Old 05-11-2009, 05:00 PM   #121
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Silmar paused.

He couldn't give the false name he usually used, Erranlome*, because he had already told Q his real name...

This swordsmans brother? Had done all this? But, if his brother was that strong, how strong, then was he?

Silmar shuddered to think.

"I am Silmar, and that," he said, gesturing to his wolf "is Aragoth, he is my companion."

"I understand the peril that is about, I think, as much as one can from seeing of this situation what I have. Please, let us make haste." He said.

He had neglected to mention what he was.

What would they do if they found out?

He dared not ponder that, for this swordsman considered the undead abominations.

************************************************** ************************

[OOC: *Erranlome is Sindar (A Tolkien language) For: One Alone who Wanders in the dusk. Just thought I'd point that out. It's pronounced Erran Low Me, by the way.]

Last edited by Perloo; 05-11-2009 at 05:03 PM..
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Old 05-11-2009, 05:22 PM   #122
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”Your brother?” Her jaws dropped as she turned towards the destroyed village. The walking dead, She hissed within her own mind. The thought sent a shiver of fear through her, like a nightmare she had thought she'd forced from her memory. Gods...anything but that...

”Lovely,” She said in a strangled voice as the blood drained from her face, leaving her features tired and withdrawn. A tiny part of her wanted to refute what the swordsmen was explaining to them...she didn't want to believe...but from the look upon his face, it did not seem as if he was telling them a falsehood.

She sighed.

my name is Ketotsue
Still pale, she turned to face both men with her palm pressed against the smooth curve of her bow. ”I am Q,” She said, her head tilting to acknowledge them. They were currently the only two allies she had left in this world and strangely, she felt comfort in that.

The sound of wood splitting reached her ears and a loud crash! broke the silence as the roof of a cottage nearby caved in. As the sparks filled the air, the other man spoke. Nodding, Q agreed...haste is priority right now. Lifting her chin, she stared at Ketotsue, ”Surely there is something we can do to prevent this army from rising? Tell us what we can do to bring your brother around…”
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Old 05-11-2009, 06:48 PM   #123
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She laughed, glad he was enjoying himself. She loved flying and it was nice to know he too shared that joy, the freedom of it. She hardly looked at the ground when as flew seeing as how the tops of trees all looked pretty much the same. However when he pointed to where they could land she gave a slight nod. ^Alright. And if you eve want a ride again just let me know. I love this form even though its huge.^ she left the fact that it also took huge amounts of energy out of her thought. She was sure she would be okay once she shifted back. At least she hoped so.

Slowly guiding closer to the tree tops, her wings even brushing them at some points, she maneuvered her large body in to the perfect position with the field. ^Hang on.^ rearing back slightly she slowed down at the same time as she got closer to the ground. Her feet brushed the field until she was able to run on them. Eventually they came to a stop; her running changing to a chanter, chanter to a walk, walk to a sop, all the while flapping her wings less and less. When they were finally sill she folded her wings onto her sides and dropped down to the ground so he could slid off. ^Now that’s a successful landing if I do say so myself. Rather smooth too.^

Waiting until he got off she swung her head around so she could look at him. ^Mind turning around? I don’t shift with cloths so um…you can leave the bag near me.^ If she could have blushed in her current form she would have. She waiting until she was sure he wasn’t looking before shifting back.

Something was wrong; she was having a slight bit of difficulty finding her own body again. Huffing she squeezed her eyes shut and her body shuddered and rippled. Instead of the mist from before it was like her body imploded. The large form of the dragon suddenly shrunk in on itself and at first crudely shaped a human form. When she was back to normal her knees gave out from under her and she fell to the ground panting. “Oh…that….was…not…fun.” For a moment her eyes rolled into the back of her head before her eyes closed and her body collapsed forward, face planting her into the ground.
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Old 05-11-2009, 07:47 PM   #124
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Necronas awoke to find himself sprawled on the dense shrubs of the forest. His head throbbed tremendously, and his muscles felt weak. He clumsily picked himself up and looked around. There was a river nearby. He walked up to it and bathed in its waters. The cold liquid felt good against his skin, as if it welcomed him back to the realm of the living, as if he had just returned from the dead. Necronas let it move him and shape him, he let himself relax in it, and he felt the power in him become both stronger and weaker. He was aware now that he was not invincible, and that knowledge is power. He told himself he would not be so reckless in the future.

But was it not that recklessness that made him feel so free? Was it not the naked desire for risk that made life worth living? All those years of wandering trying to satisfy a thirst that was unending was without purpose, and more importantly, without enjoyment. He had transformed himself into a god, but in doing so had also transformed himself into a beast.

But what did it matter? A beast is its own master in that regard. Where most animals become tamed, and most people become utterly tamed, a savage beast remains free, for there are none who do not fear it. And that fear gives the beast his freedom. And Necronas could incite all the fear he would ever need.

He left the Elven forests.
It was time for the world to know fear.
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Old 05-12-2009, 07:55 AM   #125
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Vuxxa now called for the demons to materialize, and Arc Demons, Shadows, and other atrocities formed. The Archers now ready, swordsmen, cavalry, lancemen, all armed and armored. Archers haveing magically imbued arrows that can penetrate anything, things looked very good for this great army. Orcs also joined the army "Too bad I could'nt get trolls, they have their uses. Nor could i get any flying creatures, breeding is low. Oh well, this is plenty." He called for them to move and now the army was marching, ready to wipeout anythign in their way.
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Old 05-12-2009, 09:21 AM   #126
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The world itself shook with the might of an army which now gathered, each collective step of the legions of undead, demons, orcs and a wide collection of the most vile fiends imaginable gathered together as a single unit. As a single entity under a single lord whose name had spread far and wide, spoken in whispers and with fear: Vuxxa.

Necronas felt it, he felt the strength that gathered and the sheer desire for destruction that led it. He felt the soul of its leader from the opposite end of the lands...and it felt delicious. He desired it with a hunger that was beyond beastial, beyond savage. He had been saving a special group of minions for such the occassion. Where the hells had shadows and arc demons for millenia, Necronas had forged himself an entirely new type of demon.

The head of a wolf, the eyes of an eagle, the arms of a bear, the muscles of a titan, and the legs of a leopard. Each came together in a beauty both abberational and crystalline, for it was his perfect creation. Each demon held a glaive with blades curved with wicked, precise edges as evil and sinister as their bearers, and the demons crawled with energy. Their souls were picked from the best warriors of legend, and although they were few, an army that was miniscule compared to the enormous might of Vuxxa, there was a cruelty and a hunger within them that could not be ignored.

Their master gave a dark, sinister smile that would put all the Lords of Hell to shame. His hands blazed with fires as black as an empty void yet as hot as the core of a sun.

"Let the hunt begin."
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Old 05-12-2009, 11:05 AM   #127
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Finally breaking through the trees he noticed the swordsman, the archer and the man with the wolf standing together. He slightly heard the girls name "Q" and the beast man's name as well "Silmar". As he got to them he saw that the swordsman was stuck, maybe a hold spell?

"Hello....Um...I found a new source of power...temporarily.. (Turning toward Q) "I was wondering if the offer for help was still in play? I'd also like to know what has happened here if there is any information that you have on this mishap."

Stepping a little bit closer he noticed the village smoldering.

"Oh my...well want to see if there is any survivors?"

(*Perloo thanks for the comment on the cleric thing....*)
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Old 05-12-2009, 03:50 PM   #128
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He held on tight as they landed and stopped slower then he thought they would. He'd figured it would be rather abrupt, rather like crashing, but she landed rather elegantly, he was happy. "Well if we ever need to get somewhere fast, I can shift too you know. You don't always have to carry me around..it must be slightly demeaning, and I don't want to demean you at all." He grinned warmly and turned around for her, leaving the bag on the ground beside her, "Yeah, that's fine. Just say something when you're changed so I can turn around again." He gazed out back at the forest and wondered where they would go from here. He heard her speak and then heard her hit the ground hard. He gasped and turned around, her safety and health more important then her honor at that point. He didn't want her to die because he wanted to spare her modesty. He pulled open the bag and covered her as well as he could with his eyes closed so he could let her keep that much, and tried to usher her out of unconsciousness. "Come on Laylani..wake up." He sounded desperate, but there was no help to be found for leagues.
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Old 05-13-2009, 01:13 PM   #129
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Finally he felt his body take full control so he tested it makeing sure every limb did as instructed to. " I'm not sure but it appears he has been taken by a demon, if we can somehow sever this demon from my brothers mind it will lose control and thus without a master the army he has amased will return to nature's ways luckily for us he just so happened to amass an army full of creatures that hate eachother ". As he finished speaking a new person appeared before them it was the mage that had helped deal with the shadow's.

" Help would be greatly appreciated dureing this, as for what happened... my brother happened, and lastly search till your hearts content but you will find not a soul left everyone here has no doult been contracted into his army in one way... or another." " Now im not sure as to how you go about seperating a mind from demon possession but if I can not get through to him then we will have no choice but to cut him down so if your ready it would be best if we left now but be warned this army is not natural there will be many more ways to day than a simple blade".
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Old 05-13-2009, 01:24 PM   #130
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Vuxxa just stood there wating. One of his fingers begane twitching, "Yes, come." His Army stood motionless, some swaying slightly, blank stairs in their faces, the wind whipping through, the grass swaying. Vuxxa's mouth slightly open, the look of a blood thirsty animal on his face, breathing heavily, lust filling his body. The lust for battle, "Soon things shall be settled human" His eyes turned completely black.
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Old 05-13-2009, 05:54 PM   #131
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Silmar sighed.

What had he come into? This was beyond him. But the girl, Q, he elt honor bound to protect her, ridiculous as it seemed. He would stay and fight.

"My blade is at your service, Faerlang*, as are Aragoth's fangs, I will follow you to certain death if it is neccesary, this demon you speak of will know pain, I swear it!"

He stood confidently, prepared to stand by his words.

He would help if he could.

************************************************** ************************

[OOC: this rp is out of control!!! the plot is moving too quickly, and Laylani, who has superb talent, has left and taken Sheshro Skry with her! We need to slow down!!! *By the way Ketotsue, Faerlang means "spirit blade" in sindarin, the Tolkien Elvish Language of old, feel free to use that name for a future char or as an alias for Ketotsue, XD!]
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Old 05-13-2009, 07:01 PM   #132
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Necronas ran through the plains surrounded by his minions. The plains were vast, but he was quickly closing distance, not with his enemy, but another location. He would wait there for Vuxxa to come to him. During the run he ran past...wait, a group of adventurers? Four of them alone. Yet...they seemed...strangely powerful. Especially one with blue skin. He was either a Drow or a Vampire. Either way, he had power that was concealed within him. Tremendous power. By the looks of it, that power had probably never been released, but the shadow remained stagnant, still within his blood. The archer attracted his attention most deeply. He could see the pain in her heart and the fire that burned in her soul, a fire which longed to see the hordes of undead return to eternal slumber. Necronas understood that it was unwise to make enemies with the entire world.

"If you wish to fight Vuxxa, follow me."
It mattered little whether they all came. Only one was important.

If there was one thing Necronas understood, it was revenge.
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Old 05-14-2009, 12:22 PM   #133
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Through the rest of the journey Necronas did not look back. If they were following, Necronas did not want to give the impression that he was even mildly suspicious. He wanted to appear as if it did not matter whether they lived or died. The truth, of course, was quite contrary.

He arrived at his destination. The castle had belonged to the Lord of Buritane, an archmage who called himself Necronas. Now it stood naked, its people gone, its lively walls nothing more than pale white stone riddled with vines and mosses. He opened the door into the western spire. The entire tower was full of books. Necronas had always been a collector of knowledge, and one of the benefits of a noble life was a library. There was one book in particular, however, that he knew he wanted.

The Necronomicon Ex Mortis. Its author was a madman and thus unable to complete his findings, but he had found a way to repair the spells within the book, to change and to add so that the incantations were not without order, so that the spiral pattern that must flow within all spells was allowed to do so, the arcane energies spinning around the circle of power with such intensity that they grow stronger and stronger until the spell reaches its full potential and passes from the mental into the metaphysical realm.

The book did not only show how to bring about the rituals that call undead servitors to their masters, but also contained spells of exorcism, one of which was so powerful that it could only be cast by one of pure body and soul. One who, as the book claims, "has not treaded in the realm of the devil, nor has desired to do so." The girl was obviously a perfect one for the task. She was an unexperienced caster, but the spell itself causes little mental exhaustion.

He barked the preperations to his minons.

^Secure the gates and the oil.^
The demons pulled up the wooden drawbridge over the vast moat. They filled large cauldrons with tar and set them to boil under magnificent fires. They boiled with enough heat to disintegrate all but the toughest of climbers.

^Prepare the longbows.^
Unique for their range and accuracy, longbows are attractive, even to demons, for their ability to take the strain of a warrior without breaking, allowing the demons to bend the strings far back enough to peice through armour without breaking the weapon.

^And if all else fails, fight and die with honor and blood.
That particular command, each and every one of them understood.

He walked out of the library and looked for the archer and her companions for the first time since he glimpsed at the group. It had been a long time since he had felt suspense, and it now seemed like one of the liveliest moments he had ever experienced. The fear and anticipation made him feel both horrible and excited. The end result was a headache.

He simply hoped, with all that was left of his heart, that his plan would work.
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Old 05-14-2009, 08:34 PM   #134
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Following the wierd man that said could help, Fang couldnt resist the curiosity that surrounded this being or man. Finally the path ended at a familiar looking building....

"Sir? Didnt this once belong to the Archmage Necronas? I recognize some features from a book of legend I read years ago... Would there still be some of the books the archmage left. If so, may i have a look it may give me a chance to redeem my original powers and may possibly extend them. Well if not, I understand as well, i know the tomes of many mages these days have been lost. I have one here with me if you would like to trade? Im sorry Im rambling...i havent seen another place like this, another mages past exploits."

Finished inquiring Fang stopped to look at the rest of the group.
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Old 05-14-2009, 11:41 PM   #135
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As Necronas brought the Necronomicon Ex Mortis to the grand hall, he heard one of the adventurers speak of regaining and expanding on lost powers. He looked up to find a cleric as the source of the voice. A very inquisitive cleric. He talked quickly and seemed nervous, almost scared. Necronas smiled. He had not been called Archmage in a long time.
"It is quite obvious that the spell you encountered was a torrent transmutation spell that has altered your abilities in anothe field of magic into your current divine abilitites. Of course, the spell does not give you the ability to use that power, which is why I consider them useless, they weaken one far too much."
The cleric nodded. He had been weakened, and he desired his power to return to him.
"However," Necronas said, standing up, "There are books in this library with spells to reverse the effect of such a spell. I will accept your grimoire as tribute."
Necronas took the book. Interesting, but, Necronas considered, not of utmost importance. It may make fine reading material sometime soon, when he had time. He walked in to find the Anticharm book. The cleric took a few steps to follow him.
"Stay here. Do not enter. I will bring the book to you."
Necronas climbed the spiral staircase, until he reached the labarinth of Grey Magic. The Anticharm stood within the racks, its spine riddled with various symbols of luck embroidered in gold across a bronze-colored hard cover.

The Anticharm fell at the cleric's feet. Necronas jumped over the railing and down on the ground floor after it. "Enjoy." The two of them left the library. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, thought Necronas, but in a world as turbulent as this we have no unconditional friends. Every man is the other's enemy in the battle for survival, each and every one of us. Some say that there is eternal friendship, some even speak of love. Necronas knew for a fact that love was dead. No, not dead. It never was.

There was only life, death and war, for war seperates the living from the dead.
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Old 05-15-2009, 11:43 AM   #136
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He had followed the strange man from the forest and now he stood on castle grounds. It had been some time since he he was in such a place and the experiance brought back horrible memories. It was something he deemed better off forgotten, easier said than done even now he could hear the death cry's as if he were still there.

Though from the looks of the stone it had been some time since this place saw the heat of life but now it burned with a new intenisty one of evil. It was unshakable, demons walked back and fro and the stranger himself was deffiantly not a man of the light. As of now none of this meant much though not like he could stand against them all and the stranger had already stated his desire to face his brother.

" I understand you have a desire to face the mage known as Vuxxa but what can you possibly hope to gain from it ". The words left him without so much as a second thought he never before worried much for someone's reaction thus his words often did as much. But now was diffrent he stood in front of a man... at least the shape of a man that obviously held massive power's, it was something he had a nasty habit of encountering. Even within the group he had found himself part of there was obvious strength the archer, the blue one, and the strange mage each of them apeared to hold a rather large amount of power.

Not only that it was only obvious this man didn't think like a human thus there was little way of expecting what his reaction would be. Alas the words had already left him and in no way did he plan to beg forgivance so he stood unwavering not showing the silent curse that coursed through his mind.

Last edited by ketotsue; 05-15-2009 at 11:46 AM..
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Old 05-15-2009, 02:59 PM   #137
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Vuxxa sensed it, Ketotsue. he moved away. ^Is he scared. What makes him move to such an odd location. One of great power. Oh, I see. Just what are they planning.^ His pure black eyes narrowed ^Perhaps, they seek to remove me, or defeat me. Of course nothing could accomplish such^ His head twitched, then he threw up. "Damn You!!" he was drawn over from pain in his body and his mind, the screams echoing constantly throu his mind. He motioned to a demon and it walked to him. "Do it!!" He screamed. Soldiers came running with a stone bowl, others lay before the demon a magic blade. "Hurry!! he screamed ounce more as pain shot through him, now feeling like he was being torn apart and carved by invisible daggers. Darkness clouding his vision, he screamed for it to end.

The demon picked up the red and black blade, which almost seemed alive, the colors moving across the cold mithantium. Whispers issued forth from the blade as the demon moved the edge across it's wrist. Something black poured out like blood if you could call it that. It held it's arm over the basin as the dark liquid slowly ran from the wrist filling the stone bowl to the brim. Vuxxa raised his hand with some effort pain scrapeing down his arm, he waved his hand over the liquid while whispering a few choice words. He held the stone bowl in the air, arms shakeing, pale moonlight filtered down though the whispy clouds, shining down on the liquid, the light turnig almost pure black after hitting the demon blood. He brung it down infront of his face slowly tipping the bowl and the cold black liquid slipped pass his lips, the putrid smell filling the air. The thick venemous fluid burnt as it slid down his throat, entering his stomach.

Now rejouvinated he stood lauphing face turned up into the air. All pain gone, his mind now quieted ouce again, He screamed "You shall never escape! Hear me HUMAN, NEVERRRRR!!!"

Last edited by Vuxxa; 05-15-2009 at 03:03 PM..
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Old 05-16-2009, 07:53 PM   #138
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Silmar stood and watched Faerlang from the gate.

His hood was now over his head, although fog obscured the sky and the hood was unneccesary.

Aragoth was sniffing the hinges of the gate, and pawing his nose nervously.

He had heard all the words shared, and he sensed that, in some ways, Faerlang and this new mage were in direct opposition.

In some ways, they represented two sides of him.

One, one had been hurt, most likely, he had shunned the world for its cruelty. Its mercillessness. Its carelessness. He had probably shunned even the gods.

He had reached the point where he renounced the gods themselves. The masters of the universe.

If truly they existed.

And the other, his faith had been reforged on the anvil of darkness, with the hammer and tongs of salvation. Chaos and order had created something good.


He had been true to the light once his doubts had been quelled.

But he was being used nonetheless. They were all being used, the gods' happless playthings.

Yes, these things battled in Silmar constantly.

The elf and the undead were constantly wrestling eachother for controll of Silmar.

He was being controlled.

But really, what did he want? Acceptance? Hope? A... a family ?

Or power? Respect? Fear? Maybe even hatred?

Who would win the battle for Silmar the Blue, Silmar the Lost, Silmar the Hopeless, Silmar the Beast?

Silmar quietly shrugged off his hood and his muses, and padded silently into the courtyard.

Aragoth whimpered and followed.

************************************************** ************************

Last edited by Perloo; 05-16-2009 at 07:56 PM..
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Old 05-17-2009, 02:56 PM   #139
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Default The Undead

She had fallen silent when the others had spoke, the grief within her body having rendered her wordless.

One-by-one, the adventurers began to head in a new direction, following the lead of a stranger who appeared in their midst. From where he come from, the young girl didn’t know, but he was speaking of an ancient tomb of works. Numbly, the young girl had continued to watch the remaining flames desecrating her land, her eyes watering from the smoky air. Dimly, the young archer realized the others had approached her - each vowing to aid her in seeking revenge for her village. She didn’t recall if she had thanked them in reply, but their offers offered much solace to her heart - for she was truly alone now…

Her village destroyed.
Her home gone.

Her loves ones dead.

Her lips trembled and Qtchi’s hands reached into the folds of her cloak to pull out a silver pendant dangling by the edge of a long chain. It was of a simple design and the metal looked worn. Bringing it to her lips, the young girl closed her eyes and whispered a prayer for all that was lost. Then, her fingers released the necklace.

”I’ll be back,” She vowed to the last of the burning embers of her village, her eyes roaming the blackened lands for a final time. Her words were barely a whisper as she took a step back and turned around…quickly following the footsteps of the others. Quietly, her feet brought her to the rear of the party and her amber eyes widened upon the sight set before her.

They rested by the side of a large iron-wrought entrance that gated a large castle. Even from the distance, it stood formidable against the darkening skies. What uneased the young girl, however, was not the castle grounds - but the creatures that stood in formation before the towering fortress. Even as her eyes fell upon the undead creatures, they suddenly sparked to life, moving with accord to do their master’s unspoken bidding.

She muffled a shriek and was glad the others had their backs turned towards her.

Her hands clasped over her mouth, the young girl watched with growing horror as the minions began their preparations for a fight. The air was filled with the scent of burning tar, ashes and the smell of the rotting flesh of the undead. Her jaw tightened and the young girl took another step closer to the others, her dark eyes wearily watching the abominations mill about the castle grounds.

This is wrong, Her mind screamed. Every muscle upon her body was tense and the girl lowered her hands from her mouth so she could speak to the others.

”This place…this cursed place…is corruption,” She said in a faint voice, unable to contain the fear from her words. ”It smells of death and murder and-” She tore her gaze from the walking dead and stared at the back of the others before her.

”Why are we here?”
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Old 05-17-2009, 09:20 PM   #140
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Silmar looked back at the young girl, staring, uncomprehending, at the castle and its inhabitants.

He smiled bitterly.

"This is war Q, the mage has offered to help us defeat the one who has destroyed your land. I thought you would be pleased about that fact."

He paused, he had no love of demons either. They were fools bent on pointless things, mischief that oft fadded from memory, a mere scar on the ****stry of the universe, unworth mentioning.

"I understand how you feel, and mayhap we will be pitted against this mage too, in time, and slay him. But an old master of mine once said that sometimes, in the name of the greater good, you must make sacrifices." he sighed. "He was a paladin, and he died after helping a cult of wicked elves defeat the small army of a lich. The elves betrayed him. This contradicts his point, yes, but sometimes, there is no real answer." He shook his head. "Sometimes... sometimes, like now, you have no choice anyway."

^Stop it!^ Aragoth argued ^You are losing control, thinking like a vampire! Is that what you want? Be at peace master, I beg of thee! Do you wish to become like these two fell beings of power?^

Silmar did not answer.

^Do you?^

Silmar turned and entered into the keep.

^I am not sure^ he said as he entered through the doors. ^Those two certaintly don't seem to have a problem wiht it^ he thought grimly.

The twin doors closed with an ominous bang.

************************************************** ************************
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