive, more vital, more powerful. She felt the man’s gaze upon her face and she looked back quizzically.
“The second step is willpower. You must focus all your energy, all your desires, all your dreams, all your feelings into one spot. Compress it so that it becomes hard and strong, for it is the metal that you will forge into your blade." He told her, and a confused expression must have crossed her face…for in the next instant, he gripped her head. “I will help you,†He had told her just seconds before a chill sparked in her mind.
She gasped, and tried to take a step back, but his hands encased her head, preventing her escape.
“Stop!“ She struggled to say, but the words were caught in her throat. Her own hands lifted and she gripped his arms tightly, breathing heavily as a flood of memories washed over her mind. Old memories, new memories, all of it whirled together in a disoriented swirl and she felt her knees begin to buckle.
He was drawing them out in the open... the girl could see her mother’s face swimming before her...
Tears filled her eyes and the girl dropped her hands to her sides, slender fingers curled into angry fists. She took a deep breath and concentrated on the power flowing through her. It was not a part of her. Not exactly. More like a conduit, it joined her life force and her will to all the things around her. She could sense the others, their life, their vitality, their love, their anger-
She reveled in their fury....the terror….and she drew it within her own body. Then she formed her own - a sharp, direct point of will - and struck. She willed the power to strike Necronas, shatter him out of her mind and free herself…
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