More Active Combat
Old 06-17-2008, 12:31 PM   #1
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Default More Active Combat

Ok so this idea came to me today while fighting and foraging.

I notice that most times during combat, once I get my healing gems set up I have nothing to do but sit and watch the battle unfold. Kinda boring. idea to maybe make it more engaging...

What if there were some kind of buttons (visible or invisible) that appeared (maybe very faded) or existed around the battlefield. And these buttons, when hunted down and clicked) did different things in combat.

Maybe we could create a Tactician sphere of skills to encompass these pop-ups. (Side Note: this sphere is also where that HP scan skill would fit perfectly)

One thing I thought of was a skill that gave you the chance to spot an enemy's weak point or an "opening" in combat. But in order to hit the weak spot you had to be paying attention when the button appeared in combat. This is only one example of a skill that could utilize this more active system.

Another example might be the chance to have a pop-up button appear that, if clicked, would allow you to execute a roll, which would make the next melee or ranged (but not magic) attack against you become a miss.

But the point is, it would be a way of keeping busy during combat to make it more engaging.

Last edited by Somneil; 06-17-2008 at 12:59 PM..
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Old 06-17-2008, 12:35 PM   #2
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well then maybe you need to fight something tougher for instance when i lvl if dont pay attention the creature will kill me but then im fighting creatures lvl 20 and 21 and im lvl 18 though your idea isnt bad for those who fight green teal blue and white creatures as those fights are easy
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Old 06-17-2008, 01:13 PM   #3
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I'm at the point where I've been fighting nothing but yellows and oranges for the past 5 levels and I've outlevelled most of my skills by about 5 levels and I am playing catchup by fighting more even-level monsters and keeping my stat skill on class enhancement (to keep from levelling) to farm trophies efficiently.

So yeah, I could go out and fight the toughest thing out there, but right now my priority is on my skills and I tend to get more trophy xp out of fighting evens because I kill them so much faster and the xp and trophy quantity out of fighting the higher monsters is not as good because it takes me like 3-4 times longer to take them down.

Anyway, that's where I'm at. I think these skills would be fun even for the people who are fighting higher level monsters and are very active with their gems. It would add another edge to the game for them too.

I acknowledge that it would be almost worthless for the people who are multi-windowing and can't catch all the pop-ups on all their windows. But that doesn't concern me so much, because maybe there should be more disadvantages to running multiple characters in which you can't give your full attention to each in combat.
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Old 06-17-2008, 01:44 PM   #4
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Combat for the solo player forced to fight whites for efficiency purposes is going to tend to be a little slow. This is mainly because the gems in the game are very underdeveloped and unfortunately one of the best gem strategies is also the most boring. When more complicated gems come out that make the "get all your continual gems out and go to sleep" method of fighting a thing of the past you'll have more active combat.
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Old 06-17-2008, 01:55 PM   #5
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ohh the recastable gems i find quite nice
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Old 06-17-2008, 10:22 PM   #6
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Thanks for the reply, Jeff.

Any idea when you'll be rolling out the next batch of new gems? How high is it on the priority list?

Edit: I see in the announcements that more gems are slated to be implemented in the near future (hurray!).

I'd also like to clarify that my clicky-pop idea was meant to be a complementary component in addition to the gem system and to in no way replace it (because I like the gem system and all the potential therein). Just something...more...that's all.

And by the way I thought of 3 more potential skills in that category while I was at work.

1. Bullseye (little bullseye icon) - each level in this skill increases your chances of a bullseye icon popping by x% during combat (within a certain repeating time interval) - if icon is clicked, next ranged attack is a guaranteed hit (normal crit rates apply, this skill does not increase chance to do greater damages, merely to make a hit)

2. Essence Harvest (little faded wavy misty icon) - each level in this skill increases your chances of an essence icon popping by x% during combat (within a certain repeating time interval) - if icon is clicked, gain y amount of energy or mana (won't be a whole lot)

3. Deathstrike (little skull icon) - each level in this skill increases your chances of a skull icon popping by x% during combat (within a certain repeating time interval) - if icon is clicked, target creature that is 10+ levels below you will be struck dead immediately (might want to restrict this one in pvp/pk/pkk situations) Note: this skill was inspired by Chandra's vampire idea (something like Death Gaze)

Last edited by Somneil; 06-18-2008 at 12:19 AM..
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Old 06-18-2008, 01:25 AM   #7
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Basically, the inspiration for clicky-pop skills came from when I first started playing this game.

That first treasure chest faded onto my loot screen and I thought "Hey that is cool."

Then I thought "'d be cool if we could have something like that during combat, too."
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Old 06-18-2008, 06:13 AM   #8
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Most of the time, my combat strategy is to start attacking, and go browse some forums or play my DS, slot some HoT gems if i feel like it, and just loot when I'm done.

I'd love a reason to pay attention in combat :P
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Old 06-18-2008, 11:57 AM   #9
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lol solo fight red and orange solo most of the time here and still barely pay attention i do the same as Camli and just have the forums open

and when fight comes just post stuff on here and just load like 2 patching gems

and i can go back to looting lol and once u done this enough u can time it so u dont waste the 1 min cooldown lol

but yeh to pay more attention might come in ahndy though

it does give us time to come post on forums lol
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