recovery or no recovery?
Old 02-03-2009, 07:51 PM   #1
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Question recovery or no recovery?

ok this question is regarding using RT most efficiently, and the levelling cap.

EDIT: recovery question was answered pretty well, nobody touched the levelling cap yet:

do the stats max at 100? like you can only put 100 in melee, magic, defense, and recovery?

if it does max at 100 then i might as well add to recovery now anyway since each stat needs to be filled to hit lvl 100 (i realize 70 is current cap)

i was looking at the levelling skills in the -stats- column, and it seems recovery stat has not such a huge difference when raised by 15 points or not. i realize thats only 5 levels, but i am a big advocate of efficiency.

would it be best to leave recovery alone, and just level the other 3 stats? i find that using regeneration gems from white and green after battle have a larger effect.

basically, by avoiding recovery you:

a) have more power, killing enemies faster so you dont need to regenerate as much (take less damage)

b) can pump up agility so you avoid damage, not needing to regenerate as much

c) recover very slowly out of battle, but if you have a few healing gems in play, you can just wait after battle and recover pretty fast anyway


Last edited by Sporky; 02-04-2009 at 12:36 PM..
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Old 02-03-2009, 08:18 PM   #2
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Even with the huge differences on XP by being a necro (-17% def x +15% rec), I'll go Def over Recovery. Levelling will take a lot longer, but I feel my char will be somewhat stronger in PvP. It's helping me a bit in the lower lvs, but any comments made by a experienced player would be more than welcome :-)
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Old 02-03-2009, 09:42 PM   #3
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One single hit in pvp at level 60+ can often be a 400-500 crit. Sometimes the fight is over in 10 seconds. So no way you can use recovery in pvp.

If you like to get slaughtered in duels, fast recovery is good
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Old 02-03-2009, 11:00 PM   #4
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it really depends on your class, with the skills CR and CS CE and with 200-230 reg a regener heals about 1.5 to 2.5 hp a second in battles which is better then most gems do
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Old 02-04-2009, 12:30 AM   #5
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As a lvl 43 fighting black, pink and red mobs I have recovery to lvl 16 and I stopped lvling it at about lvl 20. I noticed there is no need with a powerful healing pouch. In combat I normally take massive damage but the healing pets and gems normally heal just as fast if not faster. I have finished numerous pink mobs with full health, energy and mana. It just all depends on your gem pouch I think.
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